Woo woo woo~

The steam train slowly drove into the platform.

The bustling passengers swarmed down.

A thin figure slowly walked out of the crowd, followed by a graceful white horse.

The combination of the young man and the white horse attracted many people's attention.

Ethan looked at the blue sky and white clouds above his head, feeling extremely comfortable.

After a lot of hard work, I finally came here.

Hello, Turing City.

Of all the cities in the Federation, Turing City is the city with the strongest bookish atmosphere.

This may be related to the magnificent tower shadow in the sky.

The Wizard Tower is an ancient relic that has been successfully reclaimed and is also the current residence of the Wizard Tower Guild.

Although it is called a tower, it is actually a building with hundreds of floors.

The tower is white, like a white nail inserted straight into the sky.

As one of the senators of the Rainbow Parliament, the Wizard Tower Guild is deeply loved by the people in Turing City.

Wizards believe in knowledge, and they believe that knowledge can be used as a lever to pry the whole world.

This is undoubtedly very consistent with the prototype of science.

This is also one of the reasons why Ethan wanted to come here.

Ethan walked on the streets paved with white marble, and was extremely shocked by the hustle and bustle of traffic.

What a prosperous city.

It really feels completely different from Behemoth City.

Open, clean, and literary.

This place is more like a medieval Europe.

But the most urgent thing is that Ethan still needs to find a place to stay.

As far as his current funds are concerned, he is able to buy a house of his own.

Although in a prosperous city like Turing City, this may require a small mortgage of Belo regularly.

But Ethan has no plans to do so at present.

The real estate in this world is far less turbulent than in the previous life.

People seem to be more willing to invest money in land reclamation.

Ethan is the same. This money may allow him to own a small shop.

While he imagines the future, he also has to solve the present.

In his hand is a small note with an address on it.

No. 114 Deep Blue Avenue - The Wizard of Oz.

This is an industry of the Chris family near Flo University, a herbal medicine store.

Ethan solved Mr. Turner's hidden illness and was recommended by him. It would be great if he could work here temporarily.


A flying broom flew over Ethan's head and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The strong airflow almost knocked over his hat, but unfortunately the note in his hand flew out.

He shook his head. It seems that there are motorcycle gangs everywhere.

The flying broom is a kind of black technology obtained from the relic reclamation. Once the drawings were discovered, they were taken by the Sweep Group with a keen eye.

This business behavior directly made Barnaby, the boss of the Sweep Group, the richest man in the Federation at that time.

The flying broom also topped the list of the most popular mobile vehicles with good mobility and portability.

However, the flying broom is not only expensive, but also requires a driver's license, and can only be purchased with a driver's license.

So compared with the flying broom, many people prefer to choose a more comfortable flying carpet as their vehicle.

"Slow down! Slow down!"

A delicate cry came, and then a flying broom stopped in mid-air to help Ethan catch the note that had not fallen yet.

The owner of the broom was a cute girl wearing a pair of huge glasses and a little baby fat on her face.

She adjusted her glasses, handed the note to Ethan with both hands, and nodded to him very apologetically.

"Sorry, sorry, my brother is riding a flying broom for the first time, so he is a little out of control."

Ethan took the note and smiled:

"It's okay, I'm not hurt."

Ethan rode on Xiaobai, and the woman sat on the flying broom and floated on one side of Ethan. She stared at the long scar on Xiaobai's waist, as if she was very interested.

"Hello, my name is Emma... It seems that you are not a local."

"Yeah~ That's true."

"Ethan, nice to meet you~"

Ethan took off his hat and saluted slightly.

"If possible, I can be your guide."

Emma, ​​who had some baby fat, adjusted her glasses again, and then inadvertently glanced at the scar on Xiaobai's body again.

"Deep Blue Avenue - The Wizard of Oz?"

Ethan shrugged, seeing that she was very confident, and handed the note to Emma without any hesitation.

Two hours later...

"Ahem~ That... How about we ask a local?"

I didn't expect that the girl in front of me was a person with poor directions.

"I am a local, you don't believe me~"

Emma looked at Ethan with a wronged face, as if she had suffered a great injustice.

Seeing this, Ethan quickly waved his hand to deny.

"No, no, no... That's not what I meant, you continue..."

"That's good, we should be there soon."

Emma nodded confidently.


Ethan sighed secretly. This was the 18th time she repeated this sentence.


Whoever believes it is a dog.

Although he took a lot of wronged roads, Ethan also saw the appearance of Turing City.

It must be said that the urban area is very planned, and each street is clearly divided.

In theory, this address should not be that difficult to find.

"Isn't this your brother's first time riding a broom? Aren't you worried about him?"

Ethan wanted to send Emma away quickly.

Who knows Emma smiled slightly: "Don't worry about him, he will be fine."

She doesn't seem to worry about her brother at all.

What to do.

The shadow is hiding under my feet now. Is it noon?


This is Emma's stomach.


This is Ethan's stomach.

"Well... we should go to the right again, yeah, that's right."


"We have been to this place just now... I remember this is Crimson Avenue."

Ethan has no hope for Emma.

Another hour passed.

In front of a green herbal medicine store, Ethan and Emma were so hungry that they couldn't straighten their backs.

"I told you! We'll be there soon."

Ethan rolled his eyes. I believed you!

He rode Xiaobai almost half a circle around Turing City.

In the end, Ethan found the road after he roughly figured it out.

But he finally got there.

The sign at the door reads "The Wizard of Oz" in the federal common language.

It seems that the scale of this pharmacy is really not small.

This store is located at the corner of Deep Blue Avenue, at the intersection of Crimson Avenue and Deep Blue Avenue.

At noon, there are still a few customers coming.

"Hello~ I want to find Mr. Occam."

The clerk just sent away the last customer, and he wiped his sweat and said, "Are you looking for the boss?"

"Then you have to wait a moment~ The boss is eating. Today is his favorite fried meatballs. He hates others interrupting him when he is eating meatballs."

The clerk shrugged and apologized.

"Okay, then I'll come back later."

Ethan had no choice but to wait a little longer.

At this time, a commotion broke out from the pharmacy.

"Boss! Boss! What's wrong with you?"

Ethan and Emma looked at each other, and sneaked in with a tacit understanding.

PS: Recommendation ticket through train~

PS: A new volume and a new beginning, report the number again~

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