In the end, Dicknay did not accept a single bello and gave the slate to Ethan.

Before leaving, Ethan left him a few more healing pills.

It was already dusk.

Ethan guessed that Sanxi should be back when she went out to sketch.

The gallery's business has become a bit deserted, and a boy who looks like a student wearing crystal glasses is preparing to close the shop.

Seeing this, Ethan quickly walked up and said, "Hello, is Mr. Sancy back?"

The boy was stunned for a moment, and the door that had been ajar opened again.

"You are here to see Brother Sangxi's friend. He is still waiting for you in the studio."

"It's the third room from the left upstairs. You can just go up there."

Ethan nodded in thanks, and the boy waved his hand politely.

"Dong dong dong."

Following the route he said, Ethan knocked on the door of the third room.


The wooden door made a low turning sound, revealing Sanxi's surprised face.

"Boss, you are finally here~"

Sanxi let Ethan into the room, and sure enough, Feilin was here too. She nodded slightly towards Ethan, with a slight shyness on her face.

In front of Sanxi was a drawing board with an equilateral triangle pattern and strange patterns in the middle.

"Totem seal?"

Ethan asked subconsciously.

"Yes, this is a relatively common stable totem. After this totem is engraved on the mind tool, the mind tool will become stronger and harder."

Sure enough, triangles are stable.

"If you choose the 'Mountain-like' baptismal ceremony to awaken, the effect bonus will be even better."

Immovable as a Mountain, it is a type of baptism ceremony just like 'Greetings from the God of Light', 'Hour of Sages', 'Praise of Harvest', 'Judgment of Sin and Heavenly Punishment', etc.

It’s just that ‘Unmoved’ is the inheritance baptism of the Roberts family in the Twelve Rosemary family.

It is said that after receiving the baptism of being immovable, one will not fall down no matter what the impact is on the battlefield.

"This totem seal was drawn for members of the Roberts family. This is just a rough draft. Tomorrow I will assist the teacher to engrave it on a very precious shield."

Ethan nodded slightly.

"Master Fanta is back?"

Sangxi put down the paintbrush in his hand, took out a dirty canvas from the corner and covered the drawing board, then turned around and said with a smile:

"Well, I just came back yesterday and I just wanted to say goodbye to her before leaving."

Ethan nodded, then took out the slate from the package and handed it to Sansi.

"Help me see if this stone slab is a totem."

Sangxi took the slate, touched the totem mark with his hand, and then input his telekinesis. After about a few minutes, he handed the slate to Ethan.

"Oh! The patterns look similar, but the way of thinking is... too complicated."

Sanxi frowned, a little unsure.

"Boss, why don't you and I go see the teacher tomorrow?"

When he heard that it was Master Fanta, Ethan was of course very willing and agreed immediately.

It was night, Ethan stayed in Sancy's studio, and spent the whole night speechless.

The next morning, the three of them got ready and headed to Moss University.

"The teacher usually lives in the university and rarely goes out. Especially in recent years, except for some friends, he rarely shows up."

Sangxi was carrying a drawing board behind his back, and Feilin was following beside him.

"Then I'm so lucky to meet the legendary Master Fanda once."

Sansi smiled.

When walking to a flower shop, Sanxi suddenly stopped, then turned to Ethan and said:

"Boss, please wait a moment."

I saw him walking into the flower shop and soon walked out holding a large bouquet of gardenias.

The fresh and tangy gardenia fragrance is intoxicating.

"The teacher's favorite is gardenia. She will be very happy to receive it as a gift."

Ethan stared at the gardenia in fascination.

"I didn't expect Master Fanta to also like gardenias."

"Huh? Who else likes gardenias?"

"It's a coincidence that my teacher also likes gardenias."

Ethan smiled implicitly, still remembering that when he was still in the circus, he once bought a bouquet of gardenias in Sweet Town Kangnai, and he was very happy.

"Does Master Fanda live by himself?"

"Well, the teacher has a daughter who rarely goes home. At the moment, she just lives by herself and a few maids."

"What about Master Fanta's lover?"

Sansi shrugged.

"This is a taboo topic. To be honest, even I have never seen what the teacher's lover looks like."

The three of them walked and chatted, and soon arrived at their destination, Moss University.

Some people say that a university often represents the style of a city.

This is most vividly reflected in the city of Milan and Moss University.

The white tower in the distance and the graffiti wall nearby are solemn yet sentimental. Coupled with the melodious flute and elegant harp, the entire campus is suddenly infused with soul.

The students are small and enthusiastic, not as bookish as Flo University.

Ethan loves it here.

Under the leadership of Sangxi, the three of them walked towards the direction of the White Tower.

Beside the white tower, there are several leisurely villas scattered in an orderly manner.

Master Fanta lives here.

After passing all the guards, Ethan came to a villa.

"Dong dong dong."

Sangxi knocked on the door, and soon a maid opened the door. She nodded when she saw it was Sangxi, and then let the three of them into the villa.

"Boss, please wait in the living room for a moment. I'll go talk to the teacher."


Sansi took Feilin up to the second floor, and Ethan sat down in the living room. Soon the maid brought a glass of sage drink, and only then did he have time to observe the place.

The living room was well organized, and the furniture was simple despite the small number of furniture.

At the same time, Ethan once again felt Master Fanta's love for gardenias, and gardenias could be seen in every corner.

Ethan took a sip of the sage drink.

A mouthful of sweetness, and a little bit of bitterness.


Ethan looked at the sage water in his hand, and there was some surprise in his eyes.

Because the glass of sage water in Ethan's hand had a faint fragrance of iris.

This is a rare way of drinking, and it happened that his teacher Connie also liked to drink it this way.

Could it be another coincidence?

"Hello, I want to ask, is iris juice added to this cup of sage water?"

The maid smiled and said, "Indeed, iris juice is added, because Master Fanta likes this taste."

Ethan nodded to express his gratitude, and then took another sip, which was indeed delicious.

At this time, a voice sounded from the second floor: "Iris juice can neutralize part of the astringency of sage water, and it is also good for the body."

Ethan looked in the direction of the voice, but saw a middle-aged woman coming down the stairs in the stairwell. She was wearing loose home clothes, with free and easy manners and elegant temperament, and behind her were Sansi and Feilin.

Sansi smiled slightly and pointed at Ethan: "Teacher, this is the Ethan Moore I mentioned."

Ethan was shocked. He didn't expect that the world-famous Master Fanta was such an elegant and beautiful woman. He quickly put down the teacup and stood up to say hello.

PS: Recommendation ticket, monthly ticket fast lane.

PS: Book group: 189698162, come to the bowl quickly~

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