
Dry well!

There is a circular icon in the middle of the map, with the words "dry well" written on it.

This place is most easily overlooked, and Ethan had been searching for it one page at a time before, so he ignored this place.

Seeing this name at this time, Ethan felt quite enlightened.

Round, wellhead, no problem.

This dry well is not far from where Ethan is. After spending another morning, Ethan finally found the location of the dry well.

The dry well is surrounded by mountains in the Anluns Mountains, with steep cliffs on all sides.

Because of the mountains around it, there is no sunlight around the dry well all year round, resulting in a dry and yellow area with a bleak vitality.

The wellhead is not big, with a diameter of about one meter, and can only accommodate one person in and out.

"The sky of memory, the wind and clouds change."

The sky of memory? The wind and clouds change?

Ethan frowned, and thought of the map on the previous epiphany spring, the circular mark at the last position and the cloud symbol on the mark.

Could it be related to the clouds in the sky?

Ethan glanced at the sky.

There were no clouds in the sky.

Looking at the dark bottom of the well, Ethan was puzzled. He took out the lighting crystal from the space and found that it was still dark after the light shone in.

Could it be that he had to go down to the bottom of the well to feel the difference?

He stayed there for a long time, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

He no longer hesitated, pulled out a line, and jumped in carefully.

To Ethan's surprise, the dry well was not deep, and he soon got to the bottom of the well.

It was obvious that this place had been dry for a long time, and there was no trace of water at the bottom.

Compared with the wellhead, the bottom of the well was much more spacious, and it seemed that three long and narrow passages were dug out of the ground.

Except for the wall behind Ethan at this time, which was surprisingly smooth.

A fishy smell caught Ethan's attention.

He didn't pay much attention to it when he was at the wellhead before, until he went down to the bottom of the well, he found that there was an extra breath line in the Qiansi Lingwei.

Combined with the stench just now, Ethan suddenly understood that this dry well had been here for who knows how many years, and there must be creatures living here.

Thinking of this, Ethan's movements instantly became much smaller.

There are three walls and three passages. Judging from the shape of the passages, it is certain that it was not done by humans.

It is more like some kind of strange beast, and the size of the strange beast should not be large.

Ethan didn't care about these, he just wanted to solve the puzzle on the wedge now.

He chose a passage and walked down. According to the breath line of Qiansi Lingxiu, the target creature seemed to be not far away.

Ethan held the lighting crystal in his left hand and drew out the short knife in his right hand.


I don't know what I stepped on, and a faint crisp sound came.

The sound was not loud, but because it was at the bottom of the well, the echoes were intertwined, and it seemed to be amplified.

Sure enough, the breath line between the nostrils changed slightly, but it seemed that the other party did not have any hostility.

Ethan took a few more steps forward with courage. The whole passage was blocked by a strange scaly egg. The egg was about half a person tall and covered with purple scales.


Ethan smelled it carefully, and the breath line came from the front.

Could it be that this egg is the owner of this passage?

Who dug these three passages?

Ethan circled around the spherical object in front of him and knocked on it with the short knife in his hand.


Ethan quickly retracted his hand.

I didn't expect this egg to discharge electricity!

What on earth is this?

Ethan didn't dare to reach out rashly. After thinking about it, the ray of his right hand popped out and tied the giant egg in front of him tightly.

Finding that it was indeed not dangerous, he no longer cared about it and continued to look for answers.


Just then, Xiaobai's voice came from the wellhead.

I think it was impatient waiting at the wellhead.

But its roar was not a big deal. The sound waves came from top to bottom, ricocheting back and forth at the bottom of the well. The sound waves were surprisingly large.

Ethan covered his ears and cursed a dead horse.

Just as he was about to continue to deal with the giant egg in front of him, the second sentence of the prologue suddenly flashed through his mind:

"The reverberating notes compose the hero's hymn."

Could the reverberating sound waves mean the echo?

But then Ethan fell into deep thought again. What does the note mean?

Notes... the sound of the wind?

But how could there be wind sounds at the bottom of the well?

The changing appearance of the wind and clouds... reverberating notes.

The shape of the clouds and the reverberating notes are all related to the wind.

In other words, the key to the puzzle lies in the wind.

Since it is the wind, there will naturally be no sound at the bottom of the well.


Just as Ethan was thinking this, the sound of the wind whistled at the bottom of the well.

Ethan was startled and quickly looked for the source of the sound.

It turned out that these three passages at the bottom of the well were connected to the ground. When the wind blew, the wind would pour into the cave and make a sound.

Ethan smiled, then shook his head and looked at the wellhead.

It didn't matter that he looked at it, he actually found a cloud flashing past the wellhead.

The shape of the cloud was very strange, Ethan felt that it seemed to be a little different from the shape of ordinary clouds, not as smooth as ordinary clouds.

Soon the cloud was blown away by the wind.


At this time, the passage at the bottom of the well suddenly sounded again.

Ethan subconsciously looked up at the sky again.

He found that this time there was another white cloud flashing by, still with the same sharp edges as the last one, not like a regular cloud.

Ethan shook his head, but he was laughing at himself in his heart, suspicious.

He climbed up along the passage, and after walking for more than an hour, he really climbed up.

It was just that this place was a little far from the mouth of the dry well, and it actually went directly through a mountain and then went to the other side of the mountain.

The environment here is much better than that of the dry well.

The surrounding forests are intertwined, and there are birds flying from time to time. The mountains are undulating and the sun is shining, which really makes people suddenly enlightened.

Ethan stretched and shouted at the mountains.

The echo was rippling, as if someone was responding to him.


Shout to the mountain!


Ethan suddenly looked up at the high mountain in front of him, and an extremely clear silhouette of the mountain appeared in his mind under the sun.

The shape of the clouds!

The shape of those clouds matches the shape of these mountains.

That is to say, these clouds are not aimless, but echo these mountains in some way.

Ethan guessed that the thing that connects the whole clue is the echo.

And the appearance of the echo has a lot to do with the wind.

Wind, cloud, echo, mountain shape suddenly inherited a string, but the most important link in the middle was missing.

PS: Thanks to the old bird among the book friends, the master, for his generous donation, awesome~

PS: Thanks to the book friend Mo Chen Wuming for his reward, awesome~

PS: Recommendation ticket, monthly ticket fast lane.

PS: Book group: 189698162, come to the bowl quickly~

This chapter is a little messy, and it will be slightly modified later~ I hope everyone can understand~

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