Matthew was seriously injured, with six broken ribs, internal organs damaged to varying degrees, weak breathing, and excessive blood loss.

The most important thing is that the pupils tend to be dilated.

Even Ethan was a little helpless.

"Bingo~ Can you read Senior Matthew's hourglass of life?"

Bingo crossed his arms, nodded slightly, and said softly: "In this state... I can only live for about twenty minutes."

Ethan's heart thumped.

That's too late.

Just suturing the internal organs took more than twenty minutes.

Another priest of the Church of Light who was stationed in the arena directly refused treatment, and then shook his head: "With such an injury, even after the baptism of light, the curse of the 'Net of the Abyss' will inevitably appear."

"I wouldn't dare snatch someone from the clutches of death."

It is true that light baptism cannot cure internal injuries. If the baptism is performed forcefully, a large number of blood clots will occur.

After hearing this, Sarah collapsed in the corner of the ward, crying like a helpless child.

Ethan gritted his teeth and pushed the priest away.

"Bingo ripped his clothes off!"


Bingo looked shocked, but seeing Ethan's serious expression, he still obeyed.

Ethan held a flame lamp in his left hand, and a scalpel carved from obsidian in his right hand.

This obsidian was obtained from the 'Obsidian Tavern' that he and Lisa opened up. He originally wanted to put it up for auction at the auction house, but then he suddenly had a sudden idea and built a set of obsidian scalpels.

After simple disinfection with a flame, Ethan disinfected his hands with medical alcohol prepared by himself, and then handed it to Bingo.

They were not surprised when they saw medical alcohol. During the experiment in the laboratory, Ethan had already popularized the effects of alcohol.

"No matter what I do later, please trust me."

Ethan glanced at everyone, especially Sarah, who nodded confusedly. At this time, her mind had already become a ball of mush, just hoping to seize Matthew's chance of survival.

"As long as I can save Matthew."

"I try my best."

Ethan released thoughts with his right hand to directly block part of Matthew's nerve bundles, so that Matthew was temporarily unable to move.

Ethan took a deep breath. What he was going to do next would probably be unacceptable to people in this world.

It can be described as appalling.

But he had no time to hesitate.

Holding the knife in his right hand like a pen, the obsidian scalpel directly cut open Matthew's stomach.


Sarah fainted immediately, but fortunately she was hugged by Annie who had quick eyesight and quick hands next to her.

"what are you up to?!"

"You are desecrating his body! You are desecrating the gods!"

"The God of Light is above..."

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene, especially the pastor of the Light Church who was trembling with fear and muttering as if he wanted to curse Ethan.


Without too much nonsense, Adam directly raised his hand and struck with the knife.

The priest immediately fell to the ground.

Suddenly there was silence in the medical room.

Matthew's abdominal cavity was cut open in public, and there were bleeding spots everywhere in his field of vision. His stomach sac was ruptured, his gallbladder was ruptured, and a blood hole appeared directly on his liver, from which a large amount of blood flowed out.

Twenty minutes just to find the blood spots may not be enough, let alone suturing.

Suddenly, Ethan's eyes lit up, and a stack of 'band-aids' that he had made with thought thread appeared in his hand.

Apply the Band-Aid directly to a bleeding point and it will stop the bleeding immediately.

The band-aid has Ethan's mind power, which has a coagulating effect and can temporarily stop bleeding.

At this moment, Bingo suddenly asked: "Boss, he is dying, how much longer do you need?"

Except for some larger wounds, the bleeding on Matthew's body had basically stopped.

But the breath line is still very weak, and the most important thing is that it is obviously too late in time.

Because Ethan could sense that Matthew's breath line had begun to become weaker and weaker.

"Less than five minutes."

Bingo glanced at Matthew's hourglass of life, and his tone was quite calm.

At this moment, Bingo suddenly said anxiously: "Boss, there are cracks on the hourglass."

When a person's life comes to an end, the hourglass of life will break, and the sand inside will flow out and be eventually washed away by the long river of time.

Once there is a crack in the hourglass of life, it means that the person is on his deathbed.

Ethan's hand that was suturing the bile duct stopped.

His worst fear happened.

Cardiac arrest.

Ethan took a deep breath and reached out directly to hold Matthew's heart.


At this time, Alang couldn't bear it anymore and lay on the ground and vomited.

After all, he had just joined the laboratory not long ago and had not experienced the baptism of dissection. However, Nicole and Bingo had long been accustomed to it under Ethan's influence. They had dissected various corpses more than once.

Matthew's heart was very hard, and Ethan happened to hold it with one hand, feeling the faint warmth coming from the heart, and could vaguely catch a trace of the beating heart.

Just like a car stuck in a quagmire, no matter how hard you accelerator, it just can't move in place. At this time, Ethan needs to push him from behind.


Ethan's hands were a little stiff. This was probably the only way to get his heart beating again, so he had to grasp it carefully.


He could feel his heart responding, Matthew's heart wanting to beat.





Seeing this scene, Ethan finally withdrew his hand.

Matthew is really lucky. Hand-to-hand CPR was rarely used even in his previous life. Whether it can succeed really depends on God's will.

"Boss, the cracks in the hourglass have begun to repair."

The repair of the cracks in the hourglass means that Matthew's life is recovering.

"Wait, the cracks on the hourglass have stopped again, and... there is a trend of increasing."


The heart beats not much, but it beats too fast. In the end, it is like a cramp, just shaking slightly.

Ventricular fibrillation!

No adrenaline, no pacemaker, I am too naive.

Ethan shook his head and sighed. When he was about to give up, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the

Um... pacemaker?

Electric shock device!

Ethan was overjoyed.

"Alang! Both hands are charged."


"High voltage electricity, do you remember what I told you?"

Ethan once told Alang about electricity in the laboratory. The electricity released by Alang himself is direct current, and the defibrillator itself is a capacitor that charges and discharges, which is also direct current.

It is similar to the principle of an electric fly swatter.

Generating several thousand volts of charge in a short period of time, instantly removing all the disordered electrical signals of the heart, which is equivalent to restarting after a crash.

It just so happens that Alang's limit is only a few thousand volts, and because he generates electricity through friction, the electrical energy stored in his body is not much, and it will not cause excessive damage to Matthew.



Alang's hands are shining with silver light.

"Alang, I only need a moment, do you understand?"

Alang nodded: "I understand!"

Ethan pointed to Matthew's chest and indicated that he could start.


Matthew's heart seemed to be acupunctured, and the ventricular fibrillation did disappear, but Nima didn't even beat.

Ethan was sweating.

"One more time!"


The heart spasmed again, and then there was no response.

"The third time!"

Ethan's heart was beating, this was the last time...

PS: Thanks to the book friend Ai Si Tang Dou Ren for the reward, I understand~

PS: Recommendation ticket, monthly ticket fast lane.

PS: Book group: 189698162, come to the bowl quickly~

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