According to the information from the Bounty Society, the daughter of the wealthy businessman is named Lisa Chris, and she is a rookie mercenary who likes adventure.

In order to ensure the safety of this mercenary when she goes out, her father not only arranged a bodyguard for her, but also hired eight mercenaries as guides from the Bounty Society.

Who knew that this stubborn bronze like Ethan would send away his bodyguards and take the other eight stubborn bronzes to the end of the world.

Ignorance is fearless.

When Ethan got Lisa's photo, he was stunned on the spot.

Isn't this the young lady who wanted to catch Xiaobai?

Fate is really wonderful.

I remember that he was accompanied by seven or eight mercenaries at that time, and they should be them...

Thinking of her character of not doing anything but dying, Ethan was relieved.

Whether he can reach Turing City before the end of the registration date depends on whether the young lady can give him strength.

North of Behemoth City, Greedy Cave.

Ethan stood in front of the entrance of the cave, looking at the information he bought with 50 Belos in his hand, and fell into deep thought.

Greedy Cave is a multi-story building, which has been developed to the seventh floor.

The first three floors are also called mines because they are not very dangerous, and a large number of adventurers visit every day.

The information Ethan bought includes the map of the first three floors.

The value of the ruins map is determined by the number of reference objects.

The map in Ethan's hand only has three or five reference objects on each floor.

To be honest, this is too unfair for Belohua.

But there is no way, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

The reason why I came here is that when I said goodbye to Lisa and her group yesterday, I vaguely heard her yelling that she wanted to explore the mine.

Originally, Ethan didn't know where the mine was until he heard it from others when he bought the ticket later.

It turns out that the mine refers to the first three floors of the Greedy Cave.

So Ethan came here in a hurry.

But as a newcomer who has just awakened to the extraordinary, he is still a little afraid of this kind of treasure ruins.

Among the ruins that Ethan has experienced so far, the most dangerous one is the Flower Sea Ruins, but at that time, he was protected by Conner and didn't feel scared.

After that, the ‘Fountain of Courage’ and ‘Fountain of Enlightenment’ in the Temple of Muse are both blessed relics, which are very rare in themselves, but not dangerous at all.

The last ‘Big Ship’ relic is a heritage relic, but the conditions for entering are very strict, and the danger itself is not great.

On the contrary, the Greedy Cave in front of us is a complete treasure relic.

Treasure relics are a special kind of relics, and they are also the most mixed ones in the legend of mechanisms, creatures, and mysteries.

A rookie like me... am I a little overestimating my own abilities.


"People die and birds fly up to the sky!"

Anyway, he can only go up to the third floor at most.

Ethan got ruthless in his heart, pulled out the dagger on his body, and went in.

As soon as he entered, Ethan frowned.

It is worthy of the name of the ‘mine cave’, and the first feeling it gives people is deep and depressing.

At a glance, it is a vast black. When Ethan is in it, he feels the tranquility from the depths of his soul, and an inexplicable panic rises in his heart.

There is a burning whale oil torch at intervals on both sides of the wall, and the flickering flame makes Ethan's figure look fierce.

These torches are not only for lighting, but also for dispelling some evil spirits.

The smell of burning whale oil can dispel some timid supernatural creatures.

When the whale oil torch goes out for no reason, you'd better be careful.

It is said that every time the torch goes out, someone will die.

Maybe it's lack of oxygen? Ethan didn't comment.

The road in the mine is narrow and low, and even Ethan sometimes needs to lower his head slightly to pass smoothly.

According to the map purchased from the bounty agency, the mine on the first floor has long been developed by people, and a main trunk and two branches are clear at a glance.

Every day, adventurers just come here to pick up leaks.

I guess this shouldn't interest the eldest lady.

She is probably just looking for novelty and excitement.

Ethan walked along the map, and it was really unremarkable.

Following a spiral staircase, Ethan came to the second floor.

Compared with the first level, there are more adventurers in the second level of the mine, and the road is becoming more complicated.

In addition to the reference objects marked on the map, there are many more branches, which may have been opened recently.

Ethan found that there were many "miners" coming in and out of almost every branch, and he immediately denied the second level.

If there were so many people, people would probably not be missing.

Ethan stood at the entrance of the third level, hesitant.

At this time, a bearded adventurer just came up from the third level, and the two of them happened to meet.

Ethan nodded to the other party for some reason, which was his habit.

The other party probably rarely saw this kind of polite nod, and stretched out his hand to stop Ethan who was about to go down: "Brother, there may be something wrong with the whale oil torch on the third level. If I were you, I would go another time."

Ethan looked at the voice and saw that the other party was a tall man, dressed like a beggar, with dark brown messy hair and beard covering most of his face, leaving only a pair of eyes outside, a little embarrassed.

Poverty brought us together.

Looking at the dark cave entrance on the third floor, Ethan hesitated a little, but still smiled back: "Thank you, friend, I will be careful."

"Well~Okay then."

He nodded like Ethan and left directly.

Ethan sighed, life, there is only one word "reckless".

Turned around and went down the stairs.

When Ethan really stepped onto the land of the third floor, a cold breath suddenly hit him. The whale oil torches around him flickered as the bearded adventurer said, and then returned to normal.

Ethan leaned against the wall cautiously, holding the dagger in his hand in front of his chest, and kept alert at all times.

Perhaps because of the whale oil torch, there seemed to be no other adventurers on the third floor.

Alas, the worst case scenario.

Opening the map, there are only five reference points on the third floor, and these five points are the five largest branches on the third floor.

As soon as Ethan saw this, he felt sorry for the fifty belos again.

There is no way to be stubborn. Bronze-level mercenaries have almost no substantial discounts.

If it is "Glorious Gold", this map can be at least 50% off, and if it is "Noble Platinum", it can be applied for free.

For "Eternal Diamond" level mercenaries, they may even get a map that is ten times more detailed.

This is the gap.

Life, a word "endurance" is enough.

Ethan walked tremblingly along the main road. When he came to the third whale oil torch, a deep branch road appeared beside the main road. This was the first reference point on the map.

Ethan did not intend to go in, but continued to move forward. The entire main road was a ring, and he needed to understand the general route first to facilitate his actions.

Just like that, when he appeared at the third reference point, the whale oil torch on the wall flickered again.

Ethan, who was about to leave, suddenly retreated.

Because at the entrance of this branch road, there was a very clear scratch on the top of the tunnel. It looked like it had just appeared not long ago, and it should be caused by a blade slash.

Ethan roughly measured the width of the tunnel with his footsteps...

For no reason, I thought of Miss Lisa's exaggerated sword.

She wouldn't be stupid enough to use a sword in such a place.

Ethan's mind sank, and he found that it was really possible.

Looking at the deep branch road tunnel, Ethan had the idea of ​​wanting to find out.

At this moment, Bryant emerged from the shadows, looked toward the tunnel, climbed onto Ethan's shoulder and whispered.

There was a strong smell of blood ahead...

PS: This book is still in progress, I hope friends who have voted can support it~

In addition, this week and next week, we should be able to achieve the achievement of "reaching a higher level". If there are still investment opportunities, you can invest, it is a sure win.

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