Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 278: take a bow


Almost as Loren decided to retreat, the little elf prince opposite also gave the same order without hesitation.

Thinking with his feet, the elven prince can also guess that-since Loren Turin has appeared, and most of his father has already suffered a fiasco at the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, it is only a matter of time before the main force of the empire appears. In the end, he was surrounded by the army of the Empire and strangled.

If you do n’t see the retreat as soon as Yu Li is still alive, wait until the main force of the enemy's army comes up ... Rodria Azore believes that the opposite Loren Turin should not be kind enough to leave himself to escape. Room.

As long as there is a chance, we must kill each other at no cost-this point should be the same.

"No, no more, just leave the cheating bastard! Retreat, retreat in the direction of Eboden in the shortest time, how fast you can run, how fast you can run, if you don't leave, you will be too late!"

Although it is an indifferent tone, the elf little prince's eyes still stared at the direction of the imperial capital of Golovin, his expression mixed with a thick unwillingness.

Is almost, really close ... it can reverse the situation on its own, so that the Azores can really take root in this land, not just as an intruder to sweep and loot.

The colony, the core of the stronghold, the connecting road ... I have almost done everything I can, and only half a step to capture this city called Golovin, I can establish the foundation of a new dynasty, and then ...

Was taken away by the cheating **** Loren Turin.

Starting in Ebden, ending in Ebden ... I tried my best to break the game, but still failed to change this result?

The whistle of the eagle whistle sounded over the battlefield of Empire Avenue at the same time as the assembly of the Byern Legion; the two armies seemed to have reached some kind of tacit agreement, and they retreated one after another; even if the other army passed by the flank, it was not blocked , Watch the other person leave.

"Loli, what are you doing?"

Rodria Azore with a slightly stunned expression looked at the blindfolded elf girl who knelt on her knees in front of herself without saying a word: "It's time to retreat, don't linger, there is nothing that can wait on the road ..."

"Your Highness." Lori, who was kneeling on one knee, slowly raised her head, interrupting the words of the little prince:

"The chief wizard of the imperial court, Anson Zade ... my brother, he is still on the high ground."

The look of the elf little prince twitched slightly, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"Oh, this is it."

Rodria Azore's expression was surprisingly calm.

The blindfolded elf girl nodded slightly:

"If Your Highness agrees, please let me leave the army and go to find Anson back."

"Yes ... Hey, even if I don't, you will do the same, right?"

"Yes." Lori did not intend to deceive.

"Go ahead-if you guessed right, Loren Turin shouldn't have captured the highlands yet. By the fortress there, Anson Zade should be able to hold on for a while." The little prince shrugged:

"If you are lucky, let's break out of the Jewel River in the foggy weather, the time limit is five days ... I will arrange an army to meet you downstream."

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Solemnly bowed his head, the blindfolded elf girl got up and left, and was shouted just halfway away: "Yes, if you can't retreat, may I ..."

"Samurai, but if you die in the battlefield, there will be no insult to steal life."

Turned his back to the little prince, Lori Zade solemnly said in that tender voice:

"We will use bone as a monument and blood as a sacrifice, and I wish Your Highness triumphantly!"


"His Royal Highness, Her Royal Highness Princess woke up ?!"

"How is His Highness, is it better?"

"Blink, all open to make room for His Royal Highness!"

Fiteroney woke up in a mess; the knights on both sides were still trying to maintain order, blocking the soldiers who wanted to get closer.

Pushed away the officer who took the initiative to step forward, staggering, and the feeble Feltrona stood up in a trance, looking out at the highland battlefield that was ravaged by the flames.

The bones were covered with hillsides, the flag was burning in the flames of fire, and the smoke was hovering like a cloud ... Silently looking at everything in front of me, the expressionless Fitronai seemed to remember the once gentle and picturesque scene here.

Think of myself ... had been with Connor.

Closed her eyes, and Fitrona took a deep breath; the billowing smoke at the tip of her nose and the morning mist became confused in her sense of smell, and even felt the corners of her mouth curl slightly.

