Chapter 254 Water Breathing Practice

“This is full concentration breathing, not breathing method.”

After Rin Takizao recently explained it, he said: “Next, I will teach you the breathing method of water, a total of ten forms of water. You have learned all of this, and you have truly learned the breathing method.”

I see!

Moria understood.

Full concentration breathing is the foundation, everyone is the same, but there are many ways of breathing.

Just like the speed increase of Thunder Breathing Method, other breathing methods have their own increase speed.

Just by focusing on breathing, it can only increase physical endurance and active spirit, and it cannot make a qualitative leap in certain attributes of people.

Only by learning the breathing method can you get a qualitative leap in certain aspects.

Among other things, the speed, no matter what kind of breathing method you learn, the speed will be much faster than when you only breathe in full concentration.

“Then let’s start, how to learn?”

Moria is ready to move, and he always maintains a fanatical interest in the pursuit of power.

Lin Taki walked to the edge of the cliff and looked at the water pool below, and said, “To learn the breathing method of water, you must first imagine yourself as water, and the rhythm of the water drives your breath, and finally turns your breath into The breath of water.”

“Now… let’s start by feeling the rhythm of the water.”

“Want to… jump down?” Moria asked softly, looking at Rin Takizako’s eager eyes.

He just stretched his head and looked at it. It was quite tall, more than twenty meters.

Of course, this is not the most important thing, Moria just feels that there is no need to dive to feel the breath of water.

It’s not good to walk down from the side, have to jump?

Rin Taki Zakanji obviously didn’t think so, he nodded slightly excitedly: “Only when you merge with water can you comprehend the breathing method of water.”

All right!

I remember that the protagonist in the original book also learned the breathing method of water in the competition with water.

And… it seems to be kicked down.

Thinking of this, Moria didn’t hesitate, and jumped down without giving Lin Takizao a chance.

Lin Taki stood on tiptoe again recently, some regret that he could not send the boy down.



Under the pool, a wave rolled and Moria emerged from the water.

Feel the so-called rhythm of water while breathing, find a way to blend into your own breathing rhythm, and make yourself hungry breath into water breath.



Huh… Gulu!

threw up!

It didn’t take long for Moria to spit out the pool water, stood up from the water, and then came to the shore, coughing for several more times to recover.

This is so difficult!

Everyone else, Moria doesn’t know.

But let him keep breathing at the same time, and still maintain a high degree of concentration in the water, it is too easy to choke.

“How?” Rin Taki came to the shore and asked.

“No clue!” Moria shook her head, he was already very focused just now.

But… imagine yourself as water, and feel the rhythm of the water blend into your breath.

Just…just think about it, he didn’t feel that he was merged with water, and he didn’t become water.

Naturally, the water breathing method has not been learned yet.

“It’s okay, this step requires accumulated insights, and there is no way to take a shortcut.”

“In the days to come, you will practice in this waterfall pool until you learn the breathing method of water.”

Rin Taki Sa Kinji finished speaking and went back with a happy mood.

Why happy?

Because genius is not so invincible, at least the breathing method is not so easy to learn, which made him feel a lot more relaxed.

After all, not everyone wants to be beaten by geniuses and feels like a waste.

After Rin Taki walked around the next time, Moria looked at the cliff, thought for a moment, climbed up the cliff from the side, and looked at the pool below.

“Maybe…only when you jump off the water surface for a moment, you can feel the water’s motion the most.”

Moria thought to herself, and then jumped again, keeping her breath to dive into the pool.

threw up!


As soon as she had her head, Moria vomited again, coughing and relieving her discomfort.

In order to feel the rhythm of the water, he kept breathing after entering the water.

The result was naturally a sip of water.





Next, Moria started diving to find the rhythm of the water training.

Over and over again, Moria’s voice was coughing and hoarse until she was eating at noon, and she didn’t feel the rhythm of the water.

In fact, he had imagined a lot of descriptions and insights about the law of water in the fantasy.

What is the softness of water, the turbulent water, the tolerance of water, etc.

But they are all useless. It seems that the rules of the world are different and they are not allowed to appear.

Otherwise, with Moria’s strong spiritual will, this will need to change to a world of practice, maybe he has suddenly realized the soft mood of water.

