"Whistleblower Gordon~"

The whistler half-squatted and posed, holding the arrow in his hand and sticking it on his forehead. His long hair was messy in the wind. This was his carefully designed look.

Under the control of the whistle, the flying arrow turned several circles in the air, which really amazed Ethan.


The third person who broke the awkwardness was a little girl who unexpectedly dressed as a maid. Although she was petite, she carried a huge backpack like a small house.

The whole backpack almost buried her underneath, and from a distance it looked like a moving hill.

"Hey, hey, hey, whistler, can you change the way you appear... I'm prone to laughing this way."


"Ahem, stop talking nonsense, give me a bottle of sparkling water first..."

"Whistleblower, it's very troublesome for me to set up a stall, okay? Are you sure you want it now?"

The little maid complained somewhat unhappily.

"Give it to him, and give me a cup of strong tea..."

An old man walked out of the darkness holding a cane.

The cane was a dry tree root, just like the old man, with wrinkles all over his body and lifeless.

Behind him were two men, one tall and one short, with extremely cold faces.

The tall man was in armor, and every step he took was immovable. Just a glance at him made people feel that they were invincible, like a steel fortress.

The shorter one was a little thin, with messy hair like a bird's nest, and his face was abnormally pale, especially his eyes were cold and lifeless, and he was not an easy person to deal with.

What was even more bizarre was that all ten fingers on his hands were scissors, like a modified person.


The little maid seemed to respect the old man very much, and the backpack fell to the ground with a shocking "boom".

She opened the backpack and pulled out a small production table directly, and began to mix sparkling water and strong tea.

The old man with a cane, the armored man, the bird's nest man, the maid, the whistle blower, and the pocket watch man.

"Extreme compression body building technique, you have mastered this secret technique. You are worthy of being the weirdo Arthur, who is called a genius once in a century by the 'Star Council'."

It turns out that the reason why he maintains the appearance of a dwarf is because of the body building technique he practices.

"Thank you for the compliment, senior. I can't help it. My face of a popular lover is too obvious. It is easy for people with bad intentions to follow me. I can only damage my image and maintain my chastity."

The fortune teller pinched Arthur's ribs from behind, and the two looked at each other and flirted in public.

The old man: "Weird Arthur, Amber Bass, Hat Trick Johnson, Scarlet Yuna, Flash Baby, and... Pulse... Connie."

He read very slowly, and every time he read a name, the circus people saluted slightly in turn.

When he read 'Pulse', the curtain on the carriage was lifted, and Connie walked down with a smile: "Huh, I didn't expect Prism to be so polite, and the welcome ceremony was so grand."

Prism? Federal department! It is also the initiator of the Rainbow Council.

The old man smiled slightly: "Old friend, it's been a long time since we last met. It's inevitable that I want to catch up."

"Okay, it's time to catch up. Who knows when we won't see the sun tomorrow."

"Today I just want to figure out the second half of that journey."

"Haha, journey? What journey?"

"You know I'm talking about the 'holy land'."

"Haha, so the 'Line Walker' was also named because they knew this, so they were..."

When Connie mentioned the four words 'Line Walker', the old man's face turned livid instantly.

"You know that name is taboo."

As if he was hit on the sore spot, the old man's face changed, and the divination stick in his hand floated.

"Sure enough, I knew it was a waste of words to tell you this."

"...Vector turbulence!!!"

With the old man's roar, with him as the center, the surrounding stones floated, the trees fell to the ground, and the people in the prism seemed unaffected.

This is the old man's ability, vector control.

It can disrupt the direction of any force within the range, including gravity.

When the old man took action, the circus naturally did not want to be outdone.

Connell snorted coldly, and the Hulk mode was turned on: "Steam Age!"

The white mist instantly filled the air, overlapping with the old man's 'vector field'.

Steam can increase the thrust of steam for people within the range, which means that the strength and speed of one's own side are doubled.

The war was about to break out, and the two sides were in chaos in an instant.

Is this the power of the strong? Ethan, who was behind the carriage, looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

"Hua La."

Just then, a sound came from the carriage.

Ethan thought: Could it be Bryant?

After a few breaths, a shadow flowed down from the caravan like ink, and then slowly faded away.


Ethan was stunned, and he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

The shadow actually stood up from the ground and turned into a phantom of a person.

And in the shadow's hand was a package formed by a phantom.

The faintly visible strip-shaped object in the package was moving back and forth.

It's... Bryant!!!

The phantom gradually solidified and revealed its true body.

As luck would have it, he just happened to walk to Ethan's side.

Almost instantly, Ethan's mind was filled with the climax of Naruto, and he used a kick from the hip-hop fighting technique.

Originally, he was using the Siggen breathing method to make no sound, and now it was a sudden attack.

This kick was like a meteor from the sky, coming out of nothing.

It hit the opponent's wrist.

In fact, the transformation of the shadow from real to virtual is the weakness of his ability.

And the shadow was caught off guard, and Ethan succeeded.

Ethan hugged the package that was about to fall to the ground, rolled over, and instantly avoided the opponent's attack range.

But this roll exposed his whereabouts.

The two groups of people who were fighting in a group stopped and turned to look at Ethan, who was dressed as a clown with paint all over his face.

Connell was shocked at first, but he knew that Ethan had not awakened the extraordinary, and because he didn't want him to be involved, he let him be hypnotized.

But why was he awake?

However, he looked at the bag in Ethan's hand. The bag seemed real, but it rolled back and forth like a shadow.

This is a shadow bag that can only be used by people who master the ability of "shadow flow".

At present, there is only one person in the entire federation who has this ability, and that is Black Pudding of the Night Banquet Guild.

Connell sneered, "I didn't expect Prism to cooperate with Yeyan, making a feint to the east and attacking in the west, very good."

Yeyan is a notorious dark organization, the opposite of the federal government.

Prism can decompose light into seven colors of rainbow, but when the seven colors are mixed, they will turn into black, which is Yeyan.

The most notorious terrorist organization on this continent.

The code name of each member is a dark dish, and Black Pudding is one of them, known for being difficult to deal with.

The old man with a cane changed his face when he heard the words, and his eyes swept over the people behind him, looking at the shadows on the ground with his eyes narrowed into a slit.

Prism will never cooperate with Yeyan, this is beyond doubt.

But why did Black Pudding of Yeyan appear here right after them?

He didn't believe there would be such a coincidence in the world.

That is to say, one of them leaked the secret!

PS: Recommendation ticket, monthly ticket fast lane.

PS: Book group: 189698162, come to the bowl quickly~

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