Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 910: |?)?? Come out quickly, where are you?


Om~swish~wish! !

In the dark night, one after another was clearly affiliated to the Academy Urban Guard. The black-painted armed explosion-proof vehicles were rushing along the asphalt roads of the Academy Urban following the sound of explosions and heavy smoke...their accelerator pedals It seems that the driver has stepped on the bottom, so that the motor roared and under the illumination of the night light, one car followed the other, and it cut through the air end to end and made a sharp sound, moving towards at super high speed. Speeding away with the building of the'Pathological Analysis Institute' that was making noise under the night.

Although the speed of the convoy is very fast, they did not turn on the red and blue flashing lights of the police siren on the roof, and they did not sound the sharp siren. They just drove in silence one after another. Go away, like a ghost walking through the night?


Chi Chi Chi ~! !

Soon, one of the fastest convoys finally braked suddenly outside the closed entrance gate of the huge ‘Pathological Analysis Institute’ and surrounded the area.

"Quick! Quick!"

"Everyone gets out of the car immediately, surrounds me here, ready to rush in and round up the dangerous suspects!!"

Wearing a dark blue guard costume, holding an automatic weapon, and wearing a full explosion-proof suit and a helmet, Huang Quanchuan Aiho waved her hand suddenly after she opened the door of the lead car and jumped down for the first time. In the team channel of the guards, they shouted loudly and issued combat instructions to the long series of armed and explosion-proof police vehicles that stopped behind.


A member of the garrison like her, all fully armed and armed with standard anti-riot automatic weapons and anti-riot shields, filed in, quickly opened the doors of their respective cars and jumped down, and soon automatically Scattered, relying on the exterior wall of the gate of the vehicle or the research institute, or the flowerbeds of trees outside, etc., there are still explosions and the faint fire from the front door of the "Pathological Analysis Institute". The neighborhood was full of people.

"Attention everyone!"

"Don't do it yet, surround here first, first establish a warning zone with a 100-meter area outside the'Pathological Analysis Institute'. This time you must not let them run away again!!"

Ai Sui Huang Quanchuan screamed and commanded in the channel, so that the police riot vehicles that are coming in a steady stream, and the fully armed riot members who are pouring out of the riot vehicles are quickly established outside the institute. A circle without any defensive corners.

Because she knew that during this period of time, the mobs who attacked various research institutes with their powerful abilities, including the current "Pathological Analysis Research Institute" which is being attacked, must be the three Tokiwadai Middle School students. It's the good thing that Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko and the other little girl did!

And the trickiest among the three is undoubtedly the Shiraiko who has LV4 spatial mobility and can bring people to move freely and instantly!

After several rounds of failures, they all knew very well that the ability of the opponent to move people tens of meters in an instant was very difficult, especially when the opponent wanted to escape, even if they were already Tuan Tuan surrounded this research institute, even if they were constantly coming here with two or three thousand guards and hundreds of vehicles, even if they had prepared well in advance, it was very good. It’s hard to catch the opponent...

However, even so, Ai Sui Huang Quanchuan is also diligently directing, wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to be on duty tonight, and directly capture the three female students who do not know why they become thugs. Then ask them carefully, why do they do that?

"Attention all players!"

"Although capturing the target alive is the first priority in this operation! However, if the enemy insists on using the ability to resist, authorize the use of lethal conventional bullets!!"


"Capturing alive is the first priority of this mission!"

"However, if the enemy forces a breakthrough and uses dangerous superpowers to resist, everyone is allowed to use lethal conventional bullets without reservation!!"

Although, not long ago, the three students helped their security team a lot when chasing the lunatic researcher Haruno Muyama. They also saved the lives of themselves and others from the fugitive suspect who developed the "Fantasy Mita". ...However, Huang Quanchuan Ai Sui felt that that kind of favor would definitely not allow her to favor favoritism or open up her mind in the face of this kind of big righteousness.

The three guys who wantonly disrupted the research facilities of the Academy City, disrupted public order, attacked public safety equipment, wantonly slandered the senior officials of the Academy City and killed many'senior' researchers, no matter what they have done or what The reason, or how powerful they are, they must be arrested and brought to justice by guards representing justice!

