Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 914: ???(??ω??)???How...

In the wanted and wanted frolics, time always flies quickly. No, it’s not like Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko, together with an unreliable little nun magician, will study the brain nerves of that'S pharmaceutical company. Three days have passed since the night when the building in the center was given a pot and digged back into their secret magic base...

In these three days, with the full help of Toshinbu Toshin, a researcher of the original "Mass Production Ability Project", Misaka Mikoto has finally sorted out the situation of this research center, and has a general understanding and control. The conditions of the individual experimental individuals here have allowed the equipment of the entire research center to continue to operate normally.

At this time, when everything settled down and the messy things were handled properly, after the equipment operation of the newly acquired research center gradually became normal, Misaka Mikoto, who was finally idle, gathered their small group, Little Annie, who has been away from home frequently in the past two days, Shirai Kuroko who occasionally helps her a little bit, Angel Tearzi who looks very boring, and Chuchun Shili who just took the time to come here, with a curious look of Inticus. As well as the seven "volunteers" Bu Shu Toixin, all gathered in this data control center for a meeting, and prepared to conduct a basic report and discussion on their related work.

Because, now they are no longer maverick individuals. They are a whole, a revolutionary organization of the general council that is always ready to fight against the "tyranny" and "oppression" of the Academy City. Therefore, some They need to discuss things together!


"Please don't touch those buttons casually, it is very dangerous and very irresponsible!"

Seeing a little girl eagerly rushing to the data console, she was about to stretch out her finger and press it randomly. Misaka Mikoto, who was quick-eyed, hurried forward two steps, and grabbed the opponent's. That little white hand.



"If you don't touch it, don't touch it, what's so great?!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Originally, I wanted to kindly send those clones, those who are taller than me, but the very young Misaka sisters, to the directly released little Annie. After discovering her little movements, she had to mutter. Sentence, pouted, and walked directly to the other side.


"Well, Bu Shu Toshibu-senpai, you can continue!"

After stopping the dangerous behavior of a certain little girl, Misaka Mikoto breathed a sigh of relief. After a little refreshed, he turned to look at the one who had just been interrupted and was still wearing a researcher's white coat. The cloth Shutoi's letter indicated that the other party can continue to introduce the content that was just interrupted.


"Now the basic situation is like this, including the number 9982 Misaka who was rescued by you at the beginning, who was still asleep and did not recover. There are a total of fifty Misaka sisters numbered 9983 to 10031. Those who are offline and active outside, have now all been summoned back through the Misaka network!"

"In addition..."

"There are also nine thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine Misaka sisters numbered from 10032 to 20000 who are still not awakened in the training tank and observation cabin. Most of them are using Zid-02, Riz-13, Hel-03, etc. Drugs, and then completed in just 14 days, the cost is only 180,000 yen as an instant body..."

"So, I don't recommend that you awaken them rashly now. It's better to let them continue the post-training work in the training tank and observation cabin first, in order to achieve the purpose of making up for their congenital deficiencies? Although I don't know if there is any It doesn't make sense, but at least it can prevent them from having a short life span of only one to two years, right?"

In just eighteen days, he quickly became a 14-year-old junior high school student to replicate and complete basic knowledge instillation. This kind of thing, in Bu Shu Toxin’s view, is simply appalling, even if the science and technology of the school city is at least two ahead of the outside world. Ten years is the same!

You know, even if it’s the common type, the large-scale white feather broilers raised by factories generally need to be raised for about forty-two days before they can be slaughtered... However, the current copy of Mikoto, those Misaka sisters, they He had to complete the whole training process in just fourteen days and participate in the experiment vigorously, before being ruthlessly killed? Just thinking about the evil nature of this kind of thing, Bu Shutou felt that the back of his head was a little cold.

Because, she was also a researcher and participant in this experiment, even if she'turns out the chaos anyway' now, I am afraid that her previous guilt cannot be easily forgiven...Perhaps, that kind of guilt will accompany her for life. Right?

