The shemale in front of me is not the real person at all.

If he cannot contact his body, everyone's techniques will not be able to work on him.


I saw the human demon's body flashing and suddenly appearing not far from Clark. He stretched out his arm and reached into Clark's shadow.


Clark clutched his neck and shouted for help.

On the surface, no one could tell what was happening to him.

But in his shadow, there is an extra claw on his neck.

Those are animal claws.

"Sword Zen·Jueying!"

A sword technique that can split light and shadow.

This is one of the sword skills that Arthur learned from the room in Gosha's palace.


Where the long knife fell, the shadow on Clark's neck was broken into two pieces.

The shemale covered her arms.

As expected, only the technique that can act on the shadow can harm his body.


Before the shemale could take action urgently, Primo suddenly stretched out his hand to stop him: "The mission has been exposed, it's time to abandon this place."


"There is no way. The other party is not even afraid of the death scythe. This is indeed beyond our expectation."

"Besides, I found something very interesting. I think the leader will not punish us."

After speaking, Primo waved his hand, and the monster he summoned looked up to the sky and howled before disappearing.

And the next moment, he and the shemale man worked together to draw a circle, and actually summoned a circle of light.

Ethan was stunned looking at this circle of light.

Because this is clearly some kind of hell gate leading to hell.

No wonder they were able to quickly discover the God of Death. Now that I think about it, it must have something to do with the Gate of Hell.

Watching them leave, Ethan also breathed a sigh of relief.

It's finally over.

After all, the enemies are all masters of the professional sequence, and it is indeed difficult for them to parry.

"Quick, save Quinn first!"

Fortunately, the battle just now did not affect the tomb.

Looking at the 'Solo' family marked on the tombstone and their family crest, Ethan fell into deep thought.

The coffin inside was quickly revealed.

"Finally found!"

Ethan opened it without hesitation.

Sure enough, the person lying inside was not the former mayor of Fairy Tale Town, but the unconscious Quinn.


The breath line on his body was very weak, but there was no sign of waking up at all, as if his soul had been seriously injured.

"It is very similar to Master Yage's injury. It seems that Master Yage was also assassinated by Primo's group."

"Anyway, let's go back to town first."

On the other side, An Guan Hu Ke was looking at the lifeless team members lying on the ground, feeling sad.

"tui! This guy Primo!"

"Uncle Hook, there is no resurrection after death, let's go back to town first."

Hook sighed, suddenly feeling like he had aged two years.

The group returned to Fairy Tale Town, and Ethan was thoughtful all the way.

Why is the coffin of the former mayor empty?

Why did that group of people choose that cemetery for their clandestine activities.

How to deal with the injuries of Quinn and Master Accord.

"Uncle Hook, you said that Darcy is the mayor's secretary?"

"Well, Darcy's status is somewhat special, so he was appointed to be the mayor's secretary a long time ago."

"The mayor..."


Fortunately, the mayor is fine.

All the abnormal actions in recent times are caused by him being controlled by Darcy.

Their purpose has always been to make people suspicious of the mayor, and then use this as bait to catch a fish.

From the beginning, Ethan was misled by the mayor's tricks.

"Uncle Hook, can you take me to the place where the former mayor once lived?"

At this time, Hook shook his head: "Oh, don't mention that after the death of the former mayor, the entire 'Solo' family seemed to be cursed. They died one after another. In the end, their family residence was directly engulfed by a fire."

"I wonder if it has anything to do with the 'undead' you mentioned."

After this incident, everyone naturally had no intention of playing and returned to their respective residences.

Ethan lay on the bed and thought about everything that happened today.

When Primo left, he clearly took a look at himself. What did he find?

And the tombstone of the former mayor always gave me a very familiar feeling.

Have you seen that pattern before?

Suddenly Ethan opened his eyes suddenly.

Look at the 'Judgment Coffin' on the bedside.

Angels and demons, the holy tears at the corners of the angel's eyes, and the blood of the abyss at the corners of the devil's mouth.

That drop of black abyssal blood instantly overlapped with the pattern on the 'Solo' family crest.

right here!

In other words, when Primo finally left, he said that what he found was most likely the 'Judgment Coffin'.

What does the Judgment Coffin have to do with the undead?

Or what does all this have to do with the Red River Emperor?

After thinking about it for a long time but still unable to figure it out, Ethan turned to practice the 'Cripple Craftsman's Body Training Technique'.

Ever since he unlocked the blood curse of the 'Star Chain', Cripple Craftsman's training in body-building techniques has improved.

"Bang, bang~"

It’s still the last picture – ‘The Suicider’.

The forging of the body by the previously summoned lame craftsman had stopped for a time.

But now he is clearly motivated.

But Ethan was so painful that his soul trembled.

Especially in the past few days, he felt that the ‘suicide’ would be completed soon.



The chisel stopped at the center of his eyebrows again.

This is a sign that every action is about to be completed.

Not surprisingly, every time he came here, the cripple craftsman’s movements began to slow down.

Every time he seemed to have been carefully considered.


After a long time, the cripple craftsman chiseled the last blow.

Then he summoned the divine fire.

Every time the sculpture was completed, he would bake it with the divine fire.

This time was no exception.


Ethan’s throat seemed to be tied by someone.

His soul rope was in the black box, watching the cripple craftsman’s coquettish operation like a stranger.

When each action was completed, the cripple craftsman summoned a different flame.

‘The Thinker’ is a red flame, which has realized the ability of ‘I think, therefore I am’ and can enter an invincible state for a short time.

‘The Subverter’ is an orange flame, which has realized the ability of ‘inverting all living beings’ and can clear all negative states of the body.

The ‘ruler’ is a yellow flame, and has realized the ability of ‘everyone for me, I for everyone’. His left hand can absorb the energy of the four elements, and his right hand can release it in equal proportion.

The ‘desperate’ is a green flame, and has realized the ‘miserable world’. By closing the five senses, it arouses the soul and shouts, causing great damage to spiritual substances.

The ‘suicide’ this time is a cyan flame, and the flame is very cold, which is very similar to the breath Ethan felt in the underworld.

The so-called ‘suicide’ means suicide.

The action of the sculpture is also to stab a sword formed by telekinesis into his chest.

This kind of pain can be said to be far beyond the other paintings. I don’t know what kind of ability he will be given this time.

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