Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 472 25. Yeah, look what I found? A cute little bird

Little Xingxing didn't understand why the captain, who was not afraid of anything, had such a big reaction after hearing the name of "Hui Dehui".

Although she now bears the honorary title of "Cenario Warrior", she actually does not understand the internal system of the Druid Order.

This is normal, she is a blue dragon who likes to use magic.

Different from the green dragon who respects nature.

The blue dragons rarely interact with the Kaldorei, and the Kaldorei will not take the initiative to come into contact with the blue dragons and their magic due to the ancient war ten thousand years ago.

But seeing that the captain was facing a formidable enemy, Little Xingxing labeled the "Benevolence Society" that he had never interacted with as "very dangerous and must be treated seriously and carefully".

Then, she abandoned all thoughts and happily ran to her own exclusive cabin to sleep.

Although Black invited her to go to Quel'Thalas with him, Little Star was a little tired from running back and forth during this time. She rejected the captain's invitation and planned to follow the Nag'far back to Thor smoothly. Ballard.

Then help Nathalath Academy with its rebuilding efforts. By the way, he found a comfortable place for himself in the Beidao Mountain on that island and built the first dragon nest in his long dragon life.

The first time of anything is very memorable.

So Little Xingxing decided to build her own nest properly, make it beautiful, and then hide in it and sleep for a few months.

Blue dragons like cold environments.

In the temperate zone of Tol Barad, they feel sluggish and lethargic.

While Little Star ran to sleep, Blake also walked around his precious ship leisurely, acting like a captain, asking Drakuru and his troll pirate interns to give him a good wipe. deck.

You must keep your love boat clean.

Ten minutes later, Black returned to the captain's cabin, and Sephiel was already waiting for him holding a small crystal ball. It was the kind of crystal ball that witches and wizards used to perform divination magic, which was placed on Blake's table.

The pirate sat on his vulgar and ornate gold chair, controlling the Eye of Kilrogg and observing the scene in the crystal ball.

He saw a small, beautiful crow hiding on the dragon's head lookout above the main mast of the Nagfar.

While the crow was pecking at its own feathers, it quickly turned its head like a real bird and observed the ghost ship under its feet with its dark eyes.


Thessaly Blackcrow is a young raptor druid.

She is only two thousand years old this year. Judging from the Kaldorei's immortality, she is just a fledgling little girl.

But while other girls of the same age were still working as trainee druids, low-level sentinels or trainee priests, Hisari was already a high-level druid in the Raptor Druid faction.

She battled wits and courage with satyr demons in the dangerous Felwood Forest, and also participated in Feathermoon Fortress' large-scale reconnaissance of the city of Elre'Thalas.

He even served in the endless desert of Silithus.

Although he is young, he has already made great achievements in battle.

She is very loyal to her demigod Aviana and her faction leader Omulon the Skyroarer, and has won the trust of the Bird of Prey Archdruid.

But Hisari Black Crow is also a very unique raptor druid.

Generally speaking, in the Druid Order, the Raptor Druids are elite scouts and assassins. They rarely fight head-on. Like their demigods, they always accept tasks passively.

To put it simply, most of the raptor druids are Buddhist.

But Hisari is an anomaly.

Although Avina gave the raptor druids the crow form and the storm crow form, which are more biased towards spellcasters, and did not give them the more powerful combat forms such as the eagle or the golden eagle, Hissari Black Crow is in the big world. In most battles, he allows himself to enjoy the battle like the eagle-like King of the Sky.

With her small and exquisite crow claws, she had captured the eyes of at least thirty satyr demons, and she had also used her claws to kill many lone low-level insect-men in Silithus.

In other words, Hisali is a rare "reckless woman" among the raptor druids. To use her "famous saying", the most effective means of investigation is to obtain intelligence from the enemy's corpse.

Because of this stubborn habit, she was often scolded by her leader Omulon.

The Roaring One is not because Hisari destroyed the tradition of the Raptor Druid, but because the elders value and worry about the talented juniors.

Hisari's reckless style will one day cause her to suffer big losses.

But Miss Black Crow is an incorrigible character.