"and many more……"

"Sister Fu Shu Toshibu, most of us already know what you said, and I now want to know what happened to Misaka 20001, didn't it mean there are only 20,000 people?!"

In these three days, Misaka Mikoto whom the other party knew also knew. They even cracked some of the permissions of S Pharmaceutical Company. With the help of this complete research center and data control center, some kind of In a sense, they obtained the'partial' ownership of Misaka's sisters.

However, for certain things, they still don't have much clue, whether it is the follow-up arrangement of Misaka sisters or other issues, they can't figure it out.

"You mean ‘she’..."

"In fact, she was the special individual who failed my emotional program that night and prevented it from spreading on the Misaka network!"

After speaking, after indulging for a while, Bu Shu Toshin walked over and quickly operated on the data console of this research center, and then locked the monitor screen on the display. One still stayed in the cultivation tank, as if The training has not been completed yet, she looks like a little girl about ten years old.

At this time, the other party's whole body was still smooth and slick, just curled up motionlessly in the kind of constant temperature nutrient solution, letting the short brown hair escape and float in the liquid that burst out from time to time.

"Look, it looks like... She probably hasn't really finished adjusting her body yet, so she looks a little smaller than her Misaka sisters?"

"But she is indeed the upper individual of Sister Misaka. The sample number is '20001'. It is the'commander tower' or'control center' of all Sister Misaka? I don't know when they joined her. , Because in the original plan, there should be only 20,000 Misaka sisters..."

"But I think she should be a safety device made by those guys to prevent "sisters" from rebelling and losing control? But now this device has no meaning, because all the Misaka sisters are in our hands. , Including their cultivation device and this control center!"

"Although I don't know what method you used, since this is a completely isolated space from the academy city outside, the radio waves and AIM force field outside seem to be unable to interfere here, even with computers or ordinary ones. The same is true for cell phone signals? So, we should have time to study slowly, and we don’t have to worry about those guys using this'safety device' to give orders to her sisters against us."

"As long as you don't let them go out of this so-called magical'world' that you have created for the time being, I don't think there will be any major problems.

Regarding the principle of Misaka Network, Fu Shu Toshin has not fully understood yet.

But she is not in a hurry, because as she said, the initiative is entirely on their side. All the Misaka sisters are now safely in their hands, including the unfinished ones and the number 20001. Among the'safety devices', they have ways to slowly improve or to input the kind of emotional devices that copy people into her.


They actually don’t need to input her incomplete emotional program into Misaka’s sisters one by one. They just need to slow down their poor, ignorant “babies” in this world completely isolated from the outside. Living and learning slowly, with their high-efficiency learning ability, and then accumulating through the'Misaka Network', might they also gradually develop feelings?

This is actually just like the sisters Misaka who had already been killed by Yifangtong before that she had come into contact with. Presumably, the instrument data of the entire experimental research center and the more than 10,000 individuals in it were all given by them and thoroughly. After the experiment is terminated, in the future, we only need to slowly guide the Misaka sisters to study and live. Presumably, their individual consciousness will gradually increase or wake up, and it is possible to grow into independent individuals, right?

After all, Bu Shutoshin knows that the first stage of human consciousness is after the age of 2 to 3. At that time, children’s independence and self-awareness will develop to a certain extent. If these Misaka sisters are like ordinary If you have enough time to grow up like a child, it must be ok?

"The above is all I know so far..."

"The next thing we have to do is to slowly adjust their bodies... However, it will be a long and complicated process. I think you may need more helpers, just me. It must not work, because I am not an expert in biology. If you don’t want to see them die with only one to two years of life after opening their eyes?"

Anyway, Bu Shu Toshin has decided that she will choose to help those Misaka sisters unconditionally!

If Misaka Mikoto and the others agree, she can even join them in the "anti-academy city alliance" that looks ridiculous, but thinks about it seriously, but feels that it is also very likely to succeed, and strive to one day The high-level officials of the Academy City overthrew the rule of the General Council, which would only treat the nearly two million students in the Academy City as guinea pigs?

