Shadow of great britain

Chapter 331 The Problem of Early Human Love

In the ballroom, Gladstone sat in the corner with a glass of red wine, looking a little absent-minded.

He looked at the young face reflected in the blood-red wine, put a hand on his forehead and shook his head uncontrollably.

He murmured to himself: "William, look what you have done? You claimed to the voters that you wanted to eliminate corruption within the government, but today you watched a corruption case happen in front of your eyes. And You actually don’t plan to do anything. Wouldn’t you be living up to the expectations of Sir Peel and the Duke of Newcastle by doing this?”

Having said this, he couldn't help but rub his face hard with his hands until his cheeks turned apple color, and he felt a little better.

Just as he was about to go out for some fresh air, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a beautiful red and black skirt coming in front of him.

Gladstone was stunned for a moment, then slowly raised his lowered head to look up. That was the girl he had longed for - Miss Catherine Rosewell.

Catherine also looked a little nervous. She folded her hands on her abdomen, as if she wanted to imitate those mature ladies who were at ease in social situations.

But a little girl who had just turned 17 years old could not pretend to be so calm no matter what. No matter how expensive and exquisite the white makeup was, it could not cover the shy blush on her cheeks, let alone the pair of eyes that she was so nervous about. Pull out the wrinkled lace gloves.

"Wei... William, are you just watching me stand here and be humiliated?"


Gladstone, who was still awake, heard this and replied blankly: "Sorry, Catherine, you are probably tired from standing. Why don't you sit next to me? You look like you need some sherry. I'll give it to you right away." You pour a glass."

When Catherine heard this, she looked at Gladstone with shame and anger.

If she hadn't heard today that Gladstone would come here to attend the dance, and her father was trying to convince her, she wouldn't have wanted to come to this place that was so stuffy that it made people feel panicked.

In order to wait for Gladstone to invite her to the first dance, she rejected several ignorant suitors.

However, she waited in the ballroom for a long time, but Gladstone still did not come forward.

Later, she even discovered that the young master had disappeared.

If Mr. Rosewell, the old pocket watch, hadn't stopped his daughter from going home, and the male servants wouldn't have dared to disobey the master's order, Miss Catherine would have fallen asleep on the big bed in her bedroom.

However, after waiting for a long time and Gladstone not coming, Catherine finally made up her mind to take the initiative, but received such a reply, which made the conservative Miss Catherine feel insulted.

Mr. Roswell, who had been watching the situation here, realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly said goodbye to his friends and came to smooth things over.

Mr. Rothwell hurried to his daughter who was on the verge of collapse, and first comforted her in a low voice: "Don't be angry, dear, William and his father have an important thing to do today. He may be dizzy from talking about business." It’s gone up, and I see that he hasn’t invited any ladies to dance, so that spot must be reserved for you.”

In the end, the old pocket watch moved two pointers with a smile on his face and walked along the scale line to Gryston. Ti Didi matched this pair of social newcomers.

"William, why don't you ask Catherine to dance? She won't have a partner tonight. It's very disrespectful to leave a lady unaccompanied at a ball."

When Gladstone heard this, his elm head finally opened up. He quickly stood up and said: "Ah! Catherine, I'm sorry. I...I wanted to invite you to dance, but just now...Sorry, really Sorry, a lot of things happened just now and my mind was too confused."

Catherine saw that Gladstone was not deliberately trying to embarrass herself, and the rich lady who already had a good impression of him quickly cleared up the knot in her heart.

Instead, she began to wonder what could have caused the usually calm Gladstone to look like this lost soul.

She boldly sat next to Gladstone: "William, what's wrong with you?"

Mr. Rothwell saw that the two slow newcomers finally entered the state, and the old pocket watch quickly and leisurely hid itself back in his pocket.

He stepped back step by step, and encouraged the newcomers while returning: "Yes, it is also very beneficial to chat and improve understanding. Socializing does not always require dancing. William, remember, don't mention the Bank of England's Raise interest rates, and forget about business in the Levant and America. Unless what you want to attract is not a beautiful girl like Catherine, but an old man like me who smells like copper."

When Catherine heard this, she just glared at her father.

Gladstone, on the other hand, did not notice these small movements, or he noticed them but did not take the initiative to say anything.

He also moved his butt towards Catherine, and the beauty's fragrance entered his nose. The young and strong hormones took effect, and his head that was just a little awake soon became dizzy again.

"Well...actually it's not a big deal. I just can't stand the exchange between my father and Superintendent Hastings..."

After hearing this, Catherine nodded sympathetically and said: "Sometimes I don't like my father's speech, just like just now... Of course, William, I'm not talking about the part about you."

"It's okay to target me." Gladstone smiled as if he was self-deprecating: "Actually, I failed quite a bit this year. I lost to a Jew in the party primary. At that time, I still felt unconvinced, but now it seems that he There is indeed a reason why he defeated me. Maybe he seems exaggerated in his expression, but at least he is more pragmatic than me in his choice of campaign platform."

Seeing how frustrated he was, Catherine comforted him: "William, don't say that. Do you remember when you were a kid? You told me: People always have something to look up to. Being pragmatic is good, but I always feel that is synonymous with vulgarity. .”

