Chapter 88 The second woman offering a bounty (politely ask for recommendation)


Whitebeard lifted the pheasant knife and slammed the deck again, and said in a deep voice, “You… do you want us to lose face in the Whitebeard Pirates!!”

“What do you mean?” Marco and others looked at a loss.

Isn’t that saying that you can’t let the father fight alone? Why did you get to embarrass them Whitebeard Pirates?

They didn’t understand Marco.

Whitebeard looked at Marco and asked, “You just saw the newspaper and you said what the newspaper said.”

Marco didn’t react a little, but he took out the newspaper, looked at the content written on it, and said: “The actor is mad, single… people… destroy 20 pirate groups.”

At the end, Marco was silent with a sullen face.

“This…” The others were also silent at this time, speechless, and unable to refute Whitebeard’s words.

I just talked about the number and power of the Shadow Servant before, completely forgot.

No matter how many and how strong the Shadow Servant is, it can’t change a fact.

That is, these are just the abilities of the actor alone.

In other words, if they were to deal with the Shadow Servant, it would be equivalent to besieging Moria with their father.

At least everyone thinks so.

And who are they.

Overlord of New World.

The pirate regiment closest to the throne of the One Piece-Whitebeard Pirate regiment.

Who led them, now recognized as “the strongest man in the world” Whitebeard.

In this case, if they play together with their father, it would mean embarrassing the Whitebeard Pirates, embarrassing the father, admitting that their father can’t beat Moria!


Moria’s Shadow Attendant is so ridiculous.

Especially they also knew that Bullet might…no, it must have been turned into a Shadow Servant by Moria.

Thinking of this, Marco and the others have a toothache.

“I feel that it is not the pirates who challenged Moria to besiege Moria, but Moria alone besieged all the pirates who challenged him.”

“Why is that guy’s abilities so ridiculous!”

Qiao Zi whispered to the side, disgusted by a certain Devil Fruit ability for the first time.

“Hmm!” Bista and the others nodded with approval.


At this moment, Whitebeard suddenly laughed and said, “Don’t worry, just leave it to me.”

“Father…” Looking at Whitebeard who was smiling confidently at this time, Marco and others felt relieved.

All the fears caused by Moria’s Shadow Servant ability disappeared.

The current Whitebeard is at its peak, and it feels like… pushing all enemies horizontally.

Recalling past experience, you will find that Whitebeard has never been defeated.

At least in the memory of Marco and others, there is no defeat.

Even Roger, the Pirate King, can’t let his father taste the taste of defeat.

Thinking of this, Marco and others laughed, not entangled.

Whitebeard also smiled, as usual, proudly said: “It’s sailing, children.”

The Whitebeard Pirate Group sailed all the way, and more and more Whitebeard’s Pirate Group came together.

When leaving the Whitebeard Pirate Group, a large fleet of more than twenty pirate ships has gathered.

Everyone who heard the news felt an inner shock.

For the first time, people felt the legendary pirate, the terrifying power represented by Whitebeard.

This force is the force that can easily destroy a country.

All of the countries on the route that Whitebeard was heading for a while, riots broke out to varying degrees.

Some people turned into sellers to flee, and some went into the church to pray that the end of the world would not happen.

In short, everything is messed up!

The World government franchise countries on the route even killed a few of the Naval Headquarters phone bugs and urged Marine to send people to protect them.

In no way, Kong directly gave Garp a death order, so that he wouldn’t have to come back if he didn’t come back.

Fortunately, Garp can also distinguish the situation, knowing that this time the Whitebeard pirates are coming out, and there must be a fierce fight with Moria.

Marine is indeed short of manpower and needs people.

Don’t think that the Whitebeard Pirates are a good guy.

Once Marine does not have enough combat power to deter, Whitebeard will not mind looting the wealth of several countries.

So Garp decisively ended his vacation and rushed directly to New World.

When the time comes to challenge the fifth day.

On the fourth day, the battle report about Ark Island arrived as scheduled.

After seeing the contents of the newspaper and the blood-stained sea, all the people who were in the mood for eating melons and watching the show were silent.

On the fourth day of the challenge, a total of thirty-five pirate groups came.

Perhaps it was because of the report in the newspaper that these pirate groups did not come one by one, but got together.

