Shall we go to open up the wasteland together tomorrow?

Chapter 18: The ‘Conquest’ of the Flower Sea

The prairie wolf fell down.


Bryant twisted his body, and his slender body coiled in circles, which was a kind of visual geometric beauty.

In the weak moonlight, Ethan vaguely saw a fist-sized golden object rolled on its tail.

Ethan pointed, "What is on your tail?"




The cause of the bee swarm riot was probably found.

Bryant's one-day trip to the honey sea today can be regarded as a feast. With his scales, he went in and out of the beehive seven times and ate almost all the beehives of the giant beehive.

Even so, it was considered safe until... it encountered the thing rolled on its tail.

This triggered the bee swarm riot.

Ethan took it in his hand and observed it carefully. It was a golden beehive, only the size of a palm, very round and textured to the touch.

It's a bit too much to call it a beehive, because there are only a dozen or so small hexagonal honeycombs on it, and the material feels very special, with a jade texture.

"Bryant, are you saying that the bee colony is looking for this thing?"


Bryant shook his head and explained for a long time.

"Can it be returned?"

Ethan couldn't see his expression now, but he believed that he must be in a dilemma.


Bryant smiled awkwardly but politely.

Ethan shook his head and stuffed the beehive into his pocket.

"Ding ding ding"

At this time, a knocking sound came from his pocket.

He was slightly stunned and took out the senbei that was also in his pocket. Ma Yun was horrified: "Don't put me with it, it's too noisy."

"Too noisy?"

Ethan listened, and there was no movement.

"It's just too noisy!"

Suddenly, Ethan's eyes lit up.

Senbei can access the magic network of this world, which is a network similar to WiFi. They transmit information through this magic network.

Could it be that this thing makes a sound similar to the magic network?

Suddenly Ma Yun pointed at the golden honeycomb in Ethan's hand:

"Who is singing~"

Senbei curled up in the shell.

Ethan almost added: warmed the loneliness~

"Is there a song in it? What is it singing?"

The song came from Ma Yun's mouth:

"At the beginning of extinction, winter is coming.

The frozen dead land, everything withers.

Where the light gathers, awaken the messenger of flowers.

The cage of shackles will naturally disintegrate.


Ethan comforted Ma Yun a few words, and when he saw that she was emotionally stable, he put her in another pocket.

While Ethan was holding the golden honeycomb in his hand, he was guessing what those words meant.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration: Could this be the "conquest" of the flower sea ruins?

After thinking for a while, he found that he was still confused, and could only deeply engrave the prologue in his mind.

Because Connell once said that the flower sea might be on a certain journey, so the place pointed to by the prologue might not be the flower sea.

"Let's go find the teacher first."

I'll ask him later.

Bryant nodded and turned to look at Ethan's leg.

It was a sprain when he fell from the ground into the corridor.

"It's okay, I can still walk."


Ethan walked very slowly. With Bryant's escort, he was much braver.

The Sigren breathing method can block his breath. For some reason, Bryant didn't seem to be affected.

It can still quickly locate its position.

Perhaps the tracking method of snakes is different from that of humans. I remember a book I read before. Snakes have an organ similar to infrared sensing, which should be able to identify targets through temperature sensing.

Ethan didn't care about so much. He needed to reunite with Connell as soon as possible.

Following Bryant, I don't know how long I walked, and suddenly I heard a wailing sound coming from above.


Bryant climbed up the wall sharply, and returned in a moment, followed by a familiar figure.


Ethan saw Connell's figure in the ditch, and the latter jumped lightly and came to him.

I felt my body shake, and when I looked again, the scenery had changed.

The sea of ​​flowers was in a mess, with wolf corpses everywhere, it was simply horrible.


Ethan looked at the purgatory-like sea of ​​flowers, as if it had been soaked in blood, and stared at Connell in amazement.

"Hehe, I haven't done it for too long, so the noise was a bit loud, and I couldn't control it."

Connell touched the beard on his chin embarrassedly, looking a little embarrassed.

His image as a kind teacher was broken.

"So... Teacher, did you do all this?"

Ethan pointed to a wolf corpse at his feet with his little finger. The wolf, which had a copper head and an iron tail, had its head hammered into pieces, and the white brain was scattered all over the floor.


If he hadn't experienced this as a doctor in his previous life, he would have vomited long ago.

"Hehe, accident, accident."

Connell waved his hands, thinking: It's over, his image as a sacred doctor has fallen.

"Teacher, actually... I think you are more domineering now."

Looking at Connell who still maintained his muscular image, Ethan gave a thumbs up.

Connell's eyes lit up: "Hahaha, good vision."


Seeing the temporary straps that Ethan had tied, he reached out and touched them.

"Well, no bones were hurt."

A light green mist enveloped Ethan's injured leg.


It was like drinking a bowl of ice chips in the scorching summer.

An itch in the heart.

The pain in the leg faded like a tide.

Trying to stretch his legs, Ethan was full of admiration.

Not only did the pain go away, but even the scars were gone.

"This is..."

"I mixed the recovery potion in the steam. Don't forget that I am a real pharmacist."

Connell smiled slightly, with wisdom flashing in his eyes.

"Teacher... I remember you are a superhuman with a stomach mutation."

"That's right, I am indeed a superhuman with awakened stomach abilities."

Connell's awakened ability is rumination. The muscles of the stomach are extremely developed, which can squeeze out food. It can also extract the essence of medicinal materials and synthesize pills in this way...

To be honest, it's a little disgusting.

He saw Connell spit out pills with this ability with his own eyes.

But why can he control steam? This puzzled Ethan.

"Haha, the ability of initial awakening is determined by the baptism ceremony and bloodline, but these only determine the starting point of the extraordinary, and the degree of development determines the height of the extraordinary."

Connell smiled.

"Well, the development of ability is the most important."

"Just like my 'burning wax meditation method'."

"It can turn any container unit of my body into a steam engine! Especially my stomach."

Ethan was slightly stunned, looking at Connell's smiling face: "Turn stomach into a dish, burn thoughts into firewood?"

Treating your stomach as a steam engine, and converting thoughts into heat through the burning wax meditation method.

So that's it!

It's just a crazy idea.

"Don't simply classify thoughts. Remember that thoughts are a flame, and a spark can start a prairie fire."

"Whether it is the awakening sequence or the career sequence after the awakening sequence, you must not be restricted by these rules and regulations."

Connell carried Ethan and Bryant on his back, bent his knees slightly, and white steam began to emerge around him.

I only felt a little trance, and Ethan was already in mid-air.


His legs sank deeply into the mud, and Connell shook his head helplessly.

I haven't used my abilities for too long, so I'm a little rusty when I use them.

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