Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 269: victory is in sight

Azores elven position, Empire Avenue.

Under the Black Lion Golden Lion War, twenty thousand Bain heavy infantry followed closely behind more than a thousand ranger knights and launched a fierce offensive toward the Azore elf defenders in the direction of Empire Avenue.

The elves are not good at civil engineering-this was discovered by Loren during the battle of Ebden. Later, Ebden's offensive and defensive wars and off-boundary mountain offensive and defensive warfare, these elf warriors with superb sword skills and tacit cooperation, It seems that the importance of fortifications has never been considered.

The scene in front of me basically verified this-apart from the simple wooden fences and earth walls, I could not see any effective defense facilities at all; the only ditch was only a shallow layer, which could not even give cavalrymen How many obstacles it brings.

Of course, the deeper reason is that they did not expect from the beginning that the army that shrank in the imperial capital dared to take the initiative to attack; and the elf warriors who relied heavily on the passage between Sacran and Ebdon could not break this important road. .

After realizing that the enemy's defense was sparsely worn, the Cavalry Commander Count Ramallos sounded the trumpet of the cavalry charge without hesitation.

Against the oncoming, stormy arrows, the ranger knights charged at full speed hit the elf warrior who also rushed up from behind the wooden fence-obviously, they also knew that this thing could not be stopped Byrne Knight.

In the terrifying sound, the two sides quickly killed a mass; the elf warriors who had occupied the terrain advantage and forced the cavalry to repeatedly charge, dragged the Bain knights in place with their flesh and blood, strangling them together.

There are constantly knights being pulled down from the battle horse, elf warriors are being knocked down by the war horses, and there are constantly chests pierced by spears, heads cut off by sharp blades ... War dead and howling wounded After the trench was not deep, the mixed flesh and blood paved the way to the wooden fence and the earth wall.

At the same time as the end of the charge, the Baine heavy servants and elf warriors behind the front stepped on the flesh and blood of their comrades and enemies, and screamed at each other.

Is one of the few in the Byrne Legion. It is used to supplement the cavalry charge to cover the flanks and maintain the important combat power of the front. The reloaded servants are generally equipped with armor, strong shields and battle axes and chain hammers that are second only to the knights.

After the collective change of Golovin, the original simple chain armor became a sturdy Sacran infantry plate chain composite armor, and the battle axe and hammer are still the same-for the Bayerns who use these armored weapons all the year round , This thing is much easier to use than War Halberd and Epee.

Under the chain hammer, all beings are equal!

Facing the sharp blades that were greeted on the face, the attendants used shields to block the door, and then skillfully aimed at the chain hammer in front of them. The crisp crackling sound did not even have any sense of touch; when the shield was removed, the front The elf warrior has been smashed in the head, or stuck in the chest by the hammer of the hammer.

After a short encounter, the elf warriors who paid a certain amount of casualties immediately noticed the weakness of these too clumsy heavy servants, and began to use the pace and blade to dodge their tomahawk hammers, and punctured the long knife from the gap between the armor; Or split up and copy and kill them after eating.

The chaotic battlefield gradually became anxious, and even the ranger knights had to turn over and pull out their swords to fight with the enemy.

"What's the matter, what did the lunatic want?"

Watching the original "orderly" siege battle turn into a complete scuffle, the confederate White Horse Peak Earl Regrell shivered with anger:

"I didn't see the enemy's deployment and hurried up, so Ramalos just couldn't wait to die?"

"Then do you want to order, let Count Ramallos withdraw ..."

"Retreat ?! Impossible ... The battle was fought like this. Unless we watched him go to death, we could only find a way to reinforce and fight down according to his mind."

Regrel, who stole Lucien frowned, clenched his teeth: "The task the duke gave us is to suppress the defenders in the direction of the avenue, and wait for the time to consider the capture-according to the game of Ramallos, I am afraid Immediately the army on the high ground will rush down and pounce on our flanks. "

"The enemy must be suppressed as soon as possible to end the scuffle!"

