Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 251 70. In this uncertain world, any accident can happen, my friend.

On the battlefield of the Burning Steppes, Nathanos once thought he was dazzled.

At this anxious moment when he was being hunted by a legendary chief, holding a war bow, he suddenly saw a strange thing flying over his head.

It was a weird-shaped eagle.

The body was covered with bones. It looked like it had been dead for a long time and had weathered into a skeleton. The feathers on its body were attached to the bones, and its eyes were also two black holes.

It looks very impressive.

But this thing can still fly, and its flying speed is not slow.

The weirdest thing is that behind the skeletal eagle, there is a strange-looking little fishman riding on it. I don't know who had the evil intention to put an eyepatch on the little fish man and put on a cloak.

The guy waved his claws and roared like a dwarf sky knight.

There is also a curved black dagger in the claws. Of course, in the fishman's hands, it is almost like a dagger.

The most important thing is that the weird posture of the fish-man looks familiar.

This is

"Blake! He's nearby!"

Nathanos immediately recognized the little murloc flying overhead on an undead eagle. It was Blake's weird pet. He called it the "Good Luck Murloc".

It is said to be a friend who can bring him good luck.

Maris didn't believe this, but he believed Black.

The little fishman has appeared, and the pirates will definitely find out what's going on here.

The ranger waved at Benbolba, who was flying around with an eagle on his head. The little fishman with an eye patch made a face at him, and drove the old bone gnasher to flexibly turn in the air and fly in another direction. go.

Desolation also ran to find reinforcements, and reinforcements should arrive soon.

Nathanos looked around and saw that the terrain was flat. Even if he continued running with Fenner on his back, he would definitely not be able to outrun the pursuer behind him without a mount.

The Bloodring Clan is the best hunting tribe among the orcs, and it will be difficult to escape if they are targeted.

"Right here, fight them!"

The ranger immediately made a decision. He made a gesture to Fenna, took a few steps back, and quietly disappeared beside the golden sword. It's not the assassin's stealth, but a stealth combat technique used by the rangers.

You can use the power of shadow in a short period of time to blend yourself with the surrounding environment, achieving the same effect as sneaking without moving.

But if you move, the camouflage effect will be weakened a lot.

When Nathanos entered the disguise, it meant that he was about to start killing without mercy. Fenna also grabbed the dagger and tried hard to resist the toxins that continued to seep into her body.

Maris gave her an antidote before, but the effect was not very good.

Now she can only rely on her warrior bloodline to hold on. Fortunately, Dai Lin's bloodline is so powerful that Fenna will not be poisoned to death.

"Come on! Orcs, fight me to the death!"

Fenna saw a group of Blood Ring Hunters roaring and chasing after them on the hills behind. She shouted at them to attract attention. The orcs immediately raised their weapons and rushed towards the half-elf warriors.

The most reckless ones stepped on the traps set by Nathanos along the way, were burned by the fire surging on the ground, and stepped on the snake bags, releasing several venomous snakes.

Those vicious beasts bit the orcs' ankles and calves, making them howl in pain.

There was also a large-scale frost trap that slowed down like magic and was activated. A large area was covered with ice, which immediately slowed down the movement speed of the orcs.

A row of arrows fired, knocking four or five orcs to the ground.

Nathanos, who was disguised on the commanding heights next to him, was shooting arrows with his bow at a neither fast nor slow speed. Every time he pulled the bow string, there were at least two arrows on it.

His face shone with confidence, and the movements in his hands were standard and deadly. Every time he heard the buzz of the bowstring, an orc would turn over and fall.

It either pops out the eyeball or pierces the heart.

This human ranger seems to have some persistent pursuit of killing with one strike.

Fenner held a dagger, endured the pain and stepped forward, killing several orcs bitten by poisonous snakes.

She was panting and wanted to sit on the ground to rest, but as soon as she relaxed, a chill surged in her heart, causing Fenner to immediately grab the shield dropped by the orc next to her and protect it in front of her.


There was a loud noise, and a green bone flying knife pierced into the shield in Fenner's hand, causing the wooden shield to explode. The golden sword was pushed out with great force, and smashed onto the ground awkwardly.

