The second match did not last long.

The fighter named Sword Dancer used two swords, and the hilts could be interlocked to form a double-headed sword.

The fight was relatively fancy, but it seemed that it could not cause any effective damage to the Tearer.

And the Tearer was indeed very cruel as Bidwen said.

When the match was only ten minutes in, the Tearer suddenly jumped up, seized the weakness of the Sword Dancer, and rushed up close.

The Sword Dancer was caught off guard, and then the Tearer took advantage of the situation to chase, swinging his claws repeatedly, leaving dozens of wounds on the Sword Dancer's chest.

If the referee had not stopped it in time, the Sword Dancer might not have been able to leave the ring.

The blood on the ground ignited the emotions of the arena, and the cheers almost overturned the venue.

Bingo in the private room was a little sad because he had put all his pocket money for a month on the Sword Dancer.

At this time, his pockets were cleaner than his face.

But Bidwen, who also placed a heavy bet, proudly showed off the Belo he had just obtained.

He also said thank you to Bingo very proudly~

Ethan frowned at the bloodthirsty appearance of the Tearer on the Phantom Light Crystal.

This man was full of hostility and extremely aggressive, and his next opponent was Matthew.

About an hour passed in between.

The third game, the final match of the Moon Champion, officially began.

As Ethan expected, the Tearer opened the way with his claws and attacked fiercely as soon as he came up.

The reinforcement system has an absolute advantage in the early stage of extraordinary awakening.

The extraordinary is divided into three stages: the early stage of awakening, the professional sequence, and the halo field.

In the early stage of awakening, the most obvious sign is the awakening of the mind.

According to the different characteristics of the mind, the mind can be divided into five categories: reinforcement system, control system, transformation system, spiritual system, and medium system.

Once the extraordinary awakens, he can immediately respond to the talent he obtained from the baptism ceremony through the mind.

But there are differences.

The intensity, response speed, and influence range of the mind generally follow the same principle.

That is, the smaller the range of the thought, the stronger the thought, the faster the response speed. On the contrary, the larger the range of the thought, the weaker the thought, and the slower the response speed.

Generally speaking, the psychic system and the medium system tend to be auxiliary, so the response speed is the slowest.

Like the psychic system, the thought can generally act directly on the soul, which requires a process. Most of them can only work with special tone secrets or rituals, such as making people hallucinate, controlling souls, and contracting to summon special creatures.

The medium system requires the thought to completely cover the object, and immersion in it also requires a process. Ethan guessed that this thought directly acts on the molecular and atomic levels.

For example, Emma can make the object covered by the thought bigger, while Bidwen's is smaller. This thought, like a medium, can catalyze the change of the properties of the substance itself once it is immersed in the substance.

So these two are more inclined to be auxiliary.

Among the remaining three kinds of thoughts, the progressive relationship of intensity is very clear.

The strengthening system is greater than or equal to the transformation system, and the control system is greater than the control system.

The thoughts of the reinforcement system cannot be released outside the body, and the release range is the smallest, so the intensity is the strongest and the response speed is the fastest.

It is most suitable for close combat in the early stage.

Compared with the reinforcement system, the thoughts of the transformation system can exist in the body and can be released outside the body. When the thoughts are running in the body, the response speed is no different from that of the reinforcement system, but when the thoughts are released, they will automatically transform into a certain substance. For example, as long as Ethan's thoughts are released outside the body, the thoughts will automatically transform into silk.

In other words, the response speed of the transformation system is no different from that of the reinforcement system, but the thoughts of the transformation system can be released outside the body, and will change according to the changes in the range of influence. The larger the range, the lower the response speed.

The thoughts of the control system are generally only free on the surface of the body, and the thoughts have a control effect on a certain substance, such as controlling any element on the periodic table.

Of course, the response speed varies depending on the controlled substance. Generally speaking, from the perspective of response speed: earth\u003ewater\u003ewind\u003efire, in other words, solid\u003eliquid\u003egas\u003eion.

In most cases, extraordinary people who control solid or liquid substances will carry a certain container or prop.

Gaseous and ion-state control-type superhumans often show their power only after their mind development reaches a certain level.

And Ethan happened to know that Matthew was a control-type wind-type superhuman.

That is to say, the relatively weak wind-type superhumans in the early stage against the strongest reinforcement-type in the early stage are like hitting a rock with an egg.

But Matthew seemed very calm and did not back down.

"You don't have to worry about Senior Matthew."

Emma's mouth was full of cake. Seeing everyone's eyes on her, she quickly chewed a few times until she swallowed it.

"Because the weapon in Senior Matthew's hand is a mind tool! It was made by the Giant God Soldier. This is not a secret in our grade."

The Giant God Soldier is a guild organization in the Federation that is famous for making mind tools. The mind tools they make are often in short supply on the market.

Ethan then remembered that Emma was already a junior student, only one grade lower than Matthew.

"This shows that the senior's control of mind can be separated from the wand!"

Being able to use mind tools means that Matthew's control of mind has reached a certain level.

"I see."

Bidwen nodded, somewhat regretting investing all his Belo in the Ripper.

As if to confirm Emma's words, the Ripper kept swinging its claws on the ring, but all of them missed without exception.

On the other hand, Matthew was still at ease.

Ethan secretly guessed that this should be a natural ability related to the wind.

The sharp claws generate wind, and every time the opponent swings, Matthew can judge the direction of the attack through the wind and dodge.


The tearer's chest rises and falls. Although he just fought happily, his physical strength is also very consumed.

The most intuitive manifestation is that the nails on his hands have shortened a little, which means that he should not have much mind left.

The tearer seemed to realize his predicament. From the beginning of the game to now, he chose to retreat for the first time.

As an experienced arena player, he must make changes.

Like Matthew, his killer mace is still not revealed, and the sharp nails on his hands are just the effect of strengthening the mind.

However, Matthew does not seem to intend to give him any breathing time. He suddenly came up with a sword, which was as fast as lightning, with the momentum of a sword to complete the work.

Faced with the sudden change of the roles of the attacker and the defender, the tearer tried his best to dodge, but the sword was so fast that he could not dodge it. At the moment, he did not hesitate, and another tearer appeared beside him.

Ethan was stunned. This is a skill-based talent, which can be used instantly!

In the private room, everyone stared at the newly appeared tearer, unable to tell the real from the fake.

The bodies of the two tearers crossed and moved forward, facing Matthew's long sword.

The claws on both hands were extremely sharp, harder than gold and stone, and collided with the long sword with a "clicking" sound.

Unlike everyone's confusion, Matthew seemed to see the flaw at a glance, and identified one of them and chased after him.

A look of surprise appeared on the tearer's face.

The talent he got through baptism is called: True and False Body.

True and False Body: Skill talent, instantly split a physical clone, with the same strength as the main body, able to reach a perfect tacit understanding with the main body, death has no effect on the main body, on the contrary, the physical clone disappears automatically when the main body dies, and the duration is related to the main body's development of abilities.

In other words, the newly appeared clone is no different from his main body.

Even the tearer himself can't tell the difference.

But... how did the other party see through it?

PS: Recommendation ticket through train~

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