As if I turned around in the next second, I could see that the brother-like figure of Wei An turned his back to himself, and he looked directly at Goloven, who was awake in the early morning.

"Your Highness."

The awakened Fidelone looked back slowly, and Julie Wiltz, who appeared behind her, was looking at herself with a bit of concern.

"Duke Elmans." The last trace of expression on Fitronai's face disappeared, returning to the normal appearance: "You appear here, that is to say Highlands ..."

"Failed to capture ... sorry." With a trace of regret, some embarrassed Yuli Wiltz shook his head: "The enemy's defense is very tight. Although our army has tried its best and ignored it, it was still blocked in the periphery."

"Then we ..."

"On the side of Empire Avenue, the Bain Legion sounded the rally number-the main force of the enemy has retreated in the direction of Ebden." Grand Duke Elmans sighed, turning his eyes to look at the Azores triangle war on the top of the mountain flag:

"The elves of the highlands ... now just a lone army surrounded and helpless."

"... I see." Fitronai nodded slightly.

Although he does n’t know much about the military, Fitlonai also understands what it means to be isolated and helpless.

Such enemies are no longer as threatening as they are, and strong attacks will cause a lot of casualties; therefore, it is not as good as siege without attacking, and it is enough to keep the blockade on them.

If you guessed right, Loren Turin probably wanted to wait until the day when Brandon and the army of the empire gathered, and then launch a final blow to the highlands?

Can both reduce the loss and inspire the morale of the army with the enemy's fiasco, and prepare for the final decisive battle ... It can be said that it will kill two birds with one stone.

That guy ... really a very cowardly coward.

"Your Highness, it's too dangerous here." Looking at Fitroney, who still wanted to move forward, Julie Wiltz frowned slightly and couldn't help saying:

"Please also leave the battlefield as soon as possible, the next job will be given to me and Earl Shanyanbao ..."



"Duke Elman, in your eyes, am I also such a burden that will only add trouble to you?"

"His Royal Highness ?!"

Astonished Julie Wiltz quickly knelt on one knee: "Please don't say this, if we are without you ..."

"Me, just because he didn't want to be a burden, he didn't say a word when he went to the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain." Like himself, Fitronai's sharp eyes stared at the battle flag at the top of the highland, his mind In the continuous flashback of the past pictures:

"Because I don't want to be a burden, I do what I do" maybe he will do the same "; thinking about the possibility of death, I can get a hundred."

"Think carefully, it is because of this kind of thinking that you can make yourself a burden that only causes trouble to others."

"... Your Highness."

"Relax, after one experience, I do n’t have any thoughts of finding death now-that kind of relief is more appropriate to be called escape."

Looking back slowly, in the surprise eyes of Julie Wurz, Fitlonai even smiled:

"Brother Eckhardt, Connold, Brandon ... and others, including Loren Turin, please work hard to complete your mission."

"As for me ... I can also have what I can do, as well as my mission."

Yuri Wiltz was startled.

When he returned to God, Fitlonay had turned back and left; accompanied by a group of imperial knights, he left the messy battlefield and walked toward the way he came.


Just like the beginning without warning, the battle of the highlands in the misty sea also ended abruptly.

After the defense line of Empire Avenue was broken, the main army of the Azores retreated decisively-in just five days, they had basically completed the evacuation from the territory of West Sakland, and with the subsequent reinforcement of 100,000 Ya The army of Saul elves completed the confluence.

At the same time, after the battle of the Highlands, the Sakran-Bine-Alemant Allied Forces quickly completed the rest, and then re-established a siege net in the high ground, placing the last one at a speed of 30,000 or less. The Elf Legion is besieged above the high ground.

During the siege, the Azores of the Highlands tried several times to break through from the tidal flat and the front, but they were violently counterattacked by the empire-tens of thousands of imperial troops, together with the reinforcements and supplies from Golovin. A blockade line is strong enough to block the Azores' raid.

Thanks to the bone-cutting and scraping search of Little Yoder, enough money was collected from the nobles and rich merchants of Golovin to maintain the long-term siege of the 100,000 legions, and for the survival of those who followed Loren to the emperor. The arranging a lot of temporary work revitalized the imperial economy.

