The Fairy Circus finally arrived in Rum Town before the Harvest Festival.

For Ethan, Rum Town has a special feeling, as his predecessor grew up here.

In the northeast corner of Rum Town, the Dagan River quietly passes through here. Although it is already evening, there are still farmers busy harvesting.

At this time, Rum Town has already had the atmosphere of the Harvest Festival. Stacked grains and sugarcane can be seen everywhere, and farmers are in groups of three or five, singing and dancing.

Ethan found an excuse not to participate in the circus dinner, and soon appeared in the square in the center of the town with ease.

The crops piled up in the square are piled up together, like small hills.

The teenagers of Rum Town sit on the high grain piles and listen to Old Bill tell his past stories.

This is the Old Bill Storytelling Club in Rum Town.

The noisy children suddenly become loyal listeners, quietly listening to a drunkard talking nonsense, which is no longer a rare thing in Rum Town.

"Gudong, gudong."

Old Bill was slurred and always stopped to drink a few sips of rum when the story reached its climax, which whetted people's appetite.

But all this did not hinder everyone's interest. The children in Rum Town still liked to sit around him and listen to stories.

Occasionally, a few ignorant guys were about to complain when they were covered by the alert little hands behind them.

There was no way, because Old Bill was the only extraordinary person in Rum Town.

"Puff~ Conquer? Conquer the ruins? My God, what nonsense did you say, little brat."

The innocent words of the children made Old Bill laugh, and even the rum that had just been poured into his mouth was sprayed everywhere.

The amber wine soup hung on his big beard, making him look even more sloppy.

Old Bill waved his big hand carelessly and wiped it with his half-worn linen shirt.


The stench was so bad that poor Ethan was sprayed with alcohol and almost got his overnight meal.

There was no way he could sit closest to Old Bill. As an outsider, he had to pay a price to listen to stories.

Even so, Ethan only dared to complain in his heart. After all, he also longed for Old Bill's adventure stories.

Old Bill poured wine into his mouth unscrupulously, which made Ethan's eyes jump.

You know, the rum produced in Rum Town can be sold at a sky-high price outside.

"In fact... we did not conquer the ruins. On the contrary, we were conquered by the ruins."

Old Bill raised the bottle high, his eyes followed the Dagan River upstream, which was the direction of the 'Knight's Square'.

"Flutter~ Flutter~"

This move scared the sparrows secretly nesting on the grain pile. They ran into the fog in a panic and disappeared in a flash.

When he was young, he was a good winemaker, and later he was lucky to join the Drunkard Guild.

That's right! It is the Drunkard Guild, the only super guild in the entire Mensa City.

When the Drunkards Guild successfully opened up the ruins of the Knights Square, the fog around the ruins receded like a tide, and the entire Mensa City became twice as large.

In the official documents of Mensa City, the praise was much more exaggerated.

The headquarters of the Drunkards Guild was built on the basis of the ruins of the Knights Square.

Using a large ruin as a base is a symbol of a super guild.

"Huh, at that time, the entire Knights Square sounded the trumpet of victory, as if God had descended to the world, that feeling..."

Waving the bottle, Old Bill boasted as if he was there again, and was so excited that he seemed to want to fight with someone, and even his neck turned red and purple.


Perhaps because he drank the wine too quickly, Old Bill choked and became flustered.

This caused many children to laugh.

"As the next candidate for the president of the Drunkards Guild, ahem."

Old Bill's self-praise has long become a joke in the whole Rum Town.

He threw away the empty bottle in his hand, and a bottle of fresh rum was already in front of him.

This is a skill that every child who comes here to gain knowledge must learn, because even if he is a second slower, Old Bill may stop and complain for an hour or two.

But this time the whole process was smooth, and even Old Bill could not find a flaw.

He nodded with satisfaction and began to enjoy the pleasure that alcohol gave him.

"Want to join the Drunkards' Guild? Haha, that's not difficult."