"and also……"

Before Huang Quanchuan Ai Suo wanted to continue to give more combat instructions to the guards who had been gearing up for tonight and make the final pre-war mobilization on the channel, her assistant and companion's iron decoration But at this moment she jumped out of the riot car and interrupted her slightly anxiously.

"Love Sui!"

"The third team on the left of the Institute just sent a notification: They found a burnt gap in the left outer wall of the'Pathological Analysis Institute'! After on-site inspection, the outer wall was suspected to be Melted by extremely hot flames or weapons!"

"There was also a footprint of an eight or nine-year-old girl, very similar to that of one of the suspects! Although the footprints of the other two have not been found..."

"However, the suspect who attacked this research institute today must be the first-year transfer student from Tokiwadai Middle School, who has now become the strongest talent in the school city NO1-Annie Hasta!"


"The third team has received new news: it is determined that the LV5 flame control superpower is in this research institute. This information has been tested by thermal radiation monitoring equipment and confirmed!!"

After an exclamation, the iron dress looked at her companion somewhat helplessly.

To be honest, including the iron decoration, they obviously don't want their guards to have any conflict with that level of LV5 superpowers.

Whether it's the LV5'Super Electromagnetic Cannon' or another one that is more terrifying, it can fight the dragon head-on and defeat the strongest side of the Academy City to pass, and even a whole more than 100,000 square meters Everything in the abandoned factory is directly burned into the molten LV5'Fire Devil', that is not the hostile object they want to face!

Because confronting those with that level of ability, for their garrison members who are mostly LV0 incompetents, it means too many uncertain factors and very tragic events are likely to happen. Casualties...

But no way, their guards still have to not come tonight!

And ah, not only did they come here in the early hours of the night, they even mobilized most of the spare guard forces in the entire academy city... and what they have to do next is to try to catch those The “terrorists” who were carrying out sabotage activities in this “pathological analysis research institute”, and even now they continue to produce fires and explosions, were able to kill them in one fell swoop, terminating the opponent’s seemingly endless sabotage. .

Of course, it is also possible that after the destruction is completed, the opponent forcibly broke through the encirclement of their guards and left grandiosely?

Anyway, she is already prepared for this in her iron dress... She doesn't know how much it will cost them to keep each other, or whether they can keep each other after paying the price?


"LV5 flame control superpower..."

He frowned slightly, but he didn't expect that it was the difficult little girl who was caught this time, which made Huang Quanchuan Ai Sui not only embarrassed.

Because she knows that once they can’t subdue each other for the first time, it’s likely that within a short period of time, the other’s terrifying flame control ability will be enough to squeeze this entire “pathological analysis institute” and even a whole study The garden city is completely transformed into a terrible place like a **** of flames!

By then, these guards of theirs will surely pay extremely heavy casualties! Even if they had never really had any head-on conflict with the three suspects, even if the other party had never taken the initiative to attack their security team, she could still imagine the situation.


boom! boom!


After hesitating for a while, I heard the explosions coming from the'Pathological Analysis Institute' again. Seeing that all the team members were already in place, the guard commander Huang Quanchuan Ai Sui wrinkled. After frowning, he gritted his teeth and snorted, and finally made up his mind.


"The third team immediately sent a hundred people into the hole they found, looking for an opportunity to find the enemy's trail! Zhuili, you are guarding and commanding here outside, the first and second teams of the first team followed me and attacked from the front. ..."

However, before Huang Quanchuan Aisu officially released her order, and before she led the two hundred elite garrison members to launch a storm from the front entrance of the institute, she was taken aback and had to stop. When he talked, he turned to hold the earphone next to his ear, as if he had switched to another channel and was listening to something.

‘! ! ’

‘Sir! Do you know what you are talking about? ! ’

Immediately afterwards, Huang Quanchuan Ai Sui questioned aloud in disbelief. It was obvious that a certain officer who was talking to her had conveyed some kind of information or order that shocked and puzzled her.


'what? ! ’

"But, sir, are you really sure?"


"Good, good..."

‘Sorry...Yes! I see... Don't worry, Huang Quanchuan Ai Sui will absolutely obey your orders! Yes! I'll make arrangements right away, please rest assured! ! ’

He sighed, and was brave just now, ready to lead the attack and touched the research institute to capture a certain nasty "wanted suspect" in one fell swoop, Huang Quanchuan Ai Sui, at this time, is like a wilted eggplant. In an instant, she was taken away by a certain officer who had just given her a new order on the channel.

