
In front of the caravan, a skinny 'unicorn' was pacing back and forth restlessly. The horn on its head was already mottled. It was time for Bass to replace it with a new one.

As the saying goes, a thin horse has long hair. Stroking its only mane that is still worthy of pride, Ethan gave it a good name that is approachable and natural, Xiaobai.

High-quality ryegrass mixed with some soybeans is Xiaobai's breakfast, and it is also the first thing Ethan does when he wakes up every day.

Although this guy looks like he is about to die, his appetite is surprisingly good. After a while, he licked the trough clean and snorted.

Every time he looked at its humane eyes, Ethan felt that this horse was going to become a spirit.

I don't know why Marshall, who is so stingy, would provide Xiaobai with expensive and high-quality hay.

As usual, after breakfast, the Fairy Circus would be on the road again in about half an hour. During this time, Ethan took out the big book he had read last night from the car and limped towards another carriage.

The witch doctor Connell's carriage was the tallest in the circus, because there was a bookcase in his carriage.

Most of Ethan's books came from here.

"Bang Bang Bang."

"Wait a minute."

After a while, the felt cloth was pulled open, and a pair of extremely kind eyes and Connell's familiar smiling face came into view.

At this time, he was sweating profusely, and it was obvious that he was probably doing some indescribable exercise just now - the burning candle meditation method.

The burning candle meditation method came from a gift from a certain relic. When practicing, sweat is like a burning candle.

But Ethan has not completed the baptism yet, and it is still a long way from awakening the mind, so he can only envy others.

Using "mind" is a sign of entering the extraordinary. Connell is an extraordinary person, which is no secret in the Fairy Circus.

The extraordinary people in this world are very rare.

I didn't expect that an ordinary circus could cultivate two extraordinary people at the same time.

This is not an easy thing.

The prerequisite for awakening the extraordinary sequence is to pass the baptism ceremony first.

The baptism ceremony is actually the catalyst for entering the extraordinary.

The two are necessary but not sufficient.

Passing the baptism ceremony may not necessarily lead to the extraordinary, but the extraordinary must be baptized.

The requirements of each ceremony are different, and the impact on the extraordinary is also different.

Like the baptism ceremony "Harvest Hymn" that farmers dream of, only those who really love planting have the opportunity to pass it. Once awakened to the extraordinary, they will gain the ability to perceive the state of plants.

The baptism ceremony "Sage Time" that scholars have been thinking about requires the baptized to have the wisdom of a sage. Once they enter the extraordinary, they will have a moment of enlightenment that can enter the literary thoughts.

Most baptism ceremonies come from the ruins in the fog, and they are generally unattainable.

And these baptism ceremonies have a characteristic, that is, if the baptism is passed, then the chance of achieving extraordinary is very high, but if it cannot be passed... the sequelae are also very fatal.

Therefore, for most people, the final choice is the baptism ceremony "Greetings from the God of Light" announced by the Church of Light, which has no rejection, no side effects, and no sequelae...

The extraordinary ability awakened by "Greetings from the God of Light" is that as long as the light shines, the extraordinary will feel full of energy.

In a word, it is human photosynthesis.

The most important thing is that this baptism ceremony has no restrictions.

As long as you are over 12 years old and believe in the sequence of light, you can apply for free baptism in any church of light, which means that "Greetings from the God of Light" is applicable to almost everyone.

If someone cannot pass the "Greetings from the God of Light", then there is something wrong with this person. A person who is not accepted by the God of Light must be a descendant of the devil...

Coincidentally, the person who cannot pass is Ethan, and he is the poor guy who was driven out of the village because of this.

"Ethan, come up."

Realizing that Ethan's foot was injured, Connie stretched out a hand and pulled Ethan to his car.

Compared with the caravan, which was difficult to move, this place is much more spacious.

Old Connell first asked Ethan to sit down, then rolled up his trouser legs, frowned slightly, and saw that Ethan's left ankle had swollen to the size of a fist.

"Did it get hit?"

Ethan nodded. Since he moved into the crowded caravan, he had been injured every now and then.

Connell turned around and took out his medicine box, took out three or four dried herbs, quickly ground them into powder, mixed them with a little water, and applied them to Ethan's ankles. His movements were smooth and flowing.

"Okay, maybe the swelling will go away in the afternoon."

Ethan always believed in Connell's medical skills, except for the small black pills he rolled.

"Thank you, teacher."

Connell was Ethan's teacher, and Ethan was lucky to have a guide like Connell.

He told Ethan the secret hidden on a bookshelf in the library of Flo University.

After receiving the big book from Ethan, Connell patted the cover of the book: "Have you finished reading it?"

"You know, I have a good memory."

Connell did not comment and put the big book back on the bookshelf.

"Well, I have read all the books on this bookshelf without realizing it."

Connell pondered for a moment, then suddenly bent down and opened the bottom layer of the bookcase. A small drawer was opened, which was full of books, apparently his collection.

"Let me think, which one is more suitable?"

Connell picked up one of them.

"This one won't do. It's too outrageous and not suitable for you now."

"The Possibility of Cross-Species Reproduction" doesn't seem to work either. It's too perverted. It's safer to wait until you graduate from college or get married and have children."

"A Thousand Applications of Excrement is too disgusting."


In this way, Connell eliminated more than a dozen books in a row.

"Well, this one... well, let's take this one."

After struggling for a long time, Connell carefully took out an old book with a broken cover. Judging from his appearance, it should be very valuable.

"An ancient relic prescription, it is worth learning and collecting."

Connell's expression is worth pondering. His eyebrows raised slightly, his face was full of smiles, and he seemed to be very satisfied with his decision.

Ethan took the book and subconsciously opened it. A playing card came into view, the five of hearts.

This playing card is very unique. Both the color and the craftsmanship are excellent. It looks very elegant. Ethan couldn't put it down when he saw it.

"Oh, this is my old bookmark, I give it to you."

Connell glanced at it nonchalantly, as if he didn't care much.

The moment Ethan picked up the card, I don't know if it was an illusion, a layer of dark patterns suddenly appeared on the surface of the card, and then quickly disappeared.

"Thank you very much."

But he didn't notice the meaningful smile on Connell's lips.

Without disturbing Connell's practice, Ethan picked up the book and returned to his compartment.

As soon as he returned to the compartment, he opened the new book impatiently, and saw that the title page was written "Detailed Explanation of the Relics Formula", and the author's name was no longer visible.

Connell was not interested in academic books, but on the contrary, he liked the messy mysterious side formulas to death.

This book is a standard Connell collection.

Stroking the yellowed paper, he turned to a relatively complete page.

PS: Recommendation ticket, monthly ticket fast lane.

PS: Book group: 189698162, come to the bowl~

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