Geniuses always have their own unruliness and unruliness. If you are not arrogant, you will be young in vain. At the same time, every task she completed was extremely perfect. After repeated preaching to no avail, Arch Druid Omulon could only let it go.

This time, the Society of Benevolence was released by Archdruid Fandral Staghelm, causing an uproar within the Cenarion Order. In order to prevent that group of extreme compatriots from doing terrible things on human territory, Drew the Raptor Yi sent several of his most elite scouts to follow them all the way.

Hisari is one of them.

However, in addition to tracking the Rende Society, she also has an additional task, which is to track the little blue dragon princess Stellagosa who was newly awarded the "Cenario Champion".

Little Xingxing, this idiot, thought he was hiding it well.

But in front of Cenarius, the demigod of the wilderness, her little deeds are really not enough.

When the demigod met for the first time, he noticed a special aura about Little Xingxing. He quietly blessed Little Xingxing and dug a hole at the same time.

As a result, this stupid dragon actually flew all the way back to the Nagfar.

There was no delay in the process, not even a break, and she rushed back to show off her "harvest" to the pirates. This made Hisari Black Crow's reconnaissance mission go perfectly.

At this moment, Miss Black Crow followed Little Star through the fog of ocean pollution around the ghost ship. Just like an ordinary bird, she folded her wings and hid on the main mast of the ghost ship.

She used her eyes as sharp as an eagle's to scan the entire ghost fleet in front of her.

"My God, come on, these are three ghost ships!"

Miss Druid felt her heart beating rapidly, which was a feeling of excitement. She had never seen something so exciting before, something that only existed in legends.

This gave her more expectations for her mission.

She had a premonition that she was about to have a novel experience, and she might be able to take it back and brag about it to her other companions. The life of the Kaldorei druids is comfortable, but for people like Thessaly Blackcrow, it's a little too boring.

Like all young people, she is eager to show her strength to the more mature elders in exciting adventures.

"This ship seems to be different from the ghost ship that the archdruids described as plundering Watch Island."

Miss Black Crow turned her head and looked at the ship at her feet.

According to the comparison of information from Watch Island, the ship underfoot is obviously larger and the shape is not right. The information there said that the hateful pirate's ghost ship is Vrykul style.

There is also a keel similar to a spine that wraps the hull.

“But the ship doesn’t have one.

Although it is also decorated with dragon heads, there are many dragon heads on this ship, and the hull is not wrapped with the spine of the keel. It is more like a Kul Tiran warship.

I have seen human warships before when flying across the sea, and they are very similar to this ship. "

Hisari was filled with doubts.

She had a feeling that the ghost ship she was responsible for tracking should be the one under her feet, but why did it change so much? Could this ship be able to change its shape freely?

Or do you mean that you actually admitted your mistake?

Aren't these three ghost ships the same pirates that plundered Watch Island before?

Thinking of this, Miss Black Crow raised her head and looked ahead.

In her field of vision, she could clearly see three ships lined up in a row, moving forward in the fog, with the smallest and fastest Jotunheim Force leading the way.

In the center is Captain Elrez's Sister of Mercy.

Hisari didn't know the name of the ship, but she was also shocked by the artillery loaded everywhere on the ship.

"These humans are crazy!"

Hisali carefully looked at the shape of the ship in front of her. She already knew that human ships were equipped with a weapon called artillery. When she followed Little Star across the sea, she had seen the way those Kul Tiras warships opened fire. .

She knew that those artillery pieces were powerful, they could make a sound like thunder, and they were very destructive.

"Look at this ship. It wants to have two cannons on the mast. How much does the captain of this ship like cannons?"

The young raptor druid vomited fiercely.

Then she discovered something else worthy of attention.

"Huh? How come the wood on the hulls of these three ships has an aura that is very similar to the world tree Nordrassil? Where did they get this kind of wood with natural power?

Why do these woods still exude a dark atmosphere that makes me shudder? "

Miss Black Crow had more doubts in her heart.

She found that these three ghost ships were like mysteries, full of secrets that she cared about very much.

And indeed, as Miss Black Crow observed, the three previous dilapidated ghost ships have now been repaired with sufficient amounts of firmament wood.