"What's wrong, Ai Sui?"

In the iron embellishment that thought there was something new, after seeing the expression of his partner at this time, he couldn't help but be a little worried about the first two steps on the ground and asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing……"

"Those **** bureaucrats are here again to command blindly... Forget it, don't talk about it for now, now..."

After sighing, after throwing an automatic weapon in his hand onto the seat of the anti-riot vehicle, Huang Quanchuan Aiho did not explain more to his companion, but reached out and held the earphone in his ear again, and started Convey the new order that you just issued to yourself.

"New order!"

"Attention all members of the security team: immediately stop all offensive actions, immediately return to the security area outside the institute and be on guard!"


"Everyone immediately returned to the outside of the institute and strengthened the security circle. The offensive task has been handed over to the special capable team to take charge. We only need to provide necessary guard and assistance on the periphery..."

Following Huang Quanchuan Ai Sui’s orders, the guard members’ channels went down one after another on the channel of the guards. On the other side of the research institute, those who had filed in through the openings in the burned exterior wall and were ready to go at the main entrance. The team members retired again, and moved away from the research institute where explosions and fires were still being heard constantly. They just kept guns on guard from a distance, but couldn't do anything.

"You see, it can only be like this now, and I have no good way..."


Although it looked a little unconvincing on the surface, Huang Quanchuan Ai Sui was actually relieved by this.

Because she also knows that if they, who are ordinary people, garrison members fight against those with that kind of ability, especially those with LV5 superpowers that rank first and third in the academy city, that’s definitely not Would be a good idea!

And now, since the bureaucrats above are willing to remotely command blindly, and insist on not using their guards to fight against those capable, they have hired a special capable team to hunt down suspects like dogs and mice, then She is also happy to be leisurely and sympathetic to her subordinates, lest they pay unnecessary casualties in the hands of those with terrible ability.

boom! !

The sound of explosions is still surging one after another in the'Pathological Analysis Institute'. The broken windows, the billowing smoke, and the flashing fire light from time to time are enough to explain the seemingly sturdy research institute outside at this time. It must have been ruined by some or those "suspects".

However, there is no way. Now whether it is Huangquanchuan Aisui, or the iron decoration or the countless members of the security team, they all stay outside and watch the fire and roar from time to time in the institute. Apart from the sound of the explosion, all they can do is to surround the outside strictly and prevent any enemy from escaping from the inside.

boom! boom!

Another burst of cracking sounded, and a window on the east side of the'Pathological Analysis Institute' was blown to pieces in an instant, and then billowing fire and smoke burst out of it again...


Soon, it was swallowed by the fire light and slowly spread, and it directly collapsed the east outer wall that did not have much load-bearing, and instantly destroyed a big tree below. It broke and half buried the branches and leaves in the burning building debris.

"Ai Sui..."

"If this continues, I am afraid that the fire in this building will spread soon, and it will really be burned to ruins..."

Looking at the scene ahead, the iron decoration couldn't help but feel a little worried, thinking that if they sit back and watch like this, things will only get worse and worse.


"There is no way, the order above has already been ordered, we don't have the ability to change..."

Regarding the burning of the building, Huang Quanchuan Aiho was not too worried, because that is what the fire brigade of the Academy City needs to care about.

Besides, this research building is the property of the general council, and now there is no one in this research institute. Even if they are all burned, it is only the guys above who suffer the loss. They have nothing to do with their guards. No, she is also happy to stay outside and watch the excitement, without having to take her team members to rush inside and fight the dangerous LV5 superpowers in a closed environment.


"Speaking of which, what's wrong with Academy City recently, how come I feel something is getting a little wrong..."

I don't know why, the iron decoration always feels that the city has become a little different.

Although, the school city has never been calm... But after all, she still feels that, like this recent period, so many important things have happened in a short period of time, such as the attack on Tokibandai Middle School. , The satellite "Vega I" and the tree map designer carried on it were destroyed, the giant dragon that appeared in the "Misawajuku" incident, the battle between LV5 capable people, and the current collective rebellion of some LV5 capable people, etc. Wait, she really saw it for the first time.

and so,

Although I don’t know how these things are related to each other, maybe it’s a woman’s sixth sense that makes her feel a little uneasy. She always feels that this academy city seems to be in the center of a storm. I know what will be waiting for them and the members of the guard team in the future.

