"Open a magic network?"

Arthur looked at Ethan in surprise, wondering how he could have such an idea.

"I just want to ask, but there is very little information about the Magic Network in the library of Flo University. I wonder if the Twelve Creation families have a long history, and there will be no records in this regard."

Unconsciously, the cigarette in Arthur's hand was almost burned out.

"There seems to be relevant records about opening a magic network."

"Legend has it that senkels live at the bottom of the Fountain of Youth. They can eat sand from the river of time and then give birth to senbei spirits, but there are exceptions.

In the central area where senbei live, the royal family of senbei live, and they have the ability to open a magic network. "

When Ethan heard this, he was immediately puzzled: "Royal Senkai? What are their characteristics? How to distinguish them?"

Arthur: "Patterns, the patterns on senbei. The patterns on ordinary senbei are the water patterns of the long river of time. The royal senbei that live in the spring in the center of the Spring of Youth have swirling patterns on their bodies."

As soon as these words came out, Ethan was stunned.

Swirl pattern?

Doesn’t my Senbei Mayun have swirling patterns on her body?

It's true that you can't find anything without wearing iron shoes, and it doesn't take any effort to get it.

At this time, Arthur looked at the sky and stood up and said, "That's it for today. Let's go back early."

Arthur is still worried about the mysterious people who recently investigated Ethan.

After the two separated, Ethan didn't stop and rode directly on Xiaobai back to Gesha Palace.

Back in his study, Ethan hurriedly took out his senbei.

There are circles of whirlpool marks engraved on the senbei. I recall that when Mrs. Jasmine handed the senbei to her, she had specifically told her that this senbei was different from the others and would be a surprise.

Now that I think about it, it seems that Mrs. Jasmine knew some secrets about senbei at that time.

"Da da da."

The senbei opens.

The senbei elf with cool clothes and flamboyant personality was swinging a small leather whip, and behind her, a translucent shadow was crawling beside her silently.

"My Lady Queen~"

Ethan looked at Ma Yun jokingly.

When the latter saw it was Ethan, his eyes lit up and a smile flashed on his face.

"Has someone sent Bello here again?"

Ethan has had a lot of unexpected gains in recent times, and Ma Yun has a taste for marrow.

Ethan shook his head awkwardly.

"Are you a royal senbei?"

Without further ado, Ethan asked straight to the point.

Ma Yun shrugged and nodded lightly.

"Then do you know how to open a magic network?"

"Open a magic network?"

Ma Yun stared at Ethan curiously.

"Of course~"

Ethan was overjoyed, but soon a basin of cold water was poured over him.

"However, it cannot be opened now."


"Because you are too poor."

"What did you say?"

Ethan's first pot of gold should have been the 10MB Bello obtained after completing the Bounty Club's mission in Beamon City. He then leased the 'Obsidian Tavern' for a long time to the Chris family, Lisa's father. Then he developed an anti-venom serum and made a sure profit, which was donated by fellow Taoists in the Rainforest Trial.

Calculated, my assets are already more than 200 trillion dollars.

In the city of Turing, he is a small rich man.


Ma Yun looked at Ethan like a fool.

"It is said that the long river of time stops at the Fountain of Youth. The senkai scallops in the Fountain of Youth swallow the sand and give birth to senkai elves. In fact, there is another kind of 'senkai' in the fountain of youth. They can also swallow the 'sands of time', but they are No elves will be born.”

"These are star shells. They can give birth to 'star spirits'. Star spirits naturally belong to the sky. When star spirits appear in the sky, they can establish a new magic network."

"So this is how the magic network came about."

Ethan nodded.

"Then why do we need royal celestial beings to open a magic network?"

At this time, Ma Yun looked proud, and the small whip in her hand made a 'click' sound.

"That's because if the star spirits want to fly into the sky, they must open the door to the star world, and the key to the door to the star world lies with our royal fairy shell."

"The key to the astral gate? What is that?"

Ethan's eyes lit up when he saw the small whip in Ma Yun's hand.

"Isn't it a prop for the awakening of your royal celestial beings?"

Ma Yun glanced at Ethan in surprise: "She still has some brains."

"The biggest difference between royal senbei and ordinary senbei is the props used to awaken them. The props of royal senbei have the right to open up magic nets."

Ethan suddenly realized: "You mean you can use this whip to split the star door?"

Ma Yun shook her whip proudly.

"It's not just about opening the door, it's also about fixing the stars in the sky."

"Then...how many bellows are needed?"

If Ma Yun continues this whip, he can easily start with 1MB, which can make Ethan bankrupt in minutes.

The corners of her mouth curved into a cruel smile, and then she raised her left index finger.

Ethan was stunned, swallowed hard, and said tremblingly: "1GB?!"

Ma Yun snorted coldly and glanced at Ethan contemptuously: "1TB!"

What is the concept of 1TB?


The current Ethan is only a few hundred MB at best.


I am indeed a bit wishful thinking.

No wonder only the government in the entire federation can open the magic network.

"Another point is that the number of star shells is very small. Even if you have enough shells, you may not be able to find a suitable star spirit."

Ethan was stunned.

"What does a star spirit look like?"

Ma Yun shook her head: "I haven't seen what a star spirit looks like either. Star spirits are usually hidden in star cores."

"Star core?"

"When star shells devour sand, star cores are bred. Star spirits are wrapped in star cores. Star spirits cannot break free from the constraints of star cores under the sky. Only by opening the gate to the star world and hanging the star core in the sky can star spirits hatch."

"So that's it."

Ethan fell into deep thought after hearing Ma Yun's explanation.

The reason why the royal fairy shells can open the magic net is because they can open the gate to the star world, and this process requires a lot of shells.

So are there other ways to open the gate to the star world?

If you want to put the star core in the sky, Ethan still has some experience.

After all, he once sent a lake to the sky to make the moon during the rainforest trial.

At that time, two secret techniques passed down by the Dragon God, ‘Guixu’ and ‘Tonghui’, were used.

Among them, ‘Guixu’ is to fix things in the sky.

Similarly, can the ‘Guixu’ method be used to put the star core up there?

“Then… how many shells are needed to simply open the Star Gate?”

“Just open the Star Gate?”

Ethan nodded hurriedly.

“Opening the Star Gate is free.”

Hearing this, Ethan’s heart was excited.

It’s a bit like, a bowl of noodles with gravy costs 70, and the gravy is free.

Then let’s have a bowl of gravy first~

Just when he wanted to ask for more details, he suddenly heard someone shouting outside the window.

“Boss, boss! Ethan! Ethan!”

Ethan put away the senbei, walked to the window, and suddenly opened the curtains. Ten thousand rays of sunlight shone in. He squinted and looked at the blue sky and white clouds, the sky was clear, and a huge airship was hanging high in the sky in the blue sky.

PS: Recommendation ticket and monthly ticket fast lane

PS: Book group: 189698162, come to the bowl quickly~

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