According to the information provided by the snake group, Ethan put Xiaobai at the foot of the mountain.

He and Bryant traveled lightly and took a detour from the back mountain to look for the crack mentioned by the black viper.

Along the way, they crossed mountains and ridges, and there were indeed many places with a faint smell of realgar.

This shows that they must have been somewhat familiar with this place before, and they may have a detailed map of this generation in their hands.

In other words, there must be something they are looking for here.

They came here according to the map.

The hiding place of the things is very likely to be the cemetery group where the snake group originally lived.

Ethan and Bryant wandered around until noon, and finally found the "secret passage" mentioned by the viper behind a low bush.

This "secret passage" is in the depression of the mountain, and it is obviously a surface crack caused by natural phenomena such as earthquakes or landslides.

Because the location is relatively hidden and the entrance of the cave is blocked by low bushes, there is no fear of being found by others.

The width of the crack is just enough for one person to get in. Once entering the tomb passage, the space suddenly becomes clear.

Ethan took out the small hand shield he had picked up in the Greedy Cave last time, input telekinesis, and a beam of light was reflected in the tomb passage.



A layer of water vapor accumulated on the top of the tomb passage. Over time, the water vapor condensed into dewdrops, dripping on the ground, forming small puddles.

Ethan walked carefully along the wall, not expecting that one day he would be able to experience the feeling of tomb robbery.

Judging from the height and width of the tomb passage, the identity of the owner of the tomb should be extraordinary.

This further confirmed Ethan's guess.

Thinking of this, he unconsciously sped up.

Originally, he just wanted to find some suitable snake venom today, but he didn't expect to get the clue of Occam's realgar.

Thinking of the girl in the black cloak, perhaps this incident was not done by the group of bandits of the 'Chaos'.

Following the tomb passage, Ethan found the place where the snakes lived before not far away.

It is very open here, and it doesn't look like a cemetery, but the interior of a mansion.

In addition to the mess on the ground, the tomb is extremely luxurious with carved beams and painted buildings.

There is even a complete set of daily necessities.

It can be vaguely seen that the owner of the cemetery was a decent person in his lifetime, and he can live in such a spacious house after his death.

In the corner of the tomb, Ethan found a lot of food residues and hay made by snakes to make nests.

The hay was a bit messy, indicating that the snakes were very urgent when they moved away.

Ethan even found five crystal clear snake eggs from it, which are likely to be left here when the snakes moved.

Wrap the five snake eggs with soft thatch and then carefully put them in his backpack.

Although the badge is very convenient for storing items, it cannot hold living objects.

Once the badge detects that the collected items have life fluctuations, the space cannot be opened.

Fortunately, none of the five snake eggs can be put into the space.

This means that these five snake eggs are all living eggs, and they should be able to hatch normally after proper heating after returning.

According to what Viper said, Ethan saw the sacred object of the snake group, which is a walnut-sized night pearl.

Ethan had wondered before, why didn't the snakes take it with them when they migrated? It's impossible that they had forgotten it.

Only then did Ethan know why.

In front of him was a statue of a general in heavy armor, with his left hand covering his chest and his right hand holding a long sword, looking fierce and majestic.

And the night-shining pearl that emitted a faint glow was none other than the sculpture's eye.

That's why the snakes couldn't take it away.

And this night-shining pearl was inlaid very firmly, not to mention that they couldn't take it off, even Ethan was powerless.

He circled around the sculpture.

Why did they make the sculpture's eyes into night-shining pearls?

And there was only one eye.

Is there any information hidden in it?

Ethan was already somewhat familiar with the puzzle game of the ruins.

This eye should be the 'sign' of this ruins.

Following the guard's eyes, he looked forward and saw a stone wall in front of him, which was covered with moss, but the careful Ethan found that the moss was undulating and not flat.

He was immediately delighted. Could it be that something was carved on the wall?

He spent a lot of effort to clean it up. As expected, there were words carved on the wall.

The language on the wall was similar to the common language of the Federation, and it should also be a variant of English.

So the general time should be around the year 1 AD.

Although it was a bit difficult to read, I could almost understand the meaning.

This text mainly records the achievements of this guard throughout his life.

He once saved the downtrodden prince in times of crisis, and then assisted him in expanding his territory.

He saved the prince as many as thirteen times in his life.

The whole process of the thirteen life-and-death rescues is also listed below.

Later, the prince restored order and established a new dynasty.

But the guard guarded silently from beginning to end, and never asked for rewards.

So the new king mobilized the whole country and invited the famous craftsman of the time to tailor a set of armor for him, and carved his statue, which was displayed in the capital.

Later, the guard sacrificed himself to save the master during an assassin's sneak attack and never woke up again.

The king was grief-stricken and built this tomb.

The statue is what the guard looked like before his death.

It really looks heroic.

This piece of text is like an epitaph.

No, it's not that simple.

Ethan frowned.

Still couldn't explain why one of the statue's eyes was a night-shining pearl.


Ethan's eyes lit up, and his sight, which had been moved away, returned again.

This article lists thirteen rescues. Once, when the new king was in the hunting ground, he was attacked by an assassin with a bow and arrow. The guard stepped forward and saved the king's life.

But it was also in that sudden accident that the guard lost an eye.

Could it be that the eyes of the statue were made into night-shining pearls for this reason?

And so on.

Thirteen times of sacrificing his life to protect his master, three of which were the most dangerous, and all three caused him permanent damage.

The first place was the right eye. At that time, the prince had not yet opened up his empire. The guard came from a humble background but was weak. Although he was shot blind, the prince truly regarded him as a brother.

One of the eyes of the corresponding sculpture was made into a night-shining pearl.

The second place was the thumb of the left hand. The guard was a master of sword and shield. After the injury, his left hand could no longer hold the big shield tightly, so he abandoned it, which the guard regretted.

Ethan hurriedly checked the guard's left thumb.

It turned out to be made of gold, a genuine gold finger.

It was just that because it had been there for a long time, a layer of moss grew on it, which was no different from other places.

Ethan exerted a little force, and his left thumb shook slightly.


The sound of the mechanism sounded.


A figure fell from the top of the cemetery.

Ethan was startled.

However, the figure did not move, and Ethan looked forward bravely.

It turned out that this was a huge armor, which was made of pieces of fish-scale metal pieces. Although it had been unknown how many years, each piece of fish-scale iron still flashed with cold light.

The armor covered almost all parts of the body, and almost every part of the body was inlaid with five-color gems, which looked extremely luxurious.

It was a pity that this set of armor was too tall, and Ethan had never seen anyone who could wear it.

Even the tall guard of the Prism Organization he had seen before couldn't hold it up.

In any case, this was an extra gain.

He touched the armor and it was cold and much heavier than he thought.

It took a lot of effort to put the armor into his badge.

Ethan's eyes fell on the last injured part before the guard, which was also the fatal injury that cost him his life... the heart.

PS: Thank you book friend Mr. Sen for the reward. Cauliflower is not far from eating cauliflower.

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