"Juli, I think you are more concerned."

"Forget it, don't tell you this first, I will go to the outer wall on the left side of the institute to arrange it. You will help me stare at the front entrance here first, so let's do it for now!"

After speaking, Huang Quanchuan Ai Sui hurried away with a few team members, leaving only the riot police car in the iron decoration and countless lights starting to flash, plus countless garrison members who were waiting in the security zone with live ammunition.

And now...

In the'Pathological Analysis Institute' surrounded by the members of the security team, a certain lawless and somewhat reckless little girl, although she heard her bear reminder, she still didn't care at all and still stared at it. The "radar" in her own hand was tracking her funny "bad guy" lady and "entertainment object" in the research institute with complex terrain while running around and jumping around.



"where are you……"


"Come out, come out..."


"If you hide again, you will really become a trembling little meow~!"


Little Annie, who didn't mind that she was surrounded by countless members of the security team, still stubbornly walked through the research institute.

She stepped over the reinforced concrete that had been blasted to pieces, and walked over the blazing fire and the steel objects that were almost melted red. She was not afraid of the high temperature and was not hurt at all. She is also constantly shortening the distance between herself and the badass lady named Flanda Severen.

The other party definitely can't escape, because now her Queen Anne-sama has a ‘radar’ that was captured from the other’s hand and used to lock the other’s location!



"Caught you~!!!"


at last,

After chasing the opponent for a long time, and using the "bomb toys" that the opponent had buried in advance, Xiao Annie once again found from the radar that the opponent had entered a certain blasting point that had been buried in advance. 'The place.

Then, of course, as soon as she stretched out her hand, she directly ignited a certain "lead wire" on the wall with a flame, then watched it "swish" deflagration, and quickly brought the flame to A certain bad lady in the distance jumped out quickly in the direction in which she was escaping.

"Eh heh heh..."


"This is really fun!!"

???? Yeah╰(〞︶〝)╯yeah????

Although Annie also knew that those traps, explosives and fuse were all set up in advance by the other party, but when the other party lost the initiative and was hunted down by herself, and she was in a place that had already exploded, she held the'radar' She has completely turned on the side of the pursuer, even if the other party wants to counterattack, there must be no way!



"Huh? Why didn't it ring?!"


Suddenly, Little Annie, who was about to listen to a sound, and continued to play the cat-and-mouse game with the other party, was a little surprised at this moment: The one she had just ignited was burning and flying towards the distance. Going to the'lead', it didn't even hear any new explosions?

And more importantly: The little green dot on the ‘foe-we’ identification device in her own hand stopped at this moment, and stopped moving forward and fleeing in the direction of those traps pre-arranged? !





"Is the bad lady finally free to destroy those leads?"


Scratching her head, looking at the'lead' on the wall that had been burnt black and lost its function, it was determined that it had been burned by herself, and the explosion that should have come was not heard at all, Anne didn't need to think too much Knowing that the opponent must have slowed down and destroyed the trap lines laid by the opponent himself!

So, what I didn’t say, now she definitely can’t continue to play the fun ‘cat and mouse’ game...



Immediately afterwards, Xiao Anni discovered a new problem, that is: the funny little toy in her hand, the green dot on the radar representing the other party, disappeared at this time?

"Since you won't play for me..."


"Then all be reduced to ashes!!"


Little girl, set a fireball!

Now that the entertainment time is over, and since the fun ambush and anti-ambush game of applying the other way to the other body can no longer be played, I worry that the other party will get more breathing time and re-adjust the lines of those traps and vice versa. Aiming at her little Annie, when her anger started to grow from her heart to the guts, she stretched out her hand when she became angry, and first threw the boring "radar" into the fire, and then threw the boring "radar" into the fire. The detonating'lines' painted on the ground, walls, pillars, and ceilings that were near and far smashed violently.