"Then let the wings of the sky attack!" Turning his head, the gray pupil decisively said: "We rushed into the battlefield from the flank and used an alchemy bomb to blast a gap in the wooden fence, so that the enemy's last defense line can be defeated!

Regrel on the saddle looked at the battlefield where the melee was fighting, and there was a trace of hesitation in his expression.

He knew that Lusien was right, but the three hundred demon hunters were the ace left to him by the Duke, so it was really wise to put the final elite into the battlefield so quickly?

But it is true ... The only way to end the battle as soon as possible is by these unscrupulous hunters who are good at using magic and alchemy.

Fighting in the distance continued, and the elf warriors behind the fence kept pouring into the battlefield-the enemy obviously also understood what the fall of Empire Avenue meant to them.

"Then go!"

Right hand waved, Regrel gritted his teeth and shouted: "The Demon Hunter Legion raided from the forest on the flank of the avenue, broke through the wooden fence and the flank of the earth wall, and did everything possible to open the gap!"

"Follow the order!"

Grey pupils who took the battle flag from the ear of Baimafeng rushed towards the battlefield.

Under the hunt for the black lion, the wings of the sky, the wings of the sky rushed out of the forest on the left side of Empire Avenue; these demon hunters were like a group of hunters waiting for a long time; the unpredicted raid gave no reaction time The elf warriors fell under the poisoned crossbow arrows and alchemy bombs.

"Boom ———————— !!!!!!"

In the harsh noise and dazzling explosion, the last wooden fence and the earth wall defense line in front of the Byern Legion were blasted; the panicked elf warriors had to drop the frontal battlefield and rushed anxiously. Come up and plug the gap.

Greeted them not with the imaginary crossbow arrows, sharp blades or iron hooves, or bombs, but with things that could not be touched at all.

High-order spell, the original force shock.

"Boom ———————— !!!!!!"

Is another loud noise.

In the moment when the air wave hit, even the reaction was too late-the moment in the front was knocked off, and the elf warriors in the back had to retreat, so the originally tight defense line suddenly appeared a gap.

"Wings of the sky, attack-meet the enemy!"


In a series of roars, the demon hunters jumped from the horse's back and rushed into the rear of the Azores along the gap.

After rushing into the gap, the demon hunter quickly spread out, evading the arrows of the elf warriors with flexible steps and movements, and then stepped forward to fight with them.

The demon hunters, who are under the tutelage of ancient wood forest dancers, have too many similarities with the Azore elf warriors in terms of combat methods.


The moment when the blades were staggered, the gray pupils threw the flag without hesitation and pulled out the second blade, while sliding quickly to dodge behind them.

Sure enough ... Before he could stand firm, the second knife was approaching.


The interlaced double swords barely held up the chopped blade, and the tip of the blade that was stuck was already against Lushen's throat.

Silver-gray double pupils have become gray-blue.

"Meet again, Lord Lucien." The elven girl slowly raised her head, and the delicate face under the blindfold was like a doll, without expression: "This time, your sword edge is different from the last time, and it is full of murderous intentions. "

"Yeah, because I won't hesitate any more this time."

Smiled coldly, feeling the pressure from the blade: "For the victory of Lord Loren, I will kill you without hesitation."

"well said."

The chief of the court, Lori Zade, nodded very seriously: "The samurai sword should not have any hesitation."

The moment the words fell, the blade that turned into traceability had once again hit the gray pupils!

Lousen, who was too late to dodge, could only raise his sword to block, and continued to slide back and forth to look for the flaws of the elf girl.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang ...... !!!!!!"

The violent and violent chopping, so that Lu Sien has no possibility of counterattack, and can only passively block parry.

For Lucien, the elf girl in front of him may really be the type he is least good at dealing with; or to put it another way, he has never been with an enemy who is smaller, faster and more responsive than he is today. Fighted.

But as long as she can stop her ... it's enough.


The moment the long sword and the short sword collided, countless shouts of killing had exploded from behind the gray pupils-Lan Malos, the Earl of Lake City who had grasped the gap, took the Bayern Knights from the fence. Come in!

