Chapter 278 Departure~

The next day, early morning.

Quinn opened his eyes.

His head still hurt, and his stomach was churning.

He looked around and felt a little strange.

But there was a 'Fairy Tail' emblem painted on the wall.

This should be the Fairy Tail club lounge.

Thinking of yesterday's experience, Quinn didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He had never drunk so much alcohol before.

"You finally woke up."

Quinn looked up and saw that it was Ethan.

But he was in much better condition than himself.

Thinking of what Ethan said before he got drunk yesterday.

Quinn was silent.

At this moment, Ethan suddenly thought of something, and a bottle of golden rum appeared in his hand with his left hand.

Quinn was shocked when he saw this.

It was too cruel, too cruel.

Now his head still hurts, and he still drinks.

Isn't it just joining the club?

He showed bitterness at the moment: "I join!"

Ethan raised the rum and looked stunned.

After a hangover, drinking a sip of wine the next day can help you recover.

This is traditional experience.

But I didn't expect Quinn to agree to join directly.

"Hahaha, great!"

After saying that, he shook the bottle: "Come on, come on, celebrate your joining the club!"

Quinn was stunned.


Flo University has been very lively recently.

First, seven students suddenly disappeared inexplicably, which made everyone panic.

Then Fairy Tail cracked the hidden "Sign" and successfully entered.

Just when the management thought these people were making trouble, the whole Flo University actually echoed with bells.

This is one of the signs after the successful development.

So Flo University actually had another library overnight.

One black and one white.

Exactly the same appearance.

Principal Vic immediately announced that this was the hidden ruins of Flo University-the Twin Libraries.

Twin Libraries: It consists of two buildings, one black and one white, that look exactly the same. It is a semi-hidden ruin.


1. Quiet study: All sound waves in the library are weakened, readers are not easily distracted, and their concentration is greatly improved.

2. Protect eyesight: When reading in the library, the light is automatically adjusted to a comfortable level, the eyes will not be tired, and presbyopia and myopia will not occur.

3. Enhance memory: Readers can strengthen their understanding and memory when reading, and grasp the knowledge points more firmly.

4. Double time: The double-sided clock in the library can change the flow of time, so the time in the library is only half of that outside.

Especially the emergence of the fourth welfare made the twin libraries completely famous.

How rare is it to have a building that can change the rules of time.

Therefore, this twin library has become the focus of everyone's attention.

Flo University has set off a craze for reading.

And half of this twin library belongs to Fairy Tail.

So the Fairy Tail Club became the trend-setter of the school for a while.

And took the throne of the first club of Flo University.

Time flies.

Unknowingly, this semester finally ushered in the end of the semester.

The day of the Ten Schools League is not far away.

All the school exams have been completed one after another, and some students have begun to embark on the journey home.

Everyone will have a two-month vacation.

Of course, some students choose to stay in school.

Among them are all the core members of Fairy Tail.

It was at this time that Dana, the leader of the Pendulum Reading Club, who had been sleeping, finally woke up.

Although I don’t know why her mental state is very bad.

But at least there is no danger.

Ge Xia Palace.

Fairy Tail, the twelve core members are fully armed.

In order to welcome the "Ten Schools League" that will start soon.

Fairy Tail's training is becoming more frequent.

The team competition of the Ten Schools League is a confrontation in random terrain, which is a test of team ability.

Attack, defense, observation ability, tacit understanding, auxiliary logistics, etc.

Among the twelve people of Fairy Tail.

Robinson and Quinn were in observation positions, Nicole and Bidwen were in charge of roaming, Emma and Lisa were in charge of forwards and defense, Adam and Alang were in charge of flank harassment, Bingo and Ryder were in charge of support and logistics, and Ethan and Clark were in charge of central control.

It is worth mentioning that after joining Fairy Tail, Quinn pushed open the door of a room on the third floor, and learned a secret technique called "Trickery" from that room, which, combined with his talent and body skills, made him even more powerful.

"Ding Dong!"

At this time, two people were dueling in the courtyard of Ge Xia Palace.

Adam's long knife blocked Susie's evasive route.

Susie, holding a dagger, was very flexible and her attack was very sharp, but she could not break through Adam's defense.

On the other hand, Adam was also in a passive state. I don't know why he could not hit Susie.

Ethan, standing in front of the window of the third-floor reception room, watched the confrontation between the two. Behind him, Annie, the leader of the Frozen Rose, was drinking tea silently.

"Susie's eyes are very interesting."

Ethan narrowed his eyes. If he hadn't mastered the use of the 'light line' in the 'line of truth', it would have been difficult for him to discover the special ability of Susie's eyes.

Annie's face changed drastically when she heard this, and her jade hand paused: "...I didn't notice it."

Hearing this, Ethan smiled and passed it by.

After all, the two clubs were in a semi-cooperative and semi-competitive relationship.

"How do you think about my suggestion?"

Annie quickly changed the subject.

"Cooperation between the three societies?"

Ethan put down the teacup in his hand with a smile on his face.

"Of course I agree."

Just like in the ‘Rain Forest Trial’, everyone likes to join a group to keep warm.

It’s impossible to have too many enemies. Every club is a strong force in the ‘Ivy League’.

Not easy to deal with.

"It's just the battle of glory..."

At this time, Anne sighed: "That guy Jacob has been in some trouble recently, but he also agrees to my proposal. Don't worry about that."

Ethan chuckled.

He was certainly worried.

However, an alliance between the three teams is inevitable.

So the three major clubs of Flo University: Fairy Tail, Frozen Rose, and Battle of Glory, reached a preliminary agreement.

Non-finals: help each other; finals: everyone depends on their ability.

Finally, there are still ten days until the start of the game.

After this period of training, everyone has made great progress.

Flo train station.

The members of 'Frozen Rose' and 'Fight of Glory' are waiting for the arrival of the steam train.

Many citizens waved to them on the platform.

Cheers, flowers, applause.

Everyone is immersed in it.

"Why aren't the members of Fairy Tail here?"

"I do not know."

"I know they must be riding a dragon."

"Don't make trouble. No matter how big the dragon is, it can't be ridden by twelve people at the same time."


At this moment, a dragon roar resounded throughout the world.

"It's a dragon!"

"That's a dragon!"

People waved and cheered.

"Hey... what is that?"

Behind the dragon, a huge airship dyed with rainbow patterns passed by.

On board the airship were the core members of Fairy Tail.

They waved below and dropped colorful flowers from the airship.

There was a rain of petals on the platform.

The crowd below was stunned by such a scene, and there was an uproar for a while...

Ethan, who was riding on the dragon, looked at the people on the airship and then at the enthusiastic crowd below, and he couldn't help but feel infinite warmth in his heart.

Once upon a time, he was still a young man walking alone.

And now he is finally no longer alone!

The beginning, here we come~

(End of Volume 6)

PS: Recommended ticket, monthly ticket fast lane.

PS: Book group: 189698162, come to the bowl~

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