Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 675 6. Siege of Alterac

Blake had a "book of hate."

This is a real thing that has been kept by his most trusted little idiot fishman.

Ever since he was reborn, the cautious pirate has been secretly writing down the names of the bastards who offended him, as well as the information about the guys he didn't like.

Most of the notebook is now filled with writing.

These include but are not limited to Talon Bloodfiend who bullied him, the newly added Gilneans, the abominable Daelin who was written a long time ago, and all the Tide Sages of the Church of Storms.

Of course, Maiev Shadowsong’s name will certainly not be missing among them.

Lady Maiev's name almost filled two pages, written in every language the stinking pirate knew. I knew it represented Blake's resentment towards that woman, but I didn't know but thought it was a dog-licking diary.

However, many of the names above have been marked with slashes, which represent the elimination of hatred and the physical death of the owner of hatred.

As we all know, Black Shaw is a very "generous" pirate. It doesn't matter if you offend him. You just need to apologize and be more careful in the next life.

In this regard, he is really very "friendly".

Just when Blake got a new weapon, he was going to find a blind asshole to practice his skills. Under the speechless gaze of a group of legendary spellcasters, while he was flipping through a small book filled with dark information, something unexpected happened. The situation interrupted his endless "search for enemies".

"Zhi Zhi Zhi"

The stinky pirate's beloved Trade Wind Crow flapped its wings from the high-altitude window with a piece of paper in its mouth, and landed lightly on Blake's shoulder.

While looking curiously at the evil-looking skull floating next to the pirate, she elegantly placed the letter in Blake's hand, and then smoothed the wings with her beak.

"Hey, this strange creature"

Suspended next to the pirate, a spellcaster of such a high level as Old Man Sachiel, who was using the Mark of Enlightenment to open his own wisdom seal, naturally discovered the anomaly of the Trade Wind Little Crow.

But before it could reveal the secret, it was caught by Black and thrown into the pirate's magic bag amidst the angry scolding of the old man.

"A noisy and talkative thing is annoying to watch."

The pirate complained harshly.

Then he gently stroked the head of the trade wind crow, took a few fat bugs he had just caught from the little fish-man with a sinister eyebrow, and fed them to his "flying raptor".

While helping her straighten the bird feathers on her head, she said softly:

"Ah, the poor little guy must be frightened by that ugly evil skull. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it's just a wraith that was snatched back from the devil.

However, it seems to know some of the invasion plans of the Burning Legion, which seem to be aimed at the night elves who gave the demons a taste of humiliation ten thousand years ago.

Tsk tsk, I feel a moment of silence for those miserable elves.

These evil-minded demons are really persistent in destroying them. The crazy guy just said that the Legion seems to be sending lurkers or something to Azeroth.

Wow, that's really scary. "

Saying these words that made Miss Silisa Black Crow very concerned, the stinky pirate opened the letter in his hand, turned the Eye of Kilrogg on his shoulder, and looked at the words on the envelope.

This letter was forwarded by Old Garni, the pirates' "royal postman", and it was signed to Steinblade, a border city in the Kingdom of Alterac.

The not-so-excellent but very concise grammar proves that the person writing the letter was probably from the military. Coupled with the pretentious code word on the envelope, Blake knew who the sender was.

He curled his lips and looked at it carefully.

The "Albatross" Auriden Perenold, who was thrown out of the Kingdom of Alterac, brought good news. According to him, the first batch of Alliance elite soldiers commanded by General Turalyon entered Alterac today. border.

The first batch of sergeants consisted of 6,000 people. In addition to the 5,000 troops that Oridan had gathered in the kingdom, plus the 2,000 private soldiers of the Barov family, the number was enough to open up an attack on the people entrenched in the Alterac Valley. The first phase of the Frostwolf Orcs' expulsion campaign has begun.

Moreover, Dalaran also sent two archmages to fight together, specifically to deal with the legendary shaman of the Frostwolf clan and their acting chief Drek'Thar.

In the letter, Auriden proudly told the master behind him that he had reached a business agreement with the Stormpike clan under the Bronzebeard Dwarf Kingdom in accordance with Black's instructions.

