Chapter 238 Quicksand is established, Han Fei solicits

“Brother Wei Zhuang stays, there is one more thing to ask!”

Han Fei stopped Wei Zhuang, turned around and asked, “What do you think of Ji Wuye?”

Lie down and watch!

What else can I see!

People who eat melon Moria heard Han Fei’s words, and said silently in her heart.

Wei Zhuangtou didn’t know it either, and said lightly: “He can live to this day and still be in power. It shows that your father is incompetent.”

That’s right! Moria nodded secretly.

On this point, he still agreed with Wei Zhuang’s statement.

In the feudal era, a king really determined the prosperity and decline of the country.

The current situation in South Korea is not an exaggeration to say that King Han contributed to it.

After hearing Wei Zhuang’s words, Han Fei was not upset, and said, “I also want you to do me a favor.”

Wei Zhuang’s tone was still flat, and asked: “What’s busy?”

Han Fei said sternly: “If Ji Wuye is not eliminated, South Korea will die.”


Suddenly a hissing sound rang, and everyone looked, Moria waved her hand and smiled: “Uh… leave me alone, you continue to talk about yours.”

Han Fei turned around and solemnly asked Moria, “But what’s wrong?”

Seeing Han Fei’s questioning seriously, Moria also put a smile away, but he didn’t plan to answer this question directly, but said: “Don’t talk about this first, wait until you get it done by Brother Wei Zhuang.”

Han Fei gave Moria a thoughtful look, then turned around, waiting for Wei Zhuang’s answer.

Wei Zhuang turned sideways slightly, Yu Guang turned to Han Fei, and tentatively said: “I want me to help you…kill Ji Wuye!”

Han Fei shook his head. Kaidō: “Since I am in charge of the criminal law, of course I understand that killing is illegal, and naturally I will not allow others to do so!!”

what! !

When Moria heard Han Fei say this, she couldn’t help but complain.

Looking at Han Fei’s back, he opened his mouth and said nothing in the end.

Too double standard! !

Moria curled her lips and drank tea by herself.

The evidence that Ji Wuye snatched the army’s salary yesterday was conclusive, and today Ji Wuye was forced to prepare for the army’s rebellion.

It can be seen that the evidence was enough to kill Ji Wuye.

In the end, Han Fei did it for South Korea or for himself.

But now that Ji Wuye’s crime has been ignored by the position of Sikou.

Then stop saying anything that doesn’t allow others to break the law.

Although this is true, it makes people uncomfortable.

Because you have sat and watched an offender live well.

Moria felt a little hypocritical.

In his eyes, the Fa is the Fa, and if the Fa can be exchanged with other things, then how can the Fa be carried out?

Han Fei’s final death seems to be doomed.

This man did not have the cruel heart to carry out law enforcement.

The future will inevitably become the victim of others.

Next, just look at what Han Fei said, if Moria is not satisfied, then bye bye.

In this world of internal fighting, you can toss it.

He is responsible for sweeping the surrounding countries of the Central Plains and contributing a modest effort to the future Central Plains.

Others, how can I manage so many.

He Moria has to find a way to return to the world of One Piece.

Han Fei took two steps closer to Wei Zhuang, looked at Wei Zhuang’s eyes, and said, “This is actually to help yourself.”

Wei Zhuang condensed his eyebrows slightly and said softly, “Help me!”

Han Fei said solemnly: “Because, I want you to replace him.”

Wei Zhuang said with disdain: “What then? Play for your Game of Thrones?”

Han Fei turned his back and said, “Whether we like it or not, we are already in this power Uzumaki called the world. This can’t be changed, but we can build a new South Korea together.”

Wei Zhuang finally became interested, and asked, “What is different from Korea now?”

Han Fei smiled, energetic, and said as he walked: “First, there are no longer people like Ji Wuye. Second, there are no more people like Anping-kun and Longquan-kun.”

That’s it? ? ?

This is the new South Korea? ?

Hearing this, Moria shook her head secretly again, lamenting that the vision of the feudal era was here.

Han Fei never thought that people like Ji Wuye and Anping-kun would appear for various reasons, but in the final analysis, it is the king of South Korea.

If you meet a capable king, you won’t have a person like Ji Wuye, or even if you do, as long as you break the law, like this military payment case, you can get it straight away.

Rather than letting Ji Wuye go out of fear now.

Therefore, it’s useless to lose people like Ji Wuye and Anping-kun.

There will be all kinds of treacherous ministers. As long as the king of South Korea does not change, this kind of thing will not change much.

Speaking of it, it seems that the ancient reforms were not aimed at the emperor or the great king.

