
Matthew frowned visibly on the big screen.

Lead the giant's attack close to the big tree where he lives.

I had no choice but to jump to another big tree.

But this process was seen by the leading giant, a cruel smile flashed at the corner of his mouth, and he punched out again.

Everything seemed to be going according to Ethan's guess.

Seeing this, Matthew headed directly towards the desert area. He was not stupid either, he had been thinking about diverting the trouble to the east.

But the wooden man was not fooled and hid from the beginning of the game.

Matthew's plan failed.

"The little bug you can't run away from."

Standing on a big tree, on the left is the mountainous area that was almost destroyed by the leader giant, and on the right is the long yellow sand.


I have to admit that Matthew's swordsmanship is extraordinary. The long sword falls from the sky, and he rarely takes the initiative to attack.


The leading giant had no intention of dodging. He raised his left hand and met Matthew's long sword.

Matthew frowned slightly, but he didn't expect that the opponent was not affected at all by his powerful blow.

Ethan in the private room could see clearly that when Matthew's sword struck the leader's body, his skin turned into yellow rock again.


In other words, the giant leader anticipated Matthew's attack and turned his skin into stone first. This just shows that turning into stone requires a process.

From another perspective, Matthew is not unable to break through the defense of the leader. As long as his sword is fast enough, he will be able to break through the defense before he can react.

But obviously Matthew is not a fast sword style.

I saw him missing a single blow and quickly retreating, obviously going into a passive counterattack state again.


The leader of the giant punched out, and it was quite sharp with his reckless energy.

Matthew dodged easily, but he didn't expect the punch to be so powerful. He took three steps back before getting out of his attack range.

I thought to myself: So strong.

One punch.

Two punches.

Three punches.

Matthew dodged three times in a row. Just as Ethan speculated, he could indeed accumulate dodges and then increase the hit of the first attack after dodging.

Therefore, during the monthly master challenge, he could directly distinguish the 'true and false body' of the 'Tearer' through forced hits.

The condition for launching Matthew's sure hit is to dodge at least three times in a row.


The moment after the leader punched out, Matthew launched the attack.

The long sword unexpectedly passed through the armpit of the leader giant, and a blood flower bloomed in the air.


The giant leader was in pain, and his right arm turned sharply, and Matthew jumped away again.

But Ethan frowned.

Matthew has not yet realized the key to defeating his opponent. He may rely too much on his hit attribute, but for him, the difficulty in leading the giant is not the hit problem, but breaking the defense!

After he broke through the defense just now, he was in a visual blind spot of the giant leader. If he continued to attack, he might seriously injure the opponent.

What a pity for a good opportunity.





It's the same old routine again.


Matthew's long sword seemed to have struck the granite in the wild.

How could he possibly guard against this inevitable blow?

On the other hand, the leading giant not only did not choose to let go when Matthew attacked, but instead opened his big hands and gave up dodge completely.

It was at this time that his whole body was covered with a layer of khaki rock.

So Matthew's long sword failed to break through the defense again.

The leader's full-body rock skin shouldn't last much longer, but his purpose was achieved, which was to limit Matthew's range of movement.

His two long arms stretched straight towards Matthew's body, but because Matthew was overconfident in his previous blow, he did not choose to dodge, and just met the opponent's khaki arm.


The punch hit Matthew right in the chest.


Matthew, who was unable to dodge, was directly knocked away, and blood even spurted out of his mouth.

This punch directly ignited the emotions of the audience, and the arena erupted with amazing cheers.

In sharp contrast, in the private room, Sarah let out an "ah" and her face turned pale.

I saw Matthew lying on the ground vomiting two more mouthfuls of blood, then holding his abdomen with his left hand and holding the long sword in his right hand, he stood up tremblingly.

Judging from the amount of blood he vomited and the position of his left hand, his internal organs should be damaged. It is possible that his ribs were broken and the fracture pierced the internal organs.

"His ribs were broken."

At this time Bingo glanced at Ethan, who nodded.

"In fact, there is no need to continue."

Looking at the two lines of tears on Sarah's face, she collapsed and collapsed on the ground. It was obvious that she didn't want Matthew to continue.

But in the field, Matthew was still standing ready with his sword raised, but his body was probably barely able to stand up.


The leader of the giants punched him hard again.

Matthew's expression changed, and he actually gave up the dodge he was good at. Instead of blocking the leader's fist, the long sword stabbed straight into the leader's neck.


As expected, Matthew was beaten far away by the leader giant. The sword was scattered on one side, while he himself lay on the ground motionless.

Unexpectedly, a shocking wound appeared on the leader's neck. The wound penetrated several centimeters into the flesh and directly cut through the blood vessels on the leader's neck, causing blood to spurt out.

The leading giant pressed his neck with his left hand, obviously feeling a little frightened.

Matthew's injury-exchange strategy just now can be said to be successful. The leader giant thought that Matthew would use the long sword in his hand to block his fist. Who knew that this madman actually attacked his neck directly, and his neck was not rocked.

So Matthew's attack worked.

But Matthew completely lost his combat capability.

"There is no need to continue."

Ethan frowned. Matthew was seriously injured. His bones and internal organs should be seriously damaged.

And the leader giant's injury was not much better. Although it seemed that there were only a few minor injuries on his body, the wound on his neck was indeed a fatal injury.

From the perspective of the game, the leader giant won, but in actual combat, he might walk ahead of Matthew.


"Wooden man~"

At this time, the wooden man like a puppet suddenly appeared behind the leader giant, and his face still had no expression.

Sometimes the less expression, the more frightening it is.

So in an instant, the leader giant felt fear.

He did not dare to leave his neck with his left hand. If he took it away, blood would inevitably gush out, and he would die in a few minutes.

Just rely on one arm?

The leader giant glanced at the Windtalker lying on the ground unconscious, and secretly regretted that he should not have killed the Windtalker directly. At least the three of them should have consumed each other.

The wooden man still did not speak, but he took the first step and began to walk towards the leader giant.


There is no suspense in this battle.

The wooden man defeated the "leader giant" without much effort.

In the end, the "wooden man" sat on the throne of the quarterly champion.

He is also the champion of the last quarter of this year.

Next, it will not be long before the annual champion will compete, which is worth looking forward to.

PS: Thanks to the book friend Ai Si Tangdouren for the reward, I understand~

PS: Recommendation ticket, monthly ticket fast lane.

PS: Book group: 189698162, come to the bowl~

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