Shadow of great britain

Chapter 103 Two Black Thorns?

Arthur stood at the bow of the ship and observed the blue sea with a telescope, and beside him were the sailors who were busy.

The improved Beagle has three masts, and each mast is assigned six sailors and one petty officer to be on duty. Their main tasks are to observe the sea surface, identify the course, and judge whether there is an enemy situation.

There are also many sailors scattered on the deck, including gunners led by the gunnery commander, craftsmen led by the quartermaster who are repairing firearms, and twenty soldiers led by an assault commander and two petty officers responsible for boarding battles. Multiple Marines.

Tom and Tony looked at the busy crew nervously. For the first time in their lives, the two Scotland Yard officers who had never been on a ship felt awkward.

The waiter sent by Colonel Fitzroy to serve them saw their nervous expressions and hurriedly asked: "Gentlemen, do you need any help?"

Tony covered his mouth and leaned against the boat, his face turned blue: "It's nothing, I just feel like vomiting, vomiting..."

Tom's reaction was slightly better than Tony's. He looked the waiter up and down and asked, "How old are you this year?"

"Me? Nine years old."

The waiter seemed to be afraid of being looked down upon, so he quickly added: "But don't look at my young age, but I have been working on the ship for two years. In terms of age, I am even older than those who just got on the ship." How about the cadets? They are four years older than me, but they can’t do anything well and will cause trouble to Colonel Fitzroy. I am much better than them!"

When Tom heard this, he couldn't help but smile and touched the little waiter's head: "I didn't expect you to be as old as my son. You are much stronger than him."

"Of course." The waiter pretended to be mature: "The prerequisite for working on the ship for a long time is to be strong. Even if you are weak, you have to gain weight as soon as possible. The sea will not feel sorry for you. You will not even have a coffin to die at sea. You will have to die at sea. Thrown into the sea to feed the fish.”

As soon as he said this, he saw Arthur waving to him, and the waiter hurriedly ran up to flatter him: "Sir, what are your orders?"

Although he is not old, he knows how to distinguish the status between people.

He could tell at a glance Arthur's respected status among the three, and also how polite Captain Fitzroy was to him.

To put it mildly, this ability is called the ability to observe words and emotions.

To put it worst, this is snobbery.

But I can't blame the waiter too harshly. After all, this is the skill these brats rely on to survive on the ship.

As the people closest to senior officers on the ship, almost every waiter dreams of being appreciated by the captain and sent to the naval school.

Although the probability of achieving success in one step is very low, the few precedents still allow the waiters to persist in their mission of serving senior military officers.

Arthur asked: "Can you please help me borrow a sailor's knife from Mr. Colonel?"

"Ah? You...what are you planning to do?"

Arthur did not shy away from his thoughts. He said: "According to the information of the Black Thorn, the ship may have carried seventy to eighty militants. If there is a boarding battle, the Marines alone will I'm afraid there's no way to do it. So, as a Scotland Yard sergeant, I'm going to join them."

When the waiter heard this, he was so shocked that his hair stood up: "Mr. Hastings, please don't make such a joke. Participating in boarding battles can really kill you! If you are worried about the number of Marines, If it's not enough, it's actually a minor problem. If they burn it all, there are still sailors, so you don't have to play in person."

Arthur took out his pipe from his pocket and lit it: "Brother, do you have any misunderstanding about the identity of the police? What do you think the law is used for?"

"Law?" the waiter asked, "Isn't that meant to protect people like you?"

When the red devil heard this, he held his stomach in his hands and said with joy: "Brilliant! Arthur, look at this kid, his consciousness is higher than yours."

Tom and Tony burst out laughing when they heard this.

They explained: "Little brother, it is not the law that protects us, but we use the law to protect you."

"Protect me with the law?" the little waiter curled his lips and said with a ghostly smile: "If it protected me, I wouldn't be here. All right, gentlemen, for the sake of the law, oh no, There are no laws on the high seas, so for God's sake, don't make it difficult for me."

