Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 638 191. Smelly old man, you are still ruthless

The Nagfar sailed between the rolling tides. Blake looked forward from the bow. Seifer beside him held his pirate mate's notebook to record the battle process for the fleet, so that it would be convenient for the captain later. Scroll through to find areas of weakness that can be improved upon.

It can also be used as "promotional material".

Find someone who is good at telling stories and uses very good exaggerated rhetorical techniques to embellish it with little stars. Maybe it can be used as a story. Let the Uncrowned Ones recruit a group of down-and-out bards in the Eastern Continent and let them spread the story of the decisive battle between pirates and navy everywhere.

While slandering and belittling the Gilneans, he also greatly boasted about the stinky pirate and his subordinates.

Black didn't tell many people about his ambitions, but as the captain's close and trusted first mate, Sephiel knew Black's plans.

He wants to seek a priesthood of Loa similar to the "God of Pirates".

Reputation that is praised by thousands of people is very important.

"Is it my misunderstanding that the tide is receding? Or is it because the Tide Stone is weak? The duration of this big tide is a bit short."

But soon, the First Parasaurus discovered something was not quite right.

The remnants of the Gilnean First Fleet, which were trapped in the great tide ahead and bombarded by goblin bombers, were turning to retreat. Logically speaking, this was a situation that should not have occurred.

Pulled by large tidal currents, the fleet simply could not complete a rapid turn.

But the Gilneans turned quickly. Amid the explosions of large water jets from the goblin bombers overhead, they completed the turn back in a few minutes.

And the great tide surrounding the Gilneans is indeed receding. Those chaotic ocean currents that hinder navigation seem to be calmed down by some kind of force, allowing the furious sea to quickly return to normal.

The sea breeze was swaying and turning, like a big turn, causing the Gilneas warship's blown and cracked sails to fill up in an instant, pushing them to speed away from the bombing zone.

"Something's wrong."

The Eye of Kilrogg on Black's shoulder turned several times, and the stinky pirate felt an ominous feeling.

He activated the natural covenant on the bow of the ghost ship riding the wind and waves, connecting himself with the consciousness of Hisari Black Crow, who was flying high in the sky.

The shared bird's-eye view allowed him to immediately spot the Gilnean reserve force that was quickly heading towards the battle zone. The dozen or so ships left white water marks on the sea surface while sailing at high speed, and then turned while driving.

According to their current navigation method, this fleet can just seize the advantageous bombardment position when approaching the edge of the combat zone.

The most important thing is that the speed of these reserve teams who came to support and join the battlefield is abnormally fast!

Just as Blake trapped the Gilneans with great tides, there were also rolling ocean currents pushing these ships forward.

"Tide Sage? Is Dai Lin opposite?"

Blake was shocked, clenched his fists for a moment, and said:

"Why did he come to the sea instead of traveling around the mountains and rivers with Gina Golden Sword and rediscovering his passion? Are the Gilneans treating him well? They actually sent Haixian to help!"

"It's not necessarily Daelin, maybe the Gilneans hired a 'wild' tidesage?"

Sephiel was also shocked. Pirate Dragon thought about it and guessed:

“The missionaries of the Church of Storms are spread throughout the sea, spreading the faith of the tide to sailors and merchants, and larger fleets in the South China Sea will hire them.

Perhaps the Gilneans used other channels and hired a group of sea sages? "

"Well, it's possible."

Blake nodded, touched his chin, and said:

"You will know after a test. Hai Xian can be hired, but his outstanding command ability cannot be copied.

The previous performance of the Gilneans was a disaster. If they are "reborn" in the next moment, we can basically determine who is coming.

Please convey my order to old Ghani.

The Sisters of Mercy and the Power of Jotunheim immediately came to join the Nagfar, allowing the goblin bombers and Maim's marines to work harder to destroy the Gilnean warships that were unable to leave the war zone as soon as possible! "

"As you command!"

Sephiel replied in a decent manner, but she asked again:

"Several ships of the Snake Man and the North Sea Pirates have chased them. Do you want to signal them to return?"

"No, they're all small boats, so losing them won't be a big problem."

Blake said in a cold tone:

"It's just a good time to use them to test the commander on the opposite side. Anne and other subordinates have always been disobedient to discipline, and now that Anne is not around, they have begun to obey and disobey.

I didn't give them the order to hunt them down!

This is your own business.

Of course, you have to bear the consequences yourself.

Does being a pirate mean that you can't respect discipline and obey orders? "

Seifer hesitated for a moment and did not retort. He turned around and rushed to the stern of the ship, where he contacted Old Garni's Microraptor to deliver the commander's instructions.

"Unleash the demon!"