Under the influence of toxins in his body, this strong half-elf finally lost strength. He tilted his head and fainted next to the soil.

The bone flying knife was left in her hand, still shining with a dark green light.

It was obviously quenched with terrible toxins.

Nathanos on the other side also saw a powerful enemy coming towards him. He attached a magic binding arrow made of sapphire to the bowstring in his hand, turned slightly, and fired towards the big orc running fast.

But as soon as the latter stopped, he waved his left hand decorated with sharp bones and caught the incoming arrow in his hand.

The arrow feathers are still vibrating at high speed.

But it was difficult for the arrow to move forward.

The tall green-skinned old orc was already very old and had a gray beard.

But he still moved vigorously and glanced at the arrow in his hand. The magic eyeball suspended above his head also rotated and glanced in the direction of Nathanos.

His cheek, which is missing his right eye, is expressionless.

He pinched off the magic arrow in his hand and threw it away. He ignored Maris' threat and strode towards the unconscious Fenna with the wild and huge hunting stick in his hand.

This shape with one eye missing is certainly easy to recognize.

Only the lunatics of the Blood Ring Clan would personally remove their own eyeballs during the clan's death ceremony. The orc in front of him can catch the sharp arrows of the high-level ranger with his bare hands, which proves that he is powerful and has quick reactions.

His identity has been revealed.

Kilrogg Deadeye.

Chief of the Bloodring Clan, legendary hunter, the eldest and most cunning of all the chiefs of the tribe.

He seemed to be sure that the unconscious half-elf in front of him could help him and his clan escape from bad luck, and he would come to capture her personally even though the alliance had an absolute advantage.

Nathanos nocked another arrow, drew the bowstring, and continued shooting at Kilrogg.

But every arrow would be easily dodged by the old orc, as if he was predicting the future.

Maris soon discovered Dead Eye's secret.

The magic eyeball suspended above the old orc's head has been locked on him, helping Dead Eye to clearly see the trajectory of each arrow. After realizing this, Maris stopped shooting.

He put the battle bow on his back, drew his hands on his waist, and two elven-style magic battle axes fell into his hands, and then walked quickly, blocking between Dead Eye and Fenna.

"Get out of the way, human."

The old Kilrogg glanced at Nathanos, a flash of light flashed in his remaining left eye, and said:

"The end of your destiny is not here, don't chase death recklessly."

"Leave, orc."

The two one-handed axes spun around in Maris' hands and were held tightly by him again. He lowered his body and said to the old orc in front of him:

"You can still escape now, but if it's a little later, you won't be able to escape."

"No, death is still far away from me."

Dead Eye meaningfully held the hunting stick made of some giant animal bone in his hand, looked at Maris with his penetrating single eye, and said:

"But it's close to you."


The legendary hunter stood up in the next moment and was met by a powerful and heavy mongoose bite. The sharp-toothed end of the hunting stick hit Maris, but the latter nimbly dodged it with his blade dancing skills.

But as soon as the old orc turned his wrist, the other end of the hunting stick accelerated towards the ranger, was blocked by the ax blade, then spun up with kinetic energy, and was held by Dead Eye.

Another fierce flank blow almost broke Nathanos' waist.

This orc used this crude weapon to be artistic, like a ferocious hydra. Under the control of Dead Eye, it hit the ranger as fast as the wind.

Kilrogg was very old and was suffering from demonic blood, so his strength no longer had the advantage, but he used his old experience and hunter's acumen to make up for the shortcomings.

Within a few minutes, Maris was forced to scramble.

The genius ranger was completely suppressed by the legendary hunter. Even though he didn't want to retreat, he was still forced to dodge by the old orc. On the other hand, Dead Eye looked like he was strolling around, acting extremely relaxed.

The magic eyeball suspended above his head, under 360° viewing without blind spots, allows Nathanos's every spicy counterattack to be sensed in advance by the dead eye.

It's almost like being hooked.

"This won't work, you."

On the other side of the hill, Blake, who was observing the battle through the vision sharing of the old Bone-eater, shook his head when he saw this scene. Pretending to be wearing a grass ring as a shield, he stood up from the shadows and opened the hurricane weapon in his hand. bow.

