Shall we go to open up the wasteland together tomorrow?

Chapter 60: Registration for Physical Examination

Five days passed in a flash.

Ethan knew medicinal materials well, and he was like a fish in water in The Wizard of Oz.

After a simple adaptation, he has become a senior apprentice in the store.

Other guys in the store praised him highly.

Fat Ao even increased his hourly wage by 2 belos, reaching an astonishing 12 belos.

This is already a high salary level for part-time jobs.

Today, Ethan did not help in the store as usual.

Instead, he waited eagerly on the second floor.

The electric car brother and sister made an appointment with him to take him to register for Flo University today.

But the electric car brother and sister did not come until Ethan finished reading half of "The Ship Doctor's Record".

"The Ship Doctor's Record" was also found by Ethan on the old ship on the mountain. It recorded the first aid methods of the ship doctor and several secret medicines, but it was still written in Duding language, which was a bit difficult to read.

"Sorry, Ethan, I overslept."

Emma yawned while sitting on the broom in a daze, scratching her pigtails a little embarrassedly.

Biden was much more leisurely. He stood on the broom and walked on the balance beam, showing off his driving skills. He almost fell off several times.

"It doesn't matter. It's registration anyway. You're just three hours late~"

Ethan looked at the big sun above his head and felt helpless.

Emma stuck out her tongue and hurried to the front.

"Biden... Hurry up, you're almost late!"


Flo University is located on White Fang Avenue, two streets away from The Wizard of Oz, not far away.

The three of them arrived here quickly.

White Fang Avenue is indeed as its name suggests, with a white road surface like teeth, which makes people happy physically and mentally.

It is said that this street was paved with a pair of mammoth tusks.

So the street has a slight arc, the field of vision is very wide, and it gives people a bright feeling.



Xiaobai seems to like the bone pavement of White Fang Avenue.

In the middle of the road, a Gothic building complex appeared in front of Ethan.

This is Flo University, one of the ten Ivy League schools.

Although Ethan had been here with Emma before, he was still shocked when he stood in front of it.

Flo University has an open school gate. As soon as you enter, a strong historical atmosphere hits you. This is a building with a history of more than a thousand years, but time has not made it decayed.

Tall teaching buildings, wide playgrounds, and numerous scientific research laboratories, everything is elegant and subtle.

Everyone has a book in their hands, and everyone has a smile on their face.

This is probably heaven.

Following Bidwen, the three came to a large auditorium.

There are many young faces here, and they should all be students who apply for Flo University today.

Looking at the long queue, Ethan secretly smacked his lips.

The registration meeting of Flo University usually lasts about ten days.

But I didn't expect so many people on the first day.

Ethan felt Alexander.

"Ethan, you need to get the form for the physical examination first, go this way."

Emma pointed with her little hand, but Ethan did not move, but looked at Bidwen.

The latter shook his head: "This way!"

Emma retracted her little hand in embarrassment.

This brother and sister, one is a road idiot but likes to lead people, and the other is a road killer but likes to show off his driving skills.

Under Bidwen's leadership, Ethan successfully got the form. The line here was much shorter than before.

"The long queue just now is the candidates who applied for the combat department of the strategy department. The number of people is the largest every year."

Ethan suddenly realized.

Sure enough, everything is inferior, only the pioneering is high.

In addition to basic information such as name, age, native place, address, etc., the form in his hand also has the items that will be examined.

There are basic physical examination, lung capacity, vision, smell, strength, speed, and an option column-telekinesis test.

The physical examination is very fast, one teacher operates, and the other is responsible for recording.

"Name... Ethan Moore."

Moore is Mrs. Jasmine's last name, which is relatively rare.

"Place of origin... Rum Town, Mensa City."

"Height... 175"

"Weight... 60"

"Vision... Excellent."

"Sense of smell... Excellent."

When it comes to the vital capacity test, things are a little different.

Vital capacity represents a person's physical fitness to a certain extent. People with large lung capacity have certain advantages in explosiveness and endurance.

So the school attaches great importance to this parameter.

The teacher will first use props to block the candidate's nasal cavity. The candidate needs to blow into a device that is pressed together with two simple containers, and then record the scale.

There are ten scales marked on the dial, representing 1-10, ten levels.

It is similar to the measurement method in the previous life.

But Ethan's situation is a little special.

He has learned the Sigren breathing method, and every pore in his body can breathe. This scale may not be enough.

But he still cooperated and sat in front of the device and started to blow air into it.

After the gas entered, the pressed device began to slowly climb.

The scale kept refreshing, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Seeing that the scale had already crossed the red line of ten, the teacher who was testing reached out to stop Ethan.

"Ahem, that's not right. The equipment was not adjusted properly just now. Test it again."

Biedwin on the side said: "I thought, how can anyone have such a large lung capacity."

Ethan asked: "How much is your lung capacity?"

"I have six bars, you can't compare."

Knowing that this guy is very vain, it seems that six bars is a good result.

Ethan blew gently, and the scale stopped quietly on the seventh bar.

Biedwin was embarrassed and stared at Ethan with a look of looking at a beast.

"Damn, you were a bellows in your previous life."


The equipment for measuring strength is a bit novel. It is said that it was found from the ruins of Dragon Ball together with the universal capsule.

It was only successfully restored by the Research Department in recent years.

However, there is no electronic screen, just a digital device similar to a scoreboard.

In front of Ethan is a chubby candidate. He waved his arms for a long time and hit the black dynamometer in front of him.

Ding ding ding.



The little fat guy seemed very satisfied.

In terms of strength, Ethan only relied on the Lame Artisan Body Building Technique, and he didn't know how much he could hit with this punch.


Ethan swung his right arm with all his strength.

Ding Ding Ding!


The teacher in charge of recording looked at Ethan with some surprise. The value of 43 was already very rare among students.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly gentle little guy in front of him was actually quite strong.

The speed test was even simpler.

A simple 100-meter timing.

Ethan also received an "excellent" rating.

After completing the basic physical examination items, Ethan came to a small table according to the instructions on the road sign.

There was no one queuing here.

It seemed very out of place in the noisy auditorium.

The person in charge of admissions was a fat female teacher. At this time, she was lying on the table and snoring. Judging from the length of her drool, she had probably slept for a long time.

PS: Recommended votes so you don't get lost~

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