Dylan's name instantly became a hot topic. The governors in the stands looked at the officials of Green City, who were beaming with joy, and were obviously confident of victory.

"Behemoth City... Luther... Total score... 470 points."


Another scream.

Although it is not as good as Dylan's 515 and Xia Zuo's 485, this score is also a rare high score.

Third place seems to be good too.

The governor of Behemoth City nodded with a smile. Behemoth City has not been in the top five in the 'Rainforest Trial' for a long time.

Luther's performance has already made history.

There is joy and loss. Compared with Green City, Triumph City, and Behemoth City, the governors of other cities are like eating lemons.

This includes the governor of Turing City.

Finally, Ethan arrived.

He first took out some of the items he had prepared in advance.

Among them, there are more than a dozen extinct medicinal herbs, as well as several minerals and eggs of strange beasts.

Once they were taken out, they occupied a large pile.


A burst of exclamations broke out around.

"Green Mango Flower, Crescent Root, Silver Candle Flower..."

"This... is a lot."

The experts argued endlessly in the jury. After a long time, the score was announced: "Turing City... Ethan... Total score... 1205 points..."

This score caused an uproar!

Let alone 1205 points, even the fraction of 205 points is rare.

Just the fraction has exceeded most of the contestants. The more successful Ethan is, the more embarrassed others feel.

The old archon was confused, Browning was confused, and the masses were confused...

I thought God closed the window and the door for you, but I didn't expect him to directly demolish the ceiling...

The people in Turing City who reacted cheered.

The masses were in mourning.

Why? According to the dealer's analysis, this Turing City... should be the last.

Now he has become a dark horse and jumped to the top of the list. Who can bear this? Ninety percent of the gamblers will lose everything.

"I object!"

A roar came from the side of the lake dam, obviously from the contestants of this trial.

Everyone looked closely and saw that the one who roared was Ott, one of the contestants from the initial place Zion City. Reggie, who was also a contestant from the initial place not far away, had a gloomy face, but was very happy in his heart.

Ott's performance in this trial was mediocre, and he didn't even find the location of Narcissus Island. He was extremely jealous of Ethan.

Under Reggie's slight provocation, Ott's mentality exploded.

Gordon, the person in charge of Prism, felt a little nervous.

Hey, something is going on.

Look at the two teenagers who are tit-for-tat, one is Zion City, and the other is Turing City.

One is the initial place, and the other is the city of knowledge.

From a political perspective, the weight of the initial city of Zion is certainly greater. Everyone watched the excitement with a mentality of sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, but most of the archon judges have been more inclined to favor Ott of Zion City.

From the perspective of the audience, there are very few people who bet on Turing City among the people who participated in the gambling this time, so they naturally tend to be in trouble with Ethan, so as to recover some losses.


Gordon whistled, a harsh sound came out, and the original discussion slowly quieted down.

"Ott, you said you are against Turing City's trial points?"

Ott's eyes were undisguisedly fierce, and he said confidently: "I report Turing City's contestant Ethan Moore for violating the trial rules, bullying his companions, and depriving them of spoils!"

As soon as this was said, there was an uproar.

The rules of the rainforest trial can be summarized in four words: no infighting.

Gordon frowned when he heard it. If the spoils were really deprived, then Turing City's score could indeed be cancelled.

"Tell me about it."

Ott saw the solemn expression of the envoy sent by Prism, and knew that his opposition had worked. A flash of joy flashed across his face, and he said seriously: "I report that during the trial, Ethan Moore threatened everyone to hand over half of the spoils they harvested!"

Gordon narrowed his eyes, but felt ridiculous in his heart.

If it were me, I would definitely be embarrassed to say it.

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, the people of the Scythe Squad lowered their heads in embarrassment.

They were witnesses of the incident, so they knew better than anyone what was going on.

"Ethan Moore, what Ott said just now that you want to share the spoils, is this true?"

At this time, Gordon's face was already angry.

"Your Excellency the Envoy, I want to clarify a few words, those spoils are..."


Just as Ethan was about to defend himself, the Archon of Zion City suddenly stepped out of the crowd, interrupted Ethan rudely, and then asked in a domineering manner.

He has been in power for a long time, and he is powerful without being angry. The governors around him flatter him like stars surrounding the moon. After all, he is the governor of the political center, and his influence is relatively much greater. Even the governor of Turing City dare not say a word at this time.

"Just tell me if you have embezzled the spoils of the big guy!"

Ethan frowned slightly, obviously very disgusted with his way of asking questions. He glanced at the governor of Zion City and said to Gordon with a little disdain: "Your Excellency the Special Envoy, there is another reason for this. The spoils I share are my reward."

"Oh? What reward?"

Ethan was about to explain, but at this time the governor of Zion City interrupted him again.

"Violating the trial rules, what else needs to be explained? I propose to directly clear Turing City's spoils points to zero!"

This man put a hat of "violating the rules" on Ethan, claiming to be righteous, but in fact he deliberately blocked Ethan's words and used his power to suppress him.


"I second!"


A kind of archons expressed their agreement to clear Turing City's points.

They did this, first, to flatter, and second, for the ranking of their own cities. As long as Turing City ranked last, their rankings would naturally move up one place. Why not?

At this time, the old archon of Turing City, facing the aggressive archon of Zion City, was embarrassed and speechless.

Seeing him like this, even Browning beside him couldn't stand it anymore and interrupted him immediately: "My Lords, Ethan is a man of good character and would never do such a stupid thing for no reason. Please..."

"Hmph! No noise is allowed for those who are not allowed to make noise!"

Browning was about to continue to defend himself, but at this time the old governor of Turing City pulled his clothes hard, signaling him not to say more.

This made Browning so angry that he cursed his mother. You old thing, you dare not say a word when others piss on your head, but I said something for Turing City, but it's not okay. Isn't this a typical bully in the nest!

But there is no way he is the highest official in Turing City. Browning can't twist his arm against his thigh. He could only shake his head and sigh: pathetic.

Ethan narrowed his eyes, and he had already felt something was wrong in his heart. He watched everything that happened on the viewing platform quietly, but there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

PS: Recommendation ticket, monthly ticket fast lane.

PS: Book group: 189698162, come to the bowl quickly~

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