"and many more!"

"Sister Bu Shu Toshibu, I heard it. What you just meant was: It is because of the existence of Misaka 20001 that the guys outside may gain control of them again?"

Pointing to the clone monitoring screen of the little sister, Shiraizu, after confirming the information just said by the other party, he added:

"If we eliminate her, can the older sister take her place and completely liberate and control the other Misaka sisters?!"

Kuroko suddenly had a bold idea: she thinks, anyway, the Misaka 20001 has not been trained yet, it is just a small individual, since the other party exists as a countermeasure, the matter is simple, just It is necessary to directly cut off the culture fluid, oxygen, and power supply before the other party has completed the training, then the matter will be over!

At that time, they will no longer be afraid that the evil researchers outside will no longer worry about the Misaka sisters who were successfully rescued by them.


"Stop it!"

However, the answer to Kuroko was not the approval of anyone present, but an angry rebuke from her older sister Misaka Mikoto.

"They are all innocent. If we save them and deprive them of their lives without authorization, what is the difference between us and those outside?"

"Don’t talk about this again in the future. I believe there will always be a solution in the future. What we have to do now is to never give up any of them easily, even if things might cause us. The obstacle is the same!!"

Two steps forward, looking at the Misaka 20001 at the top of the screen that looked like his ten-year-old Misaka 20001, looking at the other party naked, curled up and suspended in the transparent culture medium and connected by several pipes, looking at the other party’s childish face , Misaka Mikoto sighed lightly, and then reached out to close the screen directly.


"My sister, I just talked casually. I can't make a joke. Why are you so serious?"

Baijing Heizi shrank his head. As for whether what she just said was a joke, she probably only knows.

However, when she thought that nearly 10,000'sisters' were consumed as consumables by those evil research institutes before, she couldn't help but want to catch those guys who had been electrocuted into coke and beat them up. pause!

And what's even worse is...

Such a cheap, lively and warm body, at a unit price of only 180,000 yen, and a elder sister who can be exchanged for a few fewer meals, the kind of good thing that falls in the sky, they did not advance Speak to her Lord Heizi?

Sure enough, those guys are really worthy of death, and they deserve to be electrocuted into coke for doing such violent things!

"That one….."

At this time, after Misaka Mikoto had finished scolding Kuroko and turned off the monitoring screen, Chuharu Shiori raised his hand weakly and began to speak actively:

"Mikoto, I wonder if you still remember the suspect Mushan Harubo who was also wanted by Academy City?"

"Is such that……"

"I have read her information. I remember that she is an expert in brain physiology in an academy city. She specializes in brain physiology and AIM diffusion field. She was previously affiliated with the AIM Research Institute and developed it by herself. Out of the "Fantasy Mita" kind of awesome guy from AIM Force Field Network..."

"and so……"

"Think about it, since she can magically spread the AIM force field network on the Internet in the form of audio files, and synchronize and connect the brain waves of so many people to the network, and then use the human brain as a calculator. Isn’t it the same as the network formed by the same noise structure and radio waves as the Misaka network?"

While talking, Chuchun Shili couldn't help but stand up.

"Although I don’t agree with the dangerous behavior of simply connecting to other people’s brains or connecting many people’s brain waves together, if we can get the help of Mushan Harusheng, it must be in our current situation. Is it helpful?"

"Maybe we can improve the Misaka network so that the Misaka sisters can more easily obtain themselves?"

"Or, can we easily solve the Misaka 20001 problem and adjust the band of the Misaka network so that the possibility of using the Misaka network to pose a threat to the Misaka sisters directly by the research institutes outside is minimized?"


"We can also develop the Misaka network, so that it can be used by us, just like the AIM force field network of Haruyo Kiyama, so that we can obtain and use each other's abilities, or even more than plural abilities?"

