Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 234 53. Are you stupid? I can fly!

Spin the Fate Bone Dice and gain the dexterity of Garni.

Garni guessed that you needed strength, and hoped that you would survive and bring more sparkle to it.

Ghani gives you a lot of strength

Spin the Fate Bone Dice to gain Cyric's Invisibility.

Sirik wants to see a great showdown in the shadows.

Sirik gives you a lot of power.

Spin the Bone Dice of Destiny to gain the prowess of Gibul.

The Tiger God has heard your story from Akunda and is eager to see a great hunt.

Gibral gives you a lot of strength.

The moment Blake jumped into the shadows, the Loa dice spun into his hands.

Fortunately, I called three Loa gods.

They all gave him strength.

Especially the unknown tiger god Jibur was so generous, which made Blake just want to shout Akunda YYDS.

Garni's dexterity gave Black three times the movement speed, coupled with the endless desire of the Pirate King suit, Black's current small steps are as fast as a galloping horse, almost like a short-distance flash while walking.

Sirik's stealth allowed his stealth skills, which had already reached legendary proficiency, to improve again. All auras were concealed to the extreme in the shadows, and his senses were quickly amplified.

Ms. Pasonia, who was also walking in the shadows, had already sensed the vibrations of the shadows.

But before she could lift her feet, Blake's footsteps in the shadows quickly disappeared.

This made the legendary assassin immediately be very vigilant.

She did not stay there and wait passively, but moved quickly around, amplifying her senses to catch Blake's footsteps.


What she was waiting for was the scorching light blade thrust out from behind.

The edge of the flaming sword grazed Pasonia's cheek, and with the legendary assassin's lightning reflection dodging, the magic blade almost cut off her left ear.

Although she dodged the swing of the sword, the intense heat still opened a burning wound on Pasonia's cheek.

She jumped and dodged like a phantom, dodging Black's four consecutive attacks. When the old figure was fighting at close range, it was like a fluttering leaf, so light that it didn't use any force at all.

His arms were hanging by his sides, not engaging in a clash of weapons with Blake.

She sensed it.

With the Shadow Dance activated in front of him, Black, who was still hiding in the shadows and attacking, felt a very special power, as if he was being stared at by a tiger.

Once you are entangled by him, what follows will definitely be a violent storm.

My cheeks still hurt.

This reminds Pasonia of a cruel reality:

Her grandson was right to remind her. The shadow's love for Black has gone beyond blessing her. It is no longer possible to have an instant-kill assassin battle with the pirate in front of her in the shadow.

In the shadows, it was Blake's home court.

But that doesn't matter.

It would be impossible for her to become a master assassin if she was only good at one-hit kills through breaking out of shadows. Since the advantage of the shadow is not in her, then just get rid of the shadow.


While Blake was hiding in the shadows, chasing after Pasonia like a tiger out of its cage, and constantly dodging attacks at close range, the old woman raised her hands like a blade dancer.

The special flare caught between his fingers was thrown out like a goddess scattering flowers.

The moment this medical bag-like flare was thrown out, the magic powder mixed in it began to take effect, like a ball of flash exploding in front of the pirate's eyes.

While instantly dispelling his shadow suit, the vision in front of his right eye shone with white light.

The weapons in the pirate's hands were disarmed and flew away in the next moment.

He crossed his arms and retreated sharply, while Grandma Xiaoer, who had been dodging the attack, swung her double blades and launched a fierce attack on him.

The dagger in his left hand was blocked by the hidden sword in his arm.

But with a precise and brutal blow from his right hand, it bypassed Black's arms, and with one thrust, two deep scars were left on his abdomen.

The blood splattering is just the beginning!

Her special flash powder will interfere with the opponent's sight. Blake's body has not yet been tempered to the level of legend, and his visual nerves cannot be immune to this almost blinding flash.

Next, it’s Grandma Xiao’s home court.

The pirates who were repulsed by the attack lowered their heads and used their ranger combat skills to dodge the next three attacks of Granny Shaw by relying on their senses.