What she meant was actually obvious, that is:

If her Queen Anne can’t continue playing by herself, then she simply lifts the table and detonates all the bomb puppets in this'Pathological Analysis Institute', and then no one wants to play again. Now, she is so self-willed! !


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

Then, under the influence of a messy little girl’s littering of fireballs, those densely packed lines were finally ignited in an instant, and then quickly burned toward the end of each passage, like a fire snake. , Hurriedly braved the flames towards the entire'Pathological Analysis Institute' building and quickly jumped to various places...

boom! boom! boom!

The explosion sounded from near and far...


boom! boom! boom!

Rumbling rumbling...

What followed, of course, was the kind of violent explosion sound with greater density and intensity!


Those members of the garrison that surrounded the outside, which may have been as many as thousands of people, only saw with amazement: after the violent explosions, the building of the'Pathological Analysis Institute' Soon it was completely submerged in violent smoke and flames...

Even some areas with poor load-bearing capacity have been in disarray or completely collapsed, and the entire building has been plunged into an ever-increasing fire. It is impossible to see more scenes at all, and the distance has been completely burnt to ruins. It's just a matter of time. Even if the city firefighters arrive to put out the fire, it will definitely be of little use.


The skyrocketing flames are getting brighter...

Naturally, attracted by the fire and explosion, more guard robots, various vehicles of the guard team, and fire brigade vehicles with roaring police sirens began to swarm in this direction continuously, and it didn't take long. This place in the school city where the original traffic route was well planned was completely blocked...

It was pitiful, after the time arrived at 0:50 in the middle of the night, a certain tragic little girl finally "inadvertently inserted the willow into the willow" and set the whole "Pathological Analysis Institute" to light according to a previous plan. And successfully attracted the attention of most of the security and public safety forces in the school city with various explosions.

Under this massive situation, it has been determined that this place was attacked, and one of the attackers was a certain LV5 flame control superpower. At the same time, it was also determined that the most powerful and important suspect was right after this place. Certain high-level members of the Academy Urban Council were taken for granted by this place, and they put their power here desperately!

As for other places that might be attacked, such as another ‘DNA Tree Map’ research institute, they have forgotten or simply abandoned them selectively.




Looking at the flames in the sky, looking at the fire and smoke that have directly included the entire'Pathological Analysis Institute', those who originally set up a circle outside and are ready to close the net to capture or kill the LV5 superpower at any time.' The terrorists' guards, at this time, they had no other way except to look at each other face to face.

Because, in the current situation, let alone their garrison members who are not proficient in fire fighting, even professional firefighters will definitely not be able to get in!


The fire is still going on, thrown in raging and billowing smoke into the sky.

At this moment, the number of guards outside has reached thousands. None of them knows what is happening in the research institute building, let alone what their goals are inside, or even know. Is the opponent burned to death or has managed to escape...


They can only stay outside in vain, waiting patiently for the moment when the building is completely burnt down, or until the LV5 flame control super-powered'terrorist' surrounded by them, or until the'arson' suspect runs away. So far?




‘I found you, don’t become a shivering little meow~! ’


When the guards from outside and the firefighters from the school city who came afterwards watched the fire continue to expand and were helpless, in the'Pathological Analysis Institute', a little girl playing with fire ended up playing After igniting all the'bomb toys', she finally easily caught her target, and caught the previous'bad guy' sister who wanted to ambush and kill her.


"Good, good, terrible..."

In this huge place of the research institute, I don’t know whether it is a warehouse or a test site. The whole body is full of light or heavy scars. Even the hair has been burned, even the original coat and Bailey. The cap was completely gone, the shirt inside was only half left, and Flanda Severen, who had completely leaked out some sensitive parts of her chest, heard something that scared her again. Voice of the guy.


"Don't come here~!!!"

When Flanda came from the direction of the voice, she saw the person who was smiling'innocently', and she was holding the stuffed toy bear in the opponent's hand, like the'devil' of hell, intact. In Fang's flames, as she stepped on the flames and walked towards her, the exhausted body finally collapsed completely.

Because, she never thought that, originally, she was an ambush party and prepared to be the kind of hunter who waits for work and teased her prey, she would inadvertently become the prey of the enemy and let herself suffer. The ravages of the explosives buried in advance, even almost completely blown to death by your own explosive toys?