Chuharu Shiri, who is still the Disciplinary Committee Member of the 177th Branch of the Discipline Committee Activity, still clearly remembers the wanted dangerous suspect, Haruo Kiyama. Therefore, now that she has a basic understanding of the Misaka Network and the plight of herself and others, she Naturally, I remembered a certain "wanted suspect" who was in a situation similar to her friends who was still at large and had no idea what he was doing, and thought that if the other party joins them, they will bring them What a huge help.

Anyway, Chuchun Shili feels that if anyone can willingly cooperate with their wanted friends and provide help within their capacity, I am afraid that there is only that guy.

"good idea!!"

"My sister, what do you think?!"

Heizi thought for a while, and felt that Shili's statement was quite reliable. Anyway, it sounded more crisp and neat than hers. It would be more humane to directly cut off the supply of Misaka 20001 and let him die by himself?


"You can try, but we don't know where that guy is hiding now..."

After nodding, Misaka Mikoto soon shook his head with a wry grin again.

Because she knew that Mushan Chunsheng that so many members of the garrison team, garrison robots, disciplinary committees and various urban monitoring facilities could not find before, then it must not be easily found by them now! After all, the other party has gained a lot of superpowers through that AIM force field "Fantasy Mishou", among which there may be some peculiar abilities to avoid search, so she doesn't have much hope for this.

Besides, even if you find each other, that guy would definitely refuse to cooperate with them. After all, the crimes they are committing now are much more serious than others.

"Those things will not be said for now."

"Now, let's first discuss the situation of the sisters who are ‘summoned’ by us who are able to move freely..."

"Tears, you must have tried it today. How about your healing ability can heal their bodies completely, and can heal their broken bodies that are forcibly accelerated by the stimulation of drugs?"

With that, Misaka Mikoto looked at an angel who didn't seem to be in a good state of mind, hoping to hear the news that made her feel more exciting.

Those crazy researchers used a cost of only 180,000 yen and various terrible catalytic drugs to forcibly spawn a copy of themselves in the cultivation tank in an incredible period of 14 days. And the things that made her grow up to the age of fourteen were something she couldn't even think about!

Therefore, you don’t need to think too much about the physical differences of those'sisters', the size of their defects, and how terrible Mikoto’s situation is. The only thing I can count on now is the magical kind of Saten Tearko in front of me. , The power of angels that claims to be able to heal everything.

"Yes, yes..."

"But I really can't do it today, I'm really exhausted... Mikoto-senpai, you should let me rest first, we can talk about this nasty topic another day..."

As he spoke, the tears simply opened and drooped his white feathered wings, and slumped directly on the stool of this data center, completely ignoring his brilliance and sacred angel image. .

Because in the past two days, while she worked hard to help Indix consolidate those magic circles, she also had to perform careful physical therapy work on the fifty Misaka sisters who were able to move freely in the "home". Almost a whole day was completely taken up by them, which really made her tired!

Moreover, Leizi felt that if she continued to do this every day, the power in her body might be squeezed dry by those Misaka sisters! It may be that her sacred angel light is indeed very effective and very comfortable, so when she thinks of the pitiful way she was found and surrounded by the Misaka sisters, but she can’t wait to give her a bite. Can't help but numb the scalp.

However, she couldn't help but remember the situation when she treated them:

"Very comfortable, Misaka 9983 said with emotion..."

"Thank you very much, Misaka 10030 said gratefully..."

"Tears, Misaka 9999 needs your light now, Misaka 9999 pleadingly said..."

"Misaka 10001 loves tears, Misaka 10001 said so sincerely..."


Every time, I saw the oral addiction of those Misaka sisters who shared their emotions along with the speech, and looked at the pitiful looks of those sisters who were cute and ignorant...Tears could not help but do their best every time I use my own angelic power to satisfy them, and try my best to appease their fragile bodies that have been destroyed due to excessive experiments.

