Shadow of great britain

Chapter 347 Breakthrough

Arthur looked at Fiona's outfit up and down, and replied with a calm tone.

"It seems that you don't care much about your employer's work arrangements, and you even missed the funeral time. As you can see, I have just been resurrected."


Fiona raised her skirt slightly and sat on the sofa: "Can't you be more humble to the ladies? You must know that ladies spend a lot of time dressing themselves up before going out. Humility, honor, sacrifice, Bravery, mercy, honesty, justice, faith, where is your chivalry?”

Arthur poured a cup of tea and put it on the coffee table at her hand: "I'm sorry, Fiona, I have never been a knight, but a despicable commoner. However, if you like knights, I can tell you Where to find it?"

"Really?" Fiona held the tea cup to warm her hands. Her eyes narrowed slightly, as if she wanted to find out some of Arthur's emotional changes: "Where is the knight?"

Arthur crossed his arms and leaned against the wall: "The graves in Westminster Abbey are all knights buried there. The most important thing is, you don't have to worry about them being resurrected."

"You are really mean." Fiona took a sip of tea and said, "Why didn't you tell me to go to the Upper House? There are nobles sitting there who are higher than the knights, and they are much younger than those in the tombs. "

Arthur apologized sincerely: "Sorry, Fiona, I always thought you liked mature people."

"Yes, you know me very well." Fiona nodded: "But, I don't think a bunch of old men who argue every day in the Upper House with red faces can be called mature. Do you know who the benchmark is in our industry?"

Arthur thought for a while: "Kitty Fisher? I have read a book introducing her. Many people say that she was the most successful woman in London in the 18th century. Members of Parliament, artists and wealthy people all fell in love with her. She even once put a check worth a thousand guineas between her feet and ate it in a piece of bread and butter."

Fiona curled her lips: "Kitty Fisher? Just a vulgar woman. For money and material desires, she willingly became a toy of the upper class. But when she really got these, she found that she had no use for them at all. Not that much. Swallowing a check may seem like an enviable life to people who don't know her well. But I know that this stupid approach is just a way for her to cover up her inferiority complex and anesthetize her. One of my own methods. Thomas Hobbes said: Every time a person violates reason, he will be punished by reason. Kitty Fisher is like this."

Arthur opened the window and lit his pipe: "Interesting opinion, Fiona. It seems that you have read a lot of books recently, and you talk like a philosopher."

Fiona's face was flushed, and she raised her silk fan to cover her mouth: "Oh, Mr. Hastings, I can't bear to hear such words. You know, girls can't withstand compliments."

The red devil put his hand on Arthur's shoulder and mocked: "Ha, Arthur, this little girl is telling lies again. It's not that women can't withstand compliments, they are the most hard-hearted. But there is one exception, that is, she likes him."

Arthur said: "If a compliment can make ladies willing to drop their checks and be happy to help, then I don't mind giving one more. Fiona, you are so beautiful today."

Fiona rolled her eyes when she heard this: "Mr. Hastings! I think our relationship is not that deep yet. Besides, I still have a bunch of girls to support. You know this bit about Scotland Yard? Has time cost me much? If it weren’t for the hundreds of pounds I got for you to help you find Bernie Harrison, we would almost be unable to make ends meet.”

Arthur nodded slightly and said: "It seems that you did listen to my kind reminder. But Fiona, don't get angry too quickly. It's not a big deal to make less money than to die during cholera. Look at me , I almost had someone blow me up."

"I don't care so much. At least until we acquire a legal brothel and get an operating license, you still have to pay the girls who run around for you according to the original price."

Fiona said: "And when they have a place to live without having to worry about being chased by the police, I won't have to worry about the group of sluts who only focus on high-end perfumes and jewelry, so I can be bold and bold." We are moving towards the goal of becoming an industry benchmark.”

Arthur nodded slightly and said, "It sounds like your goal is very ambitious."

"Of course." Fiona said seriously: "I want to become a respected lady, just like Emma Hamilton or Harriet Wilson did."

Arthur is no stranger to these two names.

In the various social venues he attended over the past year, the gentlemen chatting would occasionally talk about these two influential figures who once stirred up the London social circle.

This was possible, firstly, by the innate beauty of the two ladies, secondly by their talents and cultivation, and thirdly, by the various gossip stories between them and their legendary lovers.