It’s because the social system is like this, and that’s not to blame Han Fei. Moria thought.

After hearing this, Wei Zhuang said lightly: “It sounds like it doesn’t appeal to me.”

Han Fei whispered: “Do you still remember the game of dividing gold coins in the General’s Mansion!”

Wei Zhuang wondered: “So what?”

Han Fei turned around and faced everyone, believing: “In the new South Korea, don’t be the third person who seems to have the advantage but is doomed to death, nor the second person who has gained a little bit of profit and survives, South Korea. Be the first person.”

Having said this, Han Fei stretched out his right hand and grabbed it. Haki said, “The world of the seven countries, I want ninety-nine.”


Moria, who heard this, thought to herself, if Ying Zheng said this, it would mean: I want all of the seven kingdoms.

This may be the most essential difference between a man who is an emperor and a man who is not an emperor.

In terms of courage or ambition, Han Fei is still a little humble.

Hearing the whole conversation, Moria didn’t feel anything.

After hearing this, Wei Zhuang showed a trace of satisfaction, turned around, and said lightly: “It sounds like it sounds interesting now.”

Han Fei smiled and said, “So, you agreed!”

Wei Zhuang put his arms around his chest and said that Han Fei had to survive first.

Although Ji Wuye’s Hundred Birds were basically destroyed by Moria.

But the collaborators of the Nets are still there, and as a killer organization like Hundred Birds, Yoruichi Yoruichi is training people.

If there is no one batch, there will be the next batch of people to supplement it.

It’s nothing more than strength.

Moreover, the strength of the net is not much lost.

From the moment when Han Fei took out evidence of Ji Wuye’s hijacking of the army’s salary in the Admiral Army House yesterday, Han Fei was on the net’s kill list.

Wei Zhuang knew this very well, and he also knew the strength of the net.

Because… Wei Zhuang Yu Guang glanced slightly, someone who has been drinking tea by himself until now.

This guy with great strength is a little “di”-level killer from Luowang.

This shows that the strength of the net is unfathomable.

Han Fei also glanced at Moria thoughtfully, and then he believed: “The tangible life is indeed very fragile. But the invisible power…I gave this invisible power a name, called Quicksand.”

The generous and powerful voice echoed in the room, except for Moria, everyone seemed to be in the blueprint drawn by Han Fei.

Even Zi Nu stood up involuntarily.

Zhang Liang walked to the window, opened the window, and the moonlight outside fell down, as if they were celebrating the founding of quicksand at this moment.

“Brother Mo, how about you?” Han Fei asked, looking at Moria sitting on the mat.

Zhang Liang, Wei Zhuang and Purple Girl all turned around and looked at Moria.

For a time, the eyes of all four of them were on Moria.

Zi Nu and Wei Zhuang looked expectantly, and they both hope Moria can participate.

Zhang Liang was curious. Apart from his enviable strength, what ability does this person have to make Han Fei treat him like this and invite him again and again.

Moria took the tea cup and drank it, then stood up.

“Why didn’t you catch Ji Wuye?” Moria asked first.

“Because Ji Wuye has taken care of the grass and scared the snake, Ji Wuye is prepared, and if he catches it now, it will only put South Korea in danger of destroying the country.”

Han Fei explained: “Law enforcement is to make South Korea better, not worse. Of course, I am not letting Ji Wuye go. I just need to take a little cocoon and take a little bit of the power Ji Wuye relies on. Cut it off, when there is no help from outside, Ji Wuye will naturally be brought to justice.”

After that, Han Fei said sternly: “I don’t know my answer, but Brother Mo is still satisfied.”

Moria was noncommittal and asked again: “Who do you think is currently the biggest obstacle to your building a new South Korea?”

Han Fei frowned, seriously thinking about Moria’s question.

He knew that Moria actually asked, it was definitely not Ji Wuye and others.

It’s just… Who else can anyone besides Ji Wuye?

Wei Zhuang and Zhang Liang are also thinking about the current South Korea, besides Ji Wuye and others, who else is their biggest obstacle to changing South Korea?

Zi Nu came to Moria and looked at the man beside her, a little admiring.

One question is difficult for Wei Zhuang, Han Fei and Zhang Liang. This is not something everyone can do.

“Brother Mo is talking about my father!” After the meeting, Han Fei reacted and said solemnly.

“The King!!” Zhang Liang exclaimed, then his expression suddenly became solemn.

“Interesting!” Wei Zhuang also reacted, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

“That’s right!” Moria said: “This country, the biggest law enforcement officer is not your Ninth Young Master Han Fei, let alone Quicksand, but your father, the king of South Korea.”