As the future king of Alterac, he contracted the mining rights of various rich mineral veins in the valley to the dwarves who had been trying to enter the Alterac Mountains.

In exchange, the Stormpike dwarves have provided a number of sophisticated military equipment to the legions under Auriden's command.

And those Stormpike dwarves who have a good relationship with the Wildhammer dwarves promised to send their own goat cavalry and a legion of gryphon knights to assist in the battle after the war begins.

According to Auriden's current observations, coupled with the opinions of the "Ice-Blooded" Earl who is experienced in wars around him, and with the assistance of the Knights of the Silver Hand and the dwarves, the upcoming orc expulsion war will be very easy. It may come to an end within half a month.

After all, their opponent this time was not the old tribe that was so powerful that it made the entire human civilization tremble. It was just an orc clan that was expelled from the old tribe.

According to the preliminary investigation of the Uncrowned One, the current number of Frostwolf Clan is around 4,000, and its number of mature warriors capable of fighting in battle, regardless of men and women combined, is only close to 2,500.

Even if there is a legendary shaman and a bunch of high-level wolf cavalry on the opposite side, with the precise intelligence brought by the Uncrowned One and the powerful offensive composed of humans' targeted arrangements, the defeat of the Frostwolf Clan is only a matter of time. .

If the orcs didn't plan to flee before the war started, a large-scale decisive battle would be enough to break the backbones of these cunning orcs who had been entrenched in the hinterland of humans for seven years!

"Ah, it finally started."

After Blake finished reading the letter, he moved his shoulders and stood up, turned to the little fish man and said:

"Go, give this letter to Eudora and Maimu. They will know how to do it. Four thousand orcs, plus their wargs, just reach the carrying limit of those small boats.

We just took advantage of this opportunity to ask Eudora to take all her boats to Booty Bay to register them. It was also time for the 'Wharton Trading Company' to officially clear their name.

Someone should take over this decent business in Beihai. "


"I don't understand, Varok, why do we have to wait here all this time? My people are in the mountains, aren't humans going to attack them?

Shouldn't we warn them now? "

In a snow-covered mountain pass in the southern pass of the Alterac Mountains, nearly a hundred kilometers away from the Dalaran Crater, Thrall, a young orc wearing a warm hunting suit and a white fur hunter's cloak, was , was sitting by a bonfire in a cave, roasting the goat meat in his hands, and asked the legendary orc who was sitting cross-legged opposite, eating the roasted meat with big mouthfuls.

Faced with this question, Varok Saurfang didn't even bother to answer.

The legendary orc killed a leg of lamb generously, and even though it was just grilled over charcoal with a little coarse salt, it still didn't affect the legendary warrior's appetite.

He threw the bone to the black warg lying there behind him with his tail wagging. The latter bit into the bone with a roar and ate it with great taste.

Saurfang picked up another piece of meat that was frozen hard by the harsh local climate, tied it with a wooden stick, and roasted it on the campfire.

He didn't even bring his iconic battle ax, nor did he wear armor. Just like Thrall, he wore a hunting suit for easy movement in the snow and a large cloak for warmth.

This seems to mean that the legendary warrior has no intention of fighting at all.

The wind and snow were blowing outside the cave, but the temperature inside the cave was very good. The legendary orc was very focused on roasting meat. His posture represented his attitude, which made Sal, who was eating roasted leg of lamb beside him, a little depressed. .

He looked at the wind and snow outside the cave from time to time, his blue eyes full of worry.

Even though he had never spent a day with his own tribe, after learning that he was from the Frostwolf Clan, he still felt that his fate was bound to those unknown tribesmen.

"Varok, me"

Thrall asked again, only to be glared at by the legendary orc warrior.

Varok Saurfang looked at the wind and snow outside the cave and said in a deep voice:

"No more questions, just eat honestly. In this weather, unless you are a shaman, you will get lost in the terrifying blizzard if you dare to go out.

If we orcs can't get out, then no matter how many soldiers humans bring, we won't be able to attack immediately.

What we are going to meet is a legendary shaman. You kid must not know what kind of power shamans represent in our civilization.

I now very much suspect that this blizzard that spread across the entire mountain range was a strategic spell specially summoned by Drektal to hinder the human advance.

What are you worried about?