Arthur looked back at the waiter and patted his head: "You little brat, you are really incompetent. But after all, I really can't blame you. That's all, I won't make it difficult for you, I'll go by myself Talk to the colonel."

As soon as he turned around, he saw Elder walking towards them holding several navy blue sailor uniforms.

He distributed the clothes to the three people and said as he was doing so: "The most taboo thing about fighting at sea is that the clothes look different. Many senior officers of the Royal Navy were reluctant to take off their epaulettes and uniforms and ended up being disgraced. The man was shot dead. So Colonel Fitzroy sent me here specifically to ask you to change your clothes. By the way, if a fight starts soon, remember to stay back, otherwise you will be shot in the head. Don't I’m sorry I didn’t warn you.”

However, Arthur didn't care about this. He pulled El in front of him and asked: "Go get me a sailor's knife, and give me some bandages by the way."

"What are you going to do?" Elder said with a vigilant look on his face: "Arthur, don't do this nonsense! I know you know some swordsmanship, but actual combat and practice are two different things. You can just fire off the gun later. .”

Arthur didn't refute, he just asked: "I don't plan to rush to the opponent's ship, but what if they rush over?"

"This..." Elder thought about it for a moment, and then he took a deep breath: "You have thought it through! How could I have forgotten this! No, I not only have to get one for you, but I also have to get one for myself. You have to go to the armory and get some!"

Elder hurriedly ran to the deck and chatted with the quartermaster for a few words, and then saw him taking a bunch of keys from the other person's hand. Not long after, he grabbed Darwin and ran back with a pile of weapons. .

"Charles, you are so scared! Haven't you ever been a doctor? If he dares to rush over, you will amputate his limbs, all four limbs!"

"You're talking lightly! Can he lie on the operating bed as obediently as a patient? Besides, even a patient will struggle desperately if he doesn't drink enough wine. Pressing him on the operating bed is no better than pressing down a donkey. Simple!"

Elder couldn't defeat him, so he had to change the subject: "Arthur, I brought the knife for you."

However, Arthur did not take the first step to take the weapon from Elder, but picked up the bandage that Elder held under his arm.

He took off the leather glove on his left hand, revealing his calloused palm from practicing swordsmanship, and then tightly wrapped the bandage around his palm.

"What are you doing?" Elder was confused when he saw Arthur's actions: "Bandage it in advance? Save yourself the trouble later?"

However, at this time, the Marine commander who happened to be passing by held his chin and looked at Arthur with interest.

He asked: "Do you know half swordsmanship?"

"Half swordsmanship?" Elder knew that the commander was obsessed with swordsmanship, so he quickly asked: "Wrapping a bandage is half swordsmanship? What kind of swordsmanship is this half swordsmanship?"

The Marine commander did not answer Elder, but just smiled and raised his eyebrows and said: "Young man, if you haven't mastered half-swordsmanship, you will be just a charlatan, and you will be easily injured. Don't lose your life just to be cool. Then Not worth it.”

When Arthur heard this, he looked up at him and smiled.

"Although my training is average, it should be enough to deal with a few slave traders."

" seems like you really have some skills!" The commander laughed. He took off the officer's sword from his waist and threw it at Arthur: "In that case, let me use this sword for you. You can use half sword skills. You can’t use your full strength when wielding a knife.”

Arthur was not polite. He took the officer's sword and drew it out of its sheath with a loud sound. The bright blade of the sword clearly illuminated the stubble on his chin.

"It's a good sword."

The commander grinned and said: "The rest depends on whether it is matched with a good person."

Just as the two were chatting, the foremast observer above their head suddenly shrank his pupils. He carefully observed with a telescope for a long time, and then shouted behind him with certainty: "Attention everyone! 15 degrees east by south. Two unidentified ships were spotted on the sea!”

Captain Fitzroy yelled: "Two ships? Sailing together?"

The observer checked it again with the telescope, and after holding it for a long time, he said: "It doesn't look like it! They are too close to each other, aren't they afraid of hitting each other? And... wait, damn! The two of them are too close. What on earth are the ships doing with each other? Why do they look like they have bridges built with each other?"

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