This kind of cruel reality and pain is something Flanda has never experienced. This is the first time that she has discovered what happened to her'targets' who were killed by her bombing. Behind Flanda's own body, will it be so terrible?

and so……


"I surrender! I beg for mercy! I say everything! Please don't burn me, please!!"

Seeing the other person walking towards me step by step, I remembered the other's ability, and remembered the other's rumors, such as'killing people without blinking, eating people without salt, and also likes to burn people to ashes after a fire After those urban legends such as Hui, Flanda softened her legs, and ignored her untidy and blood-stained image. She knelt directly on the ground and shook her voice towards the other party. As he walked towards her step by step, the legendary flame demon cried loudly to beg for mercy.

Although she was lucky enough after the violent explosion, but now in this huge place surrounded by smoke and flames, she has no way to escape! Therefore, begging for mercy and selling friends or betraying intelligence to seek a chance to survive seems to be her only choice right now.



"Are you asking for mercy? But..."


"People didn't want you to beg for mercy, and they didn't want to ask you anything..."


Little Annie said that she ran here without sleeping tonight, just at the order of Mikoto-senpai and Heizi-san, on behalf of the members of the Anti-School Urban Alliance to destroy this evil anti-human experimental research institute. It’s only in the building, she has no interest in catching prisoners or interrogating the bad guy in front of her and getting some weird information!

"People just want to burn you bad guy directly!"


"But don't worry, behave, people really burn very fast, so you can guarantee that you won't even emit a burning smell and turn into ashes!"


I don't know why, Xiao Anni actually caught a ball of fire directly, then smiled gloomily, and walked directly in front of the opponent, and then whispered ‘comforting’ the other side.


"no, do not want……"

How, how can this be...

Although I have killed a lot of people, and I can happily lay hands every time, I have never cared about the lives and begging of others, but now I find that it is my turn to be burned. Flanda, who didn't even give a chance to beg for mercy, was so scared that she was paralyzed on the ground and watched the opponent get closer and closer, and watched the fireball that exuded the scorching power approaching her head, but she had a little way. nothing.

Obviously, after losing those explosives, she undoubtedly has no way to fight against an LV5 flame control superpower! Otherwise, she wouldn't be so embarrassed now... What's more, the other party is the first strong man who defeated the school city, defeated the little girl who passed the party and was promoted to the city's strongest girl, she really has nothing at all. The confidence to compete head-on.



The disgusting little girl Annie raised the flame in her own hand, and she was about to smash it down, and when she completely burned a certain bad lady who was sitting on the ground with half fruit on her body, she smiled slyly. The corner of his mouth bent an arc, but then suddenly shifted the direction of the fireball's fall, and directly slammed the fireball towards the other side, towards a certain solid wall!

Boom~! !

Huh! !

When a violent explosion sounded and the flames blasted and melted the wall, a green light suddenly shot from the other side of the explosion, beyond the head of Little Annie! !


While Xiao Annie set fire to the building of the'Pathological Analysis Institute' and'tortured' certain enemies against her, while also successfully attracting the attention of almost all the security forces in the school city, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko People also successfully sneaked into the building of their research center.

While sneaking in, Misaka Mikoto also used her abilities to paralyze the entire building's network, interrupting all external communications and circuits in this facility, and together with her sister Kuroko, all the way through, using her powerful electromagnetic The strength will instantly subdue or stun the countless security guards, employees, researchers, etc. who were discovered or discovered by them, so that they will not be any obstacles to the way of the two people who cooperate with each other!



There was a flash of electric light, and a group of researchers fell directly outside the door of a research room! Moreover, several researchers who were listed as the figures by Misaka Mikoto, even together with some of the documents they were carrying, were instantly electrocuted into human-shaped coke and fell dead. On the clean floor of the institute.


It was the first time I saw this terrifying method of my sister-in-law. Although I knew why the other party did it, Shirai Kuroko still looked at the other party a little worried.


"Time is running out, we don't know how long Anne can hold on, so when dealing with those **** who deserve it, don't be merciful!!"

Thinking of his own tragic deaths in experiments and the tens of thousands of copyists under Yifangtong’s men, and thinking of his innocent sisters, Misaka Mikoto looked at the bodies of the senior researchers of the institute on the ground, and the original eyes The trace of unbearableness that was still carried quickly dissipated without a trace.