You were not allowed to come in the first place. You should stay at Blackrock Tower now and learn how to be an orc with Red. Since you have to come, then keep your promise.

In this operation, everything is under my command!

Don’t ask too many questions, eat! "


Thrall felt a little more at ease after hearing Varok's explanation.

As a young man who grew up in human society, he had only seen arrogant human mages casting spells, but had never seen orc shamans.

This is normal.

At the time when the old tribe invaded Azeroth, the shamanic heritage in the orc civilization had been cut off.

He didn't understand what kind of horrific scenes a legendary shaman could create in a "unique" environment like the Alterac Mountains.

But now, looking at the blizzard roaring outside the cave and drowning everything, this is much worse than the blizzard caused by the mages.

Young Thrall became very interested in the profession of shaman for the first time.

"Ahem, you ate well."

Just when Thrall lowered his head to gnaw the meat, a familiar voice sounded outside the cave. Thrall quickly grabbed the battle ax beside him. This reaction made Saurfang, who had been observing him, very satisfied.

He felt that Thrall had excellent talents to become a powerful warrior, especially his sharp reflexes, which he definitely inherited from the deadly agility of the Frostwolf warriors.

But Varok himself made no hostile moves.

He looked back at the person walking in from outside the cave and handed over the unroasted meat.

"Thanks, I came here after I had a full meal."

Blake looked at the goat meat in front of him that was full of stinky smell and charred grill marks. He shrugged and refused the offer.

Behind him were the Warlock Evil Eye, who was wearing an elf robe, carrying an evil dog staff on his back, and hanging a dried skull of a troll warlock from his waist, as well as two blackstone orc marauders covered in snow.

Xie Yan also held a black summoning ritual stone in his hand.

He just used this thing, with the assistance of two marauders, to summon Black from Tol Barad to the Alterac Mountains.

This kind of ritual stone is very troublesome to make, and it can only be used once or twice before breaking. It is not worth mass production, but it is a great experience to use it at this critical moment.

It's really much more convenient than the mages' portal.

Of course, the premise is that there is a high-level warlock who can activate the summoning ritual stone, and he can find two companions who are willing to help "draw people in".

This job is very difficult to do.

The pressure of tearing apart the space and opening up the transmission channel will be evenly distributed among everyone who presides over the ceremony and participates in the ceremony. This kind of pressure on the spiritual and magical levels is very shocking.

For a master warlock like Blake, this pressure is nothing.

But looking at the terrible expressions on the two Blackstone Raiders who walked into the cave with tired faces and fell asleep, we knew that these poor guys who knew nothing about magic had almost been drained of all their energy by this summons. .

"Huh? Why is Sal here too?"

Black, who was wearing a white bear skin cloak, sat cross-legged by the campfire. He took off his fine black leather gloves and warmed himself by the flames. He looked at the young orc sitting down next to him in surprise.

He turned to Saurfang and said:

"Do you really think it is the right choice to let this young man with an 'animal face and a human heart' meet his people at this time? As far as I know, the Frostwolves are the most conservative and traditional clan among all the orc clans.

A unique individual like him would definitely be rejected by those frost wolf orcs. "

"I didn't ask him to come."

Varok Saurfang said dissatisfiedly:

“He ran out on his own while Brox was away looking for Grom.

That idiot Red didn't realize it, so he ran all the way from the hills to here alone. It's a good thing that he cares about his people, but being so reckless makes me doubt whether he can accomplish anything big. "

"It's okay, young man."

Black grinned and laughed, then snapped his fingers at Evil Eye standing behind him. The latter immediately took out an animal skin map and handed it over. The pirate threw the map to Varok and said:

"This is their retreat route. Take a look. If there is no problem, we can set off after the snowstorm subsides."

The legendary orc took the map, opened it and looked at it. After a few seconds, he said:

"With so many ships on the Hinterland side, won't they attract attention? And let's agree in advance. We orc losers are so poor that we don't have the money to hire you."

"It doesn't matter, you don't have to pay."

The smelly pirate yawned greatly, turned to look at Thrall, and said:

"The Frostwolf clan will pay. Even before we meet, they already owe me a lot of favors. Gee, I like this kind of business. It's a sure profit."

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