He complained in a low voice:

"You can't even defeat an old man with half a foot on the coffin board. Nathanos, you are too inferior. With such a performance, how can you become a wither in the future? How can you be qualified to be your queen's number one licker in the future?


Let me make the fight fairer for you. "

He started by adding a hunter's mark to the magic eyeball on Kilrogg's head, and then pulled out a bone arrow with arcs of lightning from the snake man's quiver behind him, and placed it on the bowstring.

Maintaining sniper aim, counting down the time.

five four three two one.


When the arrow was shot, a shadow wrapped around the bone arrow. The moment it flew out of the bowstring, it disappeared into the shadow. With the powerful increase of proficiency +2, it looked like a shooting star.

When it was five meters away from Dead Eye's magic eyeball, the shadows around the assassination arrow receded, and the arrow wrapped with electric arcs spiraled towards the flexible eyeball.

Dead Eye, who was "teasing" Nathanos, suddenly felt chilled. He turned around and swung his hunting stick, blasting the incoming sharp arrow in the air with a super precise blow, protecting his precious eyeball.

Those were his own eyes that he had removed during the Dead Eye Ceremony, and were made into magic items by Gul'dan himself.

Without the super perception it brings, the dead eye, which is old and frail, would have at least a 30% chance of winning in such a high-intensity battle.

He is too old after all.

"Yeah, I missed it."

The pirate emerged from the shadows and smiled apologetically at Kilrogg, who glared at him.

Behind Dead Eye, Nathanos, who was overwhelmed and breathless, decisively seized this fleeting opportunity.

The battle ax in his left hand was thrown out in a spinning manner using the blood-ring hunter's best ax throwing technique. The distance of less than two meters passed in an instant, and the flying ax that had been enchanted by the elf hit the magic eyeball hard.

The moment the two collided, a small-scale magic explosion was triggered.

The ranger's ax and Dead Eye's eyeballs were blown away at the same time. The old hunter covered his eyes and howled in pain, as if his own eyes had been poked out.

Then I felt pain in my chest and calves.

The disgraced Nathanos grabbed the ax with both hands and struck the old orc in the chest, while a black ghost wolf emerged from the change of reality and bit into Dead Eye's calf.

The old orc comrade who was attacked reacted quickly and swung his hunting stick at Nathanos, but the ranger jumped up in the air to avoid it with an acrobatic move.

The blood-stained battle ax slashed diagonally along the old orc's back with the second slash.

When the ranger landed, he grabbed a magic arrow from the quiver behind him with one hand and pierced Kilrogg's heart like a dagger. The angry old orc grabbed his arm and turned around to beat him.

The ranger, who was severely disadvantaged in terms of strength, was slapped to the ground, feeling like his bones were about to break.

The old orc, who entered a state of blood rage, wanted to attack the ghost wolf, but after a few bites, the cunning beast quietly disappeared into the illusion amidst the whistles of the pirates.

It's still a little clunky as the Assassin goes stealth, but that's okay, it's had plenty of time to grow.

"I won't die here! This is not my end!"

Kilrogg, who was covered in blood, spat to the side, reached out and pulled out the arrow inserted into his heart, threw it aside, picked up the hunting stick and rushed in the direction of Blake.

The gray-bearded orc shouted:

"I have seen my own death with my own eyes, and it is not here! You are all going to die, but I will survive! I will go back to my world alive!

That is my burial place! "

"Man, I just shattered all the history you know and don't know, what happened and what hasn't happened yet. All the fates have been changed, including you."

Facing Kilrogg Deadeye who rushed towards him, the pirate behaved quite calmly.

He didn't even draw his sword and had no intention of fighting.

He just looked at the old hunter in front of him with a strange look and said:

"The future is no longer predictable. You'd better not believe too much in what you saw when you were high when you were young. Believing in illusions of unknown origin will only teach you painful lessons."

"Only you?"

Kilrogg cursed:

"A madman who pretends to be a ghost?"

"No, not me."

Blake's eyes reflected the movement of Maris getting up from the ground behind Dead Eye and throwing an ax at Dead Eye. He said:

"It's him."

"Kilrogg Deadeye, you will forge the glory of the Wither."

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