He acted as if he had been blinded, like a blind man.

There was even confusion in the steps.

Pasonia's eyes flashed, and the moment she tapped her toes, the figure appeared behind Blake through the shadows. Shadow Step was not a pirate's exclusive skill.


Granny Xiao's dagger stabbed the pirate's shoulder left and right, and victory seemed to be right in front of her.



In the old woman's body, a sharp pain suddenly erupted from her internal organs. The pain erupted without any warning, causing her attack to lose its shape in an instant.

The pirate turned around at lightning speed, kicked Granny Xiao's chest, and pressed down. While maintaining the painful curse with his left hand, the hidden sword in his right hand popped out, and the black dragon claw stabbed into Pasonia's right hand with a roar. Shoulder.

The sharp dragon's teeth were blocked by Granny's armor.

But obviously the sharp cone did not touch the flesh, but it still caused blood to spatter on Pasonia's shoulder.

This is the courageous power of Jibur.

Coupled with the triple critical hit from the Hidden Blade attack, this bad-tempered mother-in-law is really unlucky.

With the blessing of the saber-toothed tiger god, each of Blake's blows was likely to cause lacerated wounds and bleed, much like a tiger's tactics for hunting large animals.

Consume the opponent with bleeding exhaustion and inflicted fear.

It wasn't until this moment that Pasonia saw Blake's face, or to be precise, his eyes.

His right eye was temporarily blinded by glitter.

However, the left eye protected by the eye patch remained unscathed and could still pinpoint the opponent's position accurately.

Pirates like to wear blindfolds, not just to look cool.


Black, expressionless, stabbed downwards with the Dragon's Tooth Hidden Blade again, but Granny Xiao endured the bleeding wound on her shoulder and gently swung it away with the dagger of her left arm.

The legendary assassin exerted force under his feet, forcing Black back with an explosion that was no less powerful than that of a warrior.

The pirate did not step forward to attack. He touched the ground with his toes, and with the help of extraordinary dexterity, he quickly retreated fifteen meters away.

The first round of confrontation between the two sides ended here.

Blake's breathing became faster.

He touched the wound on his abdomen, took out the antidote from his bag, and drank it in one gulp. Soon, the numbness and stinging pain from the wound dissipated.

Looking at Pasonia opposite.

There were layers of shadows floating around the latter's body, like shadow coats. With the blessing of the shadows, the magic of the painful curse that Black had placed on her was also dissipated.

Drops of blood dripped from the mother-in-law's right hand to the ground.

The bleeding wounds caused by Jibur's divine power are not easy to heal. But the legendary body is powerful. The divine power of a Loa, coupled with triple piercing critical hits, only opened a not serious wound.

The effect of the Curse of Pain has also been greatly weakened.

According to the magic power consumed by Blake's curse just now, it is enough to make an orc warrior temporarily lose combat effectiveness in pain. Sure enough, every legend has the iron will like a monster.

But overall, in the first wave of confrontation, Black relied on the destiny bone dice to have a slight advantage.

But both sides know this is just a warm-up.

The pirate rubbed his sore right eye.

He glanced at the weapon that had been knocked to the ground, shook his head, retracted the hidden swords in both hands, and under Pasonia's stunned gaze, he took out a heavy war scythe with an exaggerated shape.

The moment the hand of death took hold, the purple soul storm entangled around Blake.

The screams of souls brought an eerie coldness to the scorching ground under the direct sunlight. The skull of Gul'dan hanging on the pirate's chest also echoed with the magic of shadow.

The spell-casting blessings of the two legendary pieces of equipment allow the pirates to have full destructive power even though they don't have much magic at their disposal.

As soon as she raised her hand, the magic power of the fatigue curse fell on Pasonia. Granny Xiao felt that she suddenly felt uncomfortable, as if she was seriously ill, and everything in front of her was shaking.

My legs were too heavy to lift up.

At this moment, she knew that in addition to being a good assassin, the pirate in front of her was also a spell caster.

