Ethan is very confident that the technology to create a moon will never be mastered by another person.

After all, it was given by the Dragon God.

Looking at the lake in front of him, Ethan felt a little regretful.

There was a sense of loss that he had a treasure mountain but could not find the way.

But all this was temporary, he needed to be patient and wait for the right opportunity to implement the plan.


Ethan whistled.

The red dragon fell from the sky.

Ethan jumped on the back of the red dragon and sat firmly.

The red dragon soared up, passed through layers of white clouds, and flew over the Black Forest.

Ethan pointed in a direction, which was still the range of the Black Forest, a barren mountain, and the red dragon was guided to gallop away.

In Ethan's perception, the dragon group following him was hidden among those barren mountains.


Ethan saw a black shadow and subconsciously called out a name, which was the name of the temporary leader of the dragon group.


"It turned out to be Bavaria."

Ethan jumped directly from the red dragon's back to Bavaria's body, and then reached out to touch its neck, which was smooth and hard.

"Bavaria, are you okay?"


"Mercedes, you are together."

They are both black dragons, the strongest bloodline in the dragon clan, and their combat power is off the charts.

Ethan looked at these dozens of dragons, and he was very happy while worrying about one thing.

That is the food problem.

To feed these dragons, a lot of Belo is needed.

Ethan doesn't have many profitable businesses now. Although it is a bit difficult to feed these dragons, he can grit his teeth and persist.

But don't forget that these dragons bring a lot of dragon eggs. When these dragon eggs are successfully hatched, he may have hundreds of dragons.

That scene is scary to think about.

He had to find a way to settle these dragons as soon as possible. Gexia Palace was a good place, but it was still a bit stretched for these giant dragons.

In addition to Gexia Palace, Ethan thought of another place.

Anlun Mountains!

This is a giant mountain range that stretches across the center of the continent.

The mountain is shrouded in fog and is a forbidden area for humans.

No, it is a forbidden area in a forbidden area.

The reason why Ethan left a day later this time was to confirm whether the lake was the "Tears of the Moon Goddess" and to leave Triumph City on a flying dragon.

The main reason why he dared to enter the Anlun Mountains was that he had a map of the ruins, which happened to be in the Anlun Mountains.

The blessed ruins of the Temple of Muse!

The first time was the "Fountain of Courage" outside Mensa City.

The second time was the "Fountain of Enlightenment" not far from Behemoth City.

And the third one is in the Anlun Mountains.

By then, Ethan will just lead the dragon group to sweep around the Anlun Mountains.


At this time, Mercedes snorted and nodded in one direction.

Ethan was slightly stunned, then he understood what it meant. Something must have been found there.

This is a barren mountain on the edge of the Black Forest. If it is daytime, you can stand on it and have a bird's eye view of the entire Black Forest.

What Mercedes found is on the top of the barren mountain.

It is a huge stone, half buried in the soil and half exposed.

The exposed surface is a layer of white stone skin, and the stone skin is bumpy, which looks like knotted hair.

At the front end of the stone sculpture, half of the wolf's head is exposed on the surface, with a pair of very smooth eyes, looking darkly at the sky, and half of the mouth is open, revealing white teeth, which feels very scary.

Ethan brushed his hand over the huge stone. It should be the masterpiece of a craftsman. Although it is bumpy on the surface, it looks fierce as a whole, which makes people feel cold all over.

But why did Mercedes lead him here?

Driven by curiosity, Ethan circled around the white boulder, and his eyes lit up.

Could the answer be in the soil?

He squatted down and tried to dig up the soil buried around the boulder.

But he found that he could not dig any further after digging only five or six centimeters.

At this time, a flash of inspiration flashed through Ethan's mind.


If you want to dig up this piece of soil, you have to untie the Zheng knot.

This stone sculpture is Zheng.

So how to untie the knot?

Suddenly Ethan looked at the wolf's eyes, which were staring at the sky.

But Ethan looked in the direction of the eyes, but there was nothing there.

Could it be looking at the moon in the sky?

Ethan's eyes lit up, and he felt more and more possible.

Covering this stone sculpture with loose soil, Ethan planned to bury it first.

This barren mountain is not low, and there are cliffs all around. There is no other way except to fly up.

Before the moon is created, this place can only be buried first.


At this time, I don't know which dragon's stomach growled, and Ethan took the opportunity to slap his head.

He almost forgot that the purpose of this trip was to feed the dragons. He quickly took out the meat he had purchased during the day and placed it in front of the dragons one by one, and then made an agreement with everyone to set off for the new ruins tomorrow.

After doing all this, Ethan returned to Wenglu Castle under the moonlight.

The next day, the sun was shining.

In front of Wenglu Castle, Ethan packed his bags and said goodbye to the others who had not left yet.

Among the Umbrella Team, except Xia Zuo, who lived in Triumph City and did not need to leave.

Yesterday, only Luther left alone among the four people.

Because the ‘Carnival Celebration’ will be coming soon, and he will participate in the ‘Ten Schools League’ at that time, he will not return to Behemoth City for the time being.

Triumph City is adjacent to Zion City, on the easternmost side of the continent, while Behemoth City is on the westernmost side of the continent.

The road from Triumph City to Behemoth City is long and dangerous, and Luther has a serious motion sickness, which is indeed not suitable for long-distance travel.

So he plans to start from Triumph City and walk directly to Zion City. This decision makes the other three secretly admire him.

For Luther, this is just a good personal practice.

It is worth mentioning that the top four in the Rainforest Trial have special rewards.

Prism will issue corresponding rewards based on the ranking of the Rainforest Trial, and the rewards will be transported to their respective cities by special personnel.

At the same time, Prism will spend a lot of money to buy the extinct species brought out by the contestants. Ethan is very happy to exchange some extra medicinal materials for certain shells or items.


A whistle sounded.

The fierce hurricane swept from top to bottom, sweeping the Onglik Castle.


The red dragon did not hide its arrogance and roared at the little ants on the ground.

After this roar, it attracted everyone's attention.

Wengluk Castle was immediately surrounded by people.

The crowd was three layers inside and three layers outside.

They came to see the real dragon in the legend.

Ethan smiled and ignored them, and turned to Dylan and Xia Zuo and said: "I'm leaving, see you at the Ten Schools League!"

"Okay, boss!"

"See you later!"

Another gust of wind blew, dust flew, and blinded everyone's eyes.

When the wind stopped, when I looked closely, there was no shadow of the dragon...

(End of this volume)

PS: Thanks to the book friend Xingchenzi yt for the reward, awesome~

PS: Recommendation ticket, monthly ticket fast lane

PS: Book group: 189698162, come to the bowl quickly~

I wrote these two chapters in a hurry, I will make some minor revisions tomorrow. I am very sleepy today, I hope you can forgive me.

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