Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 647 200. Well, it’s almost the same as when I was young.

In the early morning of the next day, the second-class battleship "Tiragarde", flying the flag of Kul Tiras and commanded by the promising Lieutenant Commander Taylor of Banquo, was sailing from the Palatine waters to the deep sea.

The sea sages on board did not speed up the ship.

On the one hand, the three sea sages were a little tired from yesterday's battle and needed a rest. On the other hand, Her Majesty Dai Lin on the ship seemed to be planning to take advantage of this sailing opportunity to have a father-daughter relationship with her daughter.

Dai Lin was in a good mood after "enjoying" a naval battle. She drank a few more drinks last night and was resting in a cabin specially prepared for him.

But Mrs. Jinjian got up early and walked on the deck, only to see her idiot daughter Fenner sitting on the observation deck above the main mast.

The latter was sitting alone in that small, bucket-like place, looking into the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

Mrs. Jinjian used a precise teleportation technique to send herself to the observation deck. The place was very narrow and there was almost no room for the two of them to move their feet.

"Why do you want to stay here?"

The elf lady looked at her depressed daughter and said:

"If you really don't want to go to Kul Tiras, at this distance, I can open the portal and send you back to Quel'Thalas."

"It's not that I don't want to go."

Fenna said without raising her head:

"It's just uncomfortable to be here."

"Is the sea making you uncomfortable?"

Mrs. Jin Jian blinked and said:

"No way?

After all, you are half Proudmoore in your body, your father said. Everyone in his family yearns for the sea, and staying on land makes them uncomfortable. "

"No, I can hear the comfort and call of the tide when I close my eyes now. In this seawater package, my power seems to never be used up, and even my anger appears more real.

But I'm not talking about the sea. "

Fenner glared at her mother who was pretending to be confused. She glanced at the stern of the ship behind and said:

"You know who I'm talking about."

"I have no idea."

Mrs. Jin Jian replied with a straight face. She yawned, looked at the sun that had just risen above her head, and said:

"That's a matter between your father and daughter. I won't interfere. I have to go back and catch up on my sleep now. Thinking about going to Boralus and having to compete with the supposedly powerful Queen Caitlin gives me a headache. .

You, please be more careful and don't put any more burden on your poor mother. "

"I just don't understand, why do you have to follow him back?"

Fenner shouted:

"You are the Silver Moon Councilor of Quel'Thalas, a very powerful spellcaster, and the head of the Golden Sword Family. You don't need to rely on any man, and no one dares to look down on you.

You can live well alone.

You can spend more than half of your life happily alone.

Dai Lin is just a passer-by in your life, not worthy of nostalgia. You have taught me this since I was a child! "

"I can indeed do that, but that doesn't mean I want to!"

Seeing her daughter getting angry, Ms. Gina Jinjian also became serious. She closed her eyes and felt the refreshing feeling of the sea breeze on her face.

With a tone of suppressed anger, she said:

"Your father is over forty years old this year. No matter how long he lives, he only has fifty years left to live. I only have fifty years left to get along with him.

Then I'm going to his funeral.

I want to watch with my own eyes the man I love so much, his life is taken away by time, and he is buried in the soil or sent to the sea.

I want to spend the remaining two thousand years alone with my thoughts and memories of him.

Every day after I lost him, I would be immersed in these memories and I would rely on these remaining memories to be alone and spend the rest of my life.

I know you hate your father because he was never around for you when you were growing up.

But Fenna Golden Sword!

Please listen to me clearly, the future you have to face is the same as mine.

In fifty years, you will lose your father, lose him forever. At that time, no matter whether it is missing or hatred, you will no longer be able to cross the curtain of life and death and bring him back to the world.

You are still young, you are still young, and you cannot understand the sadness and despair of this fate.

I don’t want to wait until you regret it in the future and then come to me and cry.

My memories of your father are mine and I can't share them with you

This is why I must take you to Kul Tiras.

He has already missed your birth and your growth, and I don’t want him to miss your future life again.

I don’t want you to miss the time with your father. You are a half-elf, and your lifespan is not as long as mine. After I lose him, I will also lose you.

Think of your poor mother who is doomed to have her heart broken twice, Finna.

You can't be so selfish and ask me to hate him with you, stay away from him together, stay away from the man I love so much!

Do you understand it? "


Fenner was frightened by her mother's sudden outburst.

In her memory, her mother, who was always gentle and sensible, had never spoken so angrily, and she was not irrational enough to understand what her mother meant.

Even think about it in hindsight.

Black, the bratty younger brother who has always been very self-centered, sent him off so happily this time, and also persuaded him to stroll around Boralus more and spend more time with his younger siblings. This probably had the same persuasive meaning.

Blake did not tie himself to him, demanding that he must join the cause against Dai Lin. He really doesn't have the power to tie his mother to him.

