Shall we go to open up the wasteland together tomorrow?

Chapter 322 Join the House of Cards Group

The tide comes fast and goes fast.

The sudden tsunami was a bit anticlimactic.

It was just that after absorbing a lot of seawater, the ‘Ark Ruins’ summoned the dead souls in the sea to repair the hull.

It was already brand new at this time.

The black body was still mixed with blood-colored decks, and pirate totems were dotted everywhere.

The ostentatious and unscrupulousness made people shudder.

The monument of the entire federation, the ‘Ark Ruins’ that was once regarded as a miracle.

It turned out to be an out-and-out pirate group!

Looking at the ‘rosemary’ pattern carved on it, all the people’s beliefs collapsed.

The people who integrated the entire continent and established the federation were actually a group of pirates.

The tsunami retreated, and the scorching sun in the sky was like fire.

But it made everyone feel cold.

This year’s ‘Carnival’ celebration is destined to become the beginning of the turbulent times on this continent.

“Return to the Lord Era!”

The article that appeared on Xingluo instantly topped the hot list.

There are photos of the ‘Ark Ruins’ on it.

And a very obscure history - the bloody Rosemary Pirates.

The photos and text fit together, and the past history began to be restructured.

The Federation was in name only for a while.

The Rosemary nobles went from being admired by everyone to being despised by everyone.

On the Flying Fairy, the Fairy Tail team set off on their way home facing the sunset.

At this time, each member held their own senbei and swiped the star network.

It actually felt like swiping the phone in the previous life.

"Wow, the federal government is in big trouble now."

Quinn clicked on a group of pictures that introduced the grand occasion of this ‘carnival’.

"The trouble may not be just this."

"Now the news about the ‘Chaos’ being impersonated on the star network has once again become a hot search."

"The federal government has now been equated with pirates, and I am afraid it is powerless to save the situation."

Bingo was talking excitedly, but he felt that Bidwen beside him was pointing his finger, signaling him to be silent.

Then he realized that the federal governor of this continent was still on the ship.

"It doesn't matter. The federation has actually been dead in name only."

Governor Darwin, who was rescued by Ethan before, seemed to have aged ten years overnight, and even his originally tall figure was hunched over.

Ethan first glared at Bingo, and then said apologetically: "Governor, I'm very sorry, don't pay attention to their outspokenness."

Governor Darwin shook his head and sighed as if relieved.

"I don't mind. The federation was controlled by Prism many years ago. They are unscrupulous and use the families of various governors as threats to force the federal government to submit."

"This kind of thing is destined to be exposed."

"Well, I felt that the behavior of the people of Prism seemed to be threatening at the carnival before, and it was true."

Ethan sighed.

"But don't worry, Mr. Governor, your family has been rescued and will be able to meet soon."

Governor Darwin was grateful and finally got rid of the control of Prism.

Rescuing Darwin is the mission of Ethan, Sean and Tina, three members of the temporary House of Cards.

When the Flying Fairy saw the huge Anlun Mountains, Ethan jumped onto the fire dragon Theodore.

Governor Darwin also went there.

In a small village in the Anlun Mountains, there stands a magnificent villa.

Entering the villa, Governor Darwin met his wife and daughter.

There were also Sean and Tina.

However, the contact person was not Arthur, but a middle-aged man over fifty years old.

He was about the same age as Ethan's teacher, Pulse Conner.

With a smile on his face, he looked at the dusty Ethan: Sure enough, they look alike!

"Let me introduce myself, I'm Hemingway."

"Hello, sir, I'm Ethan."

"Haha, I've heard Conner mention it many times."

Hemingway nodded: "Since everyone is here, then I will announce the rewards for the three of you."

"First of all, congratulations to the three of you, you have officially passed the temporary assessment and advanced to the quasi-card sequence."

After that, he took out three cards and flew to the three people respectively.

Ethan was quick-witted and reached out to grab it.

‘10 of Hearts! ’

It turned out to be the highest ranking card among the quasi-cards.

Sean got ‘7 of Spades’ and Tina got ‘7 of Clubs’.

Ethan was able to get the 10 of Hearts directly, which made the two envious.

As expected, Ethan would most likely get a higher ranking card, even an arrow or the highest trump.

“After becoming a quasi-card member, you can enjoy the privileges of ‘House of Cards’.”

“The privileges of House of Cards include: information intelligence, special spells, clues to relics, etc.”

“I will pull you into the ‘Star Cluster’ later, and remember to read the relevant matters in the group notes.”

“Star Cluster?”

“Yes, it is a new feature on the Star Network. Members in a Star Cluster can get common information, which makes it easier for our organization to communicate.”

“If you need any advice at that time, you can directly contact the ‘arrow’ of the corresponding card.”

Ethan was proud. Sure enough, the suppression of information technology can bring drastic changes to this world.

The current Star Network almost has a complete prototype of a communication environment.

Related development and applications will be gradually improved.

"What on earth is this 'Star Network'? It's really powerful."

Hemingway couldn't help but sigh.

After that, he used Senbei to pull the three people into the group.

House of Cards (group for the same fans)

The group owner was lazy and left nothing.

Group announcement: Change the notes when joining the group, format: card face-code, such as: Ace of Spades-Silly Pillar.

At this time, the group was chatting happily.

"Ace of Spades-Giant: @Ace of Diamonds-Gentleman, you bastard, change the notes for me!"

"Ace of Diamonds-Gentleman: I just gave an example, and you are exaggerating."

"Ace of Spades-Giant: Angry (expression)."

"J of Diamonds-Zangai: Welcome newcomers~Sprinkle flowers~"

"Ace of Diamonds-Gentleman: Newcomers post photos."




"10 of Hearts-Sage: I am new here, please take care of me, bow (expression)."

Well, there are still too few emoticons, and the system needs to be improved.

"8 of Hearts - Holy Light: Wow~ Someone picked 10 of Hearts? I wanted to try and upgrade my card."

"9 of Spades - Beast: @8 of Hearts - Holy Light, forget it. The last time you treated a wound, the curse of 'Net of the Abyss' appeared on my body the next day, and it almost killed me."

"8 of Hearts - Holy Light: ... Sorry, sorry, you were too badly injured at that time. I won't do it again in the future. Check out the newly launched 'Mercy Potion'. @Card of Hearts."

"7 of Hearts - Apprentice: +1, it can really effectively prevent the curses of 'Mark of the Underworld' and 'Net of the Abyss'. It works well in practice, but it's a little expensive!"

"8 of Hearts - Holy Light: I feel the same way~"

Seeing this, Sean and Tina turned to look at Ethan.

Seeing this, Hemingway coughed twice and said, "Sorry, the Star Group function was only launched yesterday, and many contents are not yet complete."

"In addition, all letters will be sent through 'Star Tour' from now on, and you three will receive relevant reward emails later."

Star Tour is the mailbox of Star Network, which has successfully replaced the real email.

"Ding! You received an email!"

PS: Thanks to the book friends: Huangjuan Guawei and Xuese Hanbing for their rewards~Thank you.

PS: Recommendation tickets, monthly tickets fast track.

PS: Book group: 189698162, come to the bowl quickly~

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