"I'm afraid not……"

"Tears, you may also know that the lifespan of Misaka sisters is only one to two years, and they are now more than 10,000. We must treat all of them within a year, and the future is still There will be more sisters'off the assembly line', we can not keep them in the training tank... So, you will have to treat at least 30 people in the next day, and it will last a whole year before you can give them Complete treatment and slowly make up for the shortcomings, which allows them to have a life span similar to that of normal people?!

Although he knows some of the enthusiasm of hitting his good friend Saten Tearko, in view of the seriousness of the matter and the irreplaceability of tears now, Chuchun Shiri still had to frown and break his fingers. Soon He calculated an accurate data for the other party.

Although it was a bit tiring and cruel, Hatsuharu Shiri felt that now that they had no other better way, they could only entrust the health and lifespan issues of those Misaka sisters to tears alone. Up.


"Thirty a day, will last a whole year?!!!"

After hearing Shili’s words, the tears, who felt that it was not alarmist, couldn’t help but stand up, and couldn’t help letting the beautiful wings behind him explode, as if they had received something. Terrible shock.

"Forget it, Shili, I think it's better for you to kill me!"

"Also, Indix, that kind of life is not something that a fake angel of me can do. It is really exhausting. Or, you can think of a way to change me back to an ordinary person. Suddenly I don't want to be an angel..."

Today’s only treatment for more than a dozen angel tears has been overwhelming, said that if you really want to treat more than 10,000 Misaka sisters by yourself, and it will continue for a whole year, it really is. It's too hard for her!

"Huh? That..."

Intiqs, who was startled by the behavior of the tears, said: If she can change the other party back, she will definitely try!


To be honest, she is still at a loss until now, even if she once again browsed the'Thirteen Thousand Magic Books' in her mind, she still doesn't know why the formation of summoning angels is summoning angels. At the same time, it can also get the angel into the body of the tears...So, now the other party pitifully makes such a request, it is really unreasonable to her, she really has nothing at all Method.

"How about this!"

"Or...Indikes, you will call an angel again, so that Shili will also become an angel, and if multiple people help, maybe it will make me a little easier?"

Suddenly, Leizi thought of a good way not to be too tired.

Therefore, she suddenly got a lot of energy and pulled her good friend and classmate's Chuchun Lilai to her side and pushed it in front of Inticus, beckoning her to find time to try the magic that she wakes up. Ceremony, and then see if you can also make Shili into an existence like yourself?


"That's definitely not going to work! I haven't been able to figure out what happened to you now, so how can I dare to summon angels again?"

"Tears, your current situation may already be the most, most, and best result!"

"You may not know that, under normal circumstances, if something goes wrong with that dangerous ritual, the worst is that the participants in the ritual burn off their brains and become vegetative or their bodies collapse and die!!"

Hearing that the tears still wanted to make that kind of idea, Intiix hurriedly waved her hands and explained to the group of magical idiots in front of her.

Anyway, Indix never wanted to perform a ritual that would have unpredictable results!

Although a large group of Shiri Angels or Misaka Angels will come out, things like that may be very beautiful. Their secret base plus the refuge here may become the kingdom of God on the earth, and by then, she will I am afraid that the little nun may also be transferred directly to become the Virgin Mary or something...

However, that kind of ideal thing will definitely not happen. It is more likely to happen, that is, there will be serious deaths and injuries. It can make her feel terrible just thinking about it, so she will never try again. Up!



At this moment, hearing the words of the Intiqs, Little Annie blinked her big blue eyes and glanced at the other party, faintly expecting a little.

Anyway, she would not tell the other party: with her, the most, most, and most powerful arcane archmage, and her, the omnipotent Queen Anne, present, “the participants in the ceremony burned their nerves. Juan directly becomes a vegetative or the body directly collapses and dies.' That kind of thing will definitely not happen. At most, some strange things happen when she is bored?


For example, take advantage of the trend to catch another God or Christ or something, let the other person come to the world to stroll around, and then show the sacredness and other interesting things?