Fenner bit her lip.

She lowered her head and said to Mrs. Jin Jian:

"Let me think about it again, okay?"

"What's there to think about?"

Mrs. Jin Jian sighed, patted her daughter on the shoulder and said:

“You don’t have to feel unworthy for me.

When I got along with Dai Lin, I just thought this young man from the Ocean Kingdom was very interesting. At that time, I just regarded him as a fateful encounter.

The subsequent choices were all my own. I could have withdrawn, but I chose to stay with him.

I am willing to endure the possible humiliation for him and keep secrets for him. These are all things I am willing to do, and no one is letting anyone down. You will also face this choice in the future.

Learn from my lesson, Finna.

Find an elf to be your husband so that you don't have to suffer the fate of heartbreak that I do. "

"The elves are too cold."

Fenna curled her lips and said:

“They use repressed emotions as proof of their sanity, and getting along with them is as dull as water. Humans have a short life span, but their lives are like fireworks, short and exciting.

If possible, I would prefer to live my whole life in the human world.

The two daughters of the Windrunner family are so outstanding, why don’t they all have to find humans to fall in love with? The same goes for you, mother, haven't you been deceived by that old ruffian Dai Lin? "


Mrs. Jinjian felt that her daughter's statement was very tricky, but also very accurate. She sighed helplessly, took her daughter's hand, and wanted to use a conveyor to take her down to the deck.

But when the mother and daughter were about to go back to the cabin to enjoy breakfast, Fenna suddenly exclaimed and pointed to the sea behind.

She screamed:

"Look! Mom, that ship! That black ship, isn't that the flagship of the Gilneans? Didn't they return to Keel Harbor? Why did that ship sail to the open sea again?

And the escorting ships felt something was wrong, as if they had been through a battle. "

"Well, something is definitely not right."

Mrs. Golden Sword blessed herself with the Eagle Eye Technique. Looking over there, she could see clearly that there was a group of strange-looking fishmen working on the deck of the Gilneans' black flagship, the Northern Lord.

Moreover, there were a large number of disarmed Gilnean sailors who were being whipped and wiped down the deck by a group of fierce companions.

She told her daughter about the situation.

When Fenna heard a group of fishmen sailing a boat, her eyes widened immediately. She grinned a weird smile and whispered:

"As expected of you, you are really good at it. The Gilneans are really unlucky to mess with you."


When Mrs. Jinjian heard her daughter whispering, she turned around and asked. General Fenna shook her head and said seriously and excitedly:

"It's nothing, I just remembered some funny things. Let's go and tell Dai Lin the news quickly. I'm so looking forward to seeing the expression on his face.

Woohoo, the ship that the great Dai Lin once piloted was captured by a group of stinky pirates.

If you calculate this, isn't it equivalent to the great His Majesty Dai Lin being robbed of his glory as the King of the Sea by a group of pirates?

Gee, that must be fun. "

Amidst Fenner's sinister laughter, Mrs. Jinjian, who still didn't quite understand what was going on, led her to knock on the door of Dai Lin's cabin.

The admiral, who had just gotten up and washed up, was about to open a bottle of wine to "sober up". After hearing that the Gilneans' second flagship was also captured by undead pirates who incited the fleet to rebel, his expression at that moment was really wonderful.

Fenner was filled with joy when she saw it.

She now likes to see her cheap father in trouble.

"Your Majesty, do you want to launch an attack on those pirates?"

When Dai Lin changed into his navy uniform, walked up to the top of the stern building, and used a telescope to observe the small fleet sailing in the direction of Tol Barad in the distance, Major Taylor, who was commanding the ship at his feet, suggested in a deep voice. arrive:

"I have heard before that Gilneas's navy recruited a group of exiled North Sea pirates, but the number was not large. Coupled with the information brought by Mrs. Golden Sword, it can be judged that they must have used surprise tactics, plus Murlocs With the help of pirates, and when the Gilneans were tired and relaxed their vigilance, they managed to capture these ships.

But with their number, they were unable to effectively control these ships, and they could only barely sail.

With the help of Haixian on our ship, it only takes one crisp charge and artillery attack to recapture the Gilnean flagship and send those pirates to the gallows! "

The serious Major Taylor glanced at the pirate fleet in the distance and said with disgust:

“These bold pirates dare to carry out such vicious tactics in the core control area of ​​​​the Gilnean fleet, and they have proven that they are not ordinary pirates.

Just letting them leave like this will definitely cause serious hidden dangers to the order of the Endless Sea!

It may even interfere with our Kul Tiran strategy in the South China Sea.

Your Majesty, please give the order! "

Dai Lin did not answer immediately.

He put down the telescope in his hand and handed it to the loyal knight Cyrus beside him. The admiral put his hand on the railing and watched the fleet moving further and further away with an expressionless face.

