Ethan was about to step towards the entrance.


A sharp sound of breaking wind exploded in Ethan's ears.

Ethan was shocked and used a backward jump in hip-hop fighting technique, just missing the flying arrow.

The flying arrow stuck on the deck in front of him, and turned into darkness in an instant and disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

But Ethan was sure of one thing, that is, the people on the ship did not want him to enter the basement.

But there was a feeling that the source of the strange sound was in the basement.

How to get in?


There was no response, and he was most likely trapped at the entrance of the ruins.

Only Ethan met the entry conditions of this ruins.

Ethan was in the dark, but he didn't feel as scared as he imagined.

The people hiding in the dark did not show a strong desire to attack, and only fought back when Ethan wanted to enter the basement.

This is the key to solving the problem.

At present, Ethan's biggest reliance is the Siggen breathing method, which makes him invisible in the dark.

And with the sensitivity of hip-hop fighting technique, he reacted immediately.

Just like Ethan dodged the dark arrow just now, his body preceded his brain and allowed him to successfully avoid danger.

In the faint light, Ethan carefully observed the surroundings of the entrance.

At this time, the big ship was drowsy, and there was nothing else except the deck.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and there seemed to be a vacant space on the deck in front of the underground entrance.

The size was just right for him to get in, but he didn't know if it was connected to the basement below.

The figure that had been hiding in the ruins was lurking in an unknown corner. It seemed that as long as Ethan didn't step into the basement, the other party would not attack.

After planning for a long time, Ethan decided to give it a try.

He found broken wooden boards from the surroundings to interfere with the other party's vision.

When he was almost ready, he turned around and ran towards the entrance.

Sure enough, the sound of "clicking" and "clicking" came from not far away.

Ethan took the opportunity to throw out the wooden board to divert the other party's sight.

Relying on the silent breathing method of Siggen, he threw away the wooden board and quickly jumped into the hole on the deck to hide.


As he expected, an arrow shot into the wooden board right after.

Ethan quietly waited for the other party to appear under the deck. Sure enough, a hunched figure appeared on the side of the wooden board a moment later.

The other party was in tattered clothes and limped when he moved. It was obvious that his leg was injured, no wonder there was a crackling sound.

When he looked more closely, Ethan's hands and feet suddenly became cold.

It was a skeleton.

The eye sockets were still flashing with dark flames, which made people shudder.

Ethan quickly retracted his sight, took a long breath, and looked inside along the hole in the deck. It was just as he guessed.

The other side of the hole was the entrance to the basement.

No longer hesitating, a hip-hop fighting technique rolled over, dodged three arrows, and successfully entered the basement.

But the skeleton seemed to be afraid and did not follow him down.

This gave Ethan time to breathe.

There is a deep corridor in the basement.

Ethan took the first step carefully.


The floor made a slight sound.

Ethan had to slow down his movements. He reached out and touched the wall, leaning against the wall and moving forward.

After walking about a dozen steps in the dark, Ethan encountered the first room.

The door of the room had long been rotten, with only a few pieces of wood hanging on the door frame.

Ethan entered carefully.

It was also pitch black inside, and a faint musty smell filled the room.

Ethan guessed that this room was probably a storage room.

Sure enough, Ethan found a few seeds that were still intact in the corner. As a doctor's professional habit, Ethan took some as samples and collected them.

In addition to these seeds, there was nothing useful in this room.

Ethan left decisively.


The sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded on his forehead.

This attack was not a bow and arrow, but rather a sharp weapon.

Ethan didn't care about his image at all. He jumped back and avoided the opponent's range.

Lifting his leg is like the windmill in hip-hop fighting, and at the same time, several super glue particles are scattered on the floor.

Ethan frowned after kicking the opponent. That touch... so hard.

He just stood still in the dark, and the clever knife chased him again.

A knife flower, Ethan couldn't dodge in time, and there was already a blood mark on his right arm.

The hip-hop fighting technique was used, and it was about to kick the opponent's wrist.

But the knife flashed and appeared in the other hand, still chasing Ethan.


Another thin scar appeared on Ethan's shoulder.

If he hadn't used the fighting technique to dodge in time, this knife would have cut his neck.

Ethan, who realized that he was no match for the opponent, took out four or five super glue particles from his waist and sprinkled them on the ground.

He rolled out of the attack range of the knife and hid first.

"Ka Ka Ka~"

"Ka Ka Ka~"

Just as he was thinking about how to deal with it,


A slight sound.

A triumphant smile appeared on Ethan's face.

The other party finally stepped on the super glue and was stuck, and it seemed that he could not move.

The knife in his hand was still waving in the air, quite powerful.

Ethan breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the attacker.

It was still a skeleton, but this one was obviously stronger.

If he was hit, he would have to die here.

It seemed that the corridor was not safe either, so he was more cautious.

Ethan walked a few more steps and happened to be in the second room.

The room was still dark.

After a while of groping, Ethan found beds on both sides of the room, so he concluded that this room was the sailor's room.

Unfortunately, there was nothing valuable in this room either.

Ethan leaned against the wall with some disappointment, and his right hand dropped subconsciously.

Just touched the wall.

"What is this?"

Ethan exclaimed softly, and the touch from his hand was not the smooth feeling he imagined.

A series of cuts made with a knife formed various patterns.

Secret method!

Ethan was shocked.

He immediately raised both hands and lay on the wall to carefully search for his memory.

After two hours of struggle, he finally knew the name of this set of secret techniques.

Sailor's knife technique.

It is a short knife fighting technique similar to a dagger.

It was the technique used by the skeleton who attacked him at the door before.

There are eighteen moves in total, including sneak attacks, blocking, stabbing, sweeping, and back-slapping.

In general, it is quite practical.

These eighteen moves should be effective when combined with hip-hop fighting techniques.

Ethan practiced twice with a knife he carried with him to ensure that there were no omissions before leaving the room.

In the next room, there was a lot of herbal smell in the room, which seemed to be the ship's infirmary.

Here Ethan got a manual.

Unfortunately, it was too dark to see the content, but he estimated that it was probably a book about medical skills.

So he followed the corridor and searched in the rooms on both sides.

With the experience of the first three rooms, Ethan did not miss even the corners when searching.

In the fourth room, he got two sailor flags made of unknown materials.

After such a long time, it can still be preserved, it must not be an ordinary item.

In the fifth room, Ethan got a monocular telescope, but the surface was a little rusty, but the lens was still intact.

In the sixth room, he only found an empty shell of a palm-sized conch, but the map on the wall turned to ash as soon as he touched it.

In the seventh room, there was only a bed and a table. He touched a rusty dagger in the drawer and found a small box at the head of the bed.

The eighth room was much larger than the previous rooms, and the decoration was more exquisite. It was probably the captain's room.

But it took too long, and most of the things were destroyed. Ethan only found a notebook with a faint scent of ink on the table.

So far, he had explored the rooms on both sides of the corridor.

Fortunately, Ethan never met other skeleton sailors again.

At the end of the corridor, a staircase appeared. Ethan groped for a long time before he finally dared to take the first step.

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