Chapter 294

“This… can’t get in at all!”

Tanjirou and Nidouzi, who came one step later, stood there not far from the pit.

In the battle in the pit, no real rice was seen, only the black, blue, and red lights roaring and crisscrossing in the air.

That was the light from the ghostly dance, the real sun-wheel knife, and Moria’s sun-wheel knife.

The speed is too fast to catch Tanjirou’s naked eyes.


In the pit, the three-color arcs interlaced and emit countless sparks.

“Is the gap so big!!”

Tanjirou murmured idiotically. He had thought about the difference in strength, but he did not expect that the difference was so big. The battle in front of him was completely different from him. He could only stand far and watch, and make the safety of himself and his sister. To others.

To be honest, this feeling is uncomfortable, Tanjirou didn’t want to be like this.

What should he do.

“Big Brother Xing Ming!”

Tanjiro came to Xingming’s side, dragged Xingming to a boulder against which he was leaning, and then gave Xingming a simple wound dressing.


Xingming’s painful teeth barking, Tanjirou’s technique is not so proficient. Fortunately, Xingming’s own physical fitness is okay. He has a hole in his stomach and can be suppressed by breathing. For the time being, it’s okay, just join the fight. It’s not working anymore.

This made Xingming, like Tanjirou, feel uncomfortable that he could not participate in the battle.

At this moment, the fighting in the pit became more intense, and Zhen Gan, who opened the full concentration state, also began to get injured, and was cut from time to time by the edges of Ghost Wuqian’s fleshy whip and bone spurs.

Moria didn’t worry too much about this. For the time being, Zhen Gan was fine. He was waiting, waiting for Naruto to send him to Infinite City.

It shouldn’t be too long.

“Isn’t it okay?”

“It’s going to be done soon, Master Wu miserable!”

“hurry up!”


Here, Gui Wuqian ended the conversation with Naruto, and then turned to look at Nidouzi next to Tanjirou, her tongue stuck out.

It’s okay not to look at it, but I can’t help it when I see Ghost Wuqian Wu miserable.

It’s her!

As long as he eats her, he overcomes the sun.

Gui Wuqian Wu looked miserably into Your Douzi’s eyes, like a wolf that was hungry to the limit seeing a lamb, and it was so bright and green.

The stared Nidouzi’s heart tightened and he subconsciously hid behind Tanjirou. Then he might feel that this would make Tanjirou dangerous, so he took the initiative to protect Tanjirou in front of the ghost dance.

“I want to eat!!”

Ghost Wuqian feels that all the cells in his body are trembling and eager to get the cells of your bean.

“can not wait anymore!”

Gui Wu Qianwu slammed Moria away and rushed towards You Douzi. He didn’t want to wait for Naruto to transfer. With his current strength, even if the ghost killing team were all together, he would not be suppressed to death by him.


Moria, who was prepared for a long time, stopped in front of Gui Wuqian with a look of guilt, and in terms of moving speed, he was no worse than Gui Wuqian.

Tung Tung…!

Moria swung the two knives quickly in his hands, and he blocked all the whips that were shot at You beans one by one.

“This guy…”

Ghost Wuqian Wu miserable can only stop with a frown. Moria’s strength is beyond his expectation, and he is not at the same level as the others, and he can’t see the depth anymore.

But… forget it, as long as he eats that girl, he will be invincible.

Gui Wuqian glanced over Moria’s figure without misery, looked at You Douzi, and smiled secretly in his heart.

“Brother Moria!!”

Tanjiro guarded your beans behind him, and looked at Moria nervously. He wanted to go up and help, but he was afraid that it would not help, so he could only stand in place to protect your beans.

“Need not!”

Moria didn’t turn her head back, as if she knew Tanjirou’s thoughts, she smiled and said, “Just protect your sister.”

The battle continued, and within a short while, other pillars came from halfway down the mountain.

“Where is the lord?”

Feng Zhu Shimi came to Xing Ming who was leaning on a rock and asked anxiously.

Xingming glanced at the pit, the tears in his eyes flowed more, and he said softly: “Sacrifice!”

“Yes… the ghost dance is not miserable!!”