In recent decades, the two most admired figures in Britain are neither three generations of kings nor successive prime ministers, but the Duke of Wellington from the army and Horatio Nelson from the Royal Navy.

Known as the most beautiful woman in England, Lady Emma Hamilton came from a humble background, but became famous after becoming Horatio Nelson's lover. Whether in the court of Naples or the Allmac Club in London, she was a seductive figure. The center of attention.

As for Harriet Wilson, her story is more legendary.

As the daughter of a Swiss watchmaker, she entered the industry at the age of twelve. At the age of fifteen, she was chosen by the discerning Earl of Collivan as a courtesan. She effortlessly captured all the important figures in the country. .

However, unlike Emma Hamilton, who was completely captured by Horatio Nelson and longed for his lifelong companionship, Miss Harriet did not seek to become the wife of some big shot.

She has a very clear mind and knows exactly what she is doing.

Because of this, she did not limit her lover scope to the Duke of Wellington, and she also knew quite well that she could not tie down this romantic old man who dared to compete with Napoleon in various aspects.

How broad is her social circle?

Even if we take the people Arthur knows as an example, the guys who had fun with Miss Harriet include the Duke of Wellington, Viscount Palmerston, and the former King George IV. Of course, there are also various aspects of it. The emotional Lord Byron.

As for why Arthur knew this, it was another very outrageous old news.

When Miss Harriet decided to retire in 1825, she sent threatening letters to her old lovers. If they did not pay hush money, she would publish what they said and did in her memoirs. Things come to light.

According to the gentlemen, there seemed to be close to 200 nobles who received the threatening letter at that time. You must know that the total number of seats in the House of Lords is only more than 600. In other words, one-third of the people in the House of Lords have received threats. letter.

It is said that when the House of Lords was in session, members often joked with each other about this matter, and their greetings became: "Have you received that letter?"

However, although the MPs were collectively blackmailed, because Miss Harriet was very measured in her actions, most people did not mind paying her a fee to support her in her old age. And Miss Harriet's reward for this is to sing the praises of generous lovers in the book.

Of course, Harriet's tricks didn't always work, and the Duke of Wellington didn't quite buy her account.

However, for this national hero, the ice-snow and smart Miss Harriet still maintained the utmost respect.

From the experiences of these two people, Arthur also roughly understood what Fiona's goal was.

The status of a well-respected lady and a courtesan of the upper class is indeed much better than that of a homeless woman or a prostitute.

Arthur opened his mouth and blessed: "Fiona, I wish you success. If you can really do that well, you are indeed much better than Kitty Fisher."

Fiona blinked her eyes, raised the corners of her mouth and smiled: "No, Mr. Hastings, I want you to succeed. Do you think that a woman alone can achieve something in this society? Look at the card Lorraine Norton, that ignorant, stupid woman, she hasn’t realized what she has at her disposal, she has resources but doesn’t know how to use them, so now she can’t even see her own children.”

When Arthur heard this, he suddenly held his chin and thought for a moment: "Fiona, I have to say, you seem to have provided me with a new idea. That is indeed a not very smart woman, so do you plan to go How about helping this sister who has never met her become smarter? Her relationship with Viscount Melbourne will help her, and it will also help me. If I remember correctly, you just seemed to have said, I hope I succeed. ?”

When Fiona heard this, she just turned her face to one side. She twisted her blond hair and said, "Aren't you afraid that I am joking? After all, you are asking me to seduce a pure lady to make a mistake. , which is an unforgivable sin.”

Arthur put one hand on the sofa, leaned down and stared into her eyes and asked: "But you are already deep in this quagmire of sin... aren't you? Fiona, don't wait until now to tell me, You’re already planning to get away.”

At this moment, the air in the room seemed to freeze.

Arthur noticed from the corner of his eye that Fiona's nails were almost digging into the sofa, and he could vaguely feel the slightly hot breath on the tip of his nose.


Fiona suddenly stood up and pushed Arthur away.

In her opinion, she clearly didn't use much force, but Arthur took several steps back like an eighty-year-old man.

This unexpected turn of events made Fiona stunned for a few seconds, and then she was replaced by an angry roar: "What do you think I am? I am not such a casual woman!"