“He can make everything of you go to waste, and make everything you do meaningless.”

Moria sneered: “Even if you have temporarily convinced King Han and let them support you, but someday you violated his interests. Needless to say, you also understand the consequences.”

Han Fei was speechless, Wei Zhuang, Zhang Liang and Zi Nu all looked at him, wanting to see how he answered.

Moria’s meaning is already obvious, if you want to enforce the law, you have to have the ultimate law enforcement power.

And this final law enforcement power lies with your father, what will you do.

Han Fei thought of a lot of countermeasures to avoid the issue of final law enforcement power that Moria said.

But there is still the problem. In case his father is in a bad mood someday, if they don’t, then they really can’t help it.

So… Han Fei asked Moria directly: “Brother Mo, how do you think this problem should be solved?”

“…” Moria was asked for a moment, then smiled.

Good guys!

You will ask again!

Moria thought, and called Shadow Servant Jing Ke from the shadow under him.

This…what is it?

Apart from Wei Zhuang and Zi Nu who are still calm, Han Fei and Zhang Liang are both seeing Moria Shadow Attendant for the first time.

In addition to curiosity, or curious?

“What…person is this?” Han Fei asked.

Moria pointed to Shadow Servant Jing Ke and said: “This Shadow Servant is made of dead people’s corpses. It still retains all the basic memories and strengths of his life, and his voice is the same as before.”

“What do you mean?” Han Fei’s face sank.

Wei Zhuang and the others also changed their expressions. Could it be that Moria wanted to kill King Han and become a shadow servant.

Although the Shadow Servant can still retain the memory of his life, this is already shocking.

But to shoot against Han Wang, in their opinion, this is too crazy.

Not to mention that Han Fei disagrees, neither of them agrees.

“You…” Zi Nu looked at Moria and stopped talking.

Moria smiled at Zinu relievedly, and then continued: “My idea is to kill Xueyihou to become a shadow servant, and then let him continue to command the 100,000 army of South Korea, so that the military power will be gained.”

“I have two maids who belong to the Yin-Yang family. They can use the Heart Control Curse on your father and let your father pass the throne to you.”

Hearing this, Han Fei looked even more ugly, and he was about to interrupt Moria.

“Listen to me first, just once.” Moria raised her index finger and said.

“Brother Mo… continue!” Han Fei sighed.

Moria continued: “After that, we will get rid of Ji Wuye and let Brother Wei Zhuang take the post. In this way, you will have no resistance if you want to build a brand new South Korea.”

“I…” Han Fei wanted to speak again.

“Don’t interrupt, I haven’t finished talking yet!” Moria interrupted again, and then took back Shadow Servant Jingke after speaking, and let a Hun Shadow Servant Cavalry come out of the shadow.

Moria pointed at the Shadow Servant Cavalry and said to Wei Zhuang: “Brother Wei Zhuang, take your sword out and hit him with a full blow.”

Wei Zhuang didn’t know why, but he went to the next door to get a sword.

Han Fei came to the Shadow Servant Cavalry, looked at the black horse, and remembered the horse that he rode when he first saw Moria and the startled salamander. It was the same.

I see!

Han Fei said to his heart, no wonder he felt that this horse was dead at the time, but he didn’t expect it to be.

“You sure want me to do my best!” Wei Zhuang returned with the sword and stood in front of the cavalry.

Moria nodded and smiled: “With your current strength, even if you use it across all directions, you can’t hurt this ordinary Shadow Servant Cavalry.”


Wei Zhuang didn’t talk nonsense, pulling out the shark teeth, condensing the inner breath of the sword intent, and mobilizing the spirit of heaven and earth to gather on the shark tooth sword.

Jumping in the air is a sword, stab at the chest of the Shadow Servant Cavalry.

Ding! ! !

The chest of the Shadow Servant Cavalry was dented like a ripple to remove the power transmitted from the tip of the shark tooth.

“…” Wei Zhuang quickly stood with a sword in his hand, looking at the expressionless Shadow Servant Cavalry in front of him, he was plunged into an unspeakable shock.

The others were the same, looking at the Shadow Servant Cavalry in shock.

To be honest, they didn’t believe what Moria said before.

They knew very well about Wei Zhuang’s strength.

It was definitely not… that a dead ordinary cavalry like a husky could resist.

But… the thing is, Wei Zhuang’s full blow was blocked.

Wei Zhuang himself knew that even if he used it across all directions, he would not be able to break the defense of the Shadow Servant Cavalry.

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