"Then what you mean is that you really can only rely on me to save the Misaka sisters?"

After his conspiracy was shattered by the other's merciless words, the tears had to let go of the somewhat reluctant friend Chuchun Shili who was pushed in front of Inticus by himself, and replaced the pitiful one again. His face, sadly confirmed her to Inticus who had turned her into an angel.

Although, she hopes to hear some good news from the other party's mouth, but...

"I'm sorry, tears, although I also want to help..."

"But, please don’t worry too much, I believe you can! Because, you are not a person, in your body there is also a descendant angel from heaven. I think, with His power, There will be no problems! Now, all you need to do is to adapt and get used to His power as soon as possible!"

"Also, we will always stand behind you to cheer for you!!"

For the first time, Intiks suddenly felt that he was going to consolidate and maintain the boring work of maintaining this "refuge" magic circle, compared to the terrifying and painful work of Saten Tearko. It seems that the blessing and healing process is not completely unacceptable?


Chuchun Shili was a little worried, and with a wry smile, she looked at her good friend who was'missing' in the public claim, and didn't know what to say to comfort or encourage him.

Because what the other party has to do is really important to them, to the more pitiful Misaka sisters who may only have a life span of about a year if they do not receive treatment, so they can't help but do it!

"Tears, although I also know it's difficult..."

"However, all the treatment work of my sisters is entrusted to you!"

The problem of treatment is obviously one of the topics of reporting and discussion, so Misaka Mikoto took a step forward, firmly grasping the tearful hand with both hands, and cheered the other party.

If possible, even if no matter how hard and tired, even if she only sleeps for two hours a day, Mikoto will definitely go to tears to help! However, there is no way, her own lightning ability will have no effect on the clone sisters who healed herself! So, apart from the tears in front of them, they really have no other better way.

"Come on, tears, I am very optimistic about you, you can do it!!"

Heizi also cheered Laizi on the sidelines, anyway, she herself definitely couldn't help much, so let's say something nice for the time being.

"Sister Leizi, it's only'more than ten thousand' anyway, and it's over after gritting your teeth. I believe you can do it too!!"


Others are speaking, and of course Xiao Anni will not miss it. Therefore, after she focused on the vocabulary of ‘10,000+’, she also pretended to encourage (vent) energy (gas) to the other party.

Anyway, she also feels that it’s really good for so many Misaka sisters to practice using that kind of angel power for free for Miss Zhuo Tianleizi, although the process may be a bit tiring and a bit tiring. It's so boring that it makes people want to collapse, but if you practice well, you may not need the help of the angel sealed in the other party's body if you can get angry in the future. The other party can master the spirit. And the sacred power of the soul!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


Bu Shu Toshin, who was wearing a researcher's white coat, did not speak, but just clasped his arms and watched the people frolicking together in front of him for a while.

Because, so far, she has not been able to understand what the so-called magic and the "angel tears" with angel wings and magical healing power are all about, so she doesn't know about herself. She habitually chooses to remain silent for areas that she does not understand.

"you guys……"

"Really, I don't care anymore, I'm really exhausted, let me rest today..."

Under the hospitality and hardship, after thinking for a while, I also felt that what he was doing was indeed the kind of very meaningful and just thing. In the end, he gritted his teeth and decided to continue with her share of sacredness. And the work of justice continues to treat those poor Misaka sisters.

However, that’s tomorrow. She is really tired today. She really needs a good night’s rest, even if the Misaka sisters who look exactly like Mikoto-senpai come to the door, even if they use that kind of He looked at her with helpless eyes, and she was determined not to use the sacred power that exhausted her before dawn!

"All right!"

"Now our meeting continues..."

After having fun and doing the ideological work for the tearful who wanted to escape, Misaka Mikoto prepared to make a summary of today's affairs.

"Anyway, no matter what, our business has achieved great success!"