Blake on the bow raised his hand and shouted to the warlocks behind who had completed the summoning ceremony:

"Drive them to harass and attack enemy ships that are leaving the engagement zone, burn their masts, and damage their rudders. I don't ask them to kill or injure many people.

I just want those battleships to slow down and become living targets for bombers! "

"Did you hear that? Raging demons, obey the orders of the undead pirates, go! Loot them!"

The giant magician waved his magic hub giant staff, maximizing the energy of the summoning ritual.

With the concerted efforts of a group of warlocks, three rotating fel portals opened on the deck of the Nagfar.

A large group of black magic bats rushed out first. These demon bats transformed by evil energy made a harsh noise, and under the instructions of the warlocks, they rushed towards the fleeing Gilneas warship ahead.

What was summoned later was the Dread Demon.

These weird demons have wings, but they have two mouths.

There is a mouth on the ugly and twisted face, and there is also a mouth on the belly. In fact, their entire body seems to be serving the terrifying mouth on the belly.

Dread devils fly very fast and have good melee attacks, but they are best at fel and shadow magic. They can use magic to attack targets on the ground in the air.

If these guys weren't unruly and the warlocks couldn't summon too many at one time, Black would have wanted to form a "Dread Demon Flying Squadron".

"I have my demons too, and I have my powers too!"

Seeing that Zalak was in the limelight, the skinny boy Kanrisad was not to be outdone.

He maintained a complex summoning ritual on his own, while his apprentice Bijuka handed the young mentor various evil spellcasting materials.

After a few minutes of preparation, Kanrisad successfully summoned a doomsday guard wrapped in magic chains with the help of the magic jewelry made by the Eye of Gul'dan in his hand.

This high-level demon with weird khaki skin, like a giant, and huge wings appeared holding the Blade of Disaster. The moment it entered the material world, it began to resist the enslavement of the warlock.

But the skinny boy is no longer what he used to be.

It was a bit difficult for him to enslave the demon, but relying on his superior understanding of the warlock's magic, he finally made the violent doomsday guard obey after more than ten seconds of mental confrontation.

"Go! Destroy those ships!"

Kanrisad waved the Staff of Jordan to guide the target for the Doom Guard he had enslaved. The latter swung its tail, blew out flames from its nostrils with disdain, and waved the wings behind it, shaking the entire ship as it took off.

The high-level demon rushed into the sky, and used the tactics of falling meteorites to hit the nearest Gilnean warship. After falling on the deck, it summoned a rain of evil energy to cover the entire ship.

Then, it laughed maniacally and waved the Disaster Blade, which was two people tall, and began to kill and destroy indiscriminately.

And speaking of meteorites and meteors.


The hellfire charm in Blake's hand shattered.

Under his swift spell, a dark green evil energy structure roared down from the sky and hit the ground with great precision on another battleship.

The third-class battleship was almost blown apart, and when the terrifying evil energy structure stood up from the broken ship plank, the flames sprayed around it ignited the ship's mast almost instantly.

"It's just inconvenient to not have a demon to support you."

The stinky pirate looked at the broken Hellfire Talisman in his hand, shook his head regretfully and said:

"How could I use this thing when I had the assistance of Nasrezim before? With a wave of my hand, I can summon three-headed hellfire constructs to assist in the battle. After today's matter is over, the matter of summoning the new Dread Lord will also be put on the agenda.

So, which Nathrezim is the lucky one who has the honor of being my inner demon? "

He glanced at the sea full of sulfur and gunpowder smoke around him. The blue water under the sun made Blake fond of it.

Blue, this is his favorite color.

Well, the decision is yours!

Dreadlord Lord with blue wings, when you show up and choose this beautiful color, isn't it just to attract my attention? Very good, then I will give you a chance to serve me.

Blake rubbed his chin and let out a long, cold and proud laugh.

Tur, the bear warrior next to him, felt uncomfortable for a while. He thought to himself that Black must be planning something bad again.

At the same time, the undead pirates are also working hard to put their ships into suitable bombardment positions. Blake's big tide and lightning storm sweeps across, boosting the morale of these stinky pirates!

They feel that they will win today, and they like to do things like beating up drowned dogs.

But because of their lack of firepower, even if they do enter an artillery battle, they will probably be difficult to match against the Gilneans. However, the other side already has support, and our side must also put in the proper posture.

So far in the battle, they have sunk and damaged eight Gilnean warships with the support of aerial bombers. This is already a quite remarkable result.

The super victory was so exciting that the pirates who were worried before and filled with fear would almost go crazy now.

Each one of them was full of morale, howling and waving their weapons indiscriminately, intending to bite off another piece of flesh from the Gilneas brats.

