"The Apostle Walker mysteriously disappeared from public view. Overnight, the name became taboo, and gradually everyone forgot about it."

Arthur sighed. He was still a young man when the Apostle Walker was at its peak. At that time, he experienced the disintegration of a giant, but he didn't have many feelings. But looking back now, he turned out to be a witness to history, and he felt a lot in his heart at that time. Feeling.

"Except for Mr. Kangnai and the teacher, some of the survivors from that year joined Prism due to lust, some kept their names anonymous and no longer live in the world, and some were quietly dormant in the dark."

"But I have to admit that since then, the Prism Organization has become a dominant, rule-maker in the extraordinary world."

When Ethan heard this, he couldn't help but ask: "Isn't there a 'Parliament of Stars' that competes with the Rainbow Council? Do they just let Prism do whatever he wants?"

Arthur sneered.

"In fact, you should have guessed that you are of the divine bloodline of Genesis. If they were so considerate, would you have been forced to wander since you were a child?"

Ethan suddenly became speechless after hearing this.

"That group of people have forgotten the glory of blood. They have long been infiltrated by the flies and dogs of this world and have become insensitive. I am really ashamed of the name of the creation star."

Arthur's eyes were dark and his tone was quite resentful.

He turned around just in time to see Ethan's burning eyes.

"Are you...also...a descendant of the God of Creation?"

Ethan looked at Arthur in surprise.

The latter blew out a smoke ring, letting it slowly fade and finally disappear.

Arthur didn't answer, but Ethan took it as his acquiescence.

The bloodline of the Creation Goddess is sacred, and even the 'Rosemary' nobles dare not offend them easily. However, this aloof and independent style gradually makes them separate from the world and become more independent of external objects.

This is probably the reason why Arthur is angry.

"By the way, you said before that you didn't use the baptism ceremony that the teacher left for you? Then how did you awaken?"

Ethan recounted his experience of being baptized after he was forced to leave the circus, broke into the fog, and simply followed the strange noises in his mind to find the black box.

"Death penalty?"

Arthur said the name silently.

"This baptism ceremony has not appeared in the records of the various families of the Creation God Descendants. You should be the first dependent to be baptized."

Ethan nodded silently, and without saying anything else, just relying on the two secret techniques of Lame Smith's body training and weaving techniques on the black box, he felt that they were of great benefit.

"Brother Arthur, is the baptism ceremony in that library... the family inheritance ceremony of my bloodline?"

Arthur smiled and shook his head.

"Certainly not."

"The baptism ceremony is actually a process of activating the mind power of the human body and then establishing a mind path in the human body."

"Only after passing the baptism ceremony and establishing a complete set of thoughts in the body, can the thoughts circulate in the body and successfully awaken to the extraordinary."

"And you have the bloodline of two creation gods, and are restricted by the 'Nebula Chain'. You cannot pass any kind of baptism ceremony. Naturally, your mind power cannot be activated, and you cannot build a mind path in your body."

"Each family of the Creation Gods has its own exclusive baptism ceremony, but if you have the restriction of the 'Nebula Chain', you will not be able to pass even your family's exclusive baptism ceremony."

"And constructing a thought path requires a specific method, and I don't know what method it is."

"What's more... the teacher's bloodline is particularly special, and the exclusive baptism ceremony has long been invalid, so what he gave you cannot be your family's baptism ceremony."

After listening to Arthur's explanation, Ethan had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

Awakening to transcendence is actually the process of constructing a thought path.

Since the 'Nebula Chain' is restricted, he simply cannot construct a thought path through the baptism ceremony. However, there is another way to construct a thought path, which is actually the 'Spiritual Thought Totem'.

Ordinary totems can build a thought path on the thought tool. When the user's thought power passes through the thought path, a special energy effect will burst out.

The spiritual totem, on the other hand, directly constructs a thought path on the user who is compatible with it. This method is more like carving out a new circulatory system in the user's body to store and operate the thought power. It is similar to the baptism ceremony. .

It seems that the black box he accidentally found on that big ship is a kind of 'spiritual totem', and it is a spiritual totem that suits him.

What kind of existence is the totem of spiritual thoughts?

How did his cheap father know?

The family's baptism ceremony was no longer valid, so how did he awaken?

Could it be that...he also has the restriction of the 'Nebula Chain'? !

If he also has it, doesn't he have the bloodline ability of at least three creation gods? !

Thinking of this, Ethan shook his head, these ethereal things were too unbelievable.

"Brother Arthur, you just said that this bloodline in me is so special that even the baptism ceremony is invalid. What do you mean?"

Arthur took a deep breath from the cigarette, and the strong smell made him addicted.

He glanced at Ethan and seemed to be trying to observe Ethan's expression.

"Actually, it doesn't hurt to tell you... This is not a secret among the twelve families of the Creation Gods."

He put out the cigarette butt, threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, took out another one from his body, and put it to his mouth without lighting it.

"There are actually thirteen of the twelve families of creation."


Ethan was a little surprised, and obviously couldn't digest what Arthur said.

However, Ethan had asked Nicole before, and she had also said that none of the families of the descendants of the God of Creation had linear thoughts.

At that time, Ethan was depressed for a long time, and he doubted that he was not a descendant of the God of Creation at all.

"Legend has it that when the God of Creation created the entire world, there were thirteen assistants who were transformed from the stars in the sky, and these thirteen assistants were the ancestors of the descendants of the God of Creation. The teacher's bloodline is the thirteenth family forgotten by the world, the Ophiuchus-Augustus family."

"Then why was it forgotten?"

"According to the records of family history, it is said that the Ophiuchus-Augustus family is the closest to the God of Creation among the descendants of the God of Creation. This bloodline has unparalleled divine power and can control the life and death of humans. It was once considered the successor of the God of Creation, surpassing the other twelve families."

"No matter how serious the injury is, as long as Augustus takes action, it will definitely turn the danger into a disaster. Therefore, Augustus saved many human lives and was called the 'enemy of the god of death'. "

"But... this angered the god of death who controlled the underworld. He used his supreme power to seal the blood of the Augustus family, which was greatly restricted. Since then, the Augustus family could no longer be baptized through exclusive rituals, and their abilities no longer existed. Gradually, the entire family fell into decline. "

"I don't know when the Augustus family was stripped out of the ranks of the descendants of the gods of creation, and was gradually forgotten by humans. The thirteen families became the current twelve families. "

Ethan's head was confused. He didn't expect that there was such a secret among the descendants of the gods of creation.

"But it's not all bad. Although the seal of the god of death sealed part of the bloodline ability, it also allowed your bloodline to understand the language of snakes. "

Arthur smiled at Ethan.

Ethan only then realized that he had known that he could understand snake language!

PS: Recommendation ticket, monthly ticket fast lane

PS: Book group: 189698162, come to the bowl quickly~

PS: The emotional line of the protagonist has been modified in some of the previous chapters, and the part about the heroine has been blurred~

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