After a simple ceremony, Ethan officially joined the Order of the Phoenix.

The castle they were in had only four floors, and then Ethan was led by the principal and three professors to between the third and fourth floors of the castle.

"Easy to stretch and contract, revealing true form."

Standing between the two floors, Principal Vic chanted a spell lightly.


I felt the castle begin to shake violently, and the sound was deafening.

After about ten seconds, the stairs began to extend and fold upwards, and a new floor actually appeared between the third and fourth floors.

3.5 floors!

Principal Vic saw Ethan's shocked expression and explained with a smile: "This is one of the blessings of the magic school ruins, the retractable stairs."

"Next I will take you to the school's secret room to choose the real reward."

Principal Vic had previously promised Ethan to allow him to choose a reward from the school's secret room.

Professor Colin, who also participated in the Rainforest Trial many years ago, also entered the secret room of the school and obtained the Soul Binding Photo Frame inside.

The secret room at Flo University is also one of the blessings of the magic school. Many of the rewards inside are leftovers from the magic school.

"Manimani boom~"

In the corridor on the third and a half floors, Vic and three other professors stopped in front of the first stone door, and then Principal Vic recited another spell.


The stone door began to move up slowly. It seemed that this was the so-called secret room of Flo University. Five people filed in.

Ethan's selection of rewards was completed under the joint supervision of the four of them.

The secret room was unexpectedly wide, and Ethan's sight was blocked by the racks of books, making it impossible to see the end.

There were no windows in the secret room, only a few oil lamps on the wall, so it was a bit dark here.

"Ethan, because of your outstanding performance in the rainforest trial, the school allows you to choose three treasures from the secret room. Remember, you only have three chances, so you must seize them."

The secret room was empty, and Principal Vic's voice echoed in the space.

"We will follow you. If you have any questions, you can always ask. This is your special treatment for winning first place."

The three old and very strong professors said so.

This is a huge benefit.

Looking around, the treasures in this secret room are densely packed. There must be thousands of treasures at least. If they can be put into the secret room, there must be something unusual about them.

How could Ethan understand.

Just like Professor Colin, when he chose a painting from the secret room, he originally thought that there was some secret hidden in the painting. However, after so many years, nothing was gained, and in the end, it gave Ethan an advantage.

Ethan is lucky enough to get the guidance of the principal and three professors, and he will avoid many detours.

"But to be honest, the few of us only know a little bit about the treasures in the secret room. In the end, your own ideas are the main ones."

Soon Ethan came to the first treasure.

It was a mirror, a very majestic mirror with a golden frame and extremely exquisite features. At the bottom were two claw-shaped feet supporting the mirror, which was almost flush with the ceiling.

There is a line of simple English text on the top of the mirror, which should be the name of this mirror.

Standing in front of the mirror and looking at himself in the mirror, Ethan suddenly felt dizzy. Then a castle appeared in the mirror, surrounded by ethereal clouds and mist. It was extremely beautiful and spectacular. Isn't this what he had been thinking about day and night? Looking for a city in the sky?

For a moment, Ethan was a little addicted to it.




After three heavy knocks, Ethan's eyes returned to clarity.

This sudden sound was the warning sound from the black box.

Ethan broke out in a cold sweat after reacting. He couldn't help but be attracted by the illusion in the mirror just now. If the black box hadn't issued a warning, he probably wouldn't have been able to escape.

"Okay~ The little guy is the only person I have seen over the years who can break free from the environment on his own. If you look at the time of addiction, he is the shortest one. He has a good heart."

The old man who was proficient in mind reading stroked his beard and nodded in praise.

He had read Ethan's memories before, and he believed that Ethan's simple mind was the main reason for breaking away from the illusion.

"Well, innocent heart~"

The other three people also praised him, but Ethan became more vigilant in his heart.

"This magic mirror can reflect the things you want most in your heart. Few people can escape from it. You are very good, Ethan."

Principal Vic couldn't help but praise.

"However, this mirror is too dangerous for practice. Once you indulge in it, the consequences will be disastrous. Moreover, it is too bulky and is not suitable for carrying."

The only badge on Ethan's body that has spatial abilities is the oak leaf badge.

But the space for badges is generally very small, and this magic mirror will never fit in.

But my Elf Treehouse is up to the task.

However, this mirror was really useless to him. Ethan nodded to express his agreement with Principal Vic's suggestion.

On the first shelf behind the mirror, Ethan saw a bunch of rusty keys, an oversized red umbrella, a worn teapot, and several equally worn teacups.

The predecessor of Qiansi Lingxiu is the Smell of Truth, and naturally has the ability to smell time.

What surprised Ethan was that the four time lines were all the same light yellow, which meant that the four items should be from the same era.

"Can I take these treasures?"

"Of course, my child, in fact, before you choose the final treasure, you can take any treasure."

After thanking him, Ethan first picked up the oversized red umbrella. He was curious, who would use such a big umbrella?

Ethan found a name written in English on the handle of the umbrella.

"Rube Hagrid."

Ethan whispered the name.

"Child, you have a good grasp of English. You will definitely get an A in the end-of-year exam. According to the records of "A School History" in the library, this name belongs to a half-giant, so his umbrella is unusually large."

"Maybe you can find clues about the remains of the giants from this umbrella~"

At this time, the strong old man joked.

"Don't be funny, buddy, you know that's almost impossible."

The slightly gentle professor shook his head slightly.

Ethan's eyes lit up when he heard about the giants. Since the 'Human Dawn Atlas' evolved into the 'Dawn Atlas', the content has changed a lot. Many legendary races have appeared in the 'Sailor Chapter', and the giants are one of them.

The giant sailors, Ethan tried to fill in the blanks in his mind, and it seemed pretty good.


Turn on the switch on the umbrella handle, and the big umbrella opens, which can accommodate four or five of you.

However, the whole umbrella cover is a bit worn out, and there is even an obvious patch.

Looking at the patch, Ethan frowned, always feeling that there is something wrong with the patch, and closed the big umbrella and put it aside.

Ethan looked at several other items.

PS: Thank you book friend Yuan Jingjing for the reward, I wish you a little happiness every day~

PS: Recommendation ticket, monthly ticket fast lane.

PS: Book group: 189698162, come to the bowl quickly~

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