On the title page of the book, Ethan found a name written in the common language of the Federation.


Still a girl.

Why is this name so familiar?

Ethan must have heard that name before.

But thinking hard about it made no impression.

If you have the chance, you must get to know this magical senior, but I don’t know if she has graduated yet.

Ethan dug out other books of Senior Karina from this pile of old books.

Fortunately, these books are still available.

It's no wonder, who would buy a set of books that look like ghost paintings?

Fortunately, this senior is also from the strategy department.

Most of the books overlap with the list in Ethan's hand.

Ethan then selected a few more professional books from the medical department, and then put this pile of books together.

"It turns out he's a new student."

I don’t know when the boss was standing behind Ethan.

The boss wears a pair of glasses with thick bottle bottoms. He is slightly chubby, but has a cute and innocent smile.

Not aloof at all.

He picked out a random book from the pile.

"Haha, that's interesting."

These books have been placed in his bookstore for several years, and the prices have dropped again and again. Today, someone is finally willing to buy them.

"Speaking of which, this set of second-hand books has been in the store for a long time. Are you sure you want to choose this set?"

The glasses shone with wisdom. The bookstore owner patted the Karina book collection Ethan selected with his right hand and asked tentatively.

Ethan nodded with a smile.

"That's great, just call me Lum.

If that's the case, I'll give you another 10% off. "

"That's great news, Ethan. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you~"

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while.

"Rum, I don't know what grade this senior Karina is in now."

Ethan asked with a smile.

"Little Karina, it's been a long time since you came here."

"She used to come here to read books when she was in school, but she has never been back since graduation."

"I remember she said she was going to work in Zion City when she graduated. I thought she would probably work as a translator at an auction house in Zion City.

Remember that he inherited her father's talent for linguistics. "

"Her father is~"

"Of course it's Professor Zepheniah Taylor, the famous language master at Flo University."

Hearing Taylor's name, Ethan suddenly realized.

No wonder the name ‘Karina’ is so familiar.

This name appeared in Taylor's suicide note.

No wonder.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Taylor seems to have not come to the bookstore for many years. You must know that he used to come here every week to find some information."

Lum shook his head regretfully.

But he didn't know that the old man had committed suicide.

Lum wrapped the books very skillfully.

Ethan took out the senbei and paid the bill.

Unexpectedly, these dozen books, which were cheap second-hand goods, actually cost Ethan nearly 1K.

If it were a new book, Five Thousand Bells would not be able to stop it.

After buying the textbooks, Ethan was in no hurry to leave.

Instead, I started looking at those old orphan copies in this small bookstore.

Not to mention that although the bookstore is small, it does contain many treasures.

Ethan saw several unique books on alchemy from here, written in the extremely rare Chaldean language.

It should be a contemporary product of the Book of Abraham.

If Ethan guessed correctly, the alchemy formula should be recorded on it.

It's a pity that few people in the world understand this language anymore.

Unconsciously, the sun gradually sets in the west.

If it weren't for Uncle Occam telling him that he would have a celebration party.

I guess Ethan can continue reading.

After saying goodbye to Lum, Ethan rode a white horse to the Wizard of Oz's shop.

Usually Ethan is on duty at this time.

But today was a special situation. Occam prepared a large table of dishes in the back kitchen, and then announced that he would get off work early. It was also considered a holiday for everyone, and he could celebrate Ethan by the way.

"Can you drink?"

Old Occam asked with a raised eyebrow.

Ethan shook his head in embarrassment.

"Haha, do you want some?"

Ethan quickly waved his hand.


Everyone joked that Ethan was still a little kid.

For a moment, Ethan felt like he was back in the circus.

I don’t know if everyone is okay.

"Bang bang bang~"

at this time.

There was a rapid banging on the door.

The originally lively atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Occam frowned, who would bother him at this time?

A guy ran out, and soon there was a quarrel.

It turns out that the people outside are looking for a doctor, but the Wizard of Oz is a material store that only sells medicinal materials and does not treat patients.

For a while, the two sides were in a stalemate.

"Let them in."

Occam said helplessly.

Three people came in. The leader was shorter, about forty years old, and already slightly stout. His expression was a little flustered, and he seemed to be in a hurry to seek medical treatment.

Behind him were two soldiers, both of whom seemed to have suffered minor injuries.

The attentive Ethan noticed that the three of them all had a sword and shield symbol on their clothes.

This is the exclusive logo of the arena.

The Arena, Bounty Club, and Auction are the three major buildings in each city.

Among them, the arena, with its fierce visual impact, is a hot topic among people after tea and dinner.

The fat man in the lead was the manager of the arena, and the two fighters happened to be his fighters.

The skinny one of the two players only suffered some minor injuries, and he should be able to recover by applying some recovery ointment.

But the other one seems less optimistic.

His skin was matte and frosted black, and he was extremely tall. Just standing next to him, there was a faint feeling of panic about being close to a dangerous beast.

If Ethan guessed correctly, he was a Garo from outside the city of Philly.

Garos are as alert and ferocious as beasts, and are often the kings of the arena.

He had more or less minor injuries, but the problem was not serious.

What's a bit tricky is that his right arm is hanging down, unable to be fully straightened or fully curled up.

This was apparently caused by a dislocation of the elbow joint of the right arm.

The three of them wanted to go to the pharmacy for treatment before, but unfortunately all the pharmacists' shops were closed.

Not to mention the churches that clock in to work.

Reluctantly, they wanted to try some recovery potions first.

"This is the curse of 'God's Disarming'. You must go to the church immediately to take the cartilage potion, otherwise you will be in trouble."

Although Occam is not a doctor, he has extraordinary experience in practicing medicine for many years.

The opponent's dislocated arm was almost immediately visible.

Generally speaking, such unexplained injuries are attributed to God's punishment.

But at this time they had neither the secret medicine of cartilage nor the baptism of the Holy Light in the church.

So I'm a little helpless.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Ethan made a bold move.

He grabbed the patient's right arm in front of everyone's surprised eyes.

The injured man's right arm was very strong, and Ethan looked a little thin in comparison.


The injured man's manager quickly stopped Ethan's actions.

But old Occam watched Ethan check the patient's injuries, and suddenly remembered that Ethan saved his life on the first day he came to the store.

So he stretched out his hand to block the agent who was about to step forward.

"He is the doctor in the shop. This is his exclusive secret method. You'd better calm down and wait."

An agent is like an ant on a hot pot. This mercenary is his trump card, so he can't make any mistakes.

But the current situation...

He glanced left and right, finally pausing for a moment on Ethan's face.

His face was full of hesitation.

"Let him try it."

The injured Garo man pursed his lips slightly and made his final choice.

PS: Recommended ticket teleportation array.

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