"It's really magical, the taste changes gradually layer by layer."

Ethan put down the empty water glass and felt the changes in his taste buds.

The last layer of purple is cold and bitter in the mouth, but it is fragrant and fragrant. It is sweet after drinking, and it feels like an endless aftertaste.

The old man smiled slightly: "White Feather Flower can increase the ability of taste, but it's a pity that the quantity is too scarce."

For a pharmacist, the sense of taste is a very important attribute. Through the sense of taste, the main ingredients of the medicine can be distinguished and whether the preparation is balanced.

This is quite a gift.

"Yesterday I received a letter from an old friend. In her letter, she told the news of Professor Taylor's death. I think you should have guessed it."

Ethan was stunned for a moment and then realized: "It should be Master Fanda. I had the honor to visit the master himself in Milan on my way back."

Vic nodded and took a sip of the water in his hand: "Oh, things are unpredictable. Professor Taylor is a good friend of mine. I didn't expect him... oh."

He shook his head, looking sad, obviously very distressed.

"Professor Taylor is a treasure in the occult world of the entire Federation. His talent in linguistics is unparalleled. His death is a loss to the entire Federation."

Ethan was silent. Although he knew that Professor Taylor was a top scholar in the Federation, the two had never met, but he just felt a little regretful.

"So I want to hold a memorial service at Flo University to commemorate Taylor's departure. Since you know Master Fanta, I think it is necessary to inform you."

"Professor Taylor was a respected professor, and I feel very honored to be able to attend this memorial service."

Ethan nodded slightly and accepted Principal Vic's invitation.

The principal didn't seem to know that he was the first to know about Taylor's death. It seemed that Professor Fender didn't tell him any more information.

"I will let my messenger pass it on to you for the specific time schedule."

Principal Vic raised his right hand, and a snow-white parrot appeared on his arm.

“This is my messenger—Moses.”

"Moses Moses~"

The white parrot flapped its wings and called its name.

It is really rare for parrots to be used as messengers. In his impression, most parrots are affiliated with Parrot News.

Ethan took out some nuts from the badge and fed it to it, which obviously gave him a lot of impression points.

"Moses Moses~"

After eating the nuts, Moses flew away into the distance.

"Haha, apart from being a bit greedy, Moses is quite capable."

"There is one more thing today, which is about the Rainforest Trial. First of all, congratulations on winning the Rainforest Trial championship."

Vic said this with a smile on his face, and he was obviously very happy about this.

Turing has not won the Rainforest Trial for many years, and last year's fourth place was already his best result in recent decades.

Unexpectedly, Ethan, the guy who rushes to put things on the shelf, gave everyone a surprise.

Indeed, the reason why Ethan was able to participate in the Rainforest Trial was because he saved the noble business group from Zion City at a critical moment. The Pharmacist Association immediately recommended him to become a contestant this time.

Now that I think about it, the choice I made at that time was indeed a bit risky.

But fortunately the result is good.

"So I have one more invitation."

Principal Vic paused deliberately, then smiled at Ethan.

“You are invited to join the Flo University Alumni Wall.”

The Alumni Wall is a collection of students who have made outstanding contributions.

This is a symbol of glory.

Hanging one's own portrait on the alumni wall is the highest pursuit of every Flo student.

"Ah, it's an honor to accept this invitation."

Of course Ethan didn't refuse.

"In addition, as a reward, you will get an opportunity to enter the school's secret library."

Ethan was shocked.

The secret library of Flo University is a very mysterious place. Legend has it that there are many treasured books in it, including special knowledge such as history, language, secret techniques, and formulas.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Principal, this is a surprise."

Ethan beamed. He had heard about the secret library in the school for a long time, and finally had a chance to take a look.

In addition to the rewards from the school, the rewards from the city government should be more abundant, but I don’t know why no one has contacted me yet.

After leaving the principal's office, it was almost noon, and Ethan went directly to the Guta Laboratory.

The research and development of antivenom has basically come to an end, and venom antibodies to almost various toxins have been cultivated.

Manufacturing and sales have already been on track, but they are limited to the production capacity at this time. The price of antivenom has been rising again and again, and now every bottle of medicine is priced astronomically.

Ethan would like to increase production capacity, but there is no way. The world cannot achieve large-scale automated production, and it is affected by snakes and horses, so he has no choice but to maintain the status quo.

At the same time, through this period of experience, Ethan discovered the shortcomings of this world.

As a world of high martial arts, casualties in conflicts are very common, but everyone seems to rely too much on the baptism of the Church of Light.

If the trauma cannot be repaired in time, it will be very easy to become infected without antibiotics and the like.

Once infection and suppuration occur, there is almost nothing you can do.

Not even the baptism of light can cure it.

Especially in the process of land reclamation, if you rely solely on the priest's baptism of light, it will not only delay time, but also waste a lot of money.

So Ethan wants to develop a class of antibiotics.

There are many types of antibiotics, and the first one is penicillin.

Penicillin can kill bacteria quickly, and it was a very commonly used drug even in the previous life.

However, the cultivation of penicillin is extremely strict, at least it requires a sterile environment, but the cultivation cycle is long, and the screening is also extremely complicated. At this stage, there is no corresponding environment and instrument conditions, and it is impossible to produce it.

So compared to penicillin, Ethan prefers another drug sulfonamide.

Sulfonamide is also a kind of antibiotic, and it is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that has a strong inhibitory effect on many kinds of bacteria.

But unlike penicillin's rapid sterilization, it mainly inhibits the growth of bacteria and is a long-term antibacterial agent. Although it is not as fast as penicillin, it is more lasting and safe.

The most important thing is that this substance is mainly artificially synthesized, does not require a long and strict cultivation and screening process, and is also very simple to use, and can be directly applied externally.

In the previous life, sulfonamides were first discovered from dyes. The synthesis process was not complicated and the cost was low. Once it came out, it was widely popular.

Judging from the current situation, Ethan is confident that he can synthesize it.

Sulfonamide drugs are mainly synthesized by acetanilide, chlorosulfonic acid, liquid ammonia, liquid alkali, etc. in proportion. Relatively speaking, these substances can still be obtained after repeated experiments.

Thinking of this, Ethan built a corresponding preparation template in his mind.

Of course, it is not a simple matter to extract raw materials from the substances that exist in the current world, so he repeatedly revised it many times in a day, and finally determined a version in the evening.

PS: Thanks to the book friends who actually really look down on the genuine version and the book friends Nimotomachi G forget-me-not for their rewards. The cold winter night is no longer cold, awesome.

PS: Recommendation ticket, monthly ticket fast lane.

PS: Book group: 189698162, come to the bowl quickly~

I wish all book friends a happy New Year's Day, a new year and a new atmosphere.

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