Similar to Quinn's situation, Master Yagod didn't remember what happened when he woke up.

But he vaguely knew that he was led to the Dark Forest by Hunter Primo.

So the matter of the undead believers ended here. They seemed to have suddenly evaporated from the face of the earth without any trace.

Ethan suspected that this might be related to their mastery of the Gate of Hell.

Three days later.

The Children's Park was finally reopened.

People who entered the park came out one after another.

The entrance of the Children's Park was blocked early in the morning.

The mayor of Fairy Town, the envoy of the palace, the vice president of Darabongba...

All were looking forward to it.

As long as they have obtained a good professional inheritance, they are their targets for wooing.

This time, a total of more than a dozen people from Fairy Tail successfully entered the Children's Park.

Most of the eight people who came out at the beginning only obtained ordinary professions.

For example: civilians, farmers, passers-by, etc.

The only one who obtained a special profession was Bidwin, who obtained the professional sequence of "unicyclist".

In an instant, he became a hot commodity.

After learning that he was a traveler here, everyone left in disappointment.

Then Alang came out and got the "hairdresser" in the craftsman profession. This is an extraordinary profession. You should know that Bingo's dream profession before was the craftsman profession.

There are not many people in the entire fairy tale town who are craftsmen.

When Ethan was in the Fairy Circus, the scissorhands he encountered were said to be the "hairdresser" profession.

Unexpectedly, Emma got the legendary profession "Little Red Riding Hood", and the Darabongba Guild directly promised the guild cadres.

But unfortunately, Emma still refused.

In the end, only Bingo and Lisa were left.

At this time, the mirror in front of the gate of the Children's Fun Park showed a number "27".

That means there are still 27 people in the park.

The more you go back, the rarer the profession will be.

When this number becomes "5", Bingo finally came out.

Seeing his face full of joy, Ethan asked: "Haha, how is it, the harvest must be good."

"Hehe, the royal profession "Frog Prince", hehe."

! ! !

Royal profession! New royal profession!

It took a lot of effort to finally get rid of the competition among the major guilds.

What a bunch of lunatics.

More than an hour later, the number on the mirror turned into ‘1’.

That means there is only one person left.

And that person should be Lisa.

“Oh my God, what profession will Lisa get?”

“That’s right, Bingo is already a royal profession, so… Lisa is at least a royal.”

The next morning, the mirror still had ‘1’ on it.

“This should be the person who has stayed in the Children’s Park the longest.”

“Yes, the longest one in history was two days, and this time it has almost exceeded four days.”

While people around were talking about it, the door of the Children’s Park opened.

Lisa still had a head full of white hair at this time.

Isn’t it said that participating in the game will consume white hair?

Seeing her indifferent look, everyone guessed in their hearts that she might have fallen asleep in there.

Only Ethan's mouth trembled slightly. This guy is born with the blood of the European emperor. Who knows what earth-shattering profession he will get.

Thinking of this, he quickly took out the senbei and sent her a message, indicating that she must not say anything.

Although Lisa is sometimes careless, she is very smart. Looking at the people who surrounded her, she quickly said: "Sorry, sorry, I just fell asleep in there..."

"Did you really fall asleep?"

"I said it's impossible for anyone to exceed five days."

"You forgot that the person who exceeded five days was the president of 'Dala Bangba' who got the 'Regent' profession. I'm afraid there is no one who can surpass him."

"That's right, that's the most powerful profession of the royal family!"


"What? White Queen!"

"Well, I didn't participate in the game test. I just got the instructions after entering. After I went there, the other party gave me the 'White Queen' career sequence."

"Then I learned a lot of secret techniques there. My head hurts. Really."

"This, this, this..."

Bingo, who originally got the prince profession, was extremely jealous at this time.

"I didn't expect to stay there for so long, but when I left, she said I could come back anytime to continue studying."

"Does that mean you can enter for the second time?"

"That should be the case. She said... I'm the new owner of the park."


"Bingo, Bingo, what's wrong with you..."

"I'm fine, I just feel a little sad."


After everyone came out of the Children's Park, all the members of Fairy Tail gathered.

After saying goodbye to Hook, Accord and the others, Fairy Tail set out on the journey again.

A row of fairy airships took off one after another, becoming a new landscape for the entire Fairy Tale Town.

Not long after, they turned into black spots in the sky and disappeared.

Their destination this time was 'Giant Lake'.

It was between Green City and Behemoth City.

It took only half a day for the team to arrive near the destination.

It was not far from the Giant Lake.

According to the map coordinates, there was still about half a day's journey.

But since we had reached the edge of the white fog, we could only prepare nearby.

Once we enter it, danger is always unexpected.

And after everyone's discussion, the rest of the journey is planned to be carried out on foot.

This is also part of the training.

Ethan opened the senbei, and the golden butterfly pulled Ma Yun up into the air, and Ma Yun held a superior image gem in her hand.

She will broadcast the entire Fairy Tail live.

At this time, the live broadcast platform of the Star Network System has just been successfully built, and the video is directly pinned to the top.

"Haha, these are the students who overestimate their abilities at Turing City Flo University."

"They actually chose to walk into the fog."

"Why don't they take the airship?"

"Because of exercise! Our purpose this time is to experience!"

At this time, Ma Yun directly acted as a commentator.

"What a cute female voice, love it."


[Thanks to Roosevelt for the reward of shooting rockets. ]


Ma Yun was having a lot of fun.

At this time, Ethan suddenly leaned over to dig a medicinal herb.

"Wait, what are they collecting?"

"That's it! That's the fairy grass!"

"They actually found the fairy grass!"

"Big brother, can you give me some scientific knowledge?"

"The fairy grass has silky leaves. Under the breeze, it looks like a head of hair, soft and elegant, a bit like the hair of elves, hence the name.

This thing is a good thing that pharmacists dream of. Just one hair can increase the success rate by 10%."

"What? 10%! Then ten hairs will increase the success rate by 100%. "

"Ahem, the upstairs is dreaming. You can only use one at a time."

" @Fairy Tail, are you willing to sell it? Our Siren Club is willing to buy it at a high price. Can we chat privately?"

"Our Wooden Man Club is 10% higher than the upstairs."

"Don't cheat the newcomers. Let's go to the auction."

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