Chapter 256-Shocking Breath-One Type-Shaved

The winner of the battle is nothing more than a combination of speed, strength, and defense.

Although skill is also very important, Moria prefers to crush the enemy from the basic attributes and defeat the enemy.

Therefore, Moria decided to develop the three latitudes of speed, strength, and defense.

Among the three latitudes, priority is given to developing speed and defense.

After all, speed is power. With ultra-high speed, there is also a strong physical defense. Speed ​​plus defense is equivalent to extremely strong power, and there is no need to deliberately pursue an increase in strength.

“Then start by developing speed!”

Moria essentially prefers to be faster, or to pay more attention to speed.

Combining the differences in the strengthening of the breathing methods mentioned by Rin Taki Sakon, Moria began to think and develop from the thunder breathing method.

According to Rin Taki Sakanji, Thunder Breathing method concentrates the breathing on the legs to obtain extremely fast movement speed.

Based on this, Moria focused on her legs while pedaling, and then turned on the vibration breathing method, and her whole body began to vibrate.

This time the vibration was restrained and did not affect the vision, only the continuous vibration inside the muscles.

Moria tightened her mind and tried to manipulate the vibration of her legs only to increase the speed of her legs.

In the end… Don’t know if it succeeded or failed?

His vibration breathing method strengthens the physical body in all aspects. When he strengthens the vibration of his legs, the whole body will also strengthen along with it.

And… with the increased vibration, Moria clearly felt a slight tearing sensation coming from the cells of the whole body.

Obviously, once the frequency of this kind of vibration is too high, Moria’s current physical body cannot withstand it, let alone use it for a long time.

“Forget about it, first try to see if the movement speed has improved.”

Moria turned around and faced the woods not far away, focusing on the intensified vibration of his whole body, while leaning forward slightly, then stepped out violently.

call out!

Just like a bullet flying out, Moria’s whole body sent out a strong force converging on his legs at that moment, which greatly improved his movement speed.

“Twenty meters!”

Moria moved about 20 meters in an instant, judging from the time, he should have spent less than a second.

This movement speed is already much faster than before.

But Moria was not too happy.

The whole body’s strengthened vibration frequency only strengthened his physical body in a short time, making him more powerful, and thus turning the power into speed, making him faster.

It’s not the way Thunder’s Breath increases speed by strengthening the breathing of the legs.

Moria is kind of brutal, without skills, and it can’t last long, which makes him very dissatisfied.

Because if he can achieve the same speed increase as the thunder breathing method, his movement speed will be at least twice as fast as it is now, and it can be used for a long time.

Driven by that kind of speed, his slashing will be stronger and the fighting time will be longer.


“Step by step, start with the ability to strengthen the vibration of the legs alone.”

Moria is not in a hurry, he thinks very well, only after he can control the local vibration frequency of his body alone, he can better control the breathing of the shock and develop more powerful moves.

In this way, Moria started to jump and move continuously behind the cliff and in front of the woods, or punched her hands to conduct various experiments, trying to find a way to strengthen the vibration locally.

“very good!”

In the woods in the distance behind Moria, Lin Taki showed a relieved smile for the second time.

The genius who is not afraid of evildoers is highly talented, just afraid that such evildoers will work harder than you.

Moria’s attitude made Rin Taki Sakanji very satisfied.

“I should also go and bring that rock back!”

Taking a last look at Moria continuing to train, Rin Taki turned around and left.

He asked the ghost-killing team to make a special giant rock, and waited for it to be transported to the top of the mountain for Moria to complete the final exam.

Moria realized his own breathing method, and within a day, Zhen Gan and other five friends knew about it.

So everyone worked harder to improve their strength.

In order not to drag Moria back, the training is more intensive. In addition to asking Moria to eat, she spends the rest of the time training and practicing.

The future Shuizhu Yiyong was also relieved by the rabbit, his mentality recovered, and he began to practice hard.

For a while, the entire Sagiri Mountain was plunged into an atmosphere of studying Tenten’s upward progress.

that’s all.

One early morning five days later.

In the shallow water near the pool, Moria stepped on it, half of his calf was covered by the water, he bent over and straightened his hands into the water.

At this time, ripples on the water surface around Moria’s feet spread out from the junction of the water surface and the calf.

This was caused by the shaking of Moria’s legs.

Moria’s attention was focused on her hands.

There are also ripples where his hands cross the surface of the water, but the ripples are diminishing.

This is Moria’s efforts to control, so that the vibrations from the body parts above the thighs are restrained and weakened, and they are distinguished from the legs.

Through the intuitive feeling of the different changes in the water surface ripples on the hands and feet, after Moria’s five-day exercise, today should be able to completely complete the training purpose of enhancing local physical vibration.

Training continues.

After about half an hour passed, Moria’s hands finally stopped trembling outwards, and the water surface no longer waved.

But this is not yet complete. If you want your legs to enter a state of locally enhanced vibration at any time, you have to transform them in the shadow space.

This is Moria’s experience from the method of fixed total concentration breathing method.

Before Moria’s full concentration of breathing, he needed to be distracted to control the adjustment and expansion of the lungs.

It is no longer needed. Moria uses the shadow three-dimensional fluctuation three-dimensional space to transform and fix the fluctuation source of all cells in the lung, so that the adjustment and expansion of the lung are permanently fixed.

It’s like Moria’s lungs have grown like this from birth.

So now Moria is breathing in full concentration all the time, and he no longer uses his distracted control.