There was nothing in the morning, Moria was not anxious, after all, it was only one morning.


How can it be so easy to obtain!

Comforting herself, Moria went ashore, taking off her clothes and pants, wringing out the water and squeezing dry, while thinking about how to learn the water breathing method next.

From the description of Rin Takizako, imagine yourself as water, and feel the rhythm of the water blend into your breath, so that your breath is the breath of water. Doing this is equivalent to learning the breath of water.

There is a key point here, that is, all of this is an imagination, not that your breath really blends into the rhythm of the water.

So… the key is to imagine, or to put it to sleep, to give one’s body a sleep.

Imagine yourself as water, so your own breath is the breath of water.

Does that mean that as long as you make your body believe that you are water, you can learn the breath of water.

Or maybe…after the body is in some kind of resonance with water, can you learn the breathing method?

But… whether it’s blowing the sleepy body or resonating with water, it’s an imagination. It’s still hard to feel if it can’t be realized.

This is really…


With a loud scream, Moria’s thoughts were interrupted, and when she heard the sound, she saw a girl in a dark purple dress standing in the woods on the shore with her hands in her eyes.

At the moment, the girl’s face was red like a morning sun.

Obviously I just saw something that I shouldn’t read but I can understand.

“Something?” Moria was calm, asking while dressing.

He has already passed the psychological age of protecting his crotch with his hands when he sees the light!

“The teacher told me to come up and tell Zhengyi to eat!” The girl quickly finished speaking, turned and ran down the mountain immediately.

That speed was much faster than Moria had observed these days.

How is Zhengyi like this?

How can you be naked casually?


No, you can’t let Qitu and the others know about it!

Then… go back again?


I just pretend that I don’t know anything, and I’m not a talkative person, so I just pretend that I don’t know anything.

The girl who came down the mountain was fast, and the thoughts flashed in her mind even faster.

“It seems that I can’t be too focused in the future!” Moria thought to herself when she got dressed.

It’s still a bit bad to be seen naked, especially since there are a few little Loli here.


Pay attention to the impact!

It’s all to blame for Observation Haki.

When not actively turning it on, if it is not malicious to him, or if he does not feel the danger of being approached, he will ignore it.

Lunch is oden.

From Moria’s point of view, it is a pot of stew, like eating hot pot.

Moria was the last to come back, and everyone was seated around the cauldron.

Coincidentally, she screamed that there was a space beside the girl.

When Moria walked over and sat down, the girl’s body was stiff, and some inhuman images appeared in her mind involuntarily, her pretty face was red immediately, and she looked very cute.

“Are you uncomfortable?” Rin Taki Zakoto asked.

Hearing that other people also showed concern and looked at the girl, that is, true rice.

This is a girl with a gentle face forever, blushing is really rare, and it is no wonder Lin Taki Sakan thinks that this girl is unwell.

“I…I’m okay!” The young girl Zhenran’s voice disappeared from when she screamed, and she was very soft.

Just…Don’t look at me when your little eyes are talking!

Moria murmured, but her face was calm.

I don’t know the reason for the little kids such as the rabbit, but Rin Taki Sakanji, who is the past person, understands something. He specifically glanced at Moria and Mako, thinking that these two children might have just happened on the mountain.

In short, it’s not just physical discomfort.

Rin Takizako coughed a few times, and then said: “It’s okay, then let’s have dinner.”

As soon as the voice fell, everyone immediately turned their eyes to the cauldron. The meal time was considered the best time for these children.

Even the real girl didn’t blush anymore, staring at the food in the pot.

Everyone nodded with their hands together, and then began to eat.

The taste is not bad!

Moria ate oden for the first time, and it felt okay, not as messy as expected.

After lunch, training continues.

Rin Taki Sakonji and Moria came to the clearing above the mountain.

In the afternoon, learn the ten types of water breathing methods, which are the ten moves that match the water breathing methods.

“I will demonstrate it first!”

Rin Taki Zakanatsu was ten meters away from Moria this time and began to demonstrate the ten patterns of water breathing.

One Type-Water Slash!

Type II-Water River Cart!

The Type of Pickup-Circulation of Life!