Probably a warlock.

Another evil trick learned from the orcs!

He is indeed in cahoots with the orcs!

Anger flashed in Granny Xiao's eyes, and the shadows around her quickly gathered at her summons, like a dark cloak protecting her body, swallowing up the magic of the second curse that Black threw at her.

Shadow Cloak, a rare skill for assassins that can resist magic.

The moment Pasonia was covered by the cloak of shadow, the pirate felt a chill, and a whole row of negative statuses appeared in the status bar of the character card in front of him:

Vendetta: You are targeted for vendetta by the Master Assassin, and any attack against you will cause a huge amount of additional damage.

Bullying: You are weaker than the opponent, and all attacks launched by the Master Assassin against you have a high chance of causing stun.

Premeditation: The Master Assassin premeditates damage to you, and her next attack on you will definitely cause a critical hit.

Ruthless: You have angered the Master Assassin, and she will no longer show mercy. Her attacks will have a small chance of severing limbs.

Violation: The Master Assassin's attacks will cause you a violation effect, and each attack will expose your weakness.

Weakness Exposed: The Master Assassin has mastered your weakness, and your blocking action will have a chance of failing when facing her. This chance increases rapidly as the combat time prolongs.

Blood Hunger: The Master Assassin will be stimulated by your blood. Every time you bleed, her attack speed will double.

After several bad negative statuses, there was a summary of negative statuses, which made the pirate’s brows jump:

Legendary Power·Death Star: Run, you have angered her.

Seeing this entire row of negative effects, Blake let out a sigh of relief.

He had never quite understood the difference between this legendary body and the ordinary body before. At this moment, he understood.

The battle between mortal bodies is about skill and courage.

And once the combat level reaches the realm of the legendary body, what you fight for is the power of these legendary combat skills that have been solidified into functions.

She is no longer bound by skills.

Looking at this entire row of negative effects, the description in one sentence is: As long as Black is slashed by Pasonia in the next battle, he will be Game Over.

So to sum up the so-called legendary body, that is, the power of crushing!

"Okay, now you are One Punch Man."

Black whispered something. In front of him, Pasonia, wrapped in a shadow cloak, looked ruthless and rushed towards the pirate like a ghost.

He did not retreat, chanting a spell.

The moment the legendary assassin raised his blade, the fear technique took action.

This spell that directly attacks the soul, under the double amplification of the Hand of Death and the Skull of Gul'dan, hits Granny Shor's soul like a heavy hammer.

The scene in front of her suddenly changed, as if she had returned to the Storm Fortress nearly three years ago in an instant.

In front of her, on that noble throne, Garona jumped out of the shadows and pierced the heart of the defenseless King Ryan with those two damn daggers.

With blood splattering in all directions, she was left with a pale face, watching the king's crown fall into a pool of blood.

That was the most shameful failure in my mother-in-law's life.

In every midnight dream, it would become the source of nightmares howling in her heart.

Now fear was upon me.

The dagger stabbing Blake also stopped in place, and as her body trembled, it gave the pirate a small amount of time to cast the next spell.

A second later, the legendary assassin relied on her will to break free from fear. Her eyes became even more angry, and the daggers pierced out in a staggered manner, heading straight for the pirate's heart.


A second spell burst from Black's hand.

The huge magic power was extracted from the Skull of Gul'dan, like a swirling storm, wrapping the legendary assassin in front of him in place, as if a photo was fading, expelling her from the material world.

Warlock Magic.Exile.

Under the angry gaze of the exiled Pasonia, Blake jumped into the air. Under the black boots under his feet, a certain device was activated, spitting out flames.

Push the pirate and fly to the ridge next to him.

Gnome Engineering Technology. Rocket Boots.

While flying towards the ridge, Blake shouted to the legendary assassin below:

"You bully me on the basis of your legendary status, so don't blame me for not practicing martial ethics, mother-in-law. It's still too late for you to admit defeat now... ah!!!"

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