At this time, Chanel exclaimed and looked at Ghost Wuqian Wuqian in the pit. The only person here was she who had seen Ghost Wuqian’s face, and she recognized it at a glance.

“Ghost Wuqian is not miserable!!!” Shimi instantly covered his face with a sullen face, and immediately drew out the Sunwheel Sword and rushed towards Ghost Wuqian.

“Damn it, we didn’t protect Lord Lord!”

As Snake Zhu said, he also ran into the pit, as did Chana Hui and the others, rushing to the ghost dance together without misery.

Tung Tung…!

In an instant, the battle escalated.

Gui Wuqian Wumai shot another dozen meat whips in his body, a total of forty meat whips attacked the nine pillars and the ten Moria.

At this moment, Ghost Wuqian’s miserable mind was used to Ultimate.

The five brains in his body have also been used in Ultimate, and now he can no longer be distracted and pay attention to others.

Because the death of Yoya Shiki Yoshiya has stimulated the potential of all the pillars, even if the ghost dances are not miserable, in this case, they can only resist desperately.

“It’s now!”

Zhu Shi saw this scene in the basement and knew that the time had come. She cut a deep wound on each of her arms, and the blood inside kept spurting out under her deliberate control.

The special psychedelic scent of blood came out along the exit gap on the ceiling.

After a while, Ghost Wuqian frowned without misery during the battle.

“What is this…puff!”

Gui Wuqian Wu miserable suddenly spurted a mouthful of blood, and the stinging sensation made him break free from the aroma illusion. Then he looked down at Zhu Shi, who did not know when his hands were inserted into his chest and held his spine bone.

“It’s you… Zhushi!!”

Gui Wuqian wore a gloomy face, apparently he didn’t expect that the ghost who got rid of his control in the world of Zhu would count on him together with the humans.

The chill in Gui Wuqian Wu’s eyes was colder than when Moria cut his head, showing how angry Zhu Shi made him at this time.

“For so many years, I finally found a chance to kill you!”

“The ghost dance is not miserable, you will die today!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Zhu Shi, who was always gentle with everyone, was now roaring at Gui Wuqian with hatred, and the blood from the wound in his hand was also pouring into Gui Wuqian’s body.

Drugs are also constantly infiltrating the ghostly body under the illusion of blood ghost art.

All of this, Ghost Wuqian hadn’t noticed it miserably.

Under Zhu Shi’s angry face, there was deep hatred and calculation.

“Is that…? Chance!”

This sudden scene made them feel a little confused, but it was only a moment when everyone realized that this was the best opportunity.

Tung Tung…!

For a moment, the nine pillars swung their knives and slashed towards the ghost dance, only Moria stood alone and did not do anything. He saw that there was something wrong with the ghost dance status at this time.

It should be Zhu Shi’s hands and feet, and now that he makes a move, it may have defeated Zhu Shi’s purpose.

“It’s enough to keep you alive for so many years. Let’s blend in with me today.”

Gui Wuqian was not burned with miserable anger. At this moment, he only wanted to give the woman Zhushi the strongest revenge, and letting this woman who has always hated him merged with him was the greatest revenge.

With no miserable thoughts, Gui Wuqian suddenly swelled into a ball of meat and wrapped Zhu Shi’s whole person in.

Ding Ding…!

At the same time, Makan’s attack slashed the meat ball, but made the sound of metal collision, and did not cut the meat ball.

“how come?”

“so hard!”

Zhen Gan and others felt tight, and their expressions changed.

At this moment, there was a sound in Gui Wuqian’s mind, okay, Lord Wu-mian.

“Transfer!” Gui Wuqian immediately gave an order.


In an instant, before Zhen Gan and the others had time to slash a second time, they found that people were already in an infinite city space that was crossed by countless attics.

Not only Zhu, but the entire ghost killing team headquarters and the crocodile were transferred to Infinite City.

Seeing that this time, Ghost Wuqian Wu miserable wanted to wipe out the ghost killing team.

However, Naruto’s space transfer ability should be scoped and it is difficult to finely control, so everyone has been transferred to Infinite City.

The brothers and sisters of Tanjiro were naturally transferred as the key objects of exhortation.

For a moment, only Moria was alone in the entire ghost killing team headquarters.

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