A set of movements, ten shapes, like flowing clouds and flowing water, without a trace of flaws.

Rin Taki Sakanji has a high level of accomplishments in water breathing.

And Moria discovered that when Rin Takizako used these movements of the water breathing method, his body and the sword had a certain rhythm.

Just like the swordsman who has realized the breath of all things in One Piece World, he can chop off something that has been slashed with brute force.

So… this is the increase in the strength of the body by the breathing method. Moria secretly guessed.

“How is it?” Rin Taki came to Moria for the second time and asked.

“I remember all the actions!” Moria Kaidō.

“You do it, let me see if there is anything wrong.” Rin Taki Sakon handed Moria to Moria for the second time.

“No problem!” Moria took the knife and went to the middle of the clearing. After quickly recalling the actions of Rin Takizako in his mind, he began to demonstrate the ten patterns of water breathing.

Not for a while.

Moria has completed the demo.

“How is it?” Moria asked easily.

In his opinion, there shouldn’t be much problem, from movement to exertion, they are all coherent, and there is not a trace of discomfort.

Thanks to his absolute control over the physical body, Moria’s comprehension of moves and moves can be said to be easy to read. Without telling him how to exert force, he can find the best way to exert force based on his movements.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that Moria’s ten breath of water moves do not consider the breath of water. From the point of view of power alone, Moria is better and more powerful than Rin Takizakin’s.

So now Lin Taki’s eyes are rounded the last time, but fortunately the mask blocked his shocked expression.

“You…very good. Then just feel the rhythm of water and try to learn the breath of water as soon as possible.”

Rin Taki Zakanji finally left happily. Although the genius was shocking, as a companion, it was reassuring.

For such a genius, the graduation exam must be an unprecedented level.

Rin Takizao recently fumbled about where to find a big, hard rock for the teenager to take his graduation exam.

Only those who can split the rock with the Sunwheel can graduate from him to participate in the final selection, and if they succeed, they can join the ghost killing team.

As for failure… Failure means death.

Thinking of this, Lin Taki Zaojinji felt sad. Several of his disciples had already died in the hands of that ghost.

“I hope I can completely solve all this this time.” Rin Taki looked back at Moria’s direction again and again, thinking.



In the waterfall pool, Moria jumped off the cliff again and again, and then spit and coughed again and again.

So, a few days later, Moria still found nothing.

He stopped diving, but breathed fully under the waterfall while feeling the impact of the water.

“Zhengyi, it’s time to eat!”

Every time she arrives at the meal, the young girl always arrives unexpectedly. Like Moria’s daughter-in-law, she asks Moria to go down the mountain to eat.

“Zhengyi, did you really get rid of the two ghosts?”

On the way down the mountain, the real girl always likes to ask this sentence.

Moria didn’t reply, but nodded feebly. It was really annoying to be asked recently.

For some reason, these children, Shinjo, learned from Lintakisa Kinji that Moria had killed two ghosts and saved her parents.

Since then, these children have an inexplicable admiration for Moria.

Moria knows some reasons.

Now the children in Lintakizakinji are all adopted by Lintakizakin when their family members were eaten or killed by ghosts when they were young.

For ghosts, they have a heart of revenge, and there is also a touch of fear in their hearts that is always lingering. After all, it is the shadow of childhood and it is not so easy to overcome.

So they admire Moria, who is about the same age as them, but can kill the ghost and save her parents.

There is even so much worship.

Now the rabbit’s eyes were shining when looking at Moria.

“After that, I joined the ghost killing team, can I team up with Zhengyi!” Jinan looked at Moria beside him with expectant eyes.

In the ghost killing team, it is possible for two people to team up to carry out tasks, and three people can do it. Generally, there are no strict requirements.

“No!” Moria immediately dismissed the girl’s thoughts.

In the future, he will hunt ghosts without cutting off his neck with the Sunwheel Knife. He will only control the ghost, swallow the ghost’s shadow, and reserve life energy for him.

It’s troublesome to have someone with a ghost killing team around him, and Moria just wants to be alone.

Zhen Jian said nothing, her face was still gentle, but there was a sly in her eyes from time to time, obviously she didn’t take Moria’s words to heart.

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