Old Bill changed his posture, and the haystack behind him was pressed to the ground. He took a comfortable breath and gulped down a few mouthfuls of rum. Such a day, even the gods would not change.

Looking at the thirsty eyes, Old Bill was very satisfied.

"As long as you can drink three pounds of this rum in half an hour, it will be fine."

Shaking the crystal clear rum in his hand, the yellow sparkle was so beautiful that it made people intoxicated at night.

"It couldn't be simpler, right?"

The children looked at each other, and then looked at the pile of empty bottles around them. You call this simple?

"I was admitted as an exception."

At this point, Old Bill's face showed a proud look. It seemed that he had become famous in the Drunkards' Guild with his specialty of drinking.


Another hearty laugh.

The night was getting darker, and the cold dew was heavy.

Old Bill was so drunk that he couldn't speak clearly, but everyone was still willing to gather around him to listen.

Lying on the grain stack, smelling the faint fragrance of grain, Ethan closed his eyes leisurely, and his mind seemed to fly back to a year ago.

In his memory, he lived with Mrs. Jasmine.

Mrs. Jasmine is the owner of a clothing store in the town. When she was a textile worker, she picked up a bamboo basket floating down the Dagan River. The child in the bamboo basket was Ethan.

Adopting an infant requires courage for a single woman.

But Mrs. Jasmine, a weak-minded woman, did it.

Ethan received meticulous care, and Mrs. Jasmine seemed to have spiritual comfort.

The two depended on each other, relying on Mrs. Jasmine's craftsmanship, but they could barely make ends meet.

The custom in Rum Town is that teenagers who are over 12 years old must participate in the first baptism ceremony in their lives.

Ethan is no exception.

The process of baptism is not complicated. Choose a sunny day, pray devoutly, and the priest will sprinkle holy water on everyone.

The so-called 'holy water' is actually a secret medicine, this is what Kangnai said.

It can stimulate people's perception of thoughts and make them more sensitive, thus increasing the chance of extraordinary awakening.

Of course, to a large extent, these are all wasted efforts. 99.9% of people have not changed at all. Being extraordinary is not that simple.

However, the 'Greetings from the God of Light', as a baptism ceremony jointly designated by the Rainbow Council, although the effect is not satisfactory, it is more reliable and has no side effects on almost everyone.

It's 'almost', there are always exceptions, and Ethan is that exception.

When the holy water dropped on his body, the originally crystal clear water droplets suddenly turned as dark as ink.

The sudden scene was like a wake-up call, causing Ethan's situation to undergo earth-shaking changes.

Seeing Ethan covered in black spots, the friends were all shocked.

You don't have to be a layperson to realize that this is not a good sign.

He still remembered the frightened look in the priest's eyes and Mrs. Jasmine's desperate protection that day.

Descendants of the devil, this is Ethan's new label.

Under the bewitchment of the church, Mrs. Jasmine finally collapsed. On a stormy night, she left alone and was never heard from again.

Ethan, who had lost his support, was devastated, declined Old Bill's offer, and left his hometown resolutely.

Ethan, who traveled through time, could feel the pain and disappointment in his predecessor's heart.

Hey, religious brainwashing kills people.

Later, by accident, Ethan met Marshall. Soon after, he joined the Goblin Circus and began his wandering career.

And Ethan has never given up on searching for Mrs. Jasmine. He dreams of seeing that strange woman who is like his mother again one day.

Old Bill's story session has long since ended.

Lying in the carriage, Ethan didn't feel sleepy at all.

After the Sweet Town incident, the circus atmosphere began to become a little subtle.

Marshall changed his usual harsh image and became humorous, and often greeted Ethan.

On the way to Rum Town, Marshall learned about Ethan's birthday from somewhere and organized a grand birthday bonfire party for Ethan.

To be honest, Ethan himself didn't even know his birthday.

Ethan, who was reluctant to receive gifts, was completely moved.

It was the illusion of a long-lost home.

PS: Recommended ticket, monthly ticket fast lane.

PS: Book group: 189698162, come to the bowl~

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