Shall we go to open up the wasteland together tomorrow?

Chapter 294 Fairy Tail's Determination

This is Rainbow Hall, the headquarters of Prism.

There are few people around here on weekdays.

But today is different.

The opening of the Ten Schools League has been publicized by the Parrot Newspaper and is known to everyone.

So this place was surrounded by people early in the morning.

A large number of people came here to see the peerless beauty of the goddess Tina.

"Tina, Tina, Tina!"


They are crazy, just like the fan club in the previous life.

Even using their abilities to pull up banners, set off fireworks in the sky, etc…

“Which team is the most popular this year?”

“Of course, the first place in today’s Parrot Newspaper is Nari University’s ‘Mithril Tears’.”

“Don’t forget that the leader of ‘Mithril Tears’ is Dick Montage! He is the one who successfully accepted the Montage family’s secret baptism.”


“I think Bis University’s ‘Hotel Transylvania’ is also very good.”

“After all, my goddess Tina’s club will definitely be able to successfully win the championship!”

“Ahem, now that you mention it, I also choose ‘Hotel Transylvania’.”

“Flo University’s three rubbish clubs, such as ‘Battle of Glory’, didn’t even make it into the top ten last year.

There are also two new clubs, which are terrible.”

Ethan vaguely heard the discussion among the people around him.

He was also secretly guessing in his heart.

“Boss, who do you think our biggest opponent will be?”

Fairy Tail was the last of the thirty clubs to enter.

Everyone was naturally very curious.

"If there are thirty clubs, they all seem to be very powerful."

"But that 'Mithril Tears' is indeed very strong."

Because of the previous dinner incident, Mithril Tears and Fairy Tail had a simple fight.

From the exposed abilities, the team members are very strong.

"Well, Boss, Mithril Tears is indeed the most popular club this year."

"According to the information I have collected, Mithril Tears is the most powerful club in Nari University."

"And this club only recruits noble members."

Bingo took out a small record book from the badge, which was densely filled with recently collected information.

"Only recruit noble members?"

Ethan nodded, but he paid more attention in his heart.

The strength of the nobles does not lie in blood.

It lies in the accumulation of years and months.

For example, the baptism ceremony of awakening the extraordinary.

It is said that there are many kinds of baptism ceremonies in the Church of Light.

In addition to the 'Greetings from the God of Light', there are also 'Praise to the God of Light', 'Pride of the God of Light', 'Glory of the God of Light', etc.

Ordinary people can only receive the free baptism of "Greetings from the God of Light".

Even this is a simplified version.

But the nobles are different. They have a lot of wealth and can easily obtain rare baptism ceremonies and items.

So the overall strength is much stronger than the average team.

The best of the best, the strength is naturally not to be underestimated.

"And the leader of the 'Mithril Tears', Dick Montage, is also known as the 'No. 1 Genius of Rosemary'."

"But it can't be compared with your title of 'No. 1 of the Young Generation'."

Ethan chuckled and shook his head.

At the dinner that day, Dick's ability can be said to have shocked everyone.

Including Ethan.

First, he moved silently and instantly behind Mad Blood Julian and Black Belt Blake.

And the action was so fast that people could not see the trajectory of the action.

Secondly, when the two people were mentioned, although they only showed begging and fear, they could not escape Ethan's eyes.

When Mad Blood Julian and Black Belt Blake were mentioned, the breath line suddenly became very weak.

It was like his vitality was sucked away.

This made Ethan feel dangerous.

"That Dick is very strong. When you meet him, don't get in close contact with him."

"But I remember that he is very fast. I can't avoid him at all."

"Well, so close-range ability users should stay away from him and don't be ambushed."

Bingo and the others looked at each other and nodded.

If they really encounter the 'Mithril Tears' in the game, they have to change their formation.

"In addition to the 'Mithril Tears', there is also the 'Gray Hammer' of Tohel University. This is an old club that has been passed down for many years and has won the 'Ten Schools League' championship three times.

And this year they have gained a genius doctor - Becky Maine, who also belongs to the 'Rosemary' nobles."

"By the way, boss, you should know him."

Ethan nodded.

Becky was the little priest who was with Reggie during the rainforest trial.

Proficient in the baptism of light.

Without him, Reggie Montage would not have been able to get out of the "Rainforest Trial".

"The 'Muscat Cork' of St. Vian University in Mensa City is also a strong rival. The leader, Sean Hernandez, once participated in the 'Ten Schools League'. Moreover, this club is very united and a tough nut to crack."

Like Ethan, Sean is a non-staff member of the House of Cards. Moreover, Ethan got the 'Five of Hearts' while Sean got the 'Three of Spades'.

Hearts represent assistance and spades represent force.

This shows that Sean is good at fighting.

Although there is a difference in numbers, as long as he gets the cards of the 'House of Cards', it shows that he has great potential.

"The 'Hotel Transylvania' of Biss University."

"Although it is a newly established club like us, the club leader is goddess Tina, so it has received widespread attention."

"In the "Parrot Newspaper", the support rate is ranked third after "Mithril Tears" and "Gray Hammer."

"It is worth mentioning that goddess Tina has become the most popular player in the "Ten Schools League" with an absolute advantage."

"Others like "Reverse Bell", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Dark Whisper Forest", etc., their support rates are not low, and these teams are all old clubs, and they have a record of winning the championship."

The analysis of "Parrot Newspaper" often has a large amount of past data and has a certain reference value.

The top five are: Mithril Tears, Gray Hammer, Hotel Transylvania, Reverse Bell, Little Red Riding Hood.

"What about our "Fairy Tail"?"

Ethan suddenly asked.

Bingo smiled awkwardly but politely.

Ethan shrugged and understood.

The newspaper must have said something bad.

"Among the three strong teams of Flo University, 'Battle of Glory' ranks 12th, 'Frozen Rose' ranks 19th, and our 'Fairy Tail' ranks 25th."

"Fuck! This is a bird ranking."

Bidwen was indignant.

"This newspaper is obviously talking nonsense."

"Just because the boss was away a few days ago, let's refuse the interview."

Alang rubbed his hands on his hair, and the electric sparks were 'crackling'.

Ever since Ethan came to Zion City, the interview has never stopped.

A few days ago, I happened to go to the auction house because of Luther's matter, so I refused this group of flat-haired beasts, so I deliberately belittled the strength of 'Fairy Tail' in the newspaper.

"The newspaper is based on past data. Our club participated in the competition for the first time, so naturally there is no relevant data. It is understandable that the ranking is not good."

"But the strength cannot be hidden, and it cannot be made up."

"Don't pay attention to the ranking of the newspaper, don't forget the original intention of our trip!"

The twelve members of Fairy Tail said in unison.

"Must win!"

PS: Recommendation ticket, monthly ticket fast lane

PS: Book group: 189698162, come to the bowl soon~

Yesterday was the day of the God of Wealth, so it's normal to forget to update, right~~

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