"As of today, we have not only smashed the evil experiments of the evil seniors in the Academy City and destroyed all their research institutes, but also saved more than 10,000 sisters who were about to be killed by them! That must be a great victory for us and our cause!!"

Misaka Mikoto shouted to others and encouraged herself.

For the sisters who can successfully rescue themselves and possibly treat them thoroughly, so that they can lead a normal life, and at the same time allow their own "anti-school city alliance" to obtain more than 10,000 LV2 or LV3 She really feels sincerely happy and satisfied with things like companions and assistants with defective power.

To be honest, this was the first time she felt that what they were doing was extremely correct and just after the three of them were wanted and classified as'dangerous terrorists', and she was confident to continue to do better and to do better. , And fight for the great goal they had set before-the just goal of'overturning the evil rule of the Academy City General Council'! !


At this time, a cough sounded untimely and interrupted the ‘closing’ speech of the meeting Misaka Mikoto wanted to continue.

"Mikoto, I think it's better for you not to be too happy too soon!"

It turned out that he hadn't spoken much since the introduction of the situation just now, just looking at the new Bu Shu Toxin who was frolicking here.


"What's wrong, Bu Shu Toshin-senpai, is there any problem?"

Misaka Mikoto didn't know what the other party meant at this time, but, knowing the other's temper and knowing that the other party would not aimlessly, she still had to suppress the doubts in her heart and asked the other party.


"I ask you, Misaka Mikoto, what are you going to do next?"

After staring at the serious face of the other party for a while, although it was a bit unbearable, Bu Shu Tooxin thought for a while and felt that he might join the other party, and after working here for a long time. , She still frowned and asked.


"The next thing, of course, is to look for opportunities to overthrow the evil rule of the oversight council at any time!"

This is the core mission and cohesion of their "Anti-School City Alliance", and this kind of thing was also mentioned in her speech just now, so she didn't think it was strange, and she didn't understand why Fu Shuto Why did Xin-senpai ask such a question.

If what she wanted to do before was just not to resist the council's use of her and slash her life to resist, after her goal was achieved and after successfully saving his sisters, he really had a serious mind. I want to do what they have said in the past and will stick to it.


"Well, it seems that you still don’t understand what I mean... I actually meant to say: Before you do that kind of thing, I ask you, what are you going to do next to feed them and feed them? Your more than 10,000 sisters?!"

If it was before, if it was Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko who stayed here in hiding, that would be fine, but now, there are seven people here, if you add those sober Misaka As for the sisters and the Misaka sisters who will be attributed, in the foreseeable future, there will be a full 1027 people in their'secret base'!

Moreover, it is very likely that in the future, there will be more and more people here...

So now the question is, in the foreseeable future, with so many of them hiding here, what are they going to eat to live forever? You know, the daily necessities that so many people need are just for food, and it can't be solved by just cooking something or ordering fast food at kangaroo takeaway or small e takeaway! Let’s not mention how to transport the materials in. The necessary materials, such as water, electricity, food, clothes and other daily necessities, will be a huge number if they are exchanged for money!

Anyway, she must not be able to support so many people herself! In fact, let alone more than 10,000, even if there were only these seven people present, she felt a little bit choking.


"There are only fifty people now..."

Misaka Mikoto was a little dumbfounded, because in her impression, there were only 57 people in their base at present. Although the management of food and accommodation has begun to be a little messy, it is not completely complete. Can't handle it?


"Mikoto, although you have the weird angel tears over there healed some of them, but you just said the problem: there are so many people left, they will all have to leave the production line sooner or later, if you have to If you want to wake them up, what do they usually eat and use here, and the related issues involved, have you thought about it?"

Fu Shu Toshin, who has contacted some of the logistics staff of the research institute, knows that the logistics of a large company or university is a systematic project, but it must not be sloppy. Otherwise, it will definitely be necessary. Trouble!


"This one……"

Misaka Mikoto was silent, and looked helplessly at the same panicked friends beside him...Because, this question, they really never thought about it?