After a minute of silence, Dai Lin shook his head and said:

"The sea sages are very tired, and this ship is performing an escort mission. The number of soldiers accompanying the ship is not full. I believe in your command ability and your will to fight, Taylor.

But there is no need for us to take this risk for the sake of Gilneas's national interests, and there is no need to sacrifice our own soldiers for the sake of Zeon's face.

I broke the rules yesterday and commanding their fleet was already an overstep.

No more extraneous matters today.

Ultimately, this is between Gilneas and the undead pirates.

The Palatine Sea has never been a sea territory governed by Kul Tiras, and we have no say here.

In fact, from the king's point of view, the deeper the undead fleet is entangled with Gilneas, the more beneficial it is to Kul Tiras. "

"But Your Majesty, they are pirates after all."

Major Taylor said reluctantly:

"Since the end of the Orc War, there have been a large number of pirates not only here, but even in the South China Sea. If we don't take this problem seriously."

"Who says we don't take it seriously?"

The Admiral turned around and said to Taylor:

"When we return to Kul Tiras this time, the rest period of the first and second fleets is over. I plan to send them to the South China Sea to conduct a large-scale hunting campaign in both directions.

I can ignore the pirates making trouble here.

But I won’t allow them to mess around in the South China Sea. Taylor, your meritorious service in the Orc War is enough, I plan to promote you to the commander of an advance fleet.”

"No, Your Majesty!"

Major Taylor shook his head. He was not happy about being promoted, but sternly refused and said:

"My command ability has not yet reached that level. It is difficult for me to manage a ship now. I thank you for your favor, but I think I should stay on my ship for a few more years to accumulate experience.

Anyway, I'm still young and I'm not in a hurry to get promoted. "

"Well, that's fine too."

Dai Lin nodded. He remembered another thing and said to Taylor:

"The Kingdom of Stormwind will also build their navy in the near future, and King Varian Wrynn asked me to send some experienced officers to help them build their naval system.

Do you want to go over there and become a consultant to the Royal Navy?

It will take a long time, maybe four or five years, but building a maritime force from scratch and truly experiencing the feeling of being a commander is a very good opportunity for an outstanding young man like you.

Compared with the easy task of hunting pirates in the South China Sea, building a navy is a very arduous, but also very tempering task.

After you come back, I believe that your command ability and overall view will have been honed, and you will be able to become a general. Four to five years is enough time for the tactics of the Kul Tiras Fifth Fleet to take shape.

By then, you will be able to help me solve my problems, and your resume will be beautiful enough to help you be promoted to high-level positions such as deputy commander of the fleet. "


Major Taylor was moved.

But he did not answer immediately, but humbly said to Dai Lin:

"Please allow me to take a moment to think about it, Your Majesty. This is an important choice after all."

"Well, go ahead."

Dai Lin smiled and said:

"Outstanding young people like you are the hope for the future of Kul Tiras. I believe that no matter where you are, no matter when, you will never let me down.

I won't let this sea down. "

The major made a military salute and turned to leave.

Dai Lin was left alone, looking at the sea with his loyal knight on the poop. The surrounding royal guards were far away, and they did not listen to the king's secrets.

"He's really good, Cyrus."

Dai Lin closed her eyes and felt the sea breeze.

The admiral said softly:

"More than I imagined, cunning, strong, wise, courageous and powerful.

He learned everything I taught him.

Even if he stays with me, one year is not enough for him to grow to this point. Haha, it seems that experiencing a death has indeed profoundly changed him.

He is already barely comparable to what I was when I was young, which makes me feel proud. "

"He is much more powerful than you were when you were young, Your Majesty. When you were his age, you were still an anonymous captain in the Lordaeron army.

But he was good enough, but he chose to become a pirate. "

As Dai Lin’s absolute confidant, the silent Cyrus would now speak:

"He made a wrong choice that no one in Kul Tiras would forgive him. This destined him to be unable to inherit your throne and support the future of Kul Tiras."

"I don't think so."

Dai Lin shook his head and said:

“He wanted to challenge my boy who wanted to defeat me on the sea, and take over my throne in a way that left others speechless.

Very idealistic and ambitious.

Also very stupid.

But aren’t they young people? Can you still be called a young man without being arrogant? "

After hearing this, Cyrus was silent for a moment and said:

"Then are you prepared to let it go?"

"talk later."

Dai Lin waved her hand, took out the wine bottle from her waist, opened the lid, took a sip of wine, and wiped her lips happily. The admiral of the sea laughed and said meaningfully:

"The kid is too thin now and it's boring to beat. I'm really looking forward to the next meeting with him. Ah, finally something good that can make Caitlin happy.

This might help her not to embarrass Gina so much

For the sake of their children, the two mothers must live in harmony. "

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