Shadow Bride

Chapter 181: Squeeze Zhuang Heng's space

Many people looked over.

I saw that after the beautiful and mysterious little black cat folded the spread, it was another unrelated graphic. The picture part of it took up a quarter of the page, and it was almost only six points of the little black cat photo. One size.

The photographer's signature for the picture is Zhuang Heng.

Fang Luohua had sharp eyes and was the first to recognize it: "Ah, this is the'Traveler Without Borders' column. There are several pages in each issue. Why is there only one page in this issue?... I see, it was squeezed out by that little black cat photo. Space right?"

Su Xingyu smiled lightly: "Yes."

Turning her eyes, she saw Zhuang Heng's unbearable expression, her mood suddenly improved.

"No wonder." Someone picked up the magazine and looked at it carefully. "In the past, the column of'Traveler Without Borders' always occupied several pages, and one of the entire pages was used for the picture. No wonder this time. The picture is shrunk so small, it turned out to give place to other pages." The speaker was unintentional, but it sounded like Zhuang Heng's picture gave way to Su Xingyu's picture.

Zhuang Heng's face was even more unbearable, and he said lightly: "There is nothing to prevent. Let the old and popular column of'Traveler Wujiang' give way to a second-tier brand? I don't think Ye Tanhua has this ability. This time. There must be other reasons for the reduction of the column layout of "Traveler Without Borders". The magazine must have professional considerations and nothing to do with one or two photos."

"That's right." Xia Ranran also reacted and agreed.

Su Xingyu’s smile brought some disdain. She had been bullied by Zhuang Heng for a long time. At this time, the new hatred and the old hatred must be counted: "Zhuang Heng, don’t take any chances, let me tell you that your photos have been Shrinking it really gave me a place for this photo. I took this photo only a few days ago, when the magazine was printed, and a few pages were deliberately torn apart and re-composed, and then this photo was inserted. You If you don’t believe it, you can ask the people in the cloud. It is estimated that the discarded pages are still left in the printing factory. You can see it at a glance."

Zhuang Heng looked at her like a monster: "How is it possible?"

Xia Ranran and several other people also said, "How is it possible? Su Xingyu who do you suffer? You think it’s so easy to dismantle and reprint a printed magazine? Do you know the circulation of "The Cloud"? How much cost is lost in this dismantling? Ah, you can’t afford to just smash the scrapped pulp! How can you, a little one-star photographer, He De, let "The Clouds" go into action? Ha, trouble you, just make up a lie, don’t Show the stuff to make people look at jokes!"

Su Xingyu said: "Some people cover their ears and pretend they can't hear the truth."

Every word she said is true. Cang Er, the editor-in-chief of "The Cloud" in China, personally called her and complained that she did not think of "The Cloud" for the first time when she took such a good photo. Sold to a second-tier brand Ye Tanhua. This is all right. To use this photo, "The Cloud" has to advertise Ye Tanhua's LOGO, which in vain reduces its own style.

At that time, Su Xingyu, who received the call, couldn't laugh or cry: "Then don't you use it, I'll take another photo for you another day."

"No!" Cang Er's answer was very domineering, "A good photo is hard to come by. Your little black cat is really good at both form and spirit, even if it is set in a studio, I am afraid that it will not produce such a good effect. This photo is for me I like it very much when I see it. I love it so much. I have decided to insert it in the next issue of "The Cloud", and the original page has been torn up and redone!"

Su Xingyu deeply felt that you really burned money, Mr. Editor-in-Chief, and couldn't help reminding her: "But the rules..."

"Fuck him!" Cang Er was even more domineering, "I just use this, instead of making a leaflet, I have to tear up the inner page and redo it. What's the matter! Xingyu, let me tell you, this is yours. The photo is destined to stay in history, believe it or not? I am making history!"

Su Xingyu is speechless...

At that time, she felt that the editor-in-chief was domineering and mighty, was she crazy?

But now I found out that the layout of Zhuang Heng was torn off and redone. It's really...hahahahahaha!

After get off work, you must go to Cang'er for dinner, of course.

She was very happy, and no one looked at it, so she decided Zhuang Heng alone and said: "Miss Zhuang, others may not find out the truth of this matter, but it is a piece of cake for you? You can check and see. Seeing how your layout has been reduced, the cloud side thinks that my little black cat photo is more important, and I can’t help it. Let’s accept it.”

Every time she said a word, Zhuang Heng wanted to vomit blood.

After finally waiting for her to finish speaking, Zhuang Heng felt that he was going to suffer from internal injuries.

From the clear eyes of Su Xingyu, Zhuang Heng could see that she didn't tell a lie, but Zhuang Heng wanted to get crooked——

She thought it was Su Xingyu who had used Lu Shifeng's relationship, so "The Clouds" was so good! You know, these top fashion magazines are very arrogant. If it weren't for Lu Shifeng, she would not have imagined anyone else who could make an exception for "The Cloud"!

She stared at Su Xingyu deeply, and the murderous intent in her eyes made people shudder.

Then, without saying a word, he turned and walked away.

Looking at her back, the office fell into silence.

After a long while, Fang Luohua asked in a low voice, "Miss Zhuang is... angry?"

"Nonsense," Yun Xi answered him, and while speaking, he gave Su Xingyu a fierce look. "Your own work has been squeezed out of the page by improper means, and the culprit is still so arrogant. If you are you, are you angry? "

Su Xingyu said coldly: "I didn't use any improper means."

"Heh, do you think someone here believes it?" Yun Xi sneered.

Xia Ranran on the side nodded: "Su Xingyu, even if this photo of you is well taken, but you can't squeeze out Miss Zhuang's one. Wouldn't you be ashamed of doing this?" He said, looking around everyone," Did you say it?"

But this time, not many people agreed.

It is not that there is no judgment to join the Edge Group.

Even if she initially disliked Su Xingyu, a newcomer who was xenophobic, she just discovered her solid photography skills in the meeting, and now I see her taking such moving pictures...somewhat a bit of a hero but a hero. Quite a few people calmed down and began to think about occupying the page. To be honest, if today’s position fell down and replaced by Zhuang Heng and squeezed Su Xingyu’s page, they believed it, because after all, Zhuang Heng is the dealer’s eldest lady. Distinguished and well-connected.

Can it be replaced by Su Xingyu to squeeze Zhuang Heng?

Stop making trouble, okay?

She is a small newcomer, how can He De, and what can she use to squeeze Zhuang Heng?

She can get a larger page than Zhuang Heng, which can only explain one thing-that is, from the official point of the "Cloud", her work is indeed worth having a larger page than Zhuang Heng!

"The Cloud" doesn't recognize what is the chief or not the chief of Edge. The evaluation system there is different from that of Edge.

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