In Mikoto's view, these people are not sorry to die!

So, after gritting her teeth and firming up her conviction, she resolutely took a few steps forward, walked out of the iron gate that seemed to be the data center, and stretched out her hand to slap the electronic door lock fiercely. ! !


As the lightning flashed on her palm, the screen of the electronic door lock was shaking for a while, and then it automatically opened slowly...


"Sister, be careful!!"

Suddenly, Heizi screamed, and then the steel needle in his hand slammed into the iron door that had not been fully opened, causing the weapons to disappear instantly before they touched the iron door, and then the door was the door that followed. There were screams inside...

In an emergency, Heizi, who couldn't help it, used that kind of brutal means to protect his sister.



When the iron door was fully opened, what surprised Heizi was that there was a guy with a hood standing inside, instead of talking to those holding pistols and planning to face her when the door was opened. The **** shot by your sister, fell in a pool of blood?


"Get out of the way! Otherwise, you will have to die!!"

He walked directly into this data center and took a look at the complicated instruments behind him. After knowing that this was the place he was looking for, Mikoto Misaka breathed a sigh of relief, and then he was still standing in front of him. Heizi seemed to be a capable person in front of the two of them, and they just gave Heizi's steel needle to the guy who successfully defended him coldly.

At the same time, she clenched a game coin that was magnetized by her tightly in her hand...and there were many, many, many similar things in her pocket.

"You guys..."



boom! !

She couldn't finish her words. With a flash of electric light and a slight roar, Mikoto instantly used her unique technique, the "Super Electromagnetic Cannon", to directly target the one in front of her that could just defend the sunspot through the iron gate. The enemy attacked by the steel nails was smashed by a single blow, causing it to fly upside down to the original bullet-proof glass with its eyes wide open, and instantly hit a big crack-like crack on it!


"She is dead?!"

Unexpectedly, my elder sister did not give the other person a chance to speak, so she directly used the terrible attack method of the'Super Electromagnetic Cannon', and saw that it was slowly sliding down from the glass, and then the forehead began to fall. Heizi asked hesitantly, the strange girl with scarlet blood.

"It shouldn't, but it won't be too good!"

"Don't pay attention to her, she seems to have some strange armor ability, which blocked most of the power of my weakened version of the super-electromagnetic gun. It must be impossible to die. Let's quickly do what we should. Tonight's The task is very arduous, and the time that Xiao Anni can buy for us should not be too much...



Using an electric shock again, he stunned a trembling researcher on the other side, using Mikoto with the kind of powerful electricity to ensure that he would not wake up before dawn, and hummed coldly and directly directed at Walk quickly to the console.


Misaka Mikoto, who was about to operate, stopped suddenly, took out a game coin from her pocket again, and looked aggressively toward the iron door that she had just opened.

"and many more!"

"it's me!!"

There was an exclamation, and then a woman's voice sounded, dangerously preventing Misaka Mikoto's seemingly annoying electric shock or the horrendous "Super Electromagnetic Cannon" that was about to let go.

"It's you?!"

Mikoto, who stretched out her hand to indicate that Kuroko should not attack, could not help but exclaimed after seeing the opponent's face clearly, because she recognized the opponent! When she started investigating her own copy and research institute and the plan, she met with each other and exchanged some information.

"I didn't expect you to be able to achieve this level..."

"How about, Misaka Mikoto, can I join and help you?"

Looking at this messy data control center, and thinking about the scenes that I discovered when I came here all the way, this black-haired girl in the white coat of a researcher has just stepped forward to this place where there is no "enemy" standing. In the data control center.

In fact, in this huge research center, apart from the three of them, I am afraid that there is really no one who can stand or move "

For the incoming person, Shirai Kuroko obviously didn't know her, so after looking at the guy in the white coat for a while, she slightly put away the steel needle weapon in her hand and looked at her sister suspiciously. Adult Misaka Mikoto, waiting for the other party's response.


"Do you have any idea?"

After seeing the other party for a while, Misaka Mikoto did not say yes or disagree, but frowned and asked the other side.

"of course!!"

As he said, the visitor showed a rare smile and took out a storage USB flash drive from his white coat pocket.



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