This is all done by transforming the wave source in the shadow three-dimensional wave space.

It is the same now, Moria sinks into the shadow three-dimensional wave three-dimensional space, finds the cell wave sources corresponding to the legs at this time, and transforms these wave sources, just like inputting a program of instructions.

Whenever Moria needs to increase the breathing intensity of the leg tremors, that is, increase the vibration frequency, he only needs to move his mind.

In the shadow space, Moria is the god and the master, and his idea is soon realized.

Mind exiting the shadow space, Moria opened her eyes, first the whole body intensified the vibration, and her hands and feet touched the water surface and made waves.

Then Moria’s heart moved, only intensifying the vibration of his legs, and immediately, there was no wave on the surface of the water he touched with his hands and it came out.

What does this show! ! !

“Ha ha!”


Moria stood up straight and laughed happily, shaking the water droplets on her hands, feeling her body at ease at this moment.

This feeling of breaking through after hard work is very refreshing. It is one of the few things that is more pleasant than applause.

But things didn’t play, and the completion of the local vibration enhancement of the legs did not allow him to get the speed bonus of the legs like Thunder’s breathing method.

There must be a technique to transform this vibration strengthening into speed.

It would be a waste of Moria’s painstaking effort just to convert the mere burst of power into speed.

When thinking of the speed-increasing movement skills, the first thing that came to Moria’s mind was the ‘shave of the One Piece World’. ’

By stepping on the ground more than ten times in an instant, you can get a great explosive power and speed up your movement in an instant.

This continuous stepping on the ground is actually a superposition of forces.

Through this superposition of forces, Moria thought of the superposition of vibrations.

Just like when his legs are under the water, when the ripples that vibrate and emit from between the legs meet in the middle, the crests of the two waves and the crests are superimposed into a higher wave.

And higher waves mean stronger energy.

Moria’s idea is to control the shock wave to superimpose more than ten times in an instant, to obtain extremely strong explosive power, so that he can obtain extremely fast movement speed like using a shave.

Out of the waterhole, Moria came to a training clearing.

During these five days, while exercising control and strengthening the vibration of his legs, he was also developing how to superimpose the vibration waves.

In fact, it is to control the speed of the shock wave.

Moria’s method is to assume that the first shock wave sent out is one per second, and the following shock waves per share should be able to catch up with the first shock wave within one second.

And so on, when Moria can send out ten shock waves within one second.

After that second, all ten shock waves just superimposed on each other.

In this way, he can obtain the energy of the superposition of these ten shock waves in one second.

Then use this energy to achieve a moving speed like a shave in an instant.

Of course, this is just a theory, and the actual application has to be used before it can be considered successful.

Moria’s body pressed down slightly, and her thoughts moved, locally intensifying the vibration of her legs, and then suddenly ten shock waves were superimposed on each other.


For a moment, Moria just felt like her legs were equipped with boosters, just moved forward slightly, and her whole body shot out like a bullet.

call out!

The speed was very fast, as if a phantom passed by, Moria instantly appeared twenty-five meters away in front of him.

“It’s done!”

After a little comparison, Moria knew that he had succeeded. His current movement speed was nearly 0.5 times faster than when he only used brute force before.

Although it is still a little bit short of the original idea at least twice as fast.

But he can go at this speed forever, without the pressure of tearing cells.

Besides, he just superimposed ten shock waves.

If he can superimpose dozens or hundreds of shock waves in an instant, how fast can the energy he gain can improve him.

Just think about it and get excited. There is still much room for improvement in the future.

“Since it is associated with shaving, and the movement speed is similar to that of shaving, then this trick is called’shake breath-one type-shaving’.”

After happily giving a name, Moria continued on various movements.

“The Breath of Shock-One Type-Shave!”

“The Breath of Shock-One Type-Shave!”


With a low groan, Moria’s figure shuttled between the trees in the clearing.


Moria’s terrifying speed caught Zhen Chen’s attention.

Looking at Moria, the movement speed of the figure can hardly be seen, and the five little ones are shocked.

They had only seen this invisible movement speed on Rin Taki Sakanji’s body.

Could it be that… Zhengyi has reached the level with Teacher Lintaki.

Thinking of this, everyone was shocked and secretly happy for Moria.

“It’s great!” Fengtu glanced at Zhenxuan, and went back to exercise happily.

Moria’s strength has made him completely relieved, and Zhenshi will have no problem with Moria to participate in the final selection.

On Moria’s side, after exercising for a while, he frowned and stopped.

He found a problem. Only when he prepared for a few seconds or yelled “Breath of Shock-Type One-Shave” in his mouth, could he superimpose ten shock waves.

Without preparing or shouting, he can only superimpose five and six shock waves.

It’s like…like most ninjutsu in Hokage’s world requires kaiyin.

Shouting “Breath of Shock-Type One-Shave” is the seal he wants to make, allowing him to quickly superimpose ten shock waves.

“It’s really weird… Could this be the reason why the breathing methods in this world have fixed moves, and they have to be called out in battle.”

Thinking of what kind of shocking breathing she would have to fight in the future, Moria was inexplicably…intended.

Although I was a little bit second, but it feels good to think about it.

After eating at noon and resting for a while, Moria took a wooden knife and continued her practice.

The breath of vibration-the type of one-shave, the speed provided needs to be matched with the slash of the knife in order to have the greatest effect.

And these require a long period of exercise and practice.

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