Thirty-five pirate regiments formed a large fleet of more than 4,000 pirates, surging toward Ark Island.

That battle.

Moria ended up personally.

He directly turned on the shadow golden body mode, and eliminated the five pirates with a bounty of more than 400 million Baileys from the incoming pirates, and then gathered eight tails directly behind him.

Then Moria stood on the top of the mountain, controlled eight tails and both hands, and used Finger Pistol to fly together.

“Shoo, hoo…”

When countless flying Finger Pistol fired like ten machine guns passed through the shadow attendant with Logia’s body, and directly strafed the pirates in battle.

The result of the battle is doomed!

On the fourth day of the battle, Moria was still alone with a group of shadow servants who had reached more than two hundred, and killed all the four thousand pirates who had come to challenge.

Then he received more than two hundred Shadow Servant of Armament Haki, so that his Shadow Servant army reached 500 people.

And these five hundred shadow servants will all know Armament Haki.

Finally, at the end of the battle, the reddish-brown mountain slope turned blood red, and the sea at the foot of the mountain was also dyed pale blood.

People everywhere who saw the silence of the newspaper were silent because they saw Moria’s cruelty and murderousness.

They became scared, afraid that pirates like Moria would come to their country to kill them one day.

In short, the people who eat melons now feel a chill in their hearts when they mention the name of the movie emperor.

If they know that the actor is coming to their country, their first reaction is “Run!”

From this point of view, Moria’s initial goal was achieved.

He has killed some people’s hearts. Whoever wants to challenge him in the future, who is not really ambitious, dare not bother him.

And the really ambitious people, let alone Moria, even if Roger, the One Piece, is still alive, they should challenge or they will challenge.

So, the fifth day, which is now.

North of Ark Island.

On the top of the mountain.

Moria stood alone in front, behind Ike and other members of the Crazy Stick Pirates.

“After yesterday’s killing, the newspaper this morning has spread all over the world.”

“Unexpectedly, there are pirates who dare to come!!”

On the sea just in front of the north, two pirate boats, separated by a hundred meters, sail towards Ark Island.

This scene surprised Ike and others.

It was noon at this time. It stands to reason that the lineup was killed by Moria alone until no one survived. The pirates who saw this should not come.

Think about it in another way. If I see this kind of report with pictures and the truth, Ike thinks about it carefully, he shouldn’t challenge it again.

“But… I dare to challenge at this time. I will definitely not be weak in strength. It should be said to be very strong, at least the kind who is very confident of myself.” Ike thought, looking up, the two seas The thief ship is near the foot of the mountain.


One person jumped on both boats at the same time.

The one on the left is a long-legged clan, about five meters tall like Tia, and a pair of long legs like two steel casts. It is a man with a pretty face.

Ike made people look through the bounty list, Lightning Foot-Blake, bounty: 500 million Baileys.

“What a high bounty!!” Ike and others said in surprise.

Turning it over again, they saw the woman’s reward list on the right, and they couldn’t help but secretly swallowed their saliva, and then looked at the woman at the foot of the mountain.

Even more than a thousand meters away, they still feel that eye-catching? ? , The shock to them.

“Steelhand-Ji Laisi, bounty: 6…70 million Baileys!!!”

Looking at the numbers on the reward list, Ike and the others screamed, looking at the cow below with shock…oh no…it’s Giles.

“Except for aunt Charlotte Linlin, this should be the female pirate with the highest bounty I have ever seen!!”

Jesse murmured to himself: “The 670 million Bailey is more than six times that of Tia.”

Tia, who was forced to be a unit of measurement, glanced at Jesse, secretly annoyed, but couldn’t refute it. Her bounty was 110 million Baileys, which was indeed less than six times that of Giles.

“Yes, Yezi…no, it’s because the hair is good!”

Looking at Giles at the foot of the mountain below, Moria nodded again and again.

The height of six meters is not the kind of short-legged figure, but the sexy and tall witch figure with a protruding front and back.

Which pair is Utah? ? impressive.

On the face, the face with melon seeds, the facial features are charming and delicate, like a two-dimensional young woman walking out of the drawing board.


According to Moria, he should be thirty years old.

Blond and blue-eyed, with double ponytails, worthy of the title “Tsunade”.

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