"Thank God."

Joseph breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't become a joke after all.

If he couldn't get in today, he would probably be regarded as a joke among the freshmen of each class.

As if he heard his whisper, Bingo patted him from behind and laughed.

"You shouldn't thank God, you should thank Ethan."

After the little boy finished speaking, he didn't give him a chance to speak, and ran into the lounge.

Ethan behind him was a little embarrassed.

"Thank you~"

Joseph scratched his head.

Ethan waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to take it to heart, and then entered the lounge.

The lounge of Eagle Academy is very open.

A large and ethereal round room with elegant arched windows on the wall and blue and bronze silk curtains.

The ceiling is a dome with stars on it, and the dark blue carpet below is also decorated with stars.

There are tables, chairs, and bookshelves in the room. There are many white marble busts of celebrities in the niche opposite the door.

A door next to the statue leads to the dormitory above.

The left one is a man, the right one is a woman.

It seems that I will have a wonderful memory in the next few years.

Ethan looked at the layout of the lounge and was very satisfied. His mood also improved a lot.

In the corner of the lounge, behind a bookshelf, Ethan saw Nicole, a girl in a black cloak.

The other party seemed to be slightly aware of it. Seeing that the person coming was Ethan, her face blushed slightly.

She had been poisoned by a snake before. After being cured, she not only left without saying goodbye, but also took away the breakfast.

"Is Mrs. Ruilan's bread delicious?"

The girl's face turned redder when she heard it, and her whole head shrank into the cloak.

"I will return the herbs and bread to you."

Nicole lowered her head and whispered.

Perhaps she was a little ashamed, her voice trembled slightly.

"I thought you forgot."

Sure enough, the figure under the cloak lowered his head even deeper.

This time she didn't even say anything, just nodded.

The lounge of Eagle Academy is very large, and many freshmen have already gone up to the second-floor dormitory along the stairs of the lounge.

So the lounge suddenly became much emptier.

In this remote corner, only Ethan and Nicole were left facing each other silently.

The atmosphere was a little ambiguous, and Ethan, who had a lot to say, suddenly didn't know what to say.

But Nicole soon broke the awkwardness.

"Are you also cursed by the 'Nebula Chain'?"

"Nebula Chain?"

"Sorry, I haven't heard of this curse."

"Is the 'Nebula Chain' the two clusters of stars mentioned by the broken hat?"

Ethan's heart was not disturbed, but the term 'Nebula Chain' was remembered by him.

Nicole reached out to push aside the hood of the cloak and met Ethan's eyes through the gap.

Seeing that the other person's eyes were sincere and there was no sign of lying.

Nicole was a little surprised in her heart.

"Didn't your parents tell you?"

"I'm an orphan."

"Sorry, I don't know your past."

Ethan smiled disapprovingly. He didn't care about these, but was very interested in the 'Nebula Chain' that Nicole mentioned.

"It's okay, can you explain to me what the 'Nebula Chain' is?"

Nicole actually put her cloak behind her head and looked around, and found that there were not many people in the lounge.

She and Ethan were hiding behind the bookshelf as if they were on a date, and her face couldn't help but blush again.

"Legend has it that when the Creator God created the world, he first picked the twelve brightest stars in the sky, then gave them life and taught each of them a special ability to help him refine everything.

These twelve abilities are: calcination, solution, separation, conjunction, putrefaction, coagulation, cibation, sublimation, fermentation, exaltation, multiplication and projection.

The twelve abilities correspond to the twelve steps of alchemy.

This is the original origin of alchemy.

And the life transformed from the twelve stars is the first human being."

I didn't expect that this curse was related to alchemy. Ethan just listened silently and didn't interrupt Nicole's story.

"Later, the first humans transformed from the twelve stars assisted the God of Creation in completing the creation of the world.

Their descendants are also called 'descendants of God'.

The God of Creation discovered that these twelve first humans were able to use the same creative ability as Him through mutual understanding and cooperation.

So he was afraid and formulated the curse of the 'Nebula Chain'.

Nebula Chain: No descendants of any two twelve star bloodlines are allowed to intermarry, otherwise the descendants will suffer from the entanglement of the Nebula Chain."

"The so-called entanglement of the Nebula Chain is to seal the thoughts of the cursed, so that they cannot construct a thought path through the baptism ceremony, and thus cannot awaken the extraordinary sequence."

Nicole's voice was low, and it was obvious that she was the one entangled by the Nebula Chain, unable to pass the baptism and awaken the extraordinary.

Nicole suddenly remembered that the Sorting Hat mentioned that Ethan had broken the curse.

"I'm curious about how you broke this curse."

At this time, Ethan was also lost in thought.

It seems that the reason why he couldn't pass the baptism before was not because of the demon bloodline, but the bloodline of the twelve stars of the arrogant God of Creation.

Thinking of this, Ethan asked instead of answering.

"Is this 'nebula chain' unbreakable?"

Nicole's eyes condensed.

"There is no record of breaking the curse in my father's family, but there seems to be a record in my mother's family."

"Once there was a person who was troubled by the curse, and he got a sickle from somewhere, and awakened his ability, breaking the curse in one fell swoop."

"It not only mastered a very rare talent of the rule system due to a blessing in disguise, but also obtained dual abilities from the father and mother."

Generally speaking, abilities are related to the baptism ceremony, while telekinesis is related to the bloodline of parents.

Just like Ethan's 'sin and punishment', it is also a talent given by the baptism ceremony, and it also belongs to the extremely rare rule system.

In addition, the mind is not given by the ceremony, but inherited from the bloodline, but only one of the parents can be inherited. This is the first time Ethan has heard of dual inheritance of mind.

But soon Ethan was relieved. His awakening was somewhat similar to the experience of the person Nicole said.

They all obtained a certain item, and then built a mind path in the body through the item, awakening extraordinary abilities.

Nicole did not find Ethan's abnormality, but continued.

"He is the founder of Bis University-Bis Saladin."

Emma had told Ethan before that the enlightenment tools of each school are different.

Among the Ivy League universities, Flo University uses a magic wand, Bis University uses a sickle, Saint Wei University uses a knight's dagger, Tocher University uses a spear, Montor University uses a bow and arrow, Purkin University uses a hammer, Feula University uses a ten-handed, and Geseni University uses a dagger, etc.

PS: Recommendation ticket, monthly ticket transmission array~

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