Shall we go to open up the wasteland together tomorrow?

Chapter 285 House of Cards: The Cards Come First

I followed Reggie out of the restaurant, but this guy seemed to have something on his mind and turned back halfway.

In a small corner of the manor garden.

Reggie's movements became more and more careful.

To his left front, three figures were muttering.

"Captain...we were wrong~"


Two figures squatted in the corner with their heads covered, tears and runny noses.

In front of them was Dick, the leader of the Mithril Tears.

"Tell me why you are causing trouble."

Dick had a calm expression on his face.


Mad Blood Julian and Black Belt Black looked at each other with awkward expressions.

"Give you another chance."

The two hesitated, obviously not wanting to say more, and were ready to accept the punishment.


Dick was a little impatient and clenched his fists loudly.

"It was me who asked them to do this..."

Reggie tremblingly walked out from behind the boulder.


Dick didn't seem the least bit surprised.

A slight 'hum'.

"Brother, I was wrong~ Please let me go."


"During the Rainforest Trial, I had some issues with Ethan, the leader of Fairy Tail. I just wanted to make them look bad~"



An electric punch.

Reggie was knocked directly into the flower garden.

Falling hard on the turf.

What surprised Ethan was that he couldn't see the opponent's shot clearly.

"Is this what you want as a noble?"

"It's really sad~"

"I really shouldn't have let you go to the rainforest trial to embarrass yourself in the first place."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

He didn't care about Reggie's life or death at all.

It was the other two who dug Reggie out of the soil.

It hurts to look at it.

This brother... seems to be quite heartless.

When Ethan saw this, he did not come forward to collect the debt. With the word spirit contract, he was not worried about the Montage family cheating.

Seeing everyone disperse, Ethan's interest also waned.

When he returned to the dining room, the injury on Emma's hand had been treated by the priest at the manor.

At this time, she was eating happily.

"Emma, ​​are you okay?"

"Mmm, it's delicious."

Emma put down the chicken legs and responded in her busy schedule.

It seems to be okay.

During the conflict just now, if Dick hadn't suddenly appeared, Ethan would probably have taken action.

Seeing that everyone was fine, he felt relieved.

At this time, Xia Zuo came over and he chuckled: "Sure enough, Fairy Tail is a strong rival."

Ethan waved his hand, smiled implicitly, and didn't say much.

"The one just now was Dick, the leader of the Mithril Tears. He was a ruthless character."

“He also once won the ‘Rainforest Trial’ championship.”

"It is worth mentioning that he is Reggie's biological brother."

Xia Zuo smiled mischievously.

He knew about the feud between Ethan and Reggie.

"Well, it's really troublesome."

"It's best if you meet each other from the beginning, so that both sides will suffer losses, and our 'Reverse Bell' will also have two fewer opponents."

"Hey hey hey."

Xia Zuo really likes to make sarcastic remarks as always.

Soon there were fewer and fewer people in the restaurant.

Deep in the corridor outside the restaurant.

The faint aroma of rum wafted over.

"Hoo~ good wine."

"Why do I feel like the rum here tastes better than the golden rum I stole?"

Sean was leaning on the big pillar at the corner of the corridor, holding a bottle of rum in his hand.

Ethan smiled ‘hehe’.

"It's very simple. The golden rum you got from the Drinkers' Guild is all fake~"

After saying that, he took out the golden rum he had collected.

The amber wine soup was stained with a layer of silvery moonlight.

Mysterious and elegant.


The rich aroma of wine made Sean's eyes light up.

The rum taken out of the restaurant suddenly didn't taste good.


"Huh~ This smell is really amazing."

Sean swallowed the rum in his glass with satisfaction.

Last time he invited Ethan to drink, this time it was the other way around.

"It turns out that all I drank was fake wine."

The tone was quite angry, and it was obvious that he had also been deceived.

After Ethan took a sip, he turned his left hand and a playing card appeared in his hand.

Five of hearts.

Sean glanced at it and took out a playing card with the same tacit understanding.

Three of Spades.

"What do these playing cards represent?"

During the Rainforest Trial, Sean once said that he would tell Ethan the meaning of the playing cards the next time they meet.

"House of Cards."

"House of Cards? Guild?"

Ethan frowned, it sounded like a guild organization.

"Well, it's not exactly the same as a guild in the general sense. It's a special private organization."

"The House of Cards has a long history. It is said that the House of Cards existed before the establishment of the Federation. Because it does not restrict the freedom of its members and holds many secrets, it has attracted many powerful people to join."

"Across all walks of life, all identities."

Ethan's heart moved, isn't this a spy organization?

Then he asked: "Mr. Kangnai is also a member of this organization?"

"Of course, Mr. Kangnai's cards are very big, and they are above flower cards."


“Well, the way House of Cards is organized is: cards first.

Generally speaking, cards in the House of Cards are not randomly issued, but are issued according to the potential and value of the holder. "

"The bigger the card, the greater its value potential. "

"In order:

"Wild cards (two cards);

"Arrow cards (four cards);

"Flower cards (twelve cards);

"Quasi cards (sixteen cards);

"Provisional cards (twenty cards). "

"Among them, there are only two Wild cards, held by the chief and deputy chiefs of the House of Cards, respectively. They are mysterious and few people have seen them. "

"Arrow cards are four A's, which are the chiefs of the four suits. "

"Flower cards refer to JQK, a total of twelve cards in four suits, which are the backbone of the House of Cards. Each card is a strong card and has the authority to designate cards. "

"Quasi cards refer to 7-10, a total of sixteen cards in four suits, which are formal members of the House of Cards and are also waist strength. "

"As for the temporary cards, they are 2-6, a total of twenty cards in four suits, which are observation cards and are not formal members. "

Ethan looked at the cards of the two, one three, one five, both temporary cards.

"Yes, we are both under observation, so the cards we hold are all below six."

"Your cards were issued by Mr. Connell, so he is at least a flower card or above, and it is possible that he is an arrow card."

"The holder of the arrow card has the authority to issue orders."

Ethan nodded secretly.

"What do the four suits represent?"

"Spades represent combat, hearts represent assistance, clubs represent power, and diamonds represent economy."

"The four suits are issued to holders in corresponding fields."

"Mine is spades, which means I belong to the temporary card of the combat group, and yours is hearts, which means you are the temporary card of the assistance group."

"And your cards are bigger than mine, which means your potential is much higher than mine."

"But I think you deserve spades more than hearts. "

When Ethan got this five of hearts, he was still in the circus.

The reason why Connell gave him the five of hearts was because he saw Ethan's talent in medical research, and at that time Ethan had not even awakened to the extraordinary.

PS: Recommendation tickets, monthly tickets fast track.

PS: Book group: 189698162, come to the bowl quickly~

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