When the gap of the wooden fence was exploded, Ramalos immediately noticed a change in the enemy's attack-the enemy who was supposed to be on his own side was retreating in the same direction; without any hesitation, Lan Marlos led the only guard around him and went straight to the gap.

Has only one idea, that is, since the dominant enemy begins to retreat, then it must be because the enemy ’s rear line has a problem, and all he has to do is bite like a mad dog and completely destroy the enemy ’s last defense.

According to any rules of battle, this method of devoting all the fighting power to one place is absolutely wrong and cannot be more wrong, which may cause the form of the entire battlefield to change; without pre-planned orders, it will even make the soldiers unaware At a loss, surrounded by encirclement, morale collapsed.

But at this moment, Ramaloth ’s decision was correct; the Azore ’s front immediately collapsed, and the shrinking forces began to siege Ramalos, who was eager to break through; the chaotic battlefield began to gradually Become clear and clear.

Under the almost violent assault of Ramalos, the elvish army on the line of Mucha earth wall almost turned into a scattered sand.

"Subordinate the first, third, fifth, seventh and ninth Phalanx Thousands, immediately advance to the battlefield, fill the vacancy left by Ramallos, and re-establish the front!"

Staring at the increasingly clear battlefield, Count Baimafeng immediately ordered: "At the same time send a herald to the Duke, tell the Duke to reinforce as soon as possible; if it is successful, we can insert black on Empire Avenue before noon today The gold lion battle flag! "


Looked at the herald soldiers leaving fast, and the adjutant holding the battle flag worriedly looked at the Count Baimafeng who had become a little excited-in his impression, the **** smell of the battlefield and the sand and dust could only make his Count Lord sick.

And now that Rigrel is different from normal, it is like a wild beast that smells bloody, and there is only fanaticism in his expression, and no sensible light.

"Master Earl, wouldn't it be too unwise to ask for reinforcements at this time-the battle situation has not been completely reversed. Will the Lord Duke misunderstand that we are about to persevere?"

"No, no, no .... On the contrary, it is necessary to ask for reinforcements when the situation is not yet clear." Regrel's face was full of excitement:

"If the Duke is not present when the enemy is captured and the enemy forces are completely wiped out, wouldn't it be too ridiculous ?!"

"All, all annihilated ?!"

"Yes, all annihilation-as long as the Empire Avenue is captured, this war will win half!" Regrel said flatly, looking at his adjutant with playful eyes:

"Otherwise, why do you think the Duke will keep his elite demon hunters with us, why are the two battlefields commanding the entire battlefield, and why throw the tidal flat to Grand Duke Elman?"

"Ah ... this, is this because ...?!"

"Yes, because this is the top priority-and the side that has captured the most critical battlefield will lead the direction of victory!"

"Tidal flats ~ ~ Highlands, where they are not important! Even if they are attacked, they wo n’t change much. Because the Azores occupying Empire Avenue still have a lot of energy. With reinforcements swarming from the direction of Eboden, you can threaten the safety of the imperial capital all the time! "

"It is of no avail to defeat them. It is important to master the initiative and the most critical initiative!"

Probably because of the excitement, Regrel had to pause: "But for this reason, the enemy will certainly realize this; so the next battle will still be difficult, but this is not the Duke The reason for appointing us to tackle the problem; the strongest enemy, of course, is to be handed over to the knight of Bayern, who is most assured of the Duke! "

"Even if there is no victory in the tidal flats, the central line insists hard, and we in charge of the battlefield on the Avenue will also lead the whole army to victory-the empire will lead to victory under the guidance of Duke Byrne!"

And I, Regalel, Earl of White Horse Peak, will also be the first commander to see through the battle, with the glory second only to the Duke of Byrne-just like Earl Eckert of the Fury Castle and Earl of Stormwind Renwell, as the deputy of the Turin family, became the undisputed figure in the round table council!

The excited pupil of Regrell's eyes shone with light, as if he could already see his flowers and beautiful scenery.

"Target Empire Avenue, in the name of Duke Byrne ..."

"All living spirits ..."

"Kill no amnesty!"

:. :

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