Shadow Bride

Chapter 330: Do you want to give birth

He asked directly, but Su Xingyu was silent.

She did not answer immediately, but hung up the video call.

Tossing and turning at night, she slept restlessly, and spent the whole night thinking about a question, whether or not to give birth to this child?

The hand unknowingly pressed it on the lower abdomen again, the delicate lower abdomen was as flat as before, without any movement. Is there really a little life brewing and taking shape there? She looked up at the starry sky outside the window, and suddenly became very uncertain, how illusory it felt to be pregnant.

If, if at this time, mother is still alive, it will be fine.

If my mother is still alive, she must be able to tell her what to do, right?

All the relatives in this world have left her, grandpa, mother, and later the father who calculated her for a long time to sever the relationship...

She thought that by living well with Lu Shifeng, she would get a new warm home, but that home was so fragile that a little bit of wind and waves broke it apart.

She was alone again now.

Although there is Ouyang Yi, maybe Xia Ling and Lin Weilong are also caring about her in a certain corner of the earth?

But they are just friends, she has no relatives anymore.

She was very sad, put her hands on her lower abdomen, and fell asleep in a daze.

Had a dream.

Dreaming of a little baby crawling next to her, stretched out short fat hands to hug her face, smiled carefree, babbling, as if saying, Mom, you are not alone, you And I……

Waking up early in the morning.

She sat up in a daze for a long time, and dialed Ouyang Yi's video call: "I plan to give birth to this child."

The coming of the little life is a gift from heaven. Since he is here, just accept him. Although his father was such a cruel and terrifying man, he was innocent.

Ouyang Yi on the other end of the phone calmed down, and then raised a slightly cynical smile: "Giving birth to a child? Xingyu, I thought you would stop if you don't want to be with the father of the child anymore."

Su Xingyu said softly: "During the inspection in China before, so many hospitals said that my health was not good. Maybe this baby is my only chance."

So Ouyang Yi said, "No problem, I said I will support you. You can raise your baby with peace of mind, eat well, rest well, and wait for me to see you in a few days."

Since it is decided to give birth to a child, there are many problems that follow one after another, such as preparing for pregnancy, waiting for delivery, and even the identity of the child after birth.

She can't solve so many things by herself. The most intuitive thing is that her language in F country is not good, and even English is not good. Without the care of Ouyang Yi and his subordinates, her eyes would be blackened.

She said: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

On Ouyang Yi's side, as the video hung up, the smile on his face instantly cooled down and turned into severe frost.

In the huge European-style living room, an old man with gray hair but meticulously combing stood beside him. At this moment, he stepped forward and said: "Master, Miss Su is pregnant, what are your plans?"

"I thought she would kill the child." His expression was gloomy, and there was an irritability in his heart that he couldn't explain clearly, and he wanted to vent something.

The old man saw his irritability and said, "Master, with all due respect, it is better for us to choose to give birth to Miss Su, and that way, we will have a hostage from the Lu family in our hands."

"Huh, hostage?" Ouyang Yi dismissed, "Have you never heard that Zhuang Heng is also pregnant? When Zhuang Heng gives birth to a child, Su Xingyu's this is nothing!"

The old man glanced at him: "Master, have you noticed that your emotions have been greatly affected by Miss Su unknowingly. In fact, it is not that the child in Miss Su's belly is nothing, but you care about her too much, right? It's already beyond the scale to take advantage of a woman, so she doesn't want her to have children with other men."

"Presumptuous!" Ouyang Yi scolded without even thinking about it.

But the old man was not afraid of him at all. Instead, he stepped up to the difficulties even more: "Master, I watched you grow up and served you for so many years. Today I am not afraid to say something to your heart. You have been a flying eagle Steinway since childhood. The illegitimate child of the family, the one who is the least favored and most unsightly, has been pressed by the three brothers on his head. You have been careful and careful since you were young, especially those who look at the faces of people, and you never put on airs even if you're offenders, because You know very well that you don’t have the capital to put on airs. You are usually kind to our subordinates. Unless we make a particularly serious mistake, you will be blamed. But what happened just now?"

The old man didn't finish his words, but Ouyang Yi was already in a cold sweat.

Yes, he has never put on airs, but just now he angered his confidant who had followed him for so many years for a trivial verbal argument, which had lost his nature.

Could it be said that Su Xingyu really had such a big influence on him?

Ouyang Yi's eyes became dark.

The old man looked at him and continued slowly: "Since you can't think, let me help you think. If Miss Su can give birth to this child safely, of course it will be a good thing for us. The Lu family didn't know that there was a bone and blood shed outside. , And we want to teach our children to be anything. When the time comes, we can use our children to break into the Lu family. They can attack and retreat. Let alone **** the domestic camera market share from the Lu family, even if they do something else. It’s not unbelievable. Don’t underestimate this child. Even if Zhuang Heng was pregnant earlier than Miss Su, the one in Zhuang Heng’s belly might not be a son. If Miss Su gave birth to a son, it would be. The great-grandson of the Lu family! Besides, no one knows whether Zhuang Heng's pregnancy is true or not. Even if it is true, it may not be safe to give birth!"

Ouyang Yi was silent.

He understood that the old man made a lot of sense.

But if he wants him to accept the child of another man by his side, he is still the child of a rival, he really can't wait to choke the little beast to death in the next second.

The old man stepped back and continued to persuade him: "Miss Su's physical condition is not good. If she had a forced abortion, she might never be pregnant again. It's better to let her raise her child safely and healthily this time. At that time, she was moved by your care, and she may not necessarily be willing to marry you and have children."

Ouyang Yi was moved by what he said, and finally made a decision: "Okay, let her take a good care of the baby."

He dealt with the matter at hand, found an excuse a few days later, and took the old man back to his manor in country F.

Su Xingyu was very happy to see him: "Ouyang, you are finally here, thank you for everything you have done for me, these nanny and doctors in your family take good care of me and my baby."

Ouyang Yi looked at her, his eyes swept away from the hideous scars on her cheeks, and a cynical smile: "Little Beauty Xingyu, you are fat. How about the baby, how is it?"

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