The most dilapidated ship, the Sister of Mercy, was suddenly restored from being a wood-burning ship that had been in disrepair to being in its best and most awesome condition, almost like a brand new ship.

The Jotunheim Force was finally blessed with good wood.

Coupled with the previous keel embellishment, its size has also grown several times, and it is no longer the style of a small Vrykul plundering ship.

Now it has a size comparable to the largest ocean-going longship that the Vrykul can build, which makes Captain Grayson who is piloting it feel quite high-spirited.

This blue pirate ghost has a telescope emitting cold light hanging from his chest.

This is a trophy from the mad dog Jonah Sterling, an evil telescope infected by the power of Hela.

This thing allows the person holding it to see the coordinates of what he desires most, and it also allows the captain to obtain beyond visual range ocean reconnaissance capabilities. For naval battle captains, it is simply an artifact.

Hisali Black Crow patiently waited for all the trolls on the deck who were mopping the deck to finish their work and return to the cabin. Then she quietly flapped her wings, glided down from the main mast, and landed lightly on the Nagfar ship. On the fore mast.

"This human captain actually makes the trolls work? Are these trolls his slaves? Well done!"

Because of the long-standing conflict between night elves and trolls, Miss Black Crow is naturally happy to see all trolls suffer.

She hates trolls as much as the other elves.

I wish there would be a wave now and drag all the trolls on the boat down and drown them.

But just when the Raptor Druid was about to fly around the ghost ship to confirm again, she heard a scream of a fishman.

The little crow stood on the bow of the ship and jumped for a moment, changed its position, and stuck its head out to look outside. Then she saw a scene that was enough to make an elf who had lived for two thousand years fall into a daze.

A small boat sailed out of the fog.

It was a very small ship, probably what the Power of Jotunheim looked like before it "changed its skin", but it was driven by a group of murlocs! A bunch of noisy, stupid fishmen!

They used ropes to tie their boats behind the Nagfar, and rowed gracefully in the misty waves, as if they were practicing their boat-controlling skills.

There are about sixty or seventy fishmen in a boat.

There were people who specialized in paddling, a few who gathered together to turn the steering wheel to adjust the direction, and two teams of fishmen who pulled the cables and adjusted the direction of the sail under the command of a white fishman on the mast.

The fishmen on the boat cooperated skillfully, driving the boat back and forth through the waves. Judging from their appearance, it was definitely not their first time driving a boat.

Miss Black Crow also discovered that there was a pirate flag hanging on the mast of the murloc ship, with a crooked pirate skull painted on it using murloc painting techniques.

In addition, at the bow of this fish-man ship, there was a strange little fish-man standing.

It didn't know where it got itself a pirate captain's hat that looked like a children's toy, put it on its head, and wore an eye patch. A short sword like a snake-shaped dagger hung on its waist as a command knife.

The little fish-man was still changing his posture, trying to appear more majestic.

I don’t know where I learned this bad habit from.

The most peculiar thing is that the Raptor Druid keenly discovered that there was a huge deep-sea king crab following closely under the fish-man ship.

Moreover, to the left and right of the fish-man ship, a large moon-white owl was also flying into the wind.

"A soul beast tamed by a fish-man? God of the Moon!"

Xisali Black Crow thought in shock:

"When I go back and tell others, they won't believe it, and neither will Skyroarer! This is simply beyond common sense! And that owl!

It was a sentinel owl specially bred by the Watcher, and it was actually tamed by this group of fishmen.

That's for sure!

This ghost ship is definitely the pirates who plundered Watch Island! I have to break the news"


Hisari was attracted by the weird fish-man pirates, which made her slightly relax her perception of the surroundings. As a result, at this moment, a hand with a blue seal suddenly poked out from the shadows behind her.

He accurately grabbed the little crow's neck and held her whole body in his hands.

The Raptor Druid was shocked and immediately wanted to resist.

Use your sharp claws to blind the eyes of this bastard who dares to touch her!

Then she heard Blake shouting excitedly:

"Sefir, come on! See what I caught?

A crow! This is awesome, I've always wanted a crow as my pet. I am a prophet who can predict the future, and the crow and I are a perfect match!


But in this sea, there is no village or shop, so where can the crows come from? "

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