However, the situation quickly took a turn for the worse. To be precise, after Dai Lin joined the battlefield, the situation changed drastically.

In the command room of the support fleet flagship, Dai Lin was sitting on a chair and looked at the magic mirror that was shaped in front of him. From the overlook, he noticed that four or five ships had separated from the pirate fleet and were chasing the turning Gilneas.

It should be that the pirates were so eager to win that they pursued the result regardless of anything, so much so that they left their formation.

They rushed too fast.

This caused the Admiral to sneer with disdain.

When the pirate ship rushed over and surrounded the third-class warship with the mast on fire, preparing for a boarding battle, the admiral raised his hand and gave the order:

"Battleships No. 1 to No. 5 in the order of battle, prepare to cover the bombardment, fire on the left bow. The target is one nautical mile away, directly ahead!"

This order immediately made several staff officers raise their heads. Ms. Jetaris, who was designated as the temporary adjutant, immediately reminded:

"Your Majesty Dai Lin."

"Call me captain, or general!"

"Okay, General."

The female staff officer quickly corrected her title and said:

"This round of covering bombardment can hit the pirates, but our ship is also within the bombardment range. Is it safer to wait until we get closer and then conduct precise bombardment?"

The ship did not surrender, and the soldiers on it were still fighting bravely! "

"Their masts have been burned and they are already lying down. If they don't attack now, it will be equivalent to handing over the fate of the soldiers to brutal pirates."

Dai Lin frowned and said:

"It is precisely because they are fighting that we cannot let down their courage and bloodshed.

It was a third-class warship with a standard sailor of 250 people. Their opponent was five pirate ships. Although they were all small ships, they might have a total of six to seven hundred people.

The loss of five pirate ships will reduce the number of undead pirate ships by a quarter. The loss rate is nearly one for two, which is completely acceptable.

Most importantly, this can re-inject confidence and courage into your warriors!

As for those loyal and brave sailors, if they survive, they will become the heroes who turn the tide of the battle. If they unfortunately die in battle, they will also be rewarded with the name of bravery.

For soldiers loyal to the kingdom, this is a great sacrifice that cannot and cannot be refused. "

With that, the admiral stood up.

He said in a deep voice to the female staff officer and other staff officers in front of him:

"This is the last time I will explain my tactical intentions to you! After that, you will do whatever I ask you to do! Every minute you waste, the heroic warriors will suffer innocent injuries.

If you delay the fight because of your hesitation, you are the sinners of Gilneas!

Convey orders and execute orders!

immediately! "

Under Dai Lin's scolding, the staff acted quickly.

A few minutes later, nearly 300 naval guns from five second-class warships in front of the support fleet opened fire simultaneously.

During the ballistic correction driven by the sea breeze, the tide sage made use of the sea breeze to correct the ballistics. Three hundred hot projectiles attacked like a violent storm. In the roar filled with gunpowder smoke, they crossed the vast sea, and when they fell, they wiped out six ships in the bombardment coverage area. The plow was done once.

The pirate ship at the front became tattered in an instant, and the Gilneas warship that was the target was also detonated in this round of bombardment.

The violent explosion also involved the two pirate ships that were docking, and then the gunpowder on the pirate ships also exploded.

Three flames burst out in succession, and the shells of the two ships farther away were also cracked by the shelling, and their masts were damaged, making them easy targets for the other side.

This scene was like a basin of cold water poured on the heads of the excited pirates who were shouting wildly at the back.

They didn't even understand what happened. Their side lost five ships in an instant, even if it was just a small ship, this terrifying lethality still kept the pirates silent.

The hit rate of that round of shelling just now was at least 60%!

What did the Gilneans eat? Why did it suddenly become so deadly and terrifying?

And they actually used their own ships and sailors as bait!

How shameless!

No pirate could do such an evil thing!

Well, the undead pirates, who were cold-hearted and filled with righteous indignation, didn't know that the five boats that disobeyed orders could have been saved.

Unbeknownst to them, their evil commander also used his pirates as cannon fodder and bait. While eliminating the bastards who disobeyed orders, he also got the "answer" he wanted.


Blake clenched his fist and made a crisp sound.

He took a deep breath and said to the ugly-looking first parasaurus next to him:

"This ruthless and correct decision, this deadly and efficient bombardment, this determination to regain fighting spirit and morale at the expense of one's own people.

The Gilneans, who dare not even fight a broadside battle, cannot do this.

It was basically certain that Daelin Proudmoore was commanding on the opposite side.

This bad old man is determined to go against me, right?


Then let's use the life and death of the Gilneas fleet to 'warm up' in advance, Sephiel! Summon Gork and his sea giants! Eat these boats for me! "

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