After all, before this, they were just a group of junior high school students. Although they are extremely smart, their computing skills are far beyond ordinary people, and their ability levels are particularly high, but that kind of troublesome things really embarrass them. .


Indix, who only eats and drinks, knows what to do there? Therefore, knowing that she was already great to defend the formation, she had to cast an innocent look at Misaka Mikoto in embarrassment.

"Senior sister, I never thought about this problem!"

"I do not know either……"

Seeing Misaka Mikoto looking at the two of them, Saten Leizi and Chuchun Shiri hurriedly waved their hands. Anyway, the two of them are poor ghosts, and they are barely able to support themselves. They must be unable to support the 10,000 people!


"Little guy, what are you doing?"

At this time, Bai Jing Heizi, who also had no good solution, found something wrong with a thief little girl, and then rushed to the other side and asked.

"Ask me?"


"I just used this new 5G broken phone to help you ask the difficult question just now on the external network!"


Annie stretched out her hand and showed Ms. Baijingheizi what she was doing.

The mobile phones they use now have been used by Indix with a certain spatial spell so that they can connect and communicate with the external network normally, but at the same time they will not be tracked, and they will not be connected to the secret base inside. In the research center.

"At this time, what are you asking?"

Shirai Heizi was still a little curious about this clever ghost whose idea was different from ordinary people, so he asked subconsciously.



Xiao Annie stretched out her mobile phone triumphantly, and saw that on the screen above it seemed that a certain forum in Xueyuan City was displaying such a post:


Who can teach us how to feed them if there are 10,000 sisters suddenly? Waiting online, very anxious! !


And below, is the answer of a lot of enthusiastic netizens in the school city, like this:


‘There are so many 10,000 people. First of all, you need to have a mine in your house...’

'do not know! Can't afford it! Goodbye! ’

‘Go and open a farm, the kind that guarantees a minimum of 10,000 hectares, otherwise the landlord’s family will have no surplus food! ’

‘Have you been born so many? Let alone the second child, many of us here don’t want one child anymore, because they really can’t afford it...’

‘I have two younger sisters in my family, it’s already hell, please believe me, 10,000 younger sisters are something you can’t imagine...’

‘Ten thousand sisters or something, this assumption is not true! ’


‘It’s easy, don’t ask anything, you’re done! ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Don’t drive upstairs, we are a special train to kindergarten...’

‘? ? ? ’


‘I’m a bachelor, and I urgently need to adopt a younger sister. There is a gift of two million yen. I hope to inform the address quickly. It can help your government solve one in ten thousand troubles, please! ’

‘! ! ’

‘I also beg for a younger sister, willing to steal the battery to feed her! ! ’

‘Come! The two people upstairs who were queuing up to pee to wake up, behind the row with diabetes, don’t let them taste the sweetness...’


‘Hahahahaha! Ten thousand sisters, let me laugh for a while, otherwise my little bully will wake up soon...’




Although, if it is her Queen Anne, let alone 10,000, she can easily feed her 100 million sisters, and she is guaranteed to be fat and white! But, now she thinks it seems that it’s fun to watch Mikoto-senpai and the others are busy, and she also wants to see how the other party feeds those ten thousand sisters, so she is not in a hurry to give a bad idea to help, and she is going to see Let's see how they deal with it?


"Little guy, you can stop it, don't mess with us!"

"Also! You are not allowed to send those messages indiscriminately in the future, it will let others know who we are! Don't treat others as fools, maybe some caring people have locked your mobile phone and number now, hurry up later You smashed it to me, and I'll get another new one soon!!!"

After watching the comments that were purely messy for a while, Heizi's face gradually darkened, and then she suddenly became angry and akimbo to teach a lawless little Oh... "


"I see..."

ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Humph!

Little Annie, who just wanted to say something, found that her mobile phone was snatched by the other party and split with her ability. She couldn't be mad, and after she muttered quietly, she had to step aside.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers doesn't want to talk now, it just brushes his presence casually...)



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