Ethan was very curious. Since Lisa and her group had almost lost half of their lives in the battle, why didn't they choose to return?

Were they attracted by something?

Or was there any clue to the treasure?

Or... could they not turn back?

When Ethan suddenly realized the answer to this question, he was already deeply involved in it.

Behind him, the street lamps that had been standing quietly on both sides of the road were now like gangsters, swaying in the void.

The smiling faces formed by the leaping flames looked particularly gloomy in the glass cover.

Ethan shuddered at just a glance.

So he made up his mind and continued to move forward.

"Ding Dang!"

"Ding Dang!"

After running for an unknown period of time, Ethan suddenly stopped.

He vaguely heard the sound of swords colliding.

Ethan took a few steps and saw four figures.

"It's you!"

The four people were Lisa and her group.

At this time, everyone was injured and looked embarrassed.

Behind them, only half of the body was left, and the other had fainted, and it was unknown whether he was alive or dead.

The one fighting against them was a treasure chest monster disguised as a treasure chest.

Its huge body almost filled the road.

Shaking the lid of the treasure chest, the pull ring on it made a "clattering" sound.

It looked cute.

But when it opened its mouth, Ethan saw its mouth full of fangs and the other half of the mercenary's body.

The big mouth chewed back and forth, and blood dripped down the teeth onto the road, and the fishy smell was pervasive.

Miss Lisa couldn't help but lie on the ground and vomit.

The leading mercenary, holding a large shield, buried his head to resist the invasion of the treasure chest monster, and the other two found the right time to sneak attack behind him.

This is a bit like the game of eagle catching chickens.

It's just that the leading mercenary consumed a lot, his steps were a little unstable, and his body began to shake.


At this time, Lisa's greatsword was launched at the right time, and this sword was very powerful, just hitting the lid of the treasure chest monster.


The treasure chest monster took two steps back in a humane way, turned around and stood firm again.

Shaking its head, the treasure chest monster rushed up again.

This time its expression became more ferocious, and it attacked the group like crazy.

Opening its bloody mouth, mucus gushed out of its mouth.


Ethan dared not hesitate, and made a prompt decision: "I declare that you are guilty."

The three-piece set of sin seal, flame, and chain instantly enveloped the treasure chest monster.


When a shackle reappeared from the void, it sounded the death knell for the treasure chest monster.

The treasure chest monster fixed by the shackle was smashed to death by Lisa's wielding sword~


Ethan vaguely heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground coming from the belly of the treasure chest monster.

So he went forward to search.


Everyone panted and fell to the ground one by one.

"Thank you, brother!"

A wounded mercenary guard said exhaustedly.

When he saw Ethan, his face was slightly surprised: "It's you?!"

"I didn't expect to see you again so soon."

The mercenary curled up his legs, his right arm drooped weakly, obviously he had no fighting power.

Ethan couldn't bear it and glanced at Lisa.

The arrogant young lady who was originally arrogant was now sitting helplessly on the ground, burying her face deeply between her legs and crying silently.

He witnessed this group of mercenaries dying for him one after another, but he was powerless.

And the initiator of all these consequences was himself.

She felt guilty, helpless, and panicked, and finally became the poor little girl she is now.

Ethan felt soft in his heart when he saw it. He originally wanted to question the dead brothers, but he was no longer in the mood.


Ethan stood in front of the remains of the treasure chest monster and pulled out the half body that had not been chewed up. It was the remains of the dead mercenary.

Under the remains, the sound was a black metal block the size of an adult's fist.

At this time, Ethan's mind appeared a metal needed for the anchor in the "Dawn of the World" illustration: dragon scale.

It is said that it is a metal that even dragons cannot digest.

I don't know how long this thing has been in the stomach of the treasure chest monster.

When everyone saw the black metal block in Ethan's hand, they did not show too much desire.

Because the treasure chest monster was subdued by Ethan, and their lives were also saved by Ethan.

It is a bit unreasonable to take the spoils again.

Ethan did not give in too much and put the dragon scale ore into the illustration book of "Dawn of the World".

Except for the captain who used the big shield, the rest of the mercenaries were awakened through the baptism ceremony "Greetings from the God of Light".

People who awakened through the "Greetings from the God of Light" can constantly restore their physical strength and telekinesis in places with light.

But in this dark environment, they are no different from ordinary people.

After about a cup of tea, Ethan stood up first:

"We can't stay here for too long, we have to find a way out quickly."

As soon as the voice fell, Miss Lisa raised her head first, with tears still on her face, but her eyes were much firmer.

She took out three ancient coins from her arms, put her hands together to cover the coins in her palms, and then closed her eyes and muttered something.

Suddenly she opened her eyes, and three ancient coins were thrown into the air by her, shouting: "Money opens the way!"

Ethan guessed that this should be her extraordinary ability, which can determine the direction through the scattered coins.

"Hua La La~"

Three coins fell to the ground, and one of them rolled to Ethan's feet.

Lisa glanced at the location of the three coins, her eyes dim.

"Woo woo woo~ Still too few~"

In fact, this simple ritual is the same as Ethan's "Crime and Punishment", which is an ability given by the baptism ceremony, which can use the copper coins with prophetic power to divination what you think in your heart.

Lisa was able to find this cave tunnel because she used this ritual to divination.

Ethan looked at her lost soul, and she probably didn't get the answer she wanted.

So he sighed and bent down to pick up the copper coin.


The copper coin lying in his palm was "words" facing up, and this font was similar to the words on the divination copper coin that Yuna gave him.

Could it be...

Ethan turned the copper coin over, and it was indeed similar to his own, also a bust.

However, the bust on this copper coin is a priest holding a totem staff.

And the one I own is a fortune teller holding a crystal ball.

When I think of Lisa's mumbling words "too few", I understand what's going on.

It seems that the divination ceremony failed, probably because there are too few coins.

Ethan walked to her side and said, "How about adding this one to try?"

Lisa didn't even raise her head, just stretched out her slender jade hand.

Ethan was helpless, knowing that she was in a bad mood, and didn't remind her, just put two copper coins in her hand and turned away.

"Ding Dong!"

Lisa herself was absent-minded and ignored Ethan, but the feeling of the copper coins falling in her hand...

How could there be two? !

Lisa raised her head and looked at her palm in surprise, and then looked at Ethan's back.

As if encountering something incredible, a blush spread from the back of her ears after a moment.

The prophecy many years ago came to mind, and Lisa's eyes secretly looking at Ethan also changed.

Ethan was still unaware, and just shook his head waiting for Lisa's divination result.

"Money opens the way!"


Four copper coins were scattered in four directions, and three of them were "words", and only the one opposite Lisa was a fortune teller holding a crystal ball.

Lisa was happy at first, but then she was depressed.

Because this coin pointed to the deeper part of the tunnel.

PS: Thanks to the huge reward and long-term support from Fantasy White Cat, Cauliflower can finally eat pickled mustard~

PS: Recommendation votes... hand them in. []

PS: This volume has 32 chapters, and it will soon enter the third volume. Thank you for your support~

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