Arthur just smiled: "What about Caroline Norton?"

"She will be!"

"You agreed?"

"Aren't you convinced?!"

Arthur smiled and sighed: "Fiona, you are such an angel."

When Fiona heard this, she kicked the coffee table in front of her angrily: "Arthur Hastings! You are a son of a bitch! No, you are an orphan, you don't even raise a fucking bitch !”

"Oh ho ho!" The red devil was lying on the desk laughing. "Arthur, you are really becoming more and more of an asshole. How did you come up with this trick?"

Seeing how angry she was, Arthur finally realized that the situation seemed to be getting serious.

Arthur asked: "Want to do it again?"

"Again?" Fiona blushed and yelled: "I'm warning you, if you come one step closer to me, I will sue you for molesting me! Hastings, wait until you are as ruined as Bernie Harrison." !”

Arthur just shrugged and said: "I didn't exchange money for a short relationship. Fiona, what you said is really too much. You broke my heart."


She didn’t know whether she was angry or happy, Fiona just felt that she was angry and happy at the same time: "After all, I am the leader of Scotland Yard, and my speech is getting better and better. But you think I can do this?" Spare you? Dream on! It's unlucky that the Poles didn't blow you up. Let me tell you, if I were to carry out this plan, you and I would have met in hell by now."

When Agares heard this, he just curled his lips and shook his head: "Look! Look! Arthur, you made this girl so angry that she became hysterical. It's already this time, and she's still dreaming. Hell. Hell has become a good place in her heart. It seems that what Aristotle said is true: if women are compared with men, they have more characteristics of charity than justice. "

Arthur looked at the rickety coffee table and the broken glass on the floor. He was about to pour Fiona a cup of tea to put out the fire, but before he could pick up the teapot, he heard a bang and the door was slammed open. .

Immediately afterwards, a roar was heard: "Don't move!"

Dumas, dual-wielding revolvers, twisted his strong body and rushed into the room with a vigorous stride, followed closely by the Scotland Yard police officers who filed in.

Everyone looked at each other. Arthur glanced at Alexandre Dumas and Inspector Jones who was eager to show his loyalty. He bent down and picked up a piece of scattered broken glass: "What are you doing?"

Alexandre Dumas glanced at the mess on the ground. The fat French man groaned, then turned to look at Fiona, whose clothes were slightly messy because she jumped on the sofa due to fright.

He asked cryptically: "Arthur, you didn't tell me."

Arthur took off his white gloves and asked, "What didn't I tell you?"

"Damn it!" Alexandre Dumas replied looking around: "Do we actually have special health care expenditures? I used to think that it was exclusive to the Liverpool Port Authority."

Arthur asked: "Of course, I have always paid great attention to the welfare of department employees."

Jones also heard something was wrong: "Does the Criminal Investigation Department still have such a thing?"

Alexandre Dumas smiled generously and shyly: "I see, it's just that I don't know how to enjoy this benefit?"

Arthur didn't say much. He pointed to the corner of his eye, then opened the drawer and took out the revolver: "Just like me. I count three times. If you are still here after three times, then in addition to medical care, I will We can also apply for Scotland Yard’s funeral allowance on your behalf.”

"What the hell, Arthur, are you a solitary eater?"



Almost instantly, the room was empty, and even the door was closed thoughtfully by Alexandre Dumas for Arthur.

The room fell silent again, and Arthur turned his attention to Fiona and asked: "Maybe we should start talking about something serious. If you are invited here from London just for medical care, it is really overqualified."

Fiona glared at Arthur, then folded the scarf on her shoulders again, and said: "If this is the reason why you can't stand the push of a weak lady, then I accept it."

The red devil whistled when he heard this: "Girl, don't be too smart. When your mind is not clear, any thinking is redundant."

Fiona calmed down again and took out a file document from her handbag.

"About Agnieszka, the wife of the Polish killer you asked me to investigate, I am honored to tell you, Arthur, that you may know her."

"Oh?" Arthur recalled: "Have I ever had an encounter with such a lady?"

Fiona rolled her eyes at him and continued: "What a beautiful idea you have! You should be glad that you didn't have such an encounter with Agnieszka, because the guy who met her was the idiot congressman you killed - Bur Nee Harrison.”

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