Of course, the nobles and wealthy merchants who were wailing everywhere were not among his considerations.

The former is only the memory of the goldfish, and the dross is not remembered; the latter is mostly in a competitor relationship with Byrne ’s joint chamber of commerce. Of course, Little Yoder will not have any mercy under his hands, nor will he feel the feeling of death and sorrow. The more miserable this group of people, the more excited he is.

After having sufficient funds, Loren also began to build a series of more solid blockade lines, spending the money of the royal capital nobles to arm the Bain Legion to the teeth.

On the fourth day of the siege, the first army that arrived at the order of Brandon de Salion and finally arrived in the territory of West Sackland-Ai from the Dragon Heart City, taking a boat down the gem river A total of 60,000 Le Mans legions reached the highland battlefield along the Gem River.

At the same time, the liaison officer of this legion, Glenn Will, Earl of Stormwind by Byrne, also brought good news-after Charlotte Turin's personal persuasion, Grand Duke Arles finally "woke up completely "It settled the rebellion of relatives with the fastest speed, and led the Arles army to go north from Byrne and come to the capital to converge."

Arles warriors equipped with heavy crossbows and tomahawks that hunted monsters, a total of 50,000, had traversed Byrne, and first merged with the Legion of Brandon de Salion from the territory of Saxland.

At midnight of that day, the desperate or desperate Azores launched their last raid in the direction of the estuary, attempting to flee the fleet from the Elman ’s Legion; and they were greeted by the violent dragon Mirassis from the sky. Rainy dragon.

The result was disastrous-only less than 20,000 Azore elf warriors survived, and more than one-third of the troops were killed in one night. The total casualties were more than half, and there were only thousands of elites still fighting.

After receiving the news that Golovin had been guarded, Brandon immediately sent Milassis to the direction of the capital; and after several days of confirmation that the launchers of the elves had run out of Loren, the natural will not be anymore. If you have any scruples, let the dragon Milasis attack.

The elves are finally completely desperate.

The defeated Anson Zade, with the remaining elf warriors, withdrew a total of more than 10,000 to the highlands and died, and there was no sign of breaking through.

And Loren Turin, who had surrounded the highland regiment, also had no plans to attack, but divided the Ellerman Legion into two branches, continued to strengthen the blockade, and ordered the fleet to control the upper and lower channels of the Gem River, beware of sneak attacks and first. Elf warrior deserter to escape.

Day 6 ~ ~ The Poi Hach Cavalry Regiment arrived in Goloven. The 50,000 Hurricane Cavalry also carried a very small Bain Regiment of only two or three thousand people.

The Azore elves at the top of the highland looked at the group of hussars in the indifferent glory on the hillside of the highland, rolling up a burst of smoke and dust, forming the last blockade.

On the tenth day, the Imperial Capital Guard Corps formed by the Imperial Capital Nobles arrived on the battlefield and launched a surprise attack on the Azores in the Highlands "without persuasion".

The battle was a complete farce from start to finish-the imperial nobles planned to attack the Azores from the tidal flats, and "ordered" the Elmans and Bain to provide cover from the front of the highlands and the Jewel River.

After a fierce confrontation, the Imperial Guard Corps with ten times the strength was still defeated when the Azores were pinned by two wings.

The Azore elf warriors who did not intend to entangle, after the Imperial Guard Corps collapsed, took the initiative to withdraw to the Highland Fortress, and had no intention to pursue it.

On the twelfth day, the Imperial Parliament ordered Loren Turin to go to the imperial capital to explain why there was no assistance when the guards were attacked by elves.

On the fourteenth day, Loren Turin, who had not traveled to the capital for a long time, received a new guest. The Imperial Parliament sent a messenger and sincerely apologized to Loren for the previous summons and was willing to continue to undertake the siege Should cost.

On the fifteenth day, Brandon de Salion, with 150,000 troops, arrived on the battlefield.

The battle of Highland is about to come to an end.

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