Gladstone smiled: "Catherine, that sentence was not said by me, but by Kant. And he not only said this sentence, he also said: Nothing straight can be made from a crooked wood like human nature. s things."

Catherine nodded and said: "I know that was said by Kant, but it was you who said this to me for the first time, and that is enough."


Gladstone looked at the beauty beside him and felt a little absent-minded for a moment: "Thank you... thank you, you are always so considerate. But thanks to you, I feel much better now. I... I..."

Gladstone was about to continue speaking, but his father's admonishment flashed through his mind.

He was silent for a while with his mouth half open. When Catherine saw this, she couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"


Gladstone smiled and said: "Usually, in social situations, gentlemen accommodate themselves to ladies. But now it's your turn to take care of my mood. How can this be done? I heard Mr. Roswell said that you like it very much." Life in London, you like the music, paintings, architecture, etc. there. By the way, do you know the gramophone? I came back from London this time and happened to bring a few records for the gramophone. Although the records did not sound as good as the concert , but it’s enough to relieve worries and relieve boredom. I’ll send you the things tomorrow.”

Catherine couldn't help being surprised when she heard this: "So you also like listening to records? When the gramophone was first sold in London, my father sent someone to get one back, but I didn't have that many records at home, only a few songs. Songs. Although they are all very nice, I am almost tired of listening to them over and over again every day."

"Really? It seems that I really bought the right gift." Gladstone asked with a smile: "Which pianist's music do you like? Mendelssohn, Barthes, Moscheles or Clementi ? Let me guess, could it be from Hastings? Everyone says you are very quiet, but I know that you have a warm heart hidden under your quiet appearance. Mr. Hastings's ‘The Bell’ is just right for you.”

Catherine smiled and replied: "William, you really understand me. Among the records at home, my favorite is the song "The Bell". It took me a month or two to learn it, but it played out The effect is far less passionate and powerful than Mr. Hastings. Speaking of which, is Mr. Hastings really planning to retire from the piano world? He is obviously so young and still has plenty of time to compose more excellent music. What a tune!”

Upon hearing this, Gladstone couldn't help but want to tease Catherine. He smiled and replied: "Maybe it's because Mr. Hastings met Mr. Chopin? You should have read the report of the farewell concert, right?" ?Mr. Hastings said that he could not gain the confidence to continue playing in front of Chopin. Since he could not do his best, it would be better to give up the stage to a more shining music star."

Catherine couldn't help but sigh: "What a romantic man. Although his music career was short, it can also be called a legend. A "Bell" announced his emergence, and a piece of Chopin's "To Hastings" "" became his final song. However, if Mr. Hastings stops playing the piano, what will he do for a living in the future? Pianists like him usually start learning music at a young age. It can be said that in addition to playing the piano, Apart from that, they can’t do anything else, and they can’t take care of themselves. I really hope that the record of “The Bell” can bring him enough income, otherwise he will have to starve and freeze in the future.”

When Gladstone heard this, the image of his father sending a large box of money to Arthur flashed through his mind, and he was choked for a moment.

He took a deep breath and replied: "Catherine, you are still so kind. But you don't have to worry about Mr. Hastings' livelihood at all. He is an anomaly among musicians. Playing the piano is just his temporary interest, his main goal Ye is a senior superintendent of Scotland Yard, and he was just sent to Liverpool to investigate smuggling."

"Senior Superintendent? Investigating smuggling?"

Catherine was stunned for a moment, then thought of something.

The rich lady's eyes widened and she turned to look at the smoking room on the left: "So..."

"That's right." Gladstone said with a wry smile: "That's the one in the smoking room."

"Oh my God!" Catherine clutched her heaving chest, not knowing whether she was excited or excited: "I have to tell Sophia and Vivian, they will definitely faint with joy. William, do you know? Both of them are A big fan of Mr. Hastings.”

Gladstone was puzzled: "It's not difficult for me to understand that Mr. Hastings has fans, but it shouldn't be to the point of fanaticism, right? After all, as a pianist, his works are still too few for the time being."

Catherine shook her head and said: "William, have you forgotten the interests of Sophia and Vivian? In addition to music, they also like natural philosophy, especially the latest and most cutting-edge natural philosophy. They said Hastings Mr. Faraday is not only an outstanding pianist, but also a young master in the field of electromagnetism. He has even published several papers in the monthly magazine of the Royal Society, and they were co-signed with Mr. Faraday. For such figures, the two of them Can you not be fanatical?

You also know that they were already enthusiastic enough about Mr. Faraday. Before the railway was opened, they would take a carriage to London to attend Mr. Faraday's lectures every once in a while. After the opening of the railway, as long as Mr. Faraday appeared, they would not be left behind. I heard that last year they also bought a house in London, near Graysham College, where the Royal Society is located, just to be more convenient when listening to lectures. "

Gladstone couldn't help but take a sip of sherry after hearing this: "So, they do have reason to be fanatical about Mr. Hastings, and I even think they can be a little more fanatical. After all, apart from electromagnetic researchers and pianists, In addition to his identity, he has just defeated the Saint Bertrand of Paris on behalf of Britain. Did you see the sword on his waist? It was a gift from His Majesty the King."

Catherine could not restrain her excitement and asked, "Can you introduce Mr. Hastings to me later?"

As soon as Gladstone heard this, he couldn't help feeling a little awkward: "Do you... like him very much?"

Seeing Gladstone's reluctant expression, Catherine felt a little happy on the one hand, but also a little proud on the other hand. She said angrily: "William, I want to introduce him to Vivian and Sophia. Of course...I also have some small thoughts,'s not about men and women. I remember that he is very familiar with Mr. Chopin, right?

In fact, "The Bell" only ranks second in my mind. My favorite is Mr. Chopin's "To Hastings". I want to ask him to help me ask. Although this is a bit rude, I really want a copy of Mr. Chopin's "To Hastings" score. It would be better if it could be signed by him. . "

"So that's it!"

Gladstone's mood instantly improved after hearing this: "Katherine, don't worry, this matter is all on my shoulders. Even if I risk my life, I will get such a thing back for you. But what I didn't expect is that you His taste is actually on the same level as that of the royal family. Do you know? Before I returned to Liverpool, I heard that His Majesty the King seemed to be planning to invite Mr. Chopin to serve as the royal pianist. The King and Queen were completely conquered by Chopin's music."

When Catherine heard this, her soft eyes shone a lot: "William, you are such an angel..."

She was just halfway through her words of thanks, but out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a few more people in front of the smoking room door.

The daughter has good taste, and the father's taste is naturally not bad either.

Mr. Pocket Watch has eyes and ears in all directions. Not only does he always pay attention to the activities of his daughter and his son-in-law, he even takes the time to walk outside the smoking room and get close to Arthur and others who have just walked out.

"Mr. Hastings, I didn't expect that you are actually using a Rosewell brand pocket watch. You are really discerning to choose our product among many excellent brands in London. How do you like it? Our pocket watches are better than ordinary ones." Low-end products are much easier to use, right?”

Arthur pondered: "Well...actually it's not me who has the best eyesight, but it was recommended to me by a friend of mine. He likes Roswell's private customization service very much. Although there are many pocket watch brands in London, they can make me look embarrassed." Not many people would help him carve the pattern he wanted on the inside cover of his pocket watch.”

Alexandre Dumas echoed: "Yes, Elder's pocket watch is priceless. So much so that he dare not take it out to check the time in public. Every time he wants to check what time it is, he has to find an unattended person. Open the corners and cracks to taste carefully.”

Heine took the pocket watch from Arthur's hand and looked at it twice: "Is the Roswell brand pocket watch so good? Then why don't I order one here? The quality of German pocket watches is simply appalling. , I used to use Swiss goods. Mr. Rothwell, please take these three guineas first. If it is not enough, I can add more. Listen to the movement in my pocket. It is jingling. It’s gold coins, I don’t need this little money.”

Louis raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Heinrich, the gold coins are already in your pocket. You should be able to control your mouth this time, right?"

Heine weighed the pocket watch in his hand: "In London, I mainly criticized Germany and France. I will discuss the British issue after I return to Paris."

Louis shrugged upon hearing this: "Okay, when you go back to Paris, at least remember to remain anonymous."

Heine raised his pocket watch and pointed it at the chandelier, looked at the gold-plated layer above and said: "For the sake of the pocket watch, I agree to this small request. By the way, can my article about abdominal abdominal dissection be published in Britain? ?”

Arthur said: "Of course you can, but you may need to revise the manuscript a few more times and attach a detailed analysis of the corruption situation in other countries with the article."

"Okay." Heine curled his lips and said: "Looking at the bright side, this is at least much more relaxed than the publishing environment in Austria and Germany. In Austria, even if you talk about other countries, they will think you are making insinuations and being shady."

Alexandre Dumas asked: "Isn't it?"

"So what?" Heine emphasized: "At least I didn't directly scold Metternich for having German hemorrhoids on his butt and for being incontinent."

When Roswell heard this, he smiled and was about to continue to compliment him.

Unexpectedly, there was a sudden commotion in front of the ballroom door. Several servants responsible for guarding were roughly blocking a man who wanted to break free and rush into the room. Behind the man stood a trembling young man.

"Sir, let me warn you for the last time. This is a private dance. If you are not among the guests, you cannot enter this place."

"Let me in, I want to see Mr. Hastings! What I want to say is much more important than this damn ball. This will save a lot of lives!"

"What are you talking about? Why don't you drive this person out quickly?"

"Sorry, Mr. Walker, let's do it now. Damn it! You bastard, you can't listen to me when I talk to you, right? Then don't blame us for being rude!"

The man shouted angrily: "Mr. Hastings, I want to see Mr. Hastings!"

Seeing that the man was about to be lifted up and thrown out by the guard, Arthur took a step forward and put his hand on the guard: "It's so cold, let him come in and have a drink. There is still a lot of time tonight, there is no need We are rushing out customers in such a hurry."

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