Shadow Bride

Chapter 176: Camera evaluation

Lu Shifeng agreed.

In his opinion, walnut cakes are walnut cakes, and whoever sends them is the same. There is nothing special about Zhuangheng.

Seeing him like this, Su Xingyu's anger in his heart subsided a bit, his waist was still very sore, holding on to his waist in one hand and carrying the walnut cake in one hand, moving downstairs step by step. After traveling through the long space and returning to the place where the photography center is, she just put the walnut pastry on her desk, and heard Anna call her: "Where have you been, Xingyu? Go to the meeting room. The meeting has already begun. Up!"

Has it started? Su Xingyu was startled and glanced at the time on the computer screen. It was only 1:40. "Didn't it mean that the meeting was held at two o'clock?" she asked.

"It was originally two o'clock," Anna said, "but Ms. Zhuang has something to go out in the afternoon, so Mr. Yang has advanced the meeting. Anyway, hurry up. Mr. Yang just didn't look good when he saw you weren't there."

It's Zhuang Heng again!

Su Xingyu felt that she had been in conflict with her for eight lifetimes, but she had no choice but to take the camera test data that she had compiled in the morning and went to the meeting room. Everyone in the conference room had already started the discussion. When she came in, everyone looked at her.

Su Xingyu said: "Sorry, I don't know the meeting time is changed, I'm late."

Diagonally across from her, Yun Xi played with the notepad on the table and sneered: "I don't know the time to change it? Who believes it? Anna has already sent a group text message on her mobile phone, I think you did it on purpose."


She subconsciously touched her mobile phone, only to realize that she hadn't brought it. It was about noon when she pulled it with Lu Shifeng and it fell into his office. There was a fierce encounter between them, and neither of them heard it. When she thought of the incident at noon, she only felt pain in the depths of her body again, her face was faintly feverish, and she did not dare to attract more attention, so she sat down in an empty seat with her head down.

Zhuang Heng took a look at her, his always graceful face was slightly ugly, although it was well hidden.

She found that Su Xingyu had already changed into a suit, not the silk dress she saw when she went to Lu Shifeng's office to deliver walnut cakes at noon. This can only explain what happened between Su Xingyu and Lu Shifeng after she left...

Such recognition made Zhuang Heng's inner jealousy burn, and he couldn't wait to tear Su Xingyu to pieces immediately.

She picked up the tea cup and took a sip, with a smile on her face to be a good person: "It's all my fault. I have to take an extra set of important photos in the afternoon to trouble everyone for the meeting in advance. It is not Xingyu's fault." , Only she knows in her heart, where are the important photos to be taken in the afternoon? She obviously saw the scene in Lu Shifeng's office at noon. She didn't want Su Xingyu and Lu Shifeng to stay together for too long, so she thought of a way to meet in advance!

Unfortunately, Su Xingyu was still too late to come down.

I don’t know if I didn’t see the text message, or on purpose?

Zhuang Heng’s gentle tone made people admire, and Xia Ranran was the first to say: "Why is it Ms. Zhuang’s fault? You will consider others the most. If there are not very important things, you won’t be like that. Let’s talk about it. , We can all come to the meeting in advance, but newcomers who have only been on the job for three days can't do it? Are the newcomers busier than us?" He said, he gave Su Xingyu a sideways glance.

"Ran Ran, just say a few words less." Fang Luohua spoke, calming things down.

Mr. Yang, who was sitting at the conference table, also coughed: "It's okay, I won't say a few words. Our department is originally a photographer, each has its own business, and it is often the case that the time of coming and going is not allowed. Miss Zhuang has something to do in the afternoon. Let’s get to the topic as soon as possible. Where did you just talk about it?" Others don’t know the origins of Su Xingyu, and he still knows a little bit. How could the person who was able to say hello to Xie Da Mi personally have no background ? Don't make a fuss in his department, it's not easy for everyone to look back!

Seeing Mr. Yang doing this, Zhuang Heng smiled slightly and said no more.

She has always done a good job of face-saving, and the storm of the meeting in advance was obviously caused by her, but in the end, no dirt fell on her. On the contrary, because of her tolerance to Su Xingyu, it made people feel that she was noble and big. degree.

Even Mr. Yang didn't see anything wrong.

He looked at the conference charter and said to Su Xingyu: "Just now we talked about the test of the new camera. You just came here. Everyone's inspection and analysis have already said it. It's your turn."

Su Xingyu lowered his head and turned over the test table in his hand, and reported the past items one by one: "The camera we tested this time is more suitable for outdoor shooting during the day. The sensitivity is moderate, and it is not easy to run out of focus for ordinary handhelds. It is equipped with a lens aperture. The range is large but the far end is easily deformed..." Her voice echoed in the conference room.

Many people nodded their heads again and again. This test report is very detailed, covering all aspects of the camera, and the technical conclusions put forward are very pertinent. They were a bit stunned by the newly hired one-star photographer. With such a detailed report, even many of the old photographers in the conference room just failed to do it.

Su Xingyu finished talking about each item, and finally closed the report in his hand: "That's it."

Mr. Yang nodded: "Very good." He was originally worried that Xie Yan would stuff him in with a mess, but he didn't expect to be a really good photographer. For someone like Su Xingyu, there is no problem in being recruited into the company from the normal evaluation procedures even if they don't clear the relationship and go through the back door. He asked Su Xingyu appreciatively, "Then what's your overall conclusion?"

What Su Xingyu just said was a single assessment, and a summary statement was needed.

So Xingyu Su said: “This camera does not use any new technologies as a whole, but is just a combination of some old technologies that have been widely used in the market. I suggest reducing the aperture range of the default lens to improve the distortion of the distal end. There are also a few more. The manual module needs to be strengthened. Otherwise, it is too expensive at this price." If she changes herself, she is reluctant to buy it.

As soon as this remark came out, Yun Xi sneered: "If you don't change it, don't mess around, huh, how knowledgeable I should be."

Su Xingyu glanced at her with a frown, but found that many other photographers in the conference room showed disapproval expressions on their faces. "Did I say something wrong?" she asked.

At the end of the conference table, Zhuang smiled reservedly.

Xia Ranran looked at her admiringly: "Miss Zhuang, why don't you tell this newcomer what's wrong."

So Zhuang Heng said: "Xing Yu, as a one-star photographer, you have done a good job." She said in a condescending tone, like a layman who is taught by a master, "but you It should be noted that this camera of ours is for ordinary consumers, not